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It is well known that a Bayesian credible interval for a parameter of interest is derived from a prior distribution that appropriately describes the prior information. However, it is less well known that there exists a frequentist approach developed by Pratt (1961 Pratt , J. W. ( 1961 ). Length of confidence intervals . J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 56 : 549657 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) that also utilizes prior information in the construction of frequentist confidence intervals. This frequentist approach produces confidence intervals that have minimum weighted average expected length, averaged according to some weight function that appropriately describes the prior information. We begin with a simple model as a starting point in comparing these two distinct procedures in interval estimation. Consider X 1,…, X n that are independent and identically N(μ, σ2) distributed random variables, where σ2 is known, and the parameter of interest is μ. Suppose also that previous experience with similar data sets and/or specific background and expert opinion suggest that μ = 0. Our aim is to: (a) develop two types of Bayesian 1 ? α credible intervals for μ, derived from an appropriate prior cumulative distribution function F(μ) more importantly; (b) compare these Bayesian 1 ? α credible intervals for μ to the frequentist 1 ? α confidence interval for μ derived from Pratt's frequentist approach, in which the weight function corresponds to the prior cumulative distribution function F(μ). We show that the endpoints of the Bayesian 1 ? α credible intervals for μ are very different to the endpoints of the frequentist 1 ? α confidence interval for μ, when the prior information strongly suggests that μ = 0 and the data supports the uncertain prior information about μ. In addition, we assess the performance of these intervals by analyzing their coverage probability properties and expected lengths.  相似文献   

Credible and highest posterior density intervals for the reliability function and parameters of a two-parameter Weibull process are obtained and the estimates compared with their corresponding classical counterparts.  相似文献   

Use of full Bayesian decision-theoretic approaches to obtain optimal stopping rules for clinical trial designs typically requires the use of Backward Induction. However, the implementation of Backward Induction, apart from simple trial designs, is generally impossible due to analytical and computational difficulties. In this paper we present a numerical approximation of Backward Induction in a multiple-arm clinical trial design comparing k experimental treatments with a standard treatment where patient response is binary. We propose a novel stopping rule, denoted by τ p , as an approximation of the optimal stopping rule, using the optimal stopping rule of a single-arm clinical trial obtained by Backward Induction. We then present an example of a double-arm (k=2) clinical trial where we use a simulation-based algorithm together with τ p to estimate the expected utility of continuing and compare our estimates with exact values obtained by an implementation of Backward Induction. For trials with more than two treatment arms, we evaluate τ p by studying its operating characteristics in a three-arm trial example. Results from these examples show that our approximate trial design has attractive properties and hence offers a relevant solution to the problem posed by Backward Induction.  相似文献   

This article deals with the problem of Bayesian inference concerning the common scale parameter of several Pareto distributions. Bayesian hypothesis testing of, and Bayesian interval estimation for, the common scale parameter is given. Numerical studies including a comparison study, a simulation study, and a practical application study are given in order to illustrate our procedures and to demonstrate the performance, advantages, and merits of the Bayesian procedures over the classical and generalized variable procedures.  相似文献   

This article deals with a Bayesian predictive approach for two-stage sequential analyses in clinical trials, applied to both frequentist and Bayesian tests. We propose to make a predictive inference based on the notion of satisfaction index and the data accrued so far together with future data. The computations and the simulation results concern an inferential problem, related to the binomial model.  相似文献   

Applied statisticians and pharmaceutical researchers are frequently involved in the design and analysis of clinical trials where at least one of the outcomes is binary. Treatments are judged by the probability of a positive binary response. A typical example is the noninferiority trial, where it is tested whether a new experimental treatment is practically not inferior to an active comparator with a prespecified margin δ. Except for the special case of δ = 0, no exact conditional test is available although approximate conditional methods (also called second‐order methods) can be applied. However, in some situations, the approximation can be poor and the logical argument for approximate conditioning is not compelling. The alternative is to consider an unconditional approach. Standard methods like the pooled z‐test are already unconditional although approximate. In this article, we review and illustrate unconditional methods with a heavy emphasis on modern methods that can deliver exact, or near exact, results. For noninferiority trials based on either rate difference or rate ratio, our recommendation is to use the so‐called E‐procedure, based on either the score or likelihood ratio statistic. This test is effectively exact, computationally efficient, and respects monotonicity constraints in practice. We support our assertions with a numerical study, and we illustrate the concepts developed in theory with a clinical example in pulmonary oncology; R code to conduct all these analyses is available from the authors.  相似文献   

In Bayesian analysis, people usually report the highest posterior density (HPD) credible interval as an interval estimate of an unknown parameter. However, when the unknown parameter is the nonnegative normal mean, the Bayesian HPD credible interval under the uniform prior has quite a low minimum frequentist coverage probability. To enhance the minimum frequentist coverage probability of a credible interval, I propose a new method of reporting the Bayesian credible interval. Numerical results show that the new reported credible interval has a much higher minimum frequentist coverage probability than the HPD credible interval.  相似文献   

Relative risks (RRs) are often considered as preferred measures of association in randomized controlled trials especially when the binary outcome of interest is common. To directly estimate RRs, log-binomial regression has been recommended. Although log-binomial regression is a special case of generalized linear models, it does not respect the natural parameter constraints, and maximum likelihood estimation is often subject to numerical instability that leads to convergence problems. Alternative methods for solving log-binomial regression convergence problems have been proposed. A Bayesian approach also was introduced, but the comparison between this method and frequentist methods has not been fully explored. We compared five frequentist and one Bayesian methods for estimating RRs under a variety of scenario. Based on our simulation study, there is not a method that can perform well based on different statistical properties, but COPY 1000 and modified log-Poisson regression can be considered in practice.  相似文献   

The performance of commonly used asymptotic inference procedures for the random-effects model used in meta analysis relies on the number of studies. When the number of studies is moderate or small, the exact inference procedure is more reliable than the asymptotic counterparts. However, the related numerical computation may be demanding and an obstacle of routine use of the exact method. In this paper, we proposed a novel numerical algorithm for constructing the exact 95% confidence interval of the location parameter in the random-effects model. The algorithm is much faster than the naive method and may greatly facilitate the use of the more appropriate exact inference procedure in meta analysis. Numerical studies and real data examples are used to illustrate the advantage of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A nonasymptotic Bayesian approach is developed for analysis of data from threshold autoregressive processes with two regimes. Using the conditional likelihood function, the marginal posterior distribution for each of the parameters is derived along with posterior means and variances. A test for linear functions of the autoregressive coefficients is presented. The approach presented uses a posterior p-value averaged over the values of the threshold. The one-step ahead predictive distribution is derived along with the predictive mean and variance. In addition, equivalent results are derived conditional upon a value of the threshold. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

System characteristics of a redundant repairable system are studied from a Bayesian viewpoint with different types of priors assumed for the unknown parameters. The system consists of two primary units, one standby unit, and one repair facility which is activated when switching to standby fails. Times to failure and times to repair of the operating units are assumed to follow exponential distributions. When time to failure and time to repair have uncertain parameters, a Bayesian approach is adopted to evaluate system characteristics. Monte Carlo simulation is used to derive the posterior distribution for the mean time to system failure and steady-state availability. Some numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the results derived in this paper.  相似文献   

Practitioners of statistics are too often guilty of routinely selecting a 95% confidence level in interval estimation and ignoring the sample size and the expected size of the interval. One way to balance coverage and size is to use a loss function in a decision problem. Then either the Bayes risk or usual risk (if a pivotal quantity exists) may be minimized. It is found that some non-Bayes solutions are equivalent to Bayes results based on non-informative priors. The decision theory approach is applied to the mean and standard deviation of the univariate normal model and the mean of the multivariate normal. Tables are presented for critical values, expected size, confidence and sample size.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the estimation of the three determining parameters of the efficient frontier, the expected return, and the variance of the global minimum variance portfolio and the slope parameter, from a Bayesian perspective. Their posterior distribution is derived by assigning the diffuse and the conjugate priors to the mean vector and the covariance matrix of the asset returns and is presented in terms of a stochastic representation. Furthermore, Bayesian estimates together with the standard uncertainties for all three parameters are provided, and their asymptotic distributions are established. All obtained findings are applied to real data, consisting of the returns on assets included into the S&P 500. The empirical properties of the efficient frontier are then examined in detail.  相似文献   

This paper uses graphical methods to illustrate and compare the coverage properties of a number of methods for calculating confidence intervals for the difference between two independent binomial proportions. We investigate both small‐sample and large‐sample properties of both two‐sided and one‐sided coverage, with an emphasis on asymptotic methods. In terms of aligning the smoothed coverage probability surface with the nominal confidence level, we find that the score‐based methods on the whole have the best two‐sided coverage, although they have slight deficiencies for confidence levels of 90% or lower. For an easily taught, hand‐calculated method, the Brown‐Li ‘Jeffreys’ method appears to perform reasonably well, and in most situations, it has better one‐sided coverage than the widely recommended alternatives. In general, we find that the one‐sided properties of many of the available methods are surprisingly poor. In fact, almost none of the existing asymptotic methods achieve equal coverage on both sides of the interval, even with large sample sizes, and consequently if used as a non‐inferiority test, the type I error rate (which is equal to the one‐sided non‐coverage probability) can be inflated. The only exception is the Gart‐Nam ‘skewness‐corrected’ method, which we express using modified notation in order to include a bias correction for improved small‐sample performance, and an optional continuity correction for those seeking more conservative coverage. Using a weighted average of two complementary methods, we also define a new hybrid method that almost matches the performance of the Gart‐Nam interval. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents the statistical inferences on Weibull parameters with the data that are progressively type II censored. The maximum likelihood estimators are derived. For incorporation of previous information with current data, the Bayesian approach is considered. We obtain the Bayes estimators under squared error loss with a bivariate prior distribution, and derive the credible intervals for the parameters of Weibull distribution. Also, the Bayes prediction intervals for future observations are obtained in the one- and two-sample cases. The method is shown to be practical, although a computer program is required for its implementation. A numerical example is presented for illustration and some simulation study are performed.  相似文献   

System characteristics of a redundant repairable system with two primary units and one standby are studied from a Bayesian viewpoint with different types of priors assumed for unknown parameters, in which the coverage factor is the same for an operating unit failure as that for a standby unit failure. Times to failure and times to repair of the operating and standby units are assumed to follow exponential distributions. When times to failure and times to repair with uncertain parameters, a Bayesian approach is adopted to evaluate system characteristics. Monte Carlo simulation is used to derive the posterior distribution for the mean time to system failure and the steady-state availability. Some numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the results derived in this paper.  相似文献   

Bayesian alternatives to the classical F test comparing two population variances are explored. Shoemaker (2003 Shoemaker , L. H. ( 2003 ). Fixing the F test for equal variances . The Amer. Statistician 57 : 105114 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) suggested two adjustments to the F test due to it being very sensitive to the normal assumption of the two populations. A simulation study is performed to compare the Bayesian alternatives to the F test and Shoemaker's adjusted F tests as well as to the Levene/Brown–Forsythe and the squared rank nonparametric tests. The Bayesian alternatives assume a normal parent distribution and non informative priors and the conjugate prior for the variances; in addition, an exponential power distribution is considered as the parent distribution with a non informative prior for the variances. The latter looks to be very promising provided that a suitable value of a parameter which measures the extent of non normality is chosen.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the Bayesian analysis of competing risks data, when the data are partially complete in both time and type of failures. It is assumed that the latent cause of failures have independent Weibull distributions with the common shape parameter, but different scale parameters. When the shape parameter is known, it is assumed that the scale parameters have Beta–Gamma priors. In this case, the Bayes estimates and the associated credible intervals can be obtained in explicit forms. When the shape parameter is also unknown, it is assumed that it has a very flexible log-concave prior density functions. When the common shape parameter is unknown, the Bayes estimates of the unknown parameters and the associated credible intervals cannot be obtained in explicit forms. We propose to use Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling technique to compute Bayes estimates and also to compute associated credible intervals. We further consider the case when the covariates are also present. The analysis of two competing risks data sets, one with covariates and the other without covariates, have been performed for illustrative purposes. It is observed that the proposed model is very flexible, and the method is very easy to implement in practice.  相似文献   

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