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Asymptotic variance plays an important role in the inference using interval estimate of attributable risk. This paper compares asymptotic variances of attributable risk estimate using the delta method and the Fisher information matrix for a 2×2 case–control study due to the practicality of applications. The expressions of these two asymptotic variance estimates are shown to be equivalent. Because asymptotic variance usually underestimates the standard error, the bootstrap standard error has also been utilized in constructing the interval estimates of attributable risk and compared with those using asymptotic estimates. A simulation study shows that the bootstrap interval estimate performs well in terms of coverage probability and confidence length. An exact test procedure for testing independence between the risk factor and the disease outcome using attributable risk is proposed and is justified for the use with real-life examples for a small-sample situation where inference using asymptotic variance may not be valid.  相似文献   

This paper studies the construction of a Bayesian confidence interval for the risk ratio (RR) in a 2 × 2 table with structural zero. Under a Dirichlet prior distribution, the exact posterior distribution of the RR is derived, and tail-based interval is suggested for constructing Bayesian confidence interval. The frequentist performance of this confidence interval is investigated by simulation and compared with the score-based interval in terms of the mean coverage probability and mean expected width of the interval. An advantage of the Bayesian confidence interval is that it is well defined for all data structure and has shorter expected width. Our simulation shows that the Bayesian tail-based interval under Jeffreys’ prior performs as well as or better than the score-based confidence interval.  相似文献   

To assess the efficacy of a treatment, patients are administered a pre-test, the treatment, and a post-test (identical to the pre-test). These patients are then categorized according to their outcomes observed on both tests,e.g., (S,S), (S,F), etc. Also, we observe "incomplete" information on the pre-tests' outcomes for some patients and the results of only the post-test being known for thers, A Bayesian framework is fit to the problem and Bayes factors, posterior odds ratios, and utility functions are given to evaluate th e treatment, A method of assessing the prior distribution is specified and a numerical example is worked.  相似文献   

In a special paired sample case, Hotelling’s T2 test based on the differences of the paired random vectors is the likelihood ratio test for testing the hypothesis that the paired random vectors have the same mean; with respect to a special group of affine linear transformations it is the uniformly most powerful invariant test for the general alternative of a difference in mean. We present an elementary straightforward proof of this result. The likelihood ratio test for testing the hypothesis that the covariance structure is of the assumed special form is derived and discussed. Applications to real data are given.  相似文献   

Following Gart (1966) a test of significance for the odds ratio in a 2×2 table is developed based on a semi-empirical method of approximating discrete distributions by their continuous analogues. The distribution of the test statistic (W), the ratio of two independent F-variates, is derived. This approximate technique is compared with the "exact" test, uncorrected X test, and a normal approximation based on lnW.  相似文献   


Let us consider that the variance function or its νth derivative in a regression model has a change/discontinuity point at an unknown location. To use the local polynomial fits, the log-variance function which break the positivity is targeted. The location and the jump size of the change point are estimated based on a one-sided kernel-weighted local-likelihood function which is provided by the χ2-distribution. The whole structure of the log-variance function is then estimated using the data sets split by the estimated location. Asymptotic results of the proposed estimators are described. Numerical works demonstrate the performances of the methods with simulated and real examples.  相似文献   

Wilks's A was factorized by Bartlett (1951) for testing the hypothesis of goodness of fit of a hypothetical discriminant function in the case of several groups. This test has applications in various areas such as Econometrics, contingency tables, growth curves, principal components analysis, design of experiments and so on. This paper gives a consolidated account of the research done in these areas on the application of factors of Wilks's A  相似文献   


The Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution is an asymmetric probability model that is receiving considerable attention. In this article, we propose a methodology based on a new class of BS models generated from the Student-t distribution. We obtain a recurrence relationship for a BS distribution based on a nonlinear skew–t distribution. Model parameters estimators are obtained by means of the maximum likelihood method, which are evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations. We illustrate the obtained results by analyzing two real data sets. These data analyses allow the adequacy of the proposed model to be shown and discussed by applying model selection tools.  相似文献   

We study the asymptotic behaviour of the maximum likelihood estimator corresponding to the observation of a trajectory of a skew Brownian motion, through a uniform time discretization. We characterize the speed of convergence and the limiting distribution when the step size goes to zero, which in this case are non‐classical, under the null hypothesis of the skew Brownian motion being an usual Brownian motion. This allows to design a test on the skewness parameter. We show that numerical simulations can be easily performed to estimate the skewness parameter and provide an application in Biology.  相似文献   

Yu et al. [An improved score interval with a modified midpoint for a binomial proportion. J Stat Comput Simul. 2014;84:1022–1038] propose a novel confidence interval (CI) for a binomial proportion by modifying the midpoint of the score interval. This CI is competitive with the various commonly used methods. At the same time, Martín and Álvarez [Two-tailed asymptotic inferences for a proportion. J Appl Stat. 2014;41:1516–1529] analyse the performance of 29 asymptotic two-tailed CI for a proportion. The CI they selected is based on the arcsin transformation (when this is applied to the data increased by 0.5), although they also refer to the good behaviour of the classical methods of score and Agresti and Coull (which may be preferred in certain circumstances). The aim of this commentary is to compare the four methods referred to previously. The conclusion (for the classic error α of 5%) is that with a small sample size (≤80) the method that should be used is that of Yu et al.; for a large sample size (n?≥?100), the four methods perform in a similar way, with a slight advantage for the Agresti and Coull method. In any case the Agresti and Coull method does not perform badly and tends to be conservative. The program which determines these four intervals are available from the address http://www.ugr.es/local/bioest/Z_LINEAR_K.EXEhttp://www.ugr.es/local/bioest/Z_LINEAR_K.EXE.  相似文献   

Stein's two–sample procedure for a general linear model is studied and derived in terms of matrices in which the error tems are distributed as multivatriate student t–error terms. Tests and confidence regions are constructed in a similar way to classical linear models which involves percentage points of student t and F distributions. The advantages of taking two samples are: the variance of the error terms is known, and the power of tests are size of confidence regions are controllable. A new distribution called noncentral F–type distribution different from the nencentral F is found when considerinf the power of the test of general linear hypothesis.  相似文献   

The paper examines to what extent a player's market value depends on his skills. Therefore, a data set covering 28 performance measures and the market values of about 493 players from 1. and 2. German Bundesliga is analysed. Applying robust analysis techniques, we are able to robustly estimate market values of soccer players. The results show (1) that there are significantly underrated and overrated players and (2) that a player's affiliation to a certain team may contribute to his market value. We conclude that a club's reputation affects the market values of its players and that star players are in tendency overrated.  相似文献   

We consider an individual or household endowed with an initial capital and an income, modeled as a linear function of time. Assuming that the discount rate evolves as an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, we target to find an unrestricted consumption strategy such that the value of the expected discounted consumption is maximized. Differently than in the case with restricted consumption rates, we can determine the optimal strategy and the value function.  相似文献   

In this article, we use the bivariate Poisson distribution obtained by the trivariate reduction method and compound it with a geometric distribution to derive a bivariate Pólya-Aeppli distribution. We then discuss a number of properties of this distribution including the probability generating function, correlation structure, probability mass function, recursive relations, and conditional distributions. The generating function of the tail probabilities is also obtained. Moment estimation of the parameters is then discussed and illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

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