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This article is devoted to the study of tail index estimation based on i.i.d. multivariate observations, drawn from a standard heavy-tailed distribution, that is, of which Pareto-like marginals share the same tail index. A multivariate central limit theorem for a random vector, whose components correspond to (possibly dependent) Hill estimators of the common tail index α, is established under mild conditions. We introduce the concept of (standard) heavy-tailed random vector of tail index α and show how this limit result can be used in order to build an estimator of α with small asymptotic mean squared error, through a proper convex linear combination of the coordinates. Beyond asymptotic results, simulation experiments illustrating the relevance of the approach promoted are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper suggests censored maximum likelihood estimators for the first‐ and second‐order parameters of a heavy‐tailed distribution by incorporating the second‐order regular variation into the censored likelihood function. This approach is different from the bias‐reduced maximum likelihood method proposed by Feuerverger and Hall in 1999. The paper derives the joint asymptotic limit for the first‐ and second‐order parameters under a weaker assumption. The paper also demonstrates through a simulation study that the suggested estimator for the first‐order parameter is better than the estimator proposed by Feuerverger and Hall although these two estimators have the same asymptotic variances.  相似文献   

We characterize joint tails and tail dependence for a class of stochastic volatility processes. We derive the exact joint tail shape of multivariate stochastic volatility with innovations that have a regularly varying distribution tail. This is used to give four new characterizations of tail dependence. In three cases tail dependence is a non-trivial function of linear volatility memory parametrically represented by tail scales, while tail power indices do not provide any relevant dependence information. Although tail dependence is associated with linear volatility memory, tail dependence itself is nonlinear. In the fourth case a linear function of tail events and exceedances is linearly independent. Tail dependence falls in a class that implies the celebrated Hill (1975) tail index estimator is asymptotically normal, while linear independence of nonlinear tail arrays ensures the asymptotic variance is the same as the iid case. We illustrate the latter finding by simulation.  相似文献   

This study introduces a technique to estimate the Pareto distribution of the stock exchange index by using the maximum-likelihood Hill estimator. Recursive procedures based on the goodness-of-fit statistics are used to determine the optimal threshold fraction of extreme values to be included in tail estimation. These procedures are applied to three indices in the Malaysian stock market which included the consideration of a drastic economic event such as the Asian financial crisis. The empirical results evidenced alternating varying behavior of heavy-tailed distributions in the regimes for both upper and lower tails.  相似文献   

Heavy-tailed distributions have been used to model phenomena in which extreme events occur with high probability. In these type of occurrences, it is likely that extreme events are not observable after a certain threshold. Appropriate estimators are needed to deal with this type of censored data. We show that the well-known Hill-Hall estimator is unable to deal with censored data and yields highly biased estimates. We propose and study an unbiased modified maximum likelihood estimator, as well as a truncated tail regression estimator. We assess the expected value and the variance of these estimators in the cases of stable- and Pareto-distributed data.  相似文献   

Wagner  Niklas  Marsh  Terry A. 《Statistical Papers》2004,45(4):545-561
Estimation of the tail index of stationary, fat-tailed return distributions is non-trivial since the well-known Hill estimator is optimal only under iid draws from an exact Pareto model. We provide a small sample simulation study of recently suggested adaptive estimators under ARCH-type dependence. The Hill estimator’s performance is found to be dominated by a ratio estimator. Dependence increases estimation error which can remain substantial even in larger data sets. As small sample bias is related to the magnitude of the tail index, recent standard applications may have overestimated (underestimated) the risk of assets with low (high) degrees of fat-tailedness. This paper is a shortened version of the Berkeley Research Program in Finance Working Paper RPF-295. Thanks are to the Center for Mathematical Sciences at Munich University of Technology for generously providing access to computer facilities and to participants at the IAFE 2001 Budapest, OR 2002 Klagenfurt, EIR 2002 London, DGF 2002 Cologne, FBI 2002 Karlsruhe conferences and the 2001 Wallis Workshop for helpful comments. Two anonymous referees provided helpful suggestions in streamlining the material. Niklas Wagner acknowledges a Maple program by Klaus Kiefersbeck and financial support by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).  相似文献   

This work considers estimators of the tails of the cdf, quantile function and edf, which are generally applicable because they use only those observations in the sample which exceed a high threshold value. Three seemingly different approaches have been proposed by Hill (1975), Hall (1982), and Pickands (1975). Herein the tail behavior of the underlying probability model is expressed using the density-quantile function. This general tail behavior model is shown to be a common origin for the parametric models proposed by Hill, Hall, and Pickands' GPD model. Further, this tail behavior model motivates a representation for the quantile function of the exceedences which is used to obtain a parametric model for tail estimates using the exceedences which unifies the seemingly different tail estimators mentioned above.  相似文献   

Modelling excesses over a high threshold using the Pareto or generalized Pareto distribution (PD/GPD) is the most popular approach in extreme value statistics. This method typically requires high thresholds in order for the (G)PD to fit well and in such a case applies only to a small upper fraction of the data. The extension of the (G)PD proposed in this paper is able to describe the excess distribution for lower thresholds in case of heavy-tailed distributions. This yields a statistical model that can be fitted to a larger portion of the data. Moreover, estimates of tail parameters display stability for a larger range of thresholds. Our findings are supported by asymptotic results, simulations and a case study.  相似文献   

We consider tests of the hypothesis that the tail of size distributions decays faster than any power function. These are based on a single parameter that emerges from the Fisher–Tippett limit theorem, and discriminate between leading laws considered in the literature without requiring fully parametric models/specifications. We study the proposed tests taking into account the higher order regular variation of the size distribution that can lead to catastrophic distortions. The theoretical bias corrections realign successfully nominal and empirical test behavior, and inform a sensitivity analysis for practical work. The methods are used in an examination of the size distribution of cities and firms.  相似文献   

The Edgeworth expansion is well known as a means for obtaining approximate tail probabilities from information concerning the moments of the distribution. Recent saddlepoint and asymptotic methods lead to several alternative approximations. These alternatives are developed and compared by means of average relative error.  相似文献   

A ranked set sampling procedure with unequal samples for positively skew distributions (RSSUS) is proposed and used to estimate the population mean. The estimators based on RSSUS are compared with the estimators based on ranked set sampling (RSS) and median ranked set sampling (MRSS) procedures. It is observed that the relative precisions of the estimators based on RSSUS are higher than those of the estimators based on RSS and MRSS procedures.  相似文献   

This article addresses the various properties and different methods of estimation of the unknown parameter of length and area-biased Maxwell distributions. Although, our main focus is on estimation from both frequentist and Bayesian point of view, yet, various mathematical and statistical properties of length and area-biased Maxwell distributions (such as moments, moment-generating function (mgf), hazard rate function, mean residual lifetime function, residual lifetime function, reversed residual life function, conditional moments and conditional mgf, stochastic ordering, and measures of uncertainty) are derived. We briefly describe different frequentist approaches, namely, maximum likelihood estimator, moments estimator, least-square and weighted least-square estimators, maximum product of spacings estimator and compare them using extensive numerical simulations. Next we consider Bayes estimation under different types of loss function (symmetric and asymmetric loss functions) using inverted gamma prior for the scale parameter. Furthermore, Bayes estimators and their respective posterior risks are computed and compared using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Also, bootstrap confidence intervals using frequentist approaches are provided to compare with Bayes credible intervals. Finally, a real dataset has been analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

The conditional tail expectation (CTE) is an indicator of tail behavior that takes into account both the frequency and magnitude of a tail event. However, the asymptotic normality of its empirical estimator requires that the underlying distribution possess a finite variance; this can be a strong restriction in actuarial and financial applications. A valuable alternative is the median shortfall (MS), although it only gives information about the frequency of a tail event. We construct a class of tail Lp-medians encompassing the MS and CTE. For p in (1,2), a tail Lp-median depends on both the frequency and magnitude of tail events, and its empirical estimator is, within the range of the data, asymptotically normal under a condition weaker than a finite variance. We extrapolate this estimator and another technique to extreme levels using the heavy-tailed framework. The estimators are showcased on a simulation study and on real fire insurance data.  相似文献   

A particular concerns of researchers in statistical inference is bias in parameters estimation. Maximum likelihood estimators are often biased and for small sample size, the first order bias of them can be large and so it may influence the efficiency of the estimator. There are different methods for reduction of this bias. In this paper, we proposed a modified maximum likelihood estimator for the shape parameter of two popular skew distributions, namely skew-normal and skew-t, by offering a new method. We show that this estimator has lower asymptotic bias than the maximum likelihood estimator and is more efficient than those based on the existing methods.  相似文献   

In the present paper we define and investigate a novel class of distributions on the simplex, termed normalized infinitely divisible distributions, which includes the Dirichlet distribution. Distributional properties and general moment formulae are derived. Particular attention is devoted to special cases of normalized infinitely divisible distributions which lead to explicit expressions. As a by-product new distributions over the unit interval and a generalization of the Bessel function distribution are obtained.  相似文献   

Shapiro and Wilk (1972) proposed a goodness of fit test for the exponential distribution. Carrie (1980) obtained an explicit expression of the null distribution of their test statistic W (n) E in a neighbourhood of its upper tail. His derivation uses a certain transformation involving the order statistics from the standard exponential distribution. In this paper we present an alternative derivation of this distribution using an elementary geometrical argument.  相似文献   

The bias of Hill's estimator for the positive extreme value index of a distribution is investigated in relation to the convergence rate in the regular variation property of the tail function of the common distribution of the sample and the corresponding tail quantile function. Based on the theory of generalized regular variation, natural second-order conditions are proposed which both imply and are implied by convergence of the expectation of Hill's estimator to the extreme value index at certain rates. A comparison with second-order conditions encountered in the literature is made.  相似文献   

An algorithm is developed for the efficient generation of random variates from the tail of a t-distribution. This is specialised to the case of a Normal distribution. Theoretical measures of efficiency are derived. Computer timings for the algorithms are given, and, in the Normal case, compared with existing tail generation procedures.  相似文献   

The authors examine the asymptotic behaviour of conditional threshold exceedance probabilities for an elliptically distributed pair (X, Y) of random variables. More precisely, they investigate the limiting behaviour of the conditional distribution of Y given that X becomes extreme. They show that this behaviour differs between regularly and rapidly varying tails.  相似文献   

In practice, a financial or actuarial data set may be a skewed or heavy-tailed and this motivates us to study a class of distribution functions in risk management theory that provide more information about these characteristics resulting in a more accurate risk analysis. In this paper, we consider a multivariate tail conditional expectation (MTCE) for multivariate scale mixtures of skew-normal (SMSN) distributions. This class of distributions contains skewed distributions and some members of this class can be used to analyse heavy-tailed data sets. We also provide a closed form for TCE in a univariate skew-normal distribution framework. Numerical examples are also provided for illustration.  相似文献   

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