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Suppose that measurements Math', i = l,....,k, are consecutively taken on an individual at the prescribed costs Ci, i = l,....,k. the individual comes from one of the two populations H1 and H2, and it is desired to detect which population the individual belongs to. Given the loss incurreed in selecting population Hr when in fact it belongs to Hs, the prior probability Pr of Hr (r = 1,2), and assuming that Hr has the normal distribution N(µr, V), r = 1,2, we derive the sequential Bayesian solution of the discrimination problem when µ1, µ2 and V are known. When µr, V are unknown and must be estimated, we propose a solution which is asymptotic Bayesian with exponential convergence rate.  相似文献   

Let πi (i=1,2,…, k) be charceterized by the uniform distribution on (ai;bi), where exactly one of ai and bi is unknown. With unequal sample sizes, suppose that from the k (>=2) given populations, we wish to select a random-size subset containing the one with the smllest value of θi= bi - ai. RuleRi selects π if a likelihood-based k-dimensional confidence region for the unknown (θ1,… θk) contains at least one point having θi as its smallest component. A second rule, R , is derived through a likelihood ratio and turns out to be that of Barr and prabhu whenthe sample sizes are equal. Numerical comparisons are made. The results apply to the larger class of densities g ( z ; θi) =M(z)Q(θi) if a(θi) < z <b(θi). Extensions to the cases when both ai and bi are unknown and when θj isof interest are indicated. 1<=j<=k  相似文献   

Consider the regression model Yi= g(xi) + ei, i = 1,…, n, where g is an unknown function defined on [0, 1], 0 = x0 < x1 < … < xn≤ 1 are chosen so that max1≤i≤n(xi-xi- 1) = 0(n-1), and where {ei} are i.i.d. with Ee1= 0 and Var e1 - s?2. In a previous paper, Cheng & Lin (1979) study three estimators of g, namely, g1n of Cheng & Lin (1979), g2n of Clark (1977), and g3n of Priestley & Chao (1972). Consistency results are established and rates of strong uniform convergence are obtained. In the current investigation the limiting distribution of &in, i = 1, 2, 3, and that of the isotonic estimator g**n are considered.  相似文献   

Let X1,., Xn, be i.i.d. random variables with distribution function F, and let Y1,.,.,Yn be i.i.d. with distribution function G. For i = 1, 2,.,., n set δi, = 1 if Xi ≤ Yi, and 0 otherwise, and Xi, = min{Xi, Ki}. A kernel-type density estimate of f, the density function of F w.r.t. Lebesgue measure on the Borel o-field, based on the censored data (δi, Xi), i = 1,.,.,n, is considered. Weak and strong uniform consistency properties over the whole real line are studied. Rates of convergence results are established under higher-order differentiability assumption on f. A procedure for relaxing such assumptions is also proposed.  相似文献   

Suppose that we are given k(≥ 2) independent and normally distributed populations π1, …, πk where πi has unknown mean μi and unknown variance σ2 i (i = 1, …, k). Let μ[i] (i = 1, …, k) denote the ith smallest one of μ1, …, μk. A two-stage procedure is used to construct lower and upper confidence intervals for μ[i] and then use these to obtain a class of two-sided confidence intervals on μ[i] with fixed width. For i = k, the interval given by Chen and Dudewicz (1976) is a special case. Comparison is made between the class of two-sided intervals and a symmetric interval proposed by Chen and Dudewicz (1976) for the largest mean, and it is found that for large values of k at least one of the former intervals requires a smaller total sample size. The tables needed to actually apply the procedure are provided.  相似文献   

The paper discusses D-optimal axial designs for the additive quadratic and cubic mixture models σ1≤i≤qixi + βiix2i) and σ1≤i≤qixi + βiix2i + βiiix3i), where xi≥ 0, x1 + . . . + xq = 1. For the quadratic model, a saturated symmetric axial design is used, in which support points are of the form (x1, . . . , xq) = [1 ? (q?1)δi, δi, . . . , δi], where i = 1, 2 and 0 ≤δ2 <δ1 ≤ 1/(q ?1). It is proved that when 3 ≤q≤ 6, the above design is D-optimal if δ2 = 0 and δ1 = 1/(q?1), and when q≥ 7 it is D-optimal if δ2 = 0 and δ1 = [5q?1 ? (9q2?10q + 1)1/2]/(4q2). Similar results exist for the cubic model, with support points of the form (x1, . . . , xq) = [1 ? (q?1)δi, δi, . . . , δi], where i = 1, 2, 3 and 0 = δ3 <δ2 < δ1 ≤1/(q?1). The saturated D-optimal axial design and D-optimal design for the quadratic model are compared in terms of their efficiency and uniformity.  相似文献   

Consider the semiparametric regression model Yi = x′iβ +g(ti)+ei for i=1,2, …,n. Here the design points (xi,ti) are known and nonrandom and the ei are iid random errors with Ee1 = 0 and Ee2 1 = α2<∞. Based on g(.) approximated by a B-spline function, we consider using atest statistic for testing H0 : β = 0. Meanwhile, an adaptive parametric test statistic is constructed and a large sample study for this adaptive parametric test statistic is presented.  相似文献   

Consider the distribution of Zi diwhere the d.di?s are 1=1 lldifferences independently, identically and symmetrically distributed with mean zero. The problem is to determine properties of the sdd given the distribution of the d.i?fs and the sample size n. The standardized moments as a function of the moments of the d.i!s are developed. A variance reduction technique for estimating the quantiles of the sdd using Monte Carlo methods is developed based on using the randomization sample consisting of the 2n values of Z i+d. rather than the single observation i=l lZ d. corresponding to each sample didn. The randomization sample is shown to produce unbiased and consistent estimators.  相似文献   

The probability density function (pdf) of a two parameter exponential distribution is given by f(x; p, s?) =s?-1 exp {-(x - ρ)/s?} for x≥ρ and 0 elsewhere, where 0 < ρ < ∞ and 0 < s?∞. Suppose we have k independent random samples where the ith sample is drawn from the ith population having the pdf f(x; ρi, s?i), 0 < ρi < ∞, 0 < s?i < s?i < and f(x; ρ, s?) is as given above. Let Xi1 < Xi2 <… < Xiri denote the first ri order statistics in a random sample of size ni, drawn from the ith population with pdf f(x; ρi, s?i), i = 1, 2,…, k. In this paper we show that the well known tests of hypotheses about the parameters ρi, s?i, i = 1, 2,…, k based on the above observations are asymptotically optimal in the sense of Bahadur efficiency. Our results are similar to those for normal distributions.  相似文献   

Summary Let , whereX i are i.i.d. random variables with a finite variance σ2 and is the usual estimate of the mean ofX i. We consider the problem of finding optimal α with respect to the minimization of the expected value of |S 2(σ)−σ2|k for variousk and with respect to Pitman's nearness criterion. For the Gaussian case analytical results are obtained and for some non-Gaussian cases we present Monte Carlo results regarding Pitman's criteron. This research was supported by Science Fund of Serbia, grant number 04M03, through Mathematical Institute, Belgrade.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper the authors (1997) extended the results of Hayter (1990) to the two parameter exponential probability model. This paper addressee the extention to the scale parameter case under location-scale probability model. Consider k (k≧3) treatments or competing firms such that an observation from with treatment or firm follows a distribution with cumulative distribution function (cdf) Fi(x)=F[(x-μi)/Qi], where F(·) is any absolutely continuous cdf, i=1,…,k. We propose a test to test the null hypothesis H01=…=θk against the simple ordered alternative H11≦…≦θk, with at least one strict inequality, using the data Xi,j, i=1,…k; j=1,…,n1. Two methods to compute the critical points of the proposed test have been demonstrated by talking k two parameter exponential distributions. The test procedure also allows us to construct simultaneous one sided confidence intervals (SOCIs) for the ordered pairwise ratios θji, 1≦i<j≦k. Statistical simulation revealed that: 9i) actual sizes of the critical points are almost conservative and (ii) power of the proposed test relative to some existing tests is higher.  相似文献   


Let {Xn, n ? 1} be a sequence of negatively superadditive dependent (NSD, in short) random variables and {bni, 1 ? i ? n, n ? 1} be an array of real numbers. In this article, we study the strong law of large numbers for the weighted sums ∑ni = 1bniXi without identical distribution. We present some sufficient conditions to prove the strong law of large numbers. As an application, the Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund strong law of large numbers for NSD random variables is obtained. In addition, the complete convergence for the weighted sums of NSD random variables is established. Our results generalize and improve some corresponding ones for independent random variables and negatively associated random variables.  相似文献   

We define the Wishart distribution on the cone of positive definite matrices and an exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone as exponential dispersion models. We show that these two distributions possess a property of exact decomposition, and we use this property to solve the following problem: given q samples (yil,… yiNj), i = l,…,q, from a N(μii,) distribution, test H1 = Σ2 = … = σq. Using the exact decomposition property, the classical test statistic for H, involving q parameters pi = (Ni, - l)/2, i = 1,…,q, is replaced by a sequence of q - l test statistics for the sequence of tests Hi,:σ12 = … =σi given that Hi-1 is true, i = 2,…,q. Each one of these test statistics involves two parameters only, p.i-1 = p1 + … + pi-1 and pi. We also use the exact decomposition property to test equality of the “direction parameters” for q sample points from the exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone. We give a table of critical values for the distribution on the three-dimensional Lorentz cone. Tables of critical values in higher dimensions can easily be computed following the same method as in dimension three.  相似文献   

Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random vector with joint distribution function FX, Y(x, y) = C(F(x), G(y)), where C is a copula and F and G are marginal distributions of X and Y, respectively. Suppose that (Xi, Yi), i = 1, 2, …, n is a random sample from (X, Y) but we are able to observe only the data consisting of those pairs (Xi, Yi) for which Xi ? Yi. We denote such pairs as (X*i, Yi*), i = 1, 2, …, ν, where ν is a random variable. The main problem of interest is to express the distribution function FX, Y(x, y) and marginal distributions F and G with the distribution function of observed random variables X* and Y*. It is shown that if X and Y are exchangeable with marginal distribution function F, then F can be uniquely determined by the distributions of X* and Y*. It is also shown that if X and Y are independent and absolutely continuous, then F and G can be expressed through the distribution functions of X* and Y* and the stress–strength reliability P{X ? Y}. This allows also to estimate P{X ? Y} with the truncated observations (X*i, Yi*). The copula of bivariate random vector (X*, Y*) is also derived.  相似文献   

Let T2 i=z′iS?1zi, i==,…k be correlated Hotelling's T2 statistics under normality. where z=(z′i,…,z′k)′ and nS are independently distributed as Nkp((O,ρ?∑) and Wishart distribution Wp(∑, n), respectively. The purpose of this paper is to study the distribution function F(x1,…,xk) of (T2 i,…,T2 k) when n is large. First we derive an asymptotic expansion of the characteristic function of (T2 i,…,T2 k) up to the order n?2. Next we give asymptotic expansions for (T2 i,…,T2 k) in two cases (i)ρ=Ik and (ii) k=2 by inverting the expanded characteristic function up to the orders n?2 and n?1, respectively. Our results can be applied to the distribution function of max (T2 i,…,T2 k) as a special case.  相似文献   

Let (Xi, Yi), i = 1, 2,…, n, be n independent observations from a bivariate population and let X(n) = max Xi and Y(n) = max Yi. This article gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the weak convergence of the distribution function of (X(n), Y(n)) to a nondegenerate distribution.  相似文献   

Consider n independent random variables Zi,…, Zn on R with common distribution function F, whose upper tail belongs to a parametric family F(t) = Fθ(t),t ≥ x0, where θ ∈ ? ? R d. A necessary and sufficient condition for the family Fθ, θ ∈ ?, is established such that the k-th largest order statistic Zn?k+1:n alone constitutes the central sequence yielding local asymptotic normality ( LAN ) of the loglikelihood ratio of the vector (Zn?i+1:n)1 i=kof the k largest order statistics. This is achieved for k = k(n)→n→∞∞ with k/n→n→∞ 0.

In the case of vectors of central order statistics ( Zr:n, Zr+1:n,…, Zs:n ), with r/n and s/n both converging to q ∈ ( 0,1 ), it turns out that under fairly general conditions any order statistic Zm:n with r ≤ m ≤s builds the central sequence in a pertaining LAN expansion.These results lead to asymptotically optimal tests and estimators of the underlying parameter, which depend on single order statistics only  相似文献   

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