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Summary This paper solves some D-optimal design problems for certain Generalized Linear Models where the mean depends on two parameters and two explanatory variables. In all of the cases considered the support point of the optimal designs are found to be independent of the unknown parameters. While in some cases the optimal design measures are given by two points with equal weights, in others the support is given by three point with weights depending on the unknown parameters, hence the designs are locally optimal in general. Empirical results on the efficiency of the locally optimal designs are also given. Some of the designs found can also be used for planning D-optimal experiments for the normal linear model, where the mean must be positive. This research was carried out in part at University College, London as an M.Sc. project. Thanks are due to Prof. I. Ford (University of Glasgow) and Prof. A. Giovagnoli (University of Perugia) for their valuable suggestions and critical observations.  相似文献   

In this paper the use of Kronecker designs for factorial experiments is considered. The two-factor Kronecker design is considered in some detail and the efficiency factors of the main effects and interaction in such a design are derived. It is shown that the efficiency factor of the interaction is at least as large as the product of the efficiency factors of the two main effects and when both the component designs are totally balanced then its efficiency factor will be higher than the efficiency factor of either of the two main effects. If the component designs are nearly balanced then its efficiency factor will be approximately at least as large as the efficiency factor of either of the two main effects. It is argued that these designs are particularly useful for factorial experiments.Extensions to the multi-factor design are given and it is proved that the two-factor Kronecker design will be connected if the component designs are connected.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the asymptotic properties of maximum quasi-likelihood estimators (MQLEs) in generalized linear models with adaptive designs under some mild regular conditions. The existence of MQLEs in quasi-likelihood equation is discussed. The rate of convergence and asymptotic normality of MQLEs are also established. The results are illustrated by Monte-Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Summary.  Empirical Bayes techniques for normal theory shrinkage estimation are extended to generalized linear models in a manner retaining the original spirit of shrinkage estimation, which is to reduce risk. The investigation identifies two classes of simple, all-purpose prior distributions, which supplement such non-informative priors as Jeffreys's prior with mechanisms for risk reduction. One new class of priors is motivated as optimizers of a core component of asymptotic risk. The methodology is evaluated in a numerical exploration and application to an existing data set.  相似文献   

A general approach for comparing designs of paired comparison experiments on the basis of the asymptotic relative efficiencies, in the Bahadur sense, of their respective likelihood ratio tests is discussed and extended to factorials. Explicit results for comparing five designs of 2q factorial paired comparison experiments are obtained. These results indicate that some of the designs which require comparison of fewer distinct pairs of treatments than does the completely balanced design are, generally, more efficient for detecting main effects and/or certain interactions. The developments of this paper generalize the work of Littell and Boyett (1977) for comparing two designs of R x C factorial paired comparison experiments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the properties of several bias-corrected estimators for generalized linear measurement error models, along with the naive estimator, in some special settings. In particular, we consider logistic regression, poisson regression and exponential-gamma models where the covariates are subject to measurement error. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to compare the relative performance of the estimators in terms of several criteria. The results indicate that the naive estimator of slope is biased towards zero by a factor increasing with the magnitude of slope and measurement error as well as the sample size. It is found that none of the biased-corrected estimators always outperforms the others, and that their small sample properties typically depend on the underlying model assumptions.  相似文献   


Structured sparsity has recently been a very popular technique to deal with the high-dimensional data. In this paper, we mainly focus on the theoretical problems for the overlapping group structure of generalized linear models (GLMs). Although the overlapping group lasso method for GLMs has been widely applied in some applications, the theoretical properties about it are still unknown. Under some general conditions, we presents the oracle inequalities for the estimation and prediction error of overlapping group Lasso method in the generalized linear model setting. Then, we apply these results to the so-called Logistic and Poisson regression models. It is shown that the results of the Lasso and group Lasso procedures for GLMs can be recovered by specifying the group structures in our proposed method. The effect of overlap and the performance of variable selection of our proposed method are both studied by numerical simulations. Finally, we apply our proposed method to two gene expression data sets: the p53 data and the lung cancer data.  相似文献   

The notion of regularity for fractional factorial designs was originally defined only for two-level factorial designs. Recently, rather different definitions for regular fractions of mixed-level factorial designs have been proposed by Collombier [1996. Plans d’Expérience Factoriels. Springer, Berlin], Wu and Hamada [2000. Experiments. Wiley, New York] and Pistone and Rogantin [2008. Indicator function and complex coding for mixed fractional factorial designs. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 138, 787–802]. In this paper we prove that, surprisingly, these definitions are equivalent. The proof of equivalence relies heavily on the character theory of finite Abelian groups. The group-theoretic framework provides a unified approach to deal with mixed-level factorial designs and treat symmetric factorial designs as a special case. We show how within this framework each regular fraction is uniquely characterized by a defining relation as for two-level factorial designs. The framework also allows us to extend the result that every regular fraction is an orthogonal array of a strength that is related to its resolution, as stated in Dey and Mukerjee [1999. Fractional Factorial Plans. Wiley, New York] to mixed-level factorial designs.  相似文献   

The adequacy of a postulated generalized linear model can often be improved by transforming predictors and/or including additional explanatory variables. To assess the fit relative to a given predictor, we define its corresponding residual component. Asymptotic bias and variance of the residual component are considered, paying particular attention to the case that the presumed model is valid.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the variable selection and estimation for high-dimensional generalized linear models when the number of parameters diverges with the sample size. We propose a penalized quasi-likelihood function with the bridge penalty. The consistency and the Oracle property of the quasi-likelihood bridge estimators are obtained. Some simulations and a real data analysis are given to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A lower bound is given for the number of experimental runs required in search designs for two-level factorial models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the empirical likelihood (EL) method to longitudinal studies. By considering the dependence within subjects in the auxiliary random vectors, we propose a new weighted empirical likelihood (WEL) inference for generalized linear models with longitudinal data. We show that the weighted empirical likelihood ratio always follows an asymptotically standard chi-squared distribution no matter which working weight matrix that we have chosen, but a well chosen working weight matrix can improve the efficiency of statistical inference. Simulations are conducted to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our proposed WEL method, and a real data set is used to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

Summary.  In health sciences, medicine and social sciences linear mixed effects models are often used to analyse time-structured data. The search for optimal designs for these models is often hampered by two problems. The first problem is that these designs are only locally optimal. The second problem is that an optimal design for one model may not be optimal for other models. In this paper the maximin principle is adopted to handle both problems, simultaneously. The maximin criterion is formulated by means of a relative efficiency measure, which gives an indication of how much efficiency is lost when the uncertainty about the models over a prior domain of parameters is taken into account. The procedure is illustrated by means of three growth studies. Results are presented for a vocabulary growth study from education, a bone gain study from medical research and an epidemiological decline in height study. It is shown that, for the mixed effects polynomial models that are applied to these studies, the maximin designs remain highly efficient for different sets of models and combinations of parameter values.  相似文献   

“Dispersion” effects are considered in addition to “Location” effects of factors in the inferential procedure of sequential factor screening experiments with m factors each at two levels under search linear models. Search designs in measuring "Dispersion" and "Location" effects of factors are presented for both stage one and stage two of factor screening experiments with 4 ≤ m ≤ 10.  相似文献   

Li Yan 《Statistics》2015,49(5):978-988
Empirical likelihood inference for generalized linear models with fixed and adaptive designs is considered. It is shown that the empirical log-likelihood ratio at the true parameters converges to the standard chi-square distribution. Furthermore, we obtain the maximum empirical likelihood estimate of the unknown parameter and the resulting estimator is shown to be asymptotically normal. Some simulations are conducted to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

Double hierarchical generalized linear models (with discussion)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary.  We propose a class of double hierarchical generalized linear models in which random effects can be specified for both the mean and dispersion. Heteroscedasticity between clusters can be modelled by introducing random effects in the dispersion model, as is heterogeneity between clusters in the mean model. This class will, among other things, enable models with heavy-tailed distributions to be explored, providing robust estimation against outliers. The h -likelihood provides a unified framework for this new class of models and gives a single algorithm for fitting all members of the class. This algorithm does not require quadrature or prior probabilities.  相似文献   

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