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Suppose that just the lower and the upper bounds on the probability of a measurable subset K in the parameter space ω are a priori known. Instead of eliciting a unique prior probability measure, consider the class Γ of all the probability measures compatible with such bounds. Under mild regularity conditions about the likelihood function, both prior and posterior bounds on the expected value of any function of the unknown parameter ω are computed, as the prior measure varies in Γ. Such bounds are analysed according to the robust Bayesian viewpoint. Furthermore, lower and upper bounds on the Bayes factor are corisidered. Finally, the local sensitivity analysis is performed, considering the class Γ as a aeighbourhood of an elicited prior  相似文献   

Suppose some quantiles of the prior distribution of a nonnegative parameter θ are specified. Instead of eliciting just one prior density function, consider the class Γ of all the density functions compatible with the quantile specification. Given a likelihood function, find the posterior upper and lower bounds for the expected value of any real-valued function h(θ), as the density varies in Γ. Such a scheme agrees with a robust Bayesian viewpoint. Under mild regularity conditions about h(θ) and the likelihood, a procedure for finding bounds is derived and applied to an example, after transforming the given functional optimisation problems into finite-dimensional ones.  相似文献   

The Stein, that one could improve frequentist risk by combining “independent” problems, has long been an intriguing paradox to statistics. We briefly review the Bayesian view of the paradox, and indicate that previous justifications of the Stein effect, through concerns of “Bayesian robustness,” were misleading. In the course of doing so, several existing robust Bayesian and Stein-effect estimators are compared for a variety of situations.  相似文献   

In this work we study robustness in Bayesian models through a generalization of the Normal distribution. We show new appropriate techniques in order to deal with this distribution in Bayesian inference. Then we propose two approaches to decide, in some applications, if we should replace the usual Normal model by this generalization. First, we pose this dilemma as a model rejection problem, using diagnostic measures. In the second approach we evaluate the model's predictive efficiency. We illustrate those perspectives with a simulation study, a non linear model and a longitudinal data model.  相似文献   

This study investigates the Bayesian appeoach to the analysis of parired responess when the responses are categorical. Using resampling and analytical procedures, inferences for homogeneity and agreement are develped. The posterior analysis is based on the Dirichlet distribution from which repeated samples can be geneated with a random number generator. Resampling and analytical techniques are employed to make Bayesian inferences, and when it is not appropriate to use analytical procedures, resampling techniques are easily implemented. Bayesian methodoloogy is illustrated with several examples and the results show that they are exacr-small sample procedures that can easily solve inference problems for matched designs.  相似文献   

The mixed model is defined. The exact posterior distribution for the fixed effect vector is obtained. The exact posterior distribution for the error variance is obtained. The exact posterior mean and variance of a Bayesian estimator for the variances of random effects is also derived. All computations are non-iterative and avoid numerical integrations.  相似文献   

Prior information regarding the interrelation of two Bernoulli processes may justify a clinical trial designed to corroborate this information. Antelman (1973) has studied the Dirichlet-beta which permits the expression of the prior knowledge of such interrelation. However, use of this prior distribution leads to complicated and intractable analyses. Alternately, such prior information regarding the interrelation of the processes may be adequately summarized by a simple Dirichlet distribution. Procedures for testing hypotheses regarding a priori interrelations of the success probabilities of the processes are given. Exact expressions for the posterior probabi1ities of these hypotheses are shown to be approximately equal to weighted p-values or 1ikelihood ratios.  相似文献   

In response surface analysis, a second order polynomial model is often used for inference on the stationary point of the response function. The standard confidence regions for the stationary point are due to Box & Hunter (1954). The authors propose an alternative parametrization, in which the stationary point is the parameter of interest; likelihood techniques and Bayesian analysis are then easier to perform. The authors also suggest an approximate method to get highest posterior density regions for the maximum point (not simply for the stationary point). Furthermore, they study the coverage probabilities of these Bayesian regions through simulations.  相似文献   

The mixture maximum likelihood approach to clustering is used to allocate treatments from a randomized complete block de-sign into relatively homogeneous groups. The implementation of this approach is straightforward for fixed but not random block effects. The density function in each underlying group is assumed to be normal and clustering is performed on the basis of the estimated posterior probabilities of group membership. A test based on the log likelihood under the mixture model can be used to assess the actual number of groups present. The tech-nique is demonstrated by using it to cluster data from a random-ized complete block experiment.  相似文献   

The Bayesian analysis of the multivariate mixed linear model is considered. The exact posterior distribution for the fixed effects matrix and the error covariance matrix are obtained. The exact posterior means and variances of the Bayesian estimators for the covariance matrices of random effects are also derived. These posterior moments are computed without constrained optimization and numerical integration. The calculations are feasible for arbitrary models. Reasonable approximations for the posterior distributions for the covariance matrices associated with the random effects are obtained also. Results are illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

In this paper, order statistics from independent and non identically distributed random variables is used to obtain ordered ranked set sampling (ORSS). Bayesian inference of unknown parameters under a squared error loss function of the Pareto distribution is determined. We compute the minimum posterior expected loss (the posterior risk) of the derived estimates and compare them with those based on the corresponding simple random sample (SRS) to assess the efficiency of the obtained estimates. Two-sample Bayesian prediction for future observations is introduced by using SRS and ORSS for one- and m-cycle. A simulation study and real data are applied to show the proposed results.  相似文献   

This paper examines Bayesian posterior probabilities as a function of selected elements within the set of data, x, when the prior distribution is assumed fixed. The posterior probabilities considered here are those of the parameter vector lying in a subset of the total parameter space. The theorems of this paper provide insight into the effect of elements within x on this posterior probability. These results have applications, for example, in the study of the impact of outliers within the data and in the isolation of misspecified parameters in a model.  相似文献   


In this article, we obtain point and interval estimates of multicomponent stress-strength reliability model of an s-out-of-j system using classical and Bayesian approaches by assuming both stress and strength variables follow a Chen distribution with a common shape parameter which may be known or unknown. The uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator of reliability is obtained analytically when the common parameter is known. The behavior of proposed reliability estimates is studied using the estimated risks through Monte Carlo simulations and comments are obtained. Finally, a data set is analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We are interested in estimating level sets using a Bayesian non-parametric approach, from an independent and identically distributed sample drawn from an unknown distribution. Under fairly general conditions on the prior, we provide an upper bound on the rate of convergence of the Bayesian level set estimate, via the rate at which the posterior distribution concentrates around the true level set. We then consider, as an application, the log-spline prior in the two-dimensional unit cube. Assuming that the true distribution belongs to a class of Hölder, we provide an upper bound on the rate of convergence of the Bayesian level set estimates. We compare our results with existing rates of convergence in the frequentist non-parametric literature: the Bayesian level set estimator proves to be competitive and is also easy to compute, which is of no small importance. A simulation study is given as an illustration.  相似文献   

The Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is widely used for variable selection. We focus on the regression setting for which variations of the BIC have been proposed. A version that includes the Fisher Information matrix of the predictor variables performed best in one published study. In this article, we extend the evaluation, introduce a performance measure involving how closely posterior probabilities are approximated, and conclude that the version that includes the Fisher Information often favors regression models having more predictors, depending on the scale and correlation structure of the predictor matrix. In the image analysis application that we describe, we therefore prefer the standard BIC approximation because of its relative simplicity and competitive performance at approximating the true posterior probabilities.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to identify the abilities that a person needs to be able to successfully use an experimental device, such as a probability wheel or balls in an urn, for the elicitation of subjective probabilities. It is assumed that the successful use of the device requires that the person elicits unique probability values that obey the standard probability laws. This leads to a definition of probability based on the idea of the similarity between the likeliness of events and this concept is naturally extended to the idea that probabilities have strengths, which relates to information about the likeliness of an event that lies beyond a simple probability value. The latter notion is applied to the problem of explaining the Ellsberg paradox. To avoid the definition of probability being circular, probabilities are defined such that they depend on the choice of a reference set of events R which, in simple cases, corresponds to the raw outcomes produced by using an experimental device. However, it is shown that even when the events in R are considered as having an “equal chance” of occurring, the values and/or strengths of probabilities can still be affected by the choice of the set R.  相似文献   

In bayesian inference, the Bayes estimator is the alternative with the minimum expected loss. In most cases, the loss function shows the distance between the alternative and the parameter. Therefore, any distance can lead to a loss function. Among the best known distance functions is L p one, where the choice of value p may be difficult and arbitrary. This paper examines robust models where the loss function is modelled by family L p . Our solution concept is the non-dominated alternative. We characterize the non-dominated set by having the posterior distribution function satisfy a particular asymmetry property. We also include an example to illustrate the methodology described.  相似文献   

Ranking objects by a panel of judges is commonly used in situations where objective attributes cannot easily be measured or interpreted. Under the assumption that the judge independently arrive at their rankings by making pair wise comparisons among the objects in an attempt to reproduce a common baseline ranking w0, we develop and explore confidence regions and Bayesian highest posterior density credible regions for w0 with emphasis on very small sample sizes.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the study of intraclass correlations in the mixed linear model. A brief account of the shortcomings of the existing meth¬ods (frequentist. likelihood and Bayesian) is followed by alternative Bayesian parametrizations involving intraclass correlations and variance ratios. Our prior specifications accommodate a priori dependencies as well as situations which involve little or no prior information. We give examples of interval estimation and hypothesis testing using data from an animal breeding study.  相似文献   

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