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This paper focuses on the limiting properties of the spectral statistics of Wigner matrices and sample covariance matrices. Following the ideas of Gut and Spaˇtaru (2000a, b), Gut and Steinebach (2013) and Chow (1988) on precise asymptotics of i.i.d. random variables in the context of complete convergence and moment convergence, we will establish the corresponding results on the spectral statistics of random matrices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first establish the complete convergence for weighted sums of widely orthant-dependent (WOD, in short) random variables by using the Rosenthal type maximal inequality. Based on the complete convergence, we further study the complete moment convergence for weighted sums of arrays of rowwise WOD random variables which is stochastically dominated by a random variable X. The results obtained in the paper generalize the corresponding ones for some dependent random variables.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish a complete convergence result and a complete moment convergence result for i.i.d. random variables under moment condition which is slightly weaker than the existence of the moment generating function. The main results extend and improve the related known results of Lanzinger (1998 Lanzinger, H. (1998). A Baum-Katz theorem for random variables under exponential moment conditions. Stat. Probab. Lett. 39(2):8995.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Gut and Stadtmüller (2011 Gut, A., Stadtmüller, U. (2011). An intermediate Baum-Katz theorem. Stat. Probab. Lett. 81(10):14861492.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

In this paper, some complete convergence and complete moment convergence results for arrays of rowwise negatively superadditive dependent (NSD, in short) random variables are studied. The obtained theorems not only extend the result of Gan and Chen (2007 Gan, S. X., and P. Y. Chen. 2007. On the limiting behavior of the maximum partial sums for arrays of rowwise NA random variables. Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B 27 (2):28390.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to the case of NSD random variables, but also improve them.  相似文献   

This paper extends the previous convergence results in Cerqueti and Costantini (2008) to a more general case using larger normed set of functions. In this regard, the weight-based convergence of the random matrices and their generalized eigenvalues is obtained under less restrictive requirements for the weights.  相似文献   

It is known that the dependence structure of widely orthant dependent (WOD) random variables is weaker than those of negatively associated (NA) random variables, negatively superadditive dependent (NSD) random variables, negatively orthant dependent (NOD) random variables, and extended negatively dependent (END) random variables. In this article, the results of complete moment convergence and complete convergence are presented for WOD sequence under the same moment conditions as independent sequence in classical result (Chow 1988 Chow, Y. (1988). On the rate of moment convergence of sample sums and extremes. Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. 16(3):177201. [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Complete moment convergence for weighted sums of sequence of extended negatively dependent (END) random variables is discussed. Some new sufficient and necessary conditions of complete moment convergence for weighted sums of END random variables are obtained, which improve and extend some well-known results in the literature.  相似文献   


In the article, the complete convergence and complete moment convergence for weighted sums of sequences of random variables satisfying a maximal Rosenthal type inequality are studied. As an application, the Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund type strong law of large numbers is obtained. Our partial results generalize and improve the corresponding ones of Shen (2013 Shen, A.T. (2013). On strong convergence for weighted sums of a class of random variables. Abstr. Appl. Anal.2013, Article ID 216236: 1–7. [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

In this article, we establish the complete moment convergence of a moving-average process generated by a class of random variables satisfying the Rosenthal-type maximal inequality and the week mean dominating condition. On the one hand, we give the correct proof for the case p = 1 in Ko (2015 Ko, M.H. (2015). Complete moment convergence of moving average process generated by a class of random variables. J. Inequalities Appl. 2015(1):19. Article ID 225.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]); on the other hand, we also consider the case αp = 1 which was not considered in Ko (2015 Ko, M.H. (2015). Complete moment convergence of moving average process generated by a class of random variables. J. Inequalities Appl. 2015(1):19. Article ID 225.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The results obtained in this article generalize some corresponding ones for some dependent sequences.  相似文献   

For testing goodness-of-fit in a k cell multinomial distribution having very small frequencies, the usual chi-square approximation to the upper tail of the likelihood ratio statistic, G2 is not satisfactory. A new adjustment to G2 is determined on the basis of analytical investigation in terms of asymptotic bias and variance of the adjusted G2 A Monte Carlo simulation is performed for several one-way tables to assess the adjustment of G2 in order to obtain a closer approximation to the nomial level of significance.  相似文献   

In this article, the complete convergence for weighted sums of extended negatively dependent (END, in short) random variables without identical distribution is investigated. In addition, the complete moment convergence for weighted sums of END random variables is also obtained. As an application, the Baum–Katz type result for END random variables is established. The results obtained in the article extend the corresponding ones for independent random variables and some dependent random variables.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the complete moment convergence and Lr convergence for maximal partial sums of asymptotically almost negatively associated random variables under some general conditions. The results obtained in the paper generalize some corresponding ones for negatively associated random variables.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the asymptotic behavior of general sequence of extreme, intermediate and central generalized-order statistics (gos), as well as dual generalized-order statistics (dgos), which are connected asymptotically with some regularly varying functions. Moreover, the limit distribution functions of gos, as well as dgos, with random indices, are obtained under general conditions.  相似文献   

Let {Xn, n ? 1} be a sequence of asymptotically almost negatively associated (AANA, for short) random variables which is stochastically dominated by a random variable X, and {dni, 1 ? i ? n, n ? 1} be a sequence of real function, which is defined on a compact set E. Under some suitable conditions, we investigate some convergence properties for weighted sums of AANA random variables, especially the Lp convergence and the complete convergence. As an application, the Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund-type strong law of large numbers for AANA random variables is obtained.  相似文献   


In this article, we study complete convergence of the nonidentically distributed pairwise negatively quadrant dependent (NQD) random sequences by the moment inequality and terminating random variables,which extend and improve the previous relevant results.  相似文献   

The extremal ratio has been used in several fields, most notably in industrial quality control, life testing, small-area variation analysis, and the classical heterogeneity of variance situation. In many biological, agricultural, military activity problems and in some quality control problems, it is almost impossible to have a fixed sample size, because some observations are always lost for various reasons. Therefore, the sample size itself is considered frequently to be an random variable (rv). Generalized order statistics (GOS) have been introduced as a unifying theme for several models of ascendingly ordered rvs. The concept of dual generalized order statistics (DGOS) is introduced to enable a common approach to descendingly ordered rvs. In this article, the limit dfs are obtained for the extremal ratio and product with random indices under non random normalization based on GOS and DGOS. Moreover, this article considers the conditions under which the cases of random and non random indices give the same asymptotic results. Some illustrative examples are obtained, which lend further support to our theoretical results.  相似文献   


In this article, the complete convergence results of weighted sums for arrays of rowwise negatively orthant dependent (NOD) random variables are investigated. Some sufficient conditions for complete convergence for arrays of rowwise NOD random variables are presented without assumption of identical distribution.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the limit distributions of the extreme, intermediate, and central order statistics (os) of a stationary Gaussian sequence under equi-correlated setup. When the random sample size is assumed to converge weakly and to be independent of the basic variables, the sufficient (and in some cases the necessary) conditions for the convergence are derived. Finally, we show that the obtained result for the maximum os, with random sample size, is also applicable in the case of the non constant correlation case.  相似文献   

A gap in the proof of a non stationary mixingale invariance principle is identified and fixed by introducing a skipped subsampling of a partial sum process and letting the skipped interval vanish asymptotically at an appropriate rate as the sample size increases. The corrected proof produces a mixingale limit theorem in the form of a mixing convergence in law, occurring jointly with the stable convergence in law for the same σ-field relative to which they are stable and mixing. The applicability of established results to a high-frequency estimation of the quadratic variation of financial price process is discussed.  相似文献   

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