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In this paper we derive some new tests for goodness-of-fit based on Rubin's empirical distribution function (EDF). Substituting Rubin's EDF for the classical EDF in the Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Cramér–von Mises, Anderson–Darling statistics, since Rubin's EDF for a given sample is a randomized distribution function, randomized statistics are derived, of which the qth quantile and the expectation are chosen as test statistics. We show that the new tests are consistent under simple hypothesis. Several power comparisons are also performed to show that the new tests are generally more powerful than the classical ones.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of testing the composite null hypothesis that a random sample X1,…,Xn is from a parent which is a member of a particular continuous parametric family of distributions against an alternative that it is from a separate family of distributions. It is shown here that in many cases a uniformly most powerful similar (UMPS) test exists for this problem, and, moreover, that this test is equivalent to a uniformly most powerful invariant (UMPI) test. It is also seen in the method of proof used that the UMPS test statistic Is a function of the statistics U1,…,Un?k obtained by the conditional probability integral transformations (CPIT), and thus that no Information Is lost by these transformations, It is also shown that these optimal tests have power that is a nonotone function of the null hypothesis class of distributions, so that, for example, if one additional parameter for the distribution is assumed known, then the power of the test can not lecrease. It Is shown that the statistics U1, …, Un?k are independent of the complete sufficient statistic, and that these statistics have important invariance properties. Two examples at given. The UMPS tests for testing the two-parameter uniform family against the two-parameter exponential family, and for testing one truncation parameter distribution against another one are derived.  相似文献   

Two goodness of fit statistics with asymmetric weight function are derived from a decomposition of the Anderson-Darling statistic, For each one, the asymptotic null distribution is found for a simple null hypothesis and some upper percentties are calculated. The asymptotic power of the tests are obtained for some contiguous alternatives around a normal null hypothesis. The tests allow the user to choose to which tail to give more weight and it is intended to be used for that purpose. Therefore it should be not considered as a competitor of the classical goodness of fit tests.  相似文献   

There are many hypothesis testing settings in which one can calculate a “reasonable” test statistic, but in which the null distribution of the statistic is unknown or completely intractable. Fortunately, in many such situations, it is possible to simulate values of the test statistic under the null hypothesis, in which case one can conduct a Monte Carlo test. A difficulty however arises in that Monte Carlo tests, as they are currently structured, are applicable only if ties cannot occur among the values of the test statistics. There is a frequently occurring scenario in which there are lots of ties, namely that in which the null distribution of the test statistic has a (single) point mass. It turns out that one can modify the current form of Monte Carlo tests so as to accommodate such settings. Developing this modification leads to an intriguing identity involving the binomial probability function and its derivatives. In this article, we will briefly explain the modified procedure, discuss simulation studies which demonstrate its efficacy, and provide a proof of the identity referred to above.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce first a new family of empirical test statistics for testing a simple null hypothesis when the vector of parameters of interest is defined through a specific set of unbiased estimating functions. This family of test statistics is based on a distance between two probability vectors, with the first probability vector obtained by maximizing the empirical likelihood (EL) on the vector of parameters, and the second vector defined from the fixed vector of parameters under the simple null hypothesis. The distance considered for this purpose is the phi-divergence measure. The asymptotic distribution is then derived for this family of test statistics. The proposed methodology is illustrated through the well-known data of Newcomb's measurements on the passage time for light. A simulation study is carried out to compare its performance with that of the EL ratio test when confidence intervals are constructed based on the respective statistics for small sample sizes. The results suggest that the ‘empirical modified likelihood ratio test statistic’ provides a competitive alternative to the EL ratio test statistic, and is also more robust than the EL ratio test statistic in the presence of contamination in the data. Finally, we propose empirical phi-divergence test statistics for testing a composite null hypothesis and present some asymptotic as well as simulation results for evaluating the performance of these test procedures.  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of testing the null hypothesis of stochastic stationarity in time series characterized by variance shifts at some (known or unknown) point in the sample. It is shown that existing stationarity tests can be severely biased in the presence of such shifts, either oversized or undersized, with associated spurious power gains or losses, depending on the values of the breakpoint parameter and on the ratio of the prebreak to postbreak variance. Under the assumption of a serially independent Gaussian error term with known break date and known variance ratio, a locally best invariant (LBI) test of the null hypothesis of stationarity in the presence of variance shifts is then derived. Both the test statistic and its asymptotic null distribution depend on the breakpoint parameter and also, in general, on the variance ratio. Modifications of the LBI test statistic are proposed for which the limiting distribution is independent of such nuisance parameters and belongs to the family of Cramér–von Mises distributions. One such modification is particularly appealing in that it is simultaneously exact invariant to variance shifts and to structural breaks in the slope and/or level of the series. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the power loss from using our modified statistics in place of the LBI statistic is not large, even in the neighborhood of the null hypothesis, and particularly for series with shifts in the slope and/or level. The tests are extended to cover the cases of weakly dependent error processes and unknown breakpoints. The implementation of the tests are illustrated using output, inflation, and exchange rate data series.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose some tests of fit based on sample entropy for the composite Gumbel (Extreme Value) hypothesis. The proposed test statistics are constructed using different entropy estimates. Through a Monte Carlo simulation, critical values of the test statistics for various sample sizes are obtained. Since the tests based on the empirical distribution function (EDF) are commonly used in practice, the power values of the entropy-based tests with those of the EDF tests are compared against various alternatives and different sample sizes. Finally, two real data sets are modeled by the Gumbel distribution.KEYWORDS: Entropy estimator, Gumbel distribution, Monte Carlo simulation, test power  相似文献   

A new approach of randomization is proposed to construct goodness of fit tests generally. Some new test statistics are derived, which are based on the stochastic empirical distribution function (EDF). Note that the stochastic EDF for a set of given sample observations is a randomized distribution function. By substituting the stochastic EDF for the classical EDF in the Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Cramér–von Mises, Anderson–Darling, Berk–Jones, and Einmahl–Mckeague statistics, randomized statistics are derived, of which the qth quantile and the expectation are chosen as test statistics. In comparison to existing tests, it is shown, by a simulation study, that the new test statistics are generally more powerful than the corresponding ones based on the classical EDF or modified EDF in most cases.  相似文献   

The nonparametric component in a partially linear model is estimated by a linear combination of fixed-knot cubic B-splines with a second-order difference penalty on the adjacent B-spline coefficients. The resulting penalized least-squares estimator is used to construct two Wald-type spline-based test statistics for the null hypothesis of the linearity of the nonparametric function. When the number of knots is fixed, the first test statistic asymptotically has the distribution of a linear combination of independent chi-squared random variables, each with one degree of freedom, under the null hypothesis. The smoothing parameter is determined by specifying a value for the asymptotically expected value of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. When the number of knots is fixed and under the null hypothesis, the second test statistic asymptotically has a chi-squared distribution with K=q+2 degrees of freedom, where q is the number of knots used for estimation. The power performances of the two proposed tests are investigated via simulation experiments, and the practicality of the proposed methodology is illustrated using a real-life data set.  相似文献   

The exponential family structure of the joint distribution of generalized order statistics is utilized to establish multivariate tests on the model parameters. For simple and composite null hypotheses, the likelihood ratio test (LR test), Wald's test, and Rao's score test are derived and turn out to have simple representations. The asymptotic distribution of the corresponding test statistics under the null hypothesis is stated, and, in case of a simple null hypothesis, asymptotic optimality of the LR test is addressed. Applications of the tests are presented; in particular, we discuss their use in reliability, and to decide whether a Poisson process is homogeneous. Finally, a power study is performed to measure and compare the quality of the tests for both, simple and composite null hypotheses.  相似文献   

Testing the equal means hypothesis of a bivariate normal distribution with homoscedastic varlates when the data are incomplete is considered. If the correlational parameter, ρ, is known, the well-known theory of the general linear model is easily employed to construct the likelihood ratio test for the two sided alternative. A statistic, T, for the case of ρ unknown is proposed by direct analogy to the likelihood ratio statistic when ρ is known. The null and nonnull distribution of T is investigated by Monte Carlo techniques. It is concluded that T may be compared to the conventional t distribution for testing the null hypothesis and that this procedure results in a substantial increase in power-efficiency over the procedure based on the paired t test which ignores the incomplete data. A Monte Carlo comparison to two statistics proposed by Lin and Stivers (1974) suggests that the test based on T is more conservative than either of their statistics.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we use the already defined alpha-divergence and gamma-divergence for constructing some goodness of fit tests for exponentiality. These divergence measures are very robust with respect to outliers. Since the existence of outliers among statistical data can be lead to misleading results, therefore utilizing these divergence measures can be of importance. In order to construct test statistics, two estimators are used for alpha-divergence and gamma-divergence. In the first one, we consider the alpha-divergence and gamma-divergence of the equilibrium distribution function, which is well defined on the empirical distribution function (EDF) and is proposed as an EDF-based goodness of fit test statistic. The second one is an estimator in manner of Vasicek entropy estimator. Simulation results indicate that in comparison with the other tests statistics, our mentioned test statistics almost in most of the cases have higher power. Finally, two examples containing outliers illustrate the importance and use of the proposed tests.  相似文献   

Supremum score test statistics are often used to evaluate hypotheses with unidentifiable nuisance parameters under the null hypothesis. Although these statistics provide an attractive framework to address non‐identifiability under the null hypothesis, little attention has been paid to their distributional properties in small to moderate sample size settings. In situations where there are identifiable nuisance parameters under the null hypothesis, these statistics may behave erratically in realistic samples as a result of a non‐negligible bias induced by substituting these nuisance parameters by their estimates under the null hypothesis. In this paper, we propose an adjustment to the supremum score statistics by subtracting the expected bias from the score processes and show that this adjustment does not alter the limiting null distribution of the supremum score statistics. Using a simple example from the class of zero‐inflated regression models for count data, we show empirically and theoretically that the adjusted tests are superior in terms of size and power. The practical utility of this methodology is illustrated using count data in HIV research.  相似文献   

Summary.  Penalized regression spline models afford a simple mixed model representation in which variance components control the degree of non-linearity in the smooth function estimates. This motivates the study of lack-of-fit tests based on the restricted maximum likelihood ratio statistic which tests whether variance components are 0 against the alternative of taking on positive values. For this one-sided testing problem a further complication is that the variance component belongs to the boundary of the parameter space under the null hypothesis. Conditions are obtained on the design of the regression spline models under which asymptotic distribution theory applies, and finite sample approximations to the asymptotic distribution are provided. Test statistics are studied for simple as well as multiple-regression models.  相似文献   

A class of distribution-free tests is proposed for the independence of two subsets of response coordinates. The tests are based on the pairwise distances across subjects within each subset of the response. A complete graph is induced by each subset of response coordinates, with the sample points as nodes and the pairwise distances as the edge weights. The proposed test statistic depends only on the rank order of edges in these complete graphs. The response vector may be of any dimensions. In particular, the number of samples may be smaller than the dimensions of the response. The test statistic is shown to have a normal limiting distribution with known expectation and variance under the null hypothesis of independence. The exact distribution free null distribution of the test statistic is given for a sample of size 14, and its Monte-Carlo approximation is considered for larger sample sizes. We demonstrate in simulations that this new class of tests has good power properties for very general alternatives.  相似文献   

With data collection in environmental science and bioassay, left censoring because of nondetects is a problem. Similarly in reliability and life data analysis right censoring frequently occurs. There is a need for goodness of fit tests that can adapt to left or right censored data and be used to check important distributional assumptions without becoming too difficult to regularly implement in practice. A new test statistic is derived from a plot of the standardized spacings between the order statistics versus their ranks. Any linear or curvilinear pattern is evidence against the null distribution. When testing the Weibull or extreme value null hypothesis this statistic has a null distribution that is approximately F for most combinations of sample size and censoring of practical interest. Our statistic is compared to the Mann-Scheuer-Fertig statistic which also uses the standardized spacings between the order statistics. The results of a simulation study show the two tests are competitive in terms of power. Although the Mann-Scheuer-Fertig statistic is somewhat easier to compute, our test enjoys advantages in the accuracy of the F approximation and the availability of a graphical diagnostic.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a family of relativel simple nonparametrics tests for a unit root in a univariate time series. Almost all the tests proposed in the literature test the unit root hypothesis against the alternative that the time series involved is stationarity or trend stationary. In this paper we take the (trend) stationarity hypothesis as the null and the unit root hypothesis as the alternative. The order differnce with most of the tests proposed in the literature is that in all four cases the asymptotic null distribution is of a well-known type, namely standard Cauchy. In the first instance we propose four Cauchy tests of the stationarity hypothesis against the unit root hypothesis. Under H1 these four test statistics involved, divided by the sample size n, converge weakly to a non-central Cauchy distribution, to one, and to the product of two normal variates, respectively. Hence, the absolute values of these test statistics converge in probability to infinity 9at order n). The tests involved are therefore consistent against the unit root hypothesis. Moreover, the small sample performance of these test are compared by Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, we propose two additional Cauchy tests of the trend stationarity hypothesis against the alternative of a unit root with drift.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose residual-based tests for the null hypothesis of cointegration with a structural break against the alternative of no cointegration. The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test is proposed and its limiting distribution is obtained for the case in which the timing of a structural break is known. Then the test statistic is extended to deal with a structural break of unknown timing. The test statistic, a plug-in version of the test statistic for known timing, replaces the true break point by the estimated one. We show the limiting properties of the test statistic under the null as well as the alternative. Critical values are calculated for the tests by simulation methods. Finite-sample simulations show that the empirical size of the test is close to the nominal one unless the regression error is very persistent and that the test rejects the null when no cointegrating relationship with a structural break is present. We provide empirical examples based on the present-value model, the term structure model, and the money-output relationship model.  相似文献   

We study two new omnibus goodness of fit tests for exponentiality, each based on a characterization of the exponential distribution via the mean residual life function. The limiting null distributions of the tests statistics are the same as the limiting null distributions of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramér-von Mises statistics proposed when testing the simple hypothesis that the distribution of the sample variables is uniform on the interval [0, 1]. Work supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

In this paper we propose residual-based tests for the null hypothesis of cointegration with a structural break against the alternative of no cointegration. The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test is proposed and its limiting distribution is obtained for the case in which the timing of a structural break is known. Then the test statistic is extended to deal with a structural break of unknown timing. The test statistic, a plug-in version of the test statistic for known timing, replaces the true break point by the estimated one. We show the limiting properties of the test statistic under the null as well as the alternative. Critical values are calculated for the tests by simulation methods. Finite-sample simulations show that the empirical size of the test is close to the nominal one unless the regression error is very persistent and that the test rejects the null when no cointegrating relationship with a structural break is present. We provide empirical examples based on the present-value model, the term structure model, and the money-output relationship model.  相似文献   

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