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A problem of interest in a variance component analysis is the construction of a confidence interval on the variance of a single observation. This article considers an unbalanced two-fold nested classification with equal subsampling and compares two methods for constructing this interval . Computer simulations indicate that one of these methods in general will provide an interval that has an achieved confidence coefficient at least as great as the stated value.  相似文献   

In this work a device which changes the problem of mean estimation into that of proportion estimation is proposed. The device consists of perturbing the observations. The goal of the work is the construction of conservative confidence intervals for means. Three applications are given: (1) proportion estimation in the context of cluster random sampling, (2) differences of proportions of a multinomial population and (3) variance estimation.  相似文献   

Inference concerning the negative binomial dispersion parameter, denoted by c, is important in many biological and biomedical investigations. Properties of the maximum-likelihood estimator of c and its bias-corrected version have been studied extensively, mainly, in terms of bias and efficiency [W.W. Piegorsch, Maximum likelihood estimation for the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 46 (1990), pp. 863–867; S.J. Clark and J.N. Perry, Estimation of the negative binomial parameter κ by maximum quasi-likelihood, Biometrics 45 (1989), pp. 309–316; K.K. Saha and S.R. Paul, Bias corrected maximum likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 61 (2005), pp. 179–185]. However, not much work has been done on the construction of confidence intervals (C.I.s) for c. The purpose of this paper is to study the behaviour of some C.I. procedures for c. We study, by simulations, three Wald type C.I. procedures based on the asymptotic distribution of the method of moments estimate (mme), the maximum-likelihood estimate (mle) and the bias-corrected mle (bcmle) [K.K. Saha and S.R. Paul, Bias corrected maximum likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 61 (2005), pp. 179–185] of c. All three methods show serious under-coverage. We further study parametric bootstrap procedures based on these estimates of c, which significantly improve the coverage probabilities. The bootstrap C.I.s based on the mle (Boot-MLE method) and the bcmle (Boot-BCM method) have coverages that are significantly better (empirical coverage close to the nominal coverage) than the corresponding bootstrap C.I. based on the mme, especially for small sample size and highly over-dispersed data. However, simulation results on lengths of the C.I.s show evidence that all three bootstrap procedures have larger average coverage lengths. Therefore, for practical data analysis, the bootstrap C.I. Boot-MLE or Boot-BCM should be used, although Boot-MLE method seems to be preferable over the Boot-BCM method in terms of both coverage and length. Furthermore, Boot-MLE needs less computation than Boot-BCM.  相似文献   


We use chi-squared and related pivot variables to induce probability measures for model parameters, obtaining some results that will be useful on the induced densities. As illustration we considered mixed models with balanced cross nesting and used the algebraic structure to derive confidence intervals for the variance components. A numerical application is presented.  相似文献   

The problem of constructing confidence intervals to estimate the mean in a two-stage nested model is considered. Several approximate intervals, which are based on both linear and nonlinear estimators of the mean are investigated. In particular, the method of bootstrap is used to correct the bias in the ‘usual’ variance of the nonlinear estimators. It is found that the intervals based on the nonlinear estimators did not achieve the nominal confidence coefficient for designs involving a small number of groups. Further, it turns out that the intervals are generally conservative, especially at small values of the intraclass correlation coefficient, and that the intervals based on the nonlinear estimators are more conservative than those based on the linear estimators. Compared with the others, the intervals based on the unweighted mean of the group means performed well in terms of coverage and length. For small values of the intraclass correlation coefficient, the ANOVA estimators of the variance components are recommended, otherwise the unweighted means estimator of the between groups variance component should be used. If one is fortunate enough to have control over the design, he is advised to increase the number of groups, as opposed to increasing group sizes, while avoiding groups of size one or two.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this paper is to develop, analytically, the inverse of the covariance matrix for the mixed analysis-of-variance model with balanced data. The use of this matrix in the identification of minimal sufficient statistics and in developing the likelihood equations is illustrated.  相似文献   

Taking Albert's (1976) formulation of a mixed model ANOVA, we consider improved estimation of the variance components for balanced designs under squared error loss. Two approaches are presented. One extends the ideas of Stein (1964), The other is developed from the fact that variance components can be expressed as linear combinations of chi-square scale parameters. Encouraging simulation results are presented.  相似文献   

We investigate three interval estimators for binomial misclassification rates in a complementary Poisson model where the data are possibly misclassified: a Wald-based interval, a score-based interval, and an interval based on the profile log-likelihood statistic. We investigate the coverage and average width properties of these intervals via a simulation study. For small Poisson counts and small misclassification rates, the intervals can perform poorly in terms of coverage. The profile log-likelihood confidence interval (CI) is often proved to outperform the other intervals with good coverage and width properties. Lastly, we apply the CIs to a real data set involving traffic accident data that contain misclassified counts.  相似文献   

A confidence interval for the between group variance is proposed which is deduced from Wald'sexact confidence interval for the rtio of the two variance components in the one-way random effects model and the exact confidence interval for the error variance resp.an unbiased estimator of the error variance. In a simulation study the confidence coeffecients for these two intervals are compared with the confidence coefficients of two other commonly used confidence intervals. There the confidence interval derived here yields confidence coefficiends which are always greater than the prescriped level.  相似文献   

A mixed model for growth curves is introduced. A method of estimating the variance components is indicated. It is shown that the generalised least squares estimates of the fixed effects using estimates of variance components are unbiased and an expression is obtained for the increase in variance due to the substitution of the variances by their estimates. These results are directly applied to designs with two-way elimination of heterogeneity.  相似文献   

In this paper the relationship between the improvement on the point estimation and the improvement on the interval estimation for the disturbance variance in a linear regression model is discussed It is shown that substituting the Stein-type estimatoi for the usual estimatoi in the confidence interval leads to the improvement on the interval estimation The equal-tailed and the shoitest unbiased intervals are dealt with Some appealing relationship is also found in the unbiased case.  相似文献   

The traditional method for estimating or predicting linear combinations of the fixed effects and realized values of the random effects in mixed linear models is first to estimate the variance components and then to proceed as if the estimated values of the variance components were the true values. This two-stage procedure gives unbiased estimators or predictors of the linear combinations provided the data vector is symmetrically distributed about its expected value and provided the variance component estimators are translation-invariant and are even functions of the data vector. The standard procedures for estimating the variance components yield even, translation-invariant estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper we are interested in the determination of the rank of the random effect covariance matrix in an unbalanced components of covariance model, and obtain some strongly consistent estimates of the rank based on eigenstructure methods.  相似文献   

The varying-coefficient single-index model has two distinguishing features: partially linear varying-coefficient functions and a single-index structure. This paper proposes a nonparametric method based on smoothing splines for estimating varying-coefficient functions and an unknown link function. Moreover, the average derivative estimation method is applied to obtain the single-index parameter estimates. For interval inference, Bayesian confidence intervals were obtained based on Bayes models for varying-coefficient functions and the link function. The performance of the proposed method is examined both through simulations and by applying it to Boston housing data.  相似文献   

To build a linear mixed effects model, one needs to specify the random effects and often the associated parametrized covariance matrix structure. Inappropriate specification of the structures can result in the covariance parameters of the model not identifiable. Non-identifiability can result in extraordinary wide confidence intervals, and unreliable parameter inference. Sometimes software produces implication of model non-identifiability, but not always. In the simulation of fitting non-identifiable models we tried, about half of the times the software output did not look abnormal. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions of covariance parameters identifiability which does not require any prior model fitting. The results are easy to implement and are applicable to commonly used covariance matrix structures.  相似文献   

On the basis of a negative binomial sampling scheme, we consider a uniformly most accurate upper confidence limit for a small but unknown proportion, such as the proportion of defectives in a manufacturing process. The optimal stopping rule, with reference to the twin criteria of the expected length of the confidence interval and the expected sample size, is investigated. The proposed confidence interval has also been compared with several others that have received attention in the recent literature.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with interval estimation for the breakpoint parameter in segmented regression. We present score‐type confidence intervals derived from the score statistic itself and from the recently proposed gradient statistic. Due to lack of regularity conditions of the score, non‐smoothness and non‐monotonicity, naive application of the score‐based statistics is unfeasible and we propose to exploit the smoothed score obtained via induced smoothing. We compare our proposals with the traditional methods based on the Wald and the likelihood ratio statistics via simulations and an analysis of a real dataset: results show that the smoothed score‐like statistics perform in practice somewhat better than competitors, even when the model is not correctly specified.  相似文献   

This article examines confidence intervals for the single coefficient of variation and the difference of coefficients of variation in the two-parameter exponential distributions, using the method of variance of estimates recovery (MOVER), the generalized confidence interval (GCI), and the asymptotic confidence interval (ACI). In simulation, the results indicate that coverage probabilities of the GCI maintain the nominal level in general. The MOVER performs well in terms of coverage probability when data only consist of positive values, but it has wider expected length. The coverage probabilities of the ACI satisfy the target for large sample sizes. We also illustrate our confidence intervals using a real-world example in the area of medical science.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the bxvariate binomial distribution, In the statistical literature, this problem is solved when the observed sample is available in the form of a 2x2 contingency table, that is, with all four cell fre quencies given,, The present paper provides a solution for this problem when only the marginal totals of the 2x2 table are observed, which is the natural set-up in a bivariate sampling situation.. Thus, based on a sample [(Xi,Yi:), i = 1, …, k] from a bivariate binomial population, we derive maximum likelihood (ML) estimators for the two marginal parameters p1,p2: and the covariance parameter p11: It. turns out that the ML estimators for P1: and P2: are expressed explicitly in terms of the sample values, whereas the ML estimator for p11: can only be obtained numerically by iterative methods Two nu merical illustrations are also presented  相似文献   

Even elementary statistical problems may give rise to a deeper and broader discussion of issues in probability and statistics. The construction of an approximate confidence interval for a Poisson mean turns out to be such a case. The simple standard two-sided Wald confidence interval by normal approximation is discussed and compared with the score interval. The discussion is partly in the form of an imaginary dialog between a teacher and a student, where the latter is supposed to have studied mathematical statistics for at least one semester.  相似文献   

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