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We develop a ‘robust’ statistic T2 R, based on Tiku's (1967, 1980) MML (modified maximum likelihood) estimators of location and scale parameters, for testing an assumed meam vector of a symmetric multivariate distribution. We show that T2 R is one the whole considerably more powerful than the prominenet Hotelling T2 statistics. We also develop a robust statistic T2 D for testing that two multivariate distributions (skew or symmetric) are identical; T2 D seems to be usually more powerful than nonparametric statistics. The only assumption we make is that the marginal distributions are of the type (1/σk)f((x-μk)/σk) and the means and variances of these marginal distributions exist.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study minimum Hellinger distance estimators (MHDEs) for multivariate distributions from the Johnson system. We prove some properties of these estimators, such as consistency and asymptotic normality, and show that they represent a robust alternative for other existing estimators.  相似文献   

Naranjo and HeUmansperger (1994) recently derved a bounded influence rank regression method and suggested how hypotheses about the regression coefficients might be tested. This brief note reports some simulation results on how their procedure performs when there is one predictor. Even when the error term is highly skewed, good control over the Type I error probability is obtained Power can be high relative to least squares regression when the error term has a heavy tailed distribution .and the predictor has a symmetric distribution However, if the predictor has a skewed distribution, power can be relatively low even when the distribution of the error term is heavy tailed. Despite this, it is argued that their method provides an important and useful alternative to ordinary least squares as well as other robust regression methods.  相似文献   

The derivation of a new class of nonparametric density function estimators, the so-called bootstrap functional estimators (BFE's), is given. These estimators are shown to be strongly consistent under fairly nonrestrictive conditions. Some small-sample properties are discussed and a number of graphs are presented.  相似文献   

In one-way ANOVA, most of the pairwise multiple comparison procedures depend on normality assumption of errors. In practice, errors have non-normal distributions so frequently. Therefore, it is very important to develop robust estimators of location and the associated variance under non-normality. In this paper, we consider the estimation of one-way ANOVA model parameters to make pairwise multiple comparisons under short-tailed symmetric (STS) distribution. The classical least squares method is neither efficient nor robust and maximum likelihood estimation technique is problematic in this situation. Modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimation technique gives the opportunity to estimate model parameters in closed forms under non-normal distributions. Hence, the use of MML estimators in the test statistic is proposed for pairwise multiple comparisons under STS distribution. The efficiency and power comparisons of the test statistic based on sample mean, trimmed mean, wave and MML estimators are given and the robustness of the test obtained using these estimators under plausible alternatives and inlier model are examined. It is demonstrated that the test statistic based on MML estimators is efficient and robust and the corresponding test is more powerful and having smallest Type I error.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on inference based on the confidence distributions of the nonparametric regression function and its derivatives, in which dependent inferences are combined by obtaining information about their dependency structure. We first give a motivating example in production operation system to illustrate the necessity of the problems studied in this paper in practical applications. A goodness-of-fit test for polynomial regression model is proposed on the basis of the idea of combined confidence distribution inference, which is the Fisher’s combination statistic in some cases. On the basis of this testing results, a combined estimator for the p-order derivative of nonparametric regression function is provided as well as its large sample size properties. Consequently, the performances of the proposed test and estimation method are illustrated by three specific examples. Finally, the motivating example is analyzed in detail. The simulated and real data examples illustrate the good performance and practicability of the proposed methods based on confidence distribution.  相似文献   


In this paper, we first consider the entropy estimators introduced by Vasicek [A test for normality based on sample entropy. J R Statist Soc, Ser B. 1976;38:54–59], Ebrahimi et al. [Two measures of sample entropy. Stat Probab Lett. 1994;20:225–234], Yousefzadeh and Arghami [Testing exponentiality based on type II censored data and a new cdf estimator. Commun Stat – Simul Comput. 2008;37:1479–1499], Alizadeh Noughabi and Arghami [A new estimator of entropy. J Iran Statist Soc. 2010;9:53–64], and Zamanzade and Arghami [Goodness-of-fit test based on correcting moments of modified entropy estimator. J Statist Comput Simul. 2011;81:2077–2093], and the nonparametric distribution functions corresponding to them. We next introduce goodness-of-fit test statistics for the Laplace distribution based on the moments of nonparametric distribution functions of the aforementioned estimators. We obtain power estimates of the proposed test statistics with Monte Carlo simulation and compare them with the competing test statistics against various alternatives. Performance of the proposed new test statistics is illustrated in real cases.  相似文献   

Given a general statistical model and an arbitrary quadratic loss, we propose a lower bound for the associated risk of a class of shrinkage estimators. With respect to the considered class of shrinkage estimators, this bound is optimal.In the particular case of the estimation of the location parameter of an ellipti-cally symmetric distribution, this bound can be used to find the relative improvement brought by a given estimator and the remaining possible improvement, using a Monte-Carlo method. We deduce from these results a new type of shrinkage estimators whose risk can be as close as one wants of the lower bound near a chosen pole and yet remain bounded. Some of them are good alternatives to the positive-part James-Stein estimator.  相似文献   

Many exploratory studies such as microarray experiments require the simultaneous comparison of hundreds or thousands of genes. It is common to see that most genes in many microarray experiments are not expected to be differentially expressed. Under such a setting, a procedure that is designed to control the false discovery rate (FDR) is aimed at identifying as many potential differentially expressed genes as possible. The usual FDR controlling procedure is constructed based on the number of hypotheses. However, it can become very conservative when some of the alternative hypotheses are expected to be true. The power of a controlling procedure can be improved if the number of true null hypotheses (m 0) instead of the number of hypotheses is incorporated in the procedure [Y. Benjamini and Y. Hochberg, On the adaptive control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing with independent statistics, J. Edu. Behav. Statist. 25(2000), pp. 60–83]. Nevertheless, m 0 is unknown, and has to be estimated. The objective of this article is to evaluate some existing estimators of m 0 and discuss the feasibility of these estimators in incorporating into FDR controlling procedures under various experimental settings. The results of simulations can help the investigator to choose an appropriate procedure to meet the requirement of the study.  相似文献   

The robust bivariate Hotelling–type T2 statistics proposed by Tiku and Balakrishnan (1988) is extendend to p–variate (p ≧ 3) populations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first introduce new entropy estimators for distributions with known and bounded supports. Our estimators are obtained by using constrained maximum likelihood estimation of cumulative distribution function for absolutely continuous distributions with known and bounded supports. We prove the consistency of our estimators. Then, we propose uniformity tests based on the proposed entropy estimators and compare their powers with the powers of other tests of uniformity. Our simulation results show that the proposed entropy estimators perform well in estimating entropy and testing uniformity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to combine several regression estimators (ordinary least squares (OLS), ridge, contraction, principal components regression (PCR), Liu, r?k and r?d class estimators) into a single estimator. The conditions for the superiority of this new estimator over the PCR, the r?k class, the r?d class, β?(k, d), OLS, ridge, Liu and contraction estimators are derived by the scalar mean square error criterion and the estimators of the biasing parameters for this new estimator are examined. Also, a numerical example based on Hald data and a simulation study are used to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a regression model for several vari¬ables under the assumption that the errors have a multivariate t-distribution. The parameters of the model, the regression parameters, as well as the scale parameters and the degress of freedom of the error variable are estimated and the estimation procedure is illustrated by a numerical example, Also, the prop¬erties of the estimators and tests for the regression parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the robust estimation for the order of hidden Markov model (HMM) based on a penalized minimum density power divergence estimator, which is obtained by utilizing the finite mixture marginal distribution of HMM. For this task, we adopt the locally conic parametrization method used in [D. Dacunha-Castelle and E. Gassiate, Testing in locally conic models and application to mixture models. ESAIM Probab. Stat. (1997), pp. 285–317; D. Dacunha-Castelle and E. Gassiate, Testing the order of a model using locally conic parametrization: population mixtures and stationary arma processes, Ann. Statist. 27 (1999), pp. 1178–1209; T. Lee and S. Lee, Robust and consistent estimation of the order of finite mixture models based on the minimizing a density power divergence estimator, Metrika 68 (2008), pp. 365–390] to avoid the difficulties that arise in handling mixture marginal models, such as the non-identifiability of the parameter space and the singularity problem with the asymptotic variance. We verify that the estimated order is consistent and simulation results are provided for illustration.  相似文献   

Fisher consistent and Fréchet differentiable statistical functionals have been already used by Bednarski and Zontek [Robust estimation of parameters in a mixed unbalanced model. Ann Statist. 1996;24(4):1493–1510] to get a robust estimator of parameters in a two-way crossed classification mixed model. This way of robust estimation appears also in the variance components model with a commutative covariance matrix [Zmy?lony, Zontek. Robust M-estimator of parameters in variance components model. Discuss Math Probab Stat. 2002;22:61–71]. In this paper it is shown that a modification of this method does not involve any assumptions about commutation of covariance matrix. The theoretical results have been completed with computer simulation studies. Robustness of considered estimator and possibility of approximation of the estimator's distribution with some multivariate normal distribution for both model and contaminated data have been confirmed there.  相似文献   

Various approaches to obtaining estimates based on preliminary data are outlined. A case is then considered which frequently arises when selecting a subsample of units, the information for which is collected within a deadline that allows preliminary estimates to be produced. At the moment when these estimates have to be produced it often occurs that, although the collection of data on subsample units is still not complete, information is available on a set of units which does not belong to the sample selected for the production of the preliminary estimates. An estimation method is proposed which allows all the data available on a given date to be used to the full-and the expression of the expectation and variance are derived. The proposal is based on two-phase sampling theory and on the hypothesis that the response mechanism is the result of random processes whose parameters can be suitably estimated. An empirical analysis of the performance of the estimator on the Italian Survey on building permits concludes the work. The Sects. 1,2,3,4 and the technical appendixes have been developed by Giorgio Alleva and Piero Demetrio Falorsi; Sect. 5 has been done by Fabio Bacchini and Roberto Iannaccone. Piero Demetrio Falorsi is chief statisticians at Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT); Giorgio Alleva is Professor of Statistics at University “La Sapienza” of Rome, Fabio Bacchini and Roberto Iannaccone are researchers at ISTAT.  相似文献   

Traditional multivariate control charts are based upon the assumption that the observations follow a multivariate normal distribution. In many practical applications, however, this supposition may be difficult to verify. In this paper, we use control charts based on robust estimators of location and scale to improve the capability of detection observations out of control under non-normality in the presence of multiple outliers. Concretely, we use a simulation process to analyse the behaviour of the robust alternatives to Hotelling's T 2, which use minimum volume ellipsoidal (MVE) and minimum covariance determinant (MCD) in the presence of observations with a Student's t-distribution. The results show that these robust control charts are good alternatives for small deviations from normality due to the fact that the percentage of out-of-control observations detected for these charts in the Phase II are higher.  相似文献   

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