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The admissibility results of Rao (1976), proved in the context of a nonsingular covariance matrix, are exteneded to the situation where the covariance matrix is singular. Admi.s s Lb Le linear estimators in the Gauss-Markoff model are characterized and admis-sibility of the best linear unbiased estimator is investigated.  相似文献   

Consider a partially linear regression model with an unknown vector parameter β, an unknown functiong(·), and unknown heteroscedastic error variances. In this paper we develop an asymptotic semiparametric generalized least squares estimation theory under some weak moment conditions. These moment conditions are satisfied by many of the error distributions encountered in practice, and our theory does not require the number of replications to go to infinity.  相似文献   

We consider the Gauss-Markoff model (Y,X0β,σ2V) and provide solutions to the following problem: What is the class of all models (Y,Xβ,σ2V) such that a specific linear representation/some linear representation/every linear representation of the BLUE of every estimable parametric functional p'β under (Y,X0β,σ2V) is (a) an unbiased estimator, (b) a BLUE, (c) a linear minimum bias estimator and (d) best linear minimum bias estimator of p'β under (Y,Xβ,σ2V)? We also analyse the above problems, when attention is restricted to a subclass of estimable parametric functionals.  相似文献   

In this article, a generalized restricted difference-based ridge estimator is defined for the vector parameter in a partial linear model when the errors are dependent. It is suspected that some additional linear constraints may hold on to the whole parameter space. The estimator is a generalization of the well-known restricted least-squares estimator and is confined to the (affine) subspace which is generated by the restrictions. The risk functions of the proposed estimators are derived under balanced loss function. Finally, the performance of the new estimators is evaluated by a simulated data set.  相似文献   

Consider the linear model (y, Xβ V), where the model matrix X may not have a full column rank and V might be singular. In this paper we introduce a formula for the difference between the BLUES of Xβ under the full model and the model where one observation has been deleted. We also consider the partitioned linear regression model where the model matrix is (X1: X2) the corresponding vector of unknown parameters being (β′1 : β′2)′. We show that the BLUE of X1 β1 under a specific reduced model equals the corresponding BLUE under the original full model and consider some interesting consequences of this result.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the estimation of the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of the inverse Rayleigh distribution. In this regard, the following estimators are considered: uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator, maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, percentile estimator, least squares estimator and weighted least squares estimator. To do so, analytical expressions are derived for the mean integrated squared error. As the result of simulation studies and real data applications indicate, when the sample size is not very small the ML estimator performs better than the others.  相似文献   

Beginning with a brief introduction to the general theory the concept of Bayes invariant quadratic unbiased estimators (BAIQUEs) founded by Kleffe and Pingus(1974)is applied to combined samples with a common mean and different variances.Explicite formulas for Baique under these special assumptions are derived.Finally,some numerical comparisons of the variance function of Baiques under different prior distributions are given.  相似文献   

Eva Fišerová 《Statistics》2013,47(3):241-251
We consider an unbiased estimator of a function of mean value parameters, which is not efficient. This inefficient estimator is correlated with a residual vector. Thus, if a unit dispersion is unknown, it is impossible to determine the correct confidence region for a function of mean value parameters via a standard estimator of an unknown dispersion with the exception of the case when the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator is considered in a model with a special covariance structure such that the OLS and the generalized least squares (GLS) estimator are the same, that is the OLS estimator is efficient. Two different estimators of a unit dispersion independent of an inefficient estimator are derived in a singular linear statistical model. Their quality was verified by simulations for several types of experimental designs. Two new estimators of the unit dispersion were compared with the standard estimators based on the GLS and the OLS estimators of the function of the mean value parameters. The OLS estimator was considered in the incorrect model with a different covariance matrix such that the originally inefficient estimator became efficient. The numerical examples led to a slightly surprising result which seems to be due to data behaviour. An example from geodetic practice is presented in the paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of the general linear estimator and its modified version are introduced using the singular value decomposition theorem in the linear regression model y=X β+e to improve some classical linear estimators. The optimal selections of the biasing parameters involved are theoretically given under the prediction error sum of squares criterion. A numerical example and a simulation study are finally conducted to illustrate the superiority of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of prediction in a linear regression model when data sets are available from replicated experiments. Pooling the data sets for the estimation of regression parameters, we present three predictors — one arising from the least squares method and two stemming from Stein-rule method. Efficiency properties of these predictors are discussed when they are used to predict actual and average values of response variable within/outside the sample. Received: November 17, 1999; revised version: August 10, 2000  相似文献   

In this paper we obtain several influence measures for the multivariate linear general model through the approach proposed by Muñoz-Pichardo et al. (1995), which is based on the concept of conditional bias. An interesting charasteristic of this approach is that it does not require any distributional hypothesis. Appling the obtained results to the multivariate regression model, we obtain some measures proposed by other authors. Nevertheless, on the results obtained in this paper, we emphasize two aspects. First, they provide a theoretical foundation for measures proposed by other authors for the mul¬tivariate regression model. Second, they can be applied to any linear model that can be formulated as a particular case of the multivariate linear general model. In particular, we carry out an application to the multivariate analysis of covariance.  相似文献   

We Consider the generalized multivariate linear model and assume the covariance matrix of the p x 1 vector of responses on a given individual can be represented in the general linear structure form described by Anderson (1973). The effects of the use of estimates of the parameters of the covariance matrix on the generalized least squares estimator of the regression coefficients and on the prediction of a portion of a future vector, when only the first portion of the vector has been observed, are investigated. Approximations are derived for the covariance matrix of the generalized least squares estimator and for the mean square error matrix of the usual predictor, for the practical case where estimated parameters are used.  相似文献   

We consider statistical inference for partial linear additive models (PLAMs) when the linear covariates are measured with errors and distorted by unknown functions of commonly observable confounding variables. A semiparametric profile least squares estimation procedure is proposed to estimate unknown parameter under unrestricted and restricted conditions. Asymptotic properties for the estimators are established. To test a hypothesis on the parametric components, a test statistic based on the difference between the residual sums of squares under the null and alternative hypotheses is proposed, and we further show that its limiting distribution is a weighted sum of independent standard chi-squared distributions. A bootstrap procedure is further proposed to calculate critical values. Simulation studies are conducted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed procedure and a real example is analyzed for an illustration.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of multicollinearity in a multiple linear regression model with linear equality restrictions. The restricted two parameter estimator which was proposed in case of multicollinearity satisfies the restrictions. The performance of the restricted two parameter estimator over the restricted least squares (RLS) estimator and the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator is examined under the mean square error (MSE) matrix criterion when the restrictions are correct and not correct. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the restricted ridge regression, restricted Liu and restricted shrunken estimators, which are the special cases of the restricted two parameter estimator, to have a smaller MSE matrix than the RLS and the OLS estimators are derived when the restrictions hold true and do not hold true. Theoretical results are illustrated with numerical examples based on Webster, Gunst and Mason data and Gorman and Toman data. We conduct a final demonstration of the performance of the estimators by running a Monte Carlo simulation which shows that when the variance of the error term and the correlation between the explanatory variables are large, the restricted two parameter estimator performs better than the RLS estimator and the OLS estimator under the configurations examined.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a framework of estimating patterned covariance of interest in the multivariate linear models. The main idea in it is to estimate a patterned covariance by minimizing a trace distance function between outer product of residuals and its expected value. The proposed framework can provide us explicit estimators, called outer product least-squares estimators, for parameters in the patterned covariance of the multivariate linear model without or with restrictions on regression coefficients. The outer product least-squares estimators enjoy the desired properties in finite and large samples, including unbiasedness, invariance, consistency and asymptotic normality. We still apply the framework to three special situations where their patterned covariances are the uniform correlation, a generalized uniform correlation and a general q-dependence structure, respectively. Simulation studies for three special cases illustrate that the proposed method is a competent alternative of the maximum likelihood method in finite size samples.  相似文献   

The admissibility results of Hoffmann (1977), proved in the context of a nonsingular covariance matrix are extended to the situation where the covariance matrix is singular. Admissible linear estimators in the Gauss-Markoff model are characterised and admissibility of the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator is investigated.  相似文献   

This paper considers the estimation of the stress–strength reliability of a multi-state component or of a multi-state system where its states depend on the ratio of the strength and stress variables through a kernel function. The article presents a Bayesian approach assuming the stress and strength as exponentially distributed with a common location parameter but different scale parameters. We show that the limits of the Bayes estimators of both location and scale parameters under suitable priors are the maximum likelihood estimators as given by Ghosh and Razmpour [15 M. Ghosh and A. Razmpour, Estimation of the common location parameter of several exponentials, Sankhyā, Ser. A 46 (1984), pp. 383394. [Google Scholar]]. We use the Bayes estimators to determine the multi-state stress–strength reliability of a system having states between 0 and 1. We derive the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators of the reliability function. Interval estimation using the bootstrap method is also considered. Under the squared error loss function and linex loss function, risk comparison of the reliability estimators is carried out using extensive simulations.  相似文献   

Equivalent conditions are derived for the equality of GLSE (generalized least squares estimator) and partially GLSE (PGLSE), the latter introduced by Amemiya (1983). By adopting a more general approach the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) can shown to be a special PGLSE. Furthcrmore, linearly restricted estimators proposed by Balestra (1983) are investigated in this context. To facilitate the comparison of estimators extensive use of oblique and orthogonal projectors is made.  相似文献   

A class of trimmed linear conditional estimators based on regression quantiles for the linear regression model is introduced. This class serves as a robust analogue of non-robust linear unbiased estimators. Asymptotic analysis then shows that the trimmed least squares estimator based on regression quantiles ( Koenker and Bassett ( 1978 ) ) is the best in this estimator class in terms of asymptotic covariance matrices. The class of trimmed linear conditional estimators contains the Mallows-type bounded influence trimmed means ( see De Jongh et al ( 1988 ) ) and trimmed instrumental variables estimators. A large sample methodology based on trimmed instrumental variables estimator for confidence ellipsoids and hypothesis testing is also provided.  相似文献   

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