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Skew-symmetric distributions have been discussed by several research-ers. In this article we construct a skew-symmetric Laplace distribution, which is the generalization of distribution given by Ali et al. (2009 Ali, M., Pal, M., Woo, J. (2009). Skewed reflected distributions generated by the Laplace kernel. Aust. J. Statist. 38:4558. [Google Scholar]) and Nekoukhou and Alamatsaz (2012 Nekoukhou, V., Alamatsaz, M.H. (2012). A family of skew-symmetric-Laplace distributions. Statist. Papers. 53(3):685696.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This new distribution contains more parameters, and this induces flexibility properties, such as unimodality or bimodality. We study on some properties of this distribution. In the last section we also provide an application with a real data. Concerning example has recently been discussed by Nekoukhou et al. (2013 Nekoukhou, V., Alamatsaz, M.H., Aghajani, A.H. (2013). A flexible skew-generalized normal distribution. Commun. Statist. Theory Methods. 42(13):23242334.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to apply to their model. We compare the behavior of our distribution to their distribution on this example.  相似文献   

We examine tail behavior of skew t-copula in the bivariate case. The tail dependence coefficient is calculated for different skewing parameter values and compared with the corresponding coefficient for the t-copula. It is shown that depending on skewing parameter values, the tail dependence coefficient can differ considerably from the tail dependence of the t-copula. The speed of convergence of the estimator of tail dependence coefficient to its theoretical value is examined in a simulation experiment. Method of moments and maximum likelihood method are compared by simulation either. In the considered cases, maximum likelihood method converged faster to the theoretical value.  相似文献   

In this note we propose a newly formulated skew exponential power distribution that behaves substantially better than previously defined versions. This new model performs very well in terms of the large sample behavior of the maximum likelihood estimation procedure when compared to the classically defined four parameter model defined by Azzalini. More recently, approaches to defining a skew exponential power distribution have used five or more parameters. Our approach improves upon previous attempts to extend the symmetric power exponential family to include skew alternatives by maintaining a minimum set of four parameters corresponding directly to location, scale, skewness and kurtosis. We illustrate the utility of our proposed model using translational and clinical data sets.  相似文献   

应用非对称拉普拉斯分布拟合沪深两市股指日、周收益率数据。研究结果表明:非对称拉普拉斯分布能够比正态分布更好地反映两市股指的日、周收益率数据的尖峰、厚尾、偏态特征。由于非对称拉普拉斯分布有显性的表达式,便于开展参数估计和数字特征的计算,因此对于股指期货投资者而言,在计算股指收益率的VaR、CVaR进行风险测量时,采用非对称拉普拉斯分布将是较好的选择。  相似文献   

The three-parameter asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD) has received increasing attention in the field of quantile regression due to an important feature between its location and asymmetric parameters. On the basis of the representation of the ALD as a normal-variance–mean mixture with an exponential mixing distribution, this article develops EM and generalized EM algorithms, respectively, for computing regression quantiles of linear and nonlinear regression models. It is interesting to show that the proposed EM algorithm and the MM (Majorization–Minimization) algorithm for quantile regressions are really the same in terms of computation, since the updating formula of them are the same. This provides a good example that connects the EM and MM algorithms. Simulation studies show that the EM algorithm can successfully recover the true parameters in quantile regressions.  相似文献   


A class of multivariate laws as an extension of univariate Weibull distribution is presented. A well known representation of the asymmetric univariate Laplace distribution is used as the starting point. This new family of distributions exhibits some similarities to the multivariate normal distribution. Properties of this class of distributions are explored including moments, correlations, densities and simulation algorithms. The distribution is applied to model bivariate exchange rate data. The fit of the proposed model seems remarkably good. Parameters are estimated and a bootstrap study performed to assess the accuracy of the estimators.  相似文献   

Data arising from a randomized double-masked clinical trial for multiple sclerosis have provided particularly variable longitudinal repeated measurements responses. Specific models for such data, other than those based on the multivariate normal distribution, would be a valuable addition to the applied statistician's toolbox. A useful family of multivariate distributions can be generated by substituting the integrated intensity of one distribution into a second (outer) distribution. The parameters in the second distribution are then used to create a dependence structure among observations on a unit. These may either be a form of serial dependence for longitudinal data or of uniform dependence within clusters. These are respectively analogous to the Kalman filter of state space models and to copulas, but they have the major advantage that they do not require any explicit integration. One useful outer distribution for constructing such multivariate distributions is the Pareto distribution. Certain special models based on it have previously been used in event history analysis, but those considered here have much wider application.  相似文献   

The logistic distribution is a simple distribution possessing many useful properties and has been used extensively for analyzing growth. Recently, van Staden and King proposed a quantile-based skew logistic distribution. In this paper, we introduce an alternative skew logistic distribution. We then establish recurrence relations for the computation of the single and product moments of order statistics from the standard skew logistic distribution by using the moments of order statistics from the standard half logistic distribution. These enable an efficient computation of means, variances and covariances of order statistics from the skew logistic distibution for all sample sizes. The results become useful in determining the best linear unbiased estimators of the location and scale paramters of the skew logistic distribution. Finally, we provide an example to illustrate the usefulness of the developed model and then compare its fit with that provided by the model of van Staden and King.  相似文献   

The asymmetric Laplace likelihood naturally arises in the estimation of conditional quantiles of a response variable given covariates. The estimation of its parameters entails unconstrained maximization of a concave and non-differentiable function over the real space. In this note, we describe a maximization algorithm based on the gradient of the log-likelihood that generates a finite sequence of parameter values along which the likelihood increases. The algorithm can be applied to the estimation of mixed-effects quantile regression, Laplace regression with censored data, and other models based on Laplace likelihood. In a simulation study and in a number of real-data applications, the proposed algorithm has shown notable computational speed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the distribution of the skew normal sample mean. For a random sample drawn from a skew normal population, we derive the density function and the moment generating function of the sample mean. The density function derived can be used for statistical inference on the disease occurrence time of twins in epidemiology, in which the skew normal model plays a key role.  相似文献   

For testing problems of the coefficient vector and the interception of multivariate linear functional relationship with replicated observations, the likelihood ratio test statistics are considered. Their asymptotic distributions are obtained under each null hypothesis respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the finite mixture of quantile regression model from a Bayesian perspective by assuming the errors have the asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD), and develop the Gibbs sampling algorithm to estimate various quantile conditional on covariate in different groups using the Normal-Exponential representation of the ALD. We conduct several simulations under different error distributions to demonstrate the performance of the algorithm, and finally apply it to analyse a real data set, finding that the procedure has good performance.  相似文献   

We present a method for constructing bivariate copulas by changing the values that a given copula assumes on some subrectangles of the unit square. Some applications of this method are discussed, especially in relation to the construction of copulas with different tail dependencies.  相似文献   

On the probability distribution of economic growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three important and significantly heteroscedastic gross domestic product series are studied. Omnipresent heteroscedasticity is removed and the distributions of the series are then compared to normal, normal mixture and normal–asymmetric Laplace (NAL) distributions. NAL represents a skewed and leptokurtic distribution, which is in line with the Aghion and Howitt [1 Aghion, P. and Howitt, P. 1992. A model of growth through creative destruction. Econometrica, 60: 323351. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]] model for economic growth, based on Schumpeter's idea of creative destruction. Statistical properties of the NAL distributions are provided and it is shown that NAL fits the data better than the alternatives.  相似文献   

This article studies the estimation of R = P[X < Y] when X and Y are two independent skew normal distribution with different parameters. When the scale parameter is unknown, the maximum likelihood estimator of R is proposed. The maximum likelihood estimator, uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator, Bayes estimation, and confidence interval of R are obtained when the common scale parameter is known. In the general case, the maximum likelihood estimator of R is also discussed. To compare the different proposed methods, Monte Carlo simulations are performed. At last, the analysis of a real dataset has been presented for illustrative purposes too.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the family of skew generalized t (SGT) distributions originally introduced by Theodossiou [P. Theodossiou, Financial data and the skewed generalized t distribution, Manage. Sci. Part 1 44 (12) ( 1998), pp. 1650–1661] as a skew extension of the generalized t (GT) distribution. The SGT distribution family warrants special attention, because it encompasses distributions having both heavy tails and skewness, and many of the widely used distributions such as Student's t, normal, Hansen's skew t, exponential power, and skew exponential power (SEP) distributions are included as limiting or special cases in the SGT family. We show that the SGT distribution can be obtained as the scale mixture of the SEP and generalized gamma distributions. We investigate several properties of the SGT distribution and consider the maximum likelihood estimation of the location, scale, and skewness parameters under the assumption that the shape parameters are known. We show that if the shape parameters are estimated along with the location, scale, and skewness parameters, the influence function for the maximum likelihood estimators becomes unbounded. We obtain the necessary conditions to ensure the uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimators for the location, scale, and skewness parameters, with known shape parameters. We provide a simple iterative re-weighting algorithm to compute the maximum likelihood estimates for the location, scale, and skewness parameters and show that this simple algorithm can be identified as an EM-type algorithm. We finally present two applications of the SGT distributions in robust estimation.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose mixtures of skew Laplace normal (SLN) distributions to model both skewness and heavy-tailedness in the neous data set as an alternative to mixtures of skew Student-t-normal (STN) distributions. We give the expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm to obtain the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators for the parameters of interest. We also analyze the mixture regression model based on the SLN distribution and provide the ML estimators of the parameters using the EM algorithm. The performance of the proposed mixture model is illustrated by a simulation study and two real data examples.  相似文献   

We consider two estimation schemes based on penalized quasilikelihood and quasi-pseudo-likelihood in Poisson mixed models. The asymptotic bias in regression coefficients and variance components estimated by penalized quasilikelihood (PQL) is studied for small values of the variance components. We show the PQL estimators of both regression coefficients and variance components in Poisson mixed models have a smaller order of bias compared to those for binomial data. Unbiased estimating equations based on quasi-pseudo-likelihood are proposed and are shown to yield consistent estimators under some regularity conditions. The finite sample performance of these two methods is compared through a simulation study.  相似文献   

The skew t distribution is a flexible parametric family to fit data, because it includes parameters that let us regulate skewness and kurtosis. A problem with this distribution is that, for moderate sample sizes, the maximum likelihood estimator of the shape parameter is infinite with positive probability. In order to try to solve this problem, Sartori (2006) has proposed using a modified score function as an estimating equation for the shape parameter. In this note we prove that the resulting modified maximum likelihood estimator is always finite, considering the degrees of freedom as known and greater than or equal to 2.  相似文献   

In this paper, tests for the skewness parameter of the two-piece double exponential distribution are derived when the location parameter is unknown. Classical tests like Neyman structure test and likelihood ratio test (LRT), that are generally used to test hypotheses in the presence of nuisance parameters, are not feasible for this distribution since the exact distributions of the test statistics become very complicated. As an alternative, we identify a set of statistics that are ancillary for the location parameter. When the scale parameter is known, Neyman–Pearson's lemma is used, and when the scale parameter is unknown, the LRT is applied to the joint density function of ancillary statistics, in order to obtain a test for the skewness parameter of the distribution. Test for symmetry of the distribution can be deduced as a special case. It is found that power of the proposed tests for symmetry is only marginally less than the power of corresponding classical optimum tests when the location parameter is known, especially for moderate and large sample sizes.  相似文献   

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