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This paper deals with improved estimation of a gamma shape parameter from a decision-theoretic point of view. First we study the second-order properties of three estimators – (i) the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE), (ii) a bias corrected version of the MLE, and (iii) an improved version (in terms of mean squared error) of the MLE. It is shown that all the three estimators mentioned above are second-order inadmissible. Next, we obtain superior estimators which are second order better than the above three estimators. Simulation results are provided to study the relative risk improvement of each improved estimator over the MLE.  相似文献   

In this paper exact confidence intervals (CIs) for the shape parameter of the gamma distribution are constructed using the method of Bølviken and Skovlund [Confidence intervals from Monte Carlo tests. J Amer Statist Assoc. 1996;91:1071–1078]. The CIs which are based on the maximum likelihood estimator or the moment estimator are compared to bootstrap CIs via a simulation study.  相似文献   

We introduce a family of leptokurtic symmetric distributions represented by the difference of two gamma variates. Properties of this family are discussed. The Laplace, sums of Laplace and normal distributions all arise as special cases of this family. We propose a two-step method for fitting data to this family. First, we perform a test of symmetry, and second, we estimate the parameters by minimizing the quadratic distance between the real parts of the empirical and theoretical characteristic functions. The quadratic distance estimator obtained is consistent, robust and asymptotically normally distributed. We develop a statistical test for goodness of fit and introduce a test of normality of the data. A simulation study is provided to illustrate the theory.  相似文献   

Regression analyses are commonly performed with doubly limited continuous dependent variables; for instance, when modeling the behavior of rates, proportions and income concentration indices. Several models are available in the literature for use with such variables, one of them being the unit gamma regression model. In all such models, parameter estimation is typically performed using the maximum likelihood method and testing inferences on the model''s parameters are usually based on the likelihood ratio test. Such a test can, however, deliver quite imprecise inferences when the sample size is small. In this paper, we propose two modified likelihood ratio test statistics for use with the unit gamma regressions that deliver much more accurate inferences when the number of data points in small. Numerical (i.e. simulation) evidence is presented for both fixed dispersion and varying dispersion models, and also for tests that involve nonnested models. We also present and discuss two empirical applications.  相似文献   

A two sample test of likelihood ratio type is proposed, assuming normal distribution theory, for testing the hypothesis that two samples come from identical normal populations versus the alternative that the populations are normal but vary in mean value and variance with one population having a smaller mean and smaller variance than the other. The small sample and large sample distribution of the proposed statistic are derived assuming normality. Some computations are presented which show the speed of convergence of small sample critical values to their asymptotic counterparts. Comparisons of local power of the proposed test are made with several potential competing tests. Asymptotics for the test statistic are derived when underlying distributions are not necessarily normal.  相似文献   

For the most common one-sample and two-sample tests in the gamma distribution we derive the log likelihood ratio tests and the improved versions obtained by a Bartlett adjustment. For most of these tests an exact test exists and we give the saddlepoint approximation to the latter. The tests are compared with previously published tests and a small simulation study is included.  相似文献   

Sequential monitoring of efficacy and safety data has become a vital component of modern clinical trials. It affords companies the opportunity to stop studies early in cases when it appears as if the primary objective will not be achieved or when there is clear evidence that the primary objective has already been met. This paper introduces a new concept of the backward conditional hypothesis test (BCHT) to evaluate clinical trial success. Unlike the regular conditional power approach that relies on the probability that the final study result will be statistically significant based on the current interim look, the BCHT was constructed based on the hypothesis test framework. The framework comprises a significant test level as opposed to the arbitrary fixed futility index utilized in the conditional power method. Additionally, the BCHT has proven to be a uniformly most powerful test. Noteworthy features of the BCHT method compared with the conditional power method will be presented. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Goodness-of-fit tests for the family of the four-parameter normal–variance gamma distribution are constructed. The tests are based on a weighted integral incorporating the empirical characteristic function of suitably standardized data. Non-standard algorithms are employed for the computation of the maximum-likelihood estimators of the parameters involved in the test statistic, while Monte Carlo results are used in order to compare the new test with some classical goodness-of-fit methods. A real-data application is also included.  相似文献   

The area between two survival curves is an intuitive test statistic for the classical two‐sample testing problem. We propose a bootstrap version of it for assessing the overall homogeneity of these curves. Our approach allows ties in the data as well as independent right censoring, which may differ between the groups. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic as well as of its bootstrap counterpart are derived under the null hypothesis, and their consistency is proven for general alternatives. We demonstrate the finite sample superiority of the proposed test over some existing methods in a simulation study and illustrate its application by a real‐data example.  相似文献   

The likelihood ratio test (LRT) for the mean direction in the von Mises distribution is modified for possessing a common asymptotic distribution both for large sample size and for large concentration parameter. The test statistic of the modified LRT is compared with the F distribution but not with the chi-square distribution usually employed, Good performances of the modified LRT are shown by analytical studies and Monte Carlo simulation studies, A notable advantage of the test is that it takes part in the unified likelihood inference procedures including both the marginal MLE and the marginal LRT for the concentration parameter.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an optimal rank test procedure for testing an umbrella alternative when the peak of the umbrella is known. It is referred to as maximin efficient linear rank test. Also when the peak of the umbrella is unknown, a test procedure is proposed and its performance is discussed.  相似文献   

Shiue and Bain proposed an approximate F statistic for testing equality of two gamma distribution scale parameters in presence of a common and unknown shape parameter. By generalizing Shiue and Bain's statistic we develop a new statistic for testing equality of L >= 2 gamma distribution scale parameters. We derive the distribution of the new statistic ESP for L = 2 and equal sample size situation. For other situations distribution of ESP is not known and test based on the ESP statistic has to be performed by using simulated critical values. We also derive a C(α) statistic CML and develop a likelihood ratio statistic, LR, two modified likelihood ratio statistics M and MLB and a quadratic statistic Q. The distribution of each of the statistics CML, LR, M, MLB and Q is asymptotically chi-square with L - 1 degrees of freedom. We then conducted a monte-carlo simulation study to compare the perfor- mance of the statistics ESP, LR, M, MLB, CML and Q in terms of size and power. The statistics LR, M, MLB and Q are in general liberal and do not show power advantage over other statistics. The statistic CML, based on its asymptotic chi-square distribution, in general, holds nominal level well. It is most powerful or nearly most powerful in most situations and is simple to use. Hence, we recommend the statistic CML for use in general. For better power the statistic ESP, based on its empirical distribution, is recommended for the special situation for which there is evidence in the data that λ1 < … < λL and n1 < … < nL, where λ1 …, λL are the scale parameters and n1,…, nL are the sample sizes.  相似文献   

A modified chi-square test for testing the equality of two multinomial populations against an order restricted alternative in one sample and two sample cases is constructed. The relation between the concepts of dependence by cM-square and stochastic ordering is established, The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is the chi-bar-square type discussed by Robertson, Wright and Dykstra (1988). Simulations are used to compare the power of this test with the power of the likelihood ratio test of stochastic ordering of the two multinomial populations.  相似文献   

Gart (1972) ottered a Statistic on testing the hypothesis of no second-order interaction in a 2×s×t contingency table. The statistic was tn be used as an asymptotic chi-square with (s-1) (t-1) degrees of freedom. We show that this statistic suiters from the drawback that unless certain side conditions hold, the statistic would reject the null hypothesis with probability approaching one asymptotically even in the null case. Hence the statistic is not strictly valid for the hypothesis for which it was intended.  相似文献   

The data collection process and the inherent population structure are the main causes for clustered data. The observations in a given cluster are correlated, and the magnitude of such correlation is often measured by the intra-cluster correlation coefficient. The intra-cluster correlation can lead to an inflated size of the standard F test in a linear model. In this paper, we propose a solution to this problem. Unlike previous adjustments, our method does not require estimation of the intra-class correlation, which is problematic especially when the number of clusters is small. Our simulation results show that the new method outperforms the existing methods.  相似文献   


Traditional unit root tests display a tendency to be nonstationary in the case of structural breaks and nonlinearity. To eliminate this problem this paper proposes a new flexible Fourier form nonlinear unit root test. This test eliminates this problem to add structural breaks and nonlinearity together to the test procedure. In this test procedure, structural breaks are modeled by means of a Fourier function and nonlinear adjustment is modeled by means of an exponential smooth threshold autoregressive (ESTAR) model. The simulation results indicate that the proposed unit root test is more powerful than the Kruse and KSS tests.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of hypothesis-testing under a logistic model with two dichotomous independent variables. In particular, we consider the case in which the coefficients β1, and β2 of these variables are known on an a priori basis to not be of opposite sign. For this situation we show that there exists a simple nonparametric altenative to the likelihood ratio test for testing H0: β1 = β2 = 0 VS.H1 at least one β1 = 0. We find the asympotic relative efficiency of this test and show that it exceeds 0.90 under a wide range of conditions. We also given an example.  相似文献   


A Lagrange multiplier test for testing the parametric structure of a constant conditional correlation-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (CCC-GARCH) model is proposed. The test is based on decomposing the CCC-GARCH model multiplicatively into two components, one of which represents the null model, whereas the other one describes the misspecification. A simulation study shows that the test has good finite sample properties. We compare the test with other tests for misspecification of multivariate GARCH models. The test has high power against alternatives where the misspecification is in the GARCH parameters and is superior to other tests. The test is not greatly affected by misspecification in the conditional correlations and is therefore well suited for considering misspecification of GARCH equations.  相似文献   

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