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Estimators for quantiles based on linear combinations of order statistics have been proposed by Harrell and Davis(1982) and kaigh and Lachenbruch (1982). Both estimators have been demonstrated to be at least as efficient for small sample point estimation as an ordinary sample quantile estimator based on one or two order statistics: Distribution-free confidence intervals for quantiles can be constructed using either of the two approaches. By means of a simulation study, these confidence intervals have been compared with several other methods of constructing confidence intervals for quantiles in small samples. For the median, the Kaigh and Lachenbruch method performed fairly well. For other quantiles, no method performed better than the method which uses pairs of order statistics.  相似文献   

Ranked set sampling (RSS) design as a cost-effective sampling is a powerful tool in situations where measuring the variable of interest is costly and time-consuming; however, ranking information about sampling units can be obtained easily through inexpensive and easy to measure characteristics at little or no cost. In this paper, we study RSS data for analysis of an ordinal population. First, we compare the problem of non-representative extreme samples under RSS and commonly-used simple random sampling. Using RSS data with tie information, we propose non-parametric and maximum likelihood estimators for population parameters. Through extensive numerical studies, we investigate the effect of various factors including ranking ability, tie generating mechanisms, the number of categories and population setting on the performance of the estimators. Finally, we apply the proposed methods to the bone disorder data to estimate the proportions of patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis status.  相似文献   

Some inequalities are established in P1(r, s) and P1(r+1, s), where P1(r, s) is the confidence coefficient of Wilks’ (1962) outer confidence interval (X(r) X(s)) for the quantile interval (ξp1, ξp2). An inequality concerning incomplete beta functions is also presented and it is shown to be an improved version of one of Koti's (1989) inequalities.  相似文献   

Three nonparametric methods for estimating a change-point, and the mean function Pefore and after the change has occurred are developed for a restricted class of processes. The estimators which are developed are intuitive, and their asymptotic behavior is studied, Konte Cario cornparisoris are undertaKen for smali and moderate samples.  相似文献   

In this note we develop a new quantile function estimator called the tail extrapolation quantile function estimator. The estimator behaves asymptotically exactly the same as the standard linear interpolation estimator. For finite samples there is small correction towards estimating the extreme quantiles. We illustrate that by employing this new estimator we can greatly improve the coverage probabilities of the standard bootstrap percentile confidence intervals. The method does not reqiure complicated calculations and hence it should appeal to the statistical practitioner.  相似文献   

For randomly right-censored data, new asymptotic expressions for the mean squared errors of the product-limit quantile estimator and a kernel-type quantile estimator are presented in this paper. From these results a comparison of the two quantile estimators with respect to their mean squared errors is given.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the estimation of the derivative of the regression function in fixed-design nonparametric regression. We establish the almost sure convergence as well as the asymptotic normality of our estimate. We also provide concentration inequalities which are useful for small sample sizes. Numerical experiments on simulated data show that our nonparametric statistical procedure performs very well. We also illustrate our approach on high-frequency environmental data for the study of marine pollution.  相似文献   

Ranked-set sampling is an alternative to random sampling for settings in which measurements are difficult or costly. Ranked-set sampling utilizes information gained without measurement to structure the eventual measured sample. This additional information yields improved properties for ranked-set sample procedures relative to their simple random sample counterparts. We review the available nonparametric procedures for data from ranked-set samples. Estimation of the distribution function was the first nonparametric setting to which ranked-set sampling methodology was applied. Since the first paper on the ranked-set sample empirical distribution function, the two-sample location setting, the sign test, and the signed-rank test have all been examined for ranked-set samples. In addition, estimation of the distribution function has been considered in a more general setting. We discuss the similarities and differences in the properties of the ranked-set sample procedures for the various settings  相似文献   

We provide an optimization interpretation of both back-fitting and integration estimators for additive nonparametric regression. We find that the integration estimator is a projection with respect to a product measure. We also provide further understanding of the back-fitting method.  相似文献   

Asymptotically best linear unbiased estimators (ABLUE) of quantiles, x^., in the two-parameter (location-scale) exponential and double exponential families are obtained as linear combinations of two suitably chosen order statistics. Exact formulae for the linear combinations are given as functions of £. The derived estimators in both cases compare favorably with the usual nonparametric estimator. Also, in the exponential case the derived estimator compares favorably with the Sarhan-Greenberg BLUE based on a complete sample  相似文献   

The Amoroso kernel density estimator (Igarashi and Kakizawa 2017 Igarashi, G., and Y. Kakizawa. 2017. Amoroso kernel density estimation for nonnegative data and its bias reduction. Department of Policy and Planning Sciences Discussion Paper Series No. 1345, University of Tsukuba. [Google Scholar]) for non-negative data is boundary-bias-free and has the mean integrated squared error (MISE) of order O(n? 4/5), where n is the sample size. In this paper, we construct a linear combination of the Amoroso kernel density estimator and its derivative with respect to the smoothing parameter. Also, we propose a related multiplicative estimator. We show that the MISEs of these bias-reduced estimators achieve the convergence rates n? 8/9, if the underlying density is four times continuously differentiable. We illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators, through the simulations.  相似文献   

We consider the probability-weighted moment and the maximum-likelihood estimators of two parameters in the log-logistic distribution. Quantile estimators are obtained using both methods. The distributional properties of these estimators are studied in large samples, via asymptotic theory, and in small and moderate samples, via Monte Carlo simulation. The distribution is shown to be appropriate for a wide variety of meteorological data.  相似文献   

There are available several point estimators of the percentiles of a normal distribution with both mean and variance unknown. Consequently, it would seem appropriate to make a comparison among the estimators through some “closeness to the true value” criteria. Along these lines, the concept of Pitman-closeness efficiency is introduced. Essentially, when comparing two estimators, the Pit-man-closeness efficiency gives the “odds” in favor of one of the estimators being closer to the true value than is the other in a given situation. Through the use of Pitman-closeness efficiency, this paper compares (a) the maximum likelihood estimator, (b) the minimum variance unbiased estimator, (c) the best invariant estimator, and (d) the median unbiased estimator within a class of estimators which includes (a), (b), and (c). Mean squared efficiency is also discussed.  相似文献   

Sometimes percentile points cannot be determined analytically. In such cases one has to resort to Monte Carlo techniques. In order to provide reliable and accurate results it is usually necessary to generate rather large samples. Thus the proper organization of the relevant data is of crucial importance. In this paper we investigate the appropriateness of heap-based data structures for the percentile point estimation problem. Theoretical considerations and empirical results give evidence of the good performance of these structures regarding their time and space complexity.  相似文献   

We develop and study in the framework of Pareto-type distributions a general class of kernel estimators for the second order parameter ρρ, a parameter related to the rate of convergence of a sequence of linearly normalized maximum values towards its limit. Inspired by the kernel goodness-of-fit statistics introduced in Goegebeur et al. (2008), for which the mean of the normal limiting distribution is a function of ρρ, we construct estimators for ρρ using ratios of ratios of differences of such goodness-of-fit statistics, involving different kernel functions as well as power transformations. The consistency of this class of ρρ estimators is established under some mild regularity conditions on the kernel function, a second order condition on the tail function 1−F of the underlying model, and for suitably chosen intermediate order statistics. Asymptotic normality is achieved under a further condition on the tail function, the so-called third order condition. Two specific examples of kernel statistics are studied in greater depth, and their asymptotic behavior illustrated numerically. The finite sample properties are examined by means of a simulation study.  相似文献   

Numerical performance of block thresholded wavelet estimators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Usually, methods for thresholding wavelet estimators are implemented term by term, with empirical coefficients included or excluded depending on whether their absolute values exceed a level that reflects plausible moderate deviations of the noise. We argue that performance may be improved by pooling coefficients into groups and thresholding them together. This procedure exploits the information that coefficients convey about the sizes of their neighbours. In the present paper we show that in the context of moderate to low signal-to-noise ratios, this block thresholding approach does indeed improve performance, by allowing greater adaptivity and reducing mean squared error. Block thresholded estimators are less biased than term-by-term thresholded ones, and so react more rapidly to sudden changes in the frequency of the underlying signal. They also suffer less from spurious aberrations of Gibbs type, produced by excessive bias. On the other hand, they are more susceptible to spurious features produced by noise, and are more sensitive to selection of the truncation parameter.  相似文献   

A unified development is offered for asymptotically distribution-free profile analysis of several multivariate samples. This includes as special cases procedures based on generalized U-statistics and also those based on linear rank statistics. Furthermore, it includes as special cases analysis of location profiles and also scalar profiles. Finally, asymptotic power and consistency properties are discussed for tests of hypotheses and subhypotheses of interest.  相似文献   

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