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We consider the estimation of a two dimensional continuous–discrete density function. A new methodology based on wavelets is proposed. We construct a linear wavelet estimator and a non-linear wavelet estimator based on a term-by-term thresholding. Their rates of convergence are established under the mean integrated squared error over Besov balls. In particular, we prove that our adaptive wavelet estimator attains a fast rate of convergence. A simulation study illustrates the usefulness of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

We consider a heteroscedastic convolution density model under the “ordinary smooth assumption.” We introduce a new adaptive wavelet estimator based on term-by-term hard thresholding rule. Its asymptotic properties are explored via the minimax approach under the mean integrated squared error over Besov balls. We prove that our estimator attains near optimal rates of convergence (lower bounds are determined). Simulation results are reported to support our theoretical findings.  相似文献   

A Semi-parametric Regression Model with Errors in Variables   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract.  In this paper, we consider a partial linear regression model with measurement errors in possibly all the variables. We use a method of moments and deconvolution to construct a new class of parametric estimators together with a non-parametric kernel estimator. Strong convergence, optimal rate of weak convergence and asymptotic normality of the estimators are investigated.  相似文献   

We consider the local estimation of the stable tail dependence function when a random covariate is observed together with the variables of main interest. Our estimator is a weighted version of the empirical estimator adapted to the covariate framework. We provide the main asymptotic properties of our estimator, when properly normalized, in particular the convergence of the empirical process towards a tight centred Gaussian process. The finite sample performance of our estimator is illustrated on a small simulation study and on a dataset of air pollution measurements.  相似文献   

We consider a class of long-range-dependent Gaussian processes defined in a semiparametric framework. We propose a new estimator of the long-range dependence parameter, based on the integration of the periodogram in two windows. We show that it is asymptotically Gaussian and calculate the rate of convergence. We optimise parameters defining the window function for the minimum mean-square-error criterion. In a Monte-Carlo study, we compare the proposed estimator with previously studied estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider using a local linear (LL) smoothing method to estimate a class of discontinuous regression functions. We establish the asymptotic normality of the integrated square error (ISE) of a LL-type estimator and show that the ISE has an asymptotic rate of convergence as good as for smooth functions, and the asymptotic rate of convergence of the ISE of the LL estimator is better than that of the Nadaraya-Watson (NW) and the Gasser-Miiller (GM) estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider long-memory processes obtained by aggregation of independent random parameter AR(1) processes. We propose an estimator of the density of the underlying random parameter. This estimator is based on the expansion of the density function on the basis of Gegenbauer polynomials. Rate of convergence to zero of the mean integrated square error (MISE) and of the uniform error are obtained. The results are illustrated by Monte-Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

We consider nonparametric estimation of a regression curve when the data are observed with Berkson errors or with a mixture of classical and Berkson errors. In this context, other existing nonparametric procedures can either estimate the regression curve consistently on a very small interval or require complicated inversion of an estimator of the Fourier transform of a nonparametric regression estimator. We introduce a new estimation procedure which is simpler to implement, and study its asymptotic properties. We derive convergence rates which are faster than those previously obtained in the literature, and we prove that these rates are optimal. We suggest a data-driven bandwidth selector and apply our method to some simulated examples.  相似文献   

This paper discusses estimation associated with the long-memory time series models proposed by Granger & Joyeux (1980) and Hosking (1981). We consider the maximum likelihood estimator and the least squares estimator. Certain regularity conditions introduced by several authors to develop the asymptotic theory of these estimators do not hold in this model. However we can show that these estimators are strongly consistent, and we derive the limiting distribution and the rate of convergence.  相似文献   

In many situations, nonparametric inference in point-process theory consists in estimating a Radon-Nikodym derivative of a nonnegative measure p with respect to another nonnegative measure v, where p and v are intensities of point processes. We consider the case of a mixing andstrictly stationary sequence of point processes and establish convergence results for the kernel estimator.  相似文献   

We consider the recursive estimation of a regression functional where the explanatory variables take values in some functional space. We prove the almost sure convergence of such estimates for dependent functional data. Also we derive the mean quadratic error of the considered class of estimators. Our results are established with rates and asymptotic appear bounds, under strong mixing condition. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed estimator is illustrated throughout an empirical study.  相似文献   

Here we consider wavelet-based identification and estimation of a censored nonparametric regression model via block thresholding methods and investigate their asymptotic convergence rates. We show that these estimators, based on block thresholding of empirical wavelet coefficients, achieve optimal convergence rates over a large range of Besov function classes, and in particular enjoy those rates without the extraneous logarithmic penalties that are usually suffered by term-by-term thresholding methods. This work is extension of results in Li et al. (2008). The performance of proposed estimator is investigated by a numerical study.  相似文献   

We consider likelihood based inference for the parameter of a skew-normal distribution. One of the problems shown by this model is the singularity of the Fisher information matrix when skewness is absent. We derive the rate of convergence to the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator and study an alternative parameterization which overcomes problems related to the singularity of the information matrix.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this paper we consider logspline density estimation for data that may be left-truncated or right-censored. For randomly left-truncated and right-censored data the product-limit estimator is known to be a consistent estimator of the survivor function, having a faster rate of convergence than many density estimators. The product-limit estimator and B-splines are used to construct the logspline density estimate for possibly censored or truncated data. Rates of convergence are established when the log-density function is assumed to be in a Besov space. An algorithm involving a procedure similar to maximum likelihood, stepwise knot addition, and stepwise knot deletion is proposed for the estimation of the density function based upon sample data. Numerical examples are used to show the finite-sample performance of inference based on the logspline density estimation.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the life–distribution F from censored lifetimes. The observation scheme is renewal testing over a long time horizon although the results can apply to survival testing with repetitions. We exhibit a product–limit estimator of F which is shown to be consistent and to converge weakly to a GAUSsian process. To do this we first extend these properties of the NELSON-AALEN martingale estimator to the family of PoissoN–type counting processes. Our proof of weak convergence is based on the general functional central limit theorems for semimartingales as developed by .JACOB, SHIRYAYEV and others  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of a location parameter θ in a one-sample problem. A measure of the asymptotic performance of an estimator sequence {Tn} = T is given by the exponential rate of convergence to zero of the tail probability, which for consistent estimator sequences is bounded by a constant, B (θ, ?), called the Bahadur bound. We consider two consistent estimators: the maximum-likelihood estimator (mle) and a consistent estimator based on a likelihood-ratio statistic, which we call the probability-ratio estimator (pre). In order to compare the local behaviour of these estimators, we obtain Taylor series expansions in ? for B (θ, ?) and the exponential rates of the mle and pre. Finally, some numerical work is presented in which we consider a variety of underlying distributions.  相似文献   

We consider a multiple change-point problem: a finite sequence of independent random variables consists of segments given by a known number of the so-called change-points such that the underlying distribution differs from segment to segment. The task is to estimate these change-points under no further assumptions on the within-segment distributions. In this completely nonparametric framework the proposed estimator is defined as the maximizing point of weighted multivariate U-statistic processes. Under mild moment conditions we prove almost sure convergence and the rate of convergence.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of parameter estimation in the case of observation of the trajectory of the diffusion process. We suppose that the drift coefficient has a singularity of cusp type and that the unknown parameter corresponds to the position of the point of the cusp. The asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimator and Bayesian estimators are described in the asymptotic of small noise, that is, as the diffusion coefficient tends to zero. The consistency, limit distributions, and the convergence of moments of these estimators are established.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We are interested in estimating level sets using a Bayesian non-parametric approach, from an independent and identically distributed sample drawn from an unknown distribution. Under fairly general conditions on the prior, we provide an upper bound on the rate of convergence of the Bayesian level set estimate, via the rate at which the posterior distribution concentrates around the true level set. We then consider, as an application, the log-spline prior in the two-dimensional unit cube. Assuming that the true distribution belongs to a class of Hölder, we provide an upper bound on the rate of convergence of the Bayesian level set estimates. We compare our results with existing rates of convergence in the frequentist non-parametric literature: the Bayesian level set estimator proves to be competitive and is also easy to compute, which is of no small importance. A simulation study is given as an illustration.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider maximum likelihood methods for estimating the end point of a distribution. The likelihood function is modified by a prior distribution that is imposed on the location parameter. The prior is explicit and meaningful, and has a general form that adapts itself to different settings. Results on convergence rates and limiting distributions are given. In particular, it is shown that the limiting distribution is non-normal in non-regular cases. Parametric bootstrap techniques are suggested for quantifying the accuracy of the estimator. We illustrate performance by applying the method to multiparameter Weibull and gamma distributions.  相似文献   

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