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In this paper we propose two new classes of asymptotically distribution-free Renyi-type tests for testing the equality of two risks in a competing risk model with possible censoring. This work extends the work of Aly, Kochar and McKeague [1994, Journal of American Statistical Association, 89, 994–999] and many of the existing tests for this problem belong to these newly proposed classes. The asymptotic properties of the proposed tests are investigated. Simulation studies are done to compare the performance with existing tests. A competing risks data set is analyzed to demonstrate the usefulness of the procedure. 相似文献
Farag Hamad 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(22):5477-5491
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a hybrid method to estimate the baseline hazard for Cox proportional hazard model. In the proposed method, the nonparametric estimate of the survival function by Kaplan Meier, and the parametric estimate of the logistic function in the Cox proportional hazard by partial likelihood method are combined to estimate a parametric baseline hazard function. We compare the estimated baseline hazard using the proposed method and the Cox model. The results show that the estimated baseline hazard using hybrid method is improved in comparison with estimated baseline hazard using the Cox model. The performance of each method is measured based on the estimated parameters of the baseline distribution as well as goodness of fit of the model. We have used real data as well as simulation studies to compare performance of both methods. Monte Carlo simulations carried out in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed hybrid method provided better estimate of the baseline in comparison with the estimated values by the Cox model. 相似文献
This paper deals with the allocation of active redundancies to a k-out-of-n system with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) components in the sense of the hazard rate order. It is shown that the system's hazard rate may be decreased by balancing the allocation of active redundancies. This generalizes the main result of Singh and Singh (1997) and improves the corresponding one of Hu and Wang (2009) as well. As an application, we build the reversed hazard rate order on order statistics from sample having proportional hazard rates, which strengthens the usual stochastic order in Theorem 2.1 of Pledger and Proschan (1971) to the reversed hazard order in the situation that all components are of (rational) proportional hazard rates. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The search for optimal non-parametric estimates of the cumulative distribution and hazard functions under order constraints inspired at least two earlier classic papers in mathematical statistics: those of Kiefer and Wolfowitz[1] and Grenander[2] respectively. In both cases, either the greatest convex minorant or the least concave majorant played a fundamental role. Based on Kiefer and Wolfowitz's work, Wang3-4 found asymptotically minimax estimates of the distribution function F and its cumulative hazard function Λ in the class of all increasing failure rate (IFR) and all increasing failure rate average (IFRA) distributions. In this paper, we will prove limit theorems which extend Wang's asymptotic results to the mixed censorship/truncation model as well as provide some other relevant results. The methods are illustrated on the Channing House data, originally analysed by Hyde.5-6 相似文献
Mohammad Salehi M. George A.F. Seber 《Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics》2004,46(3):483-494
Not having a variance estimator is a seriously weak point of a sampling design from a practical perspective. This paper provides unbiased variance estimators for several sampling designs based on inverse sampling, both with and without an adaptive component. It proposes a new design, which is called the general inverse sampling design, that avoids sampling an infeasibly large number of units. The paper provide estimators for this design as well as its adaptive modification. A simple artificial example is used to demonstrate the computations. The adaptive and non‐adaptive designs are compared using simulations based on real data sets. The results indicate that, for appropriate populations, the adaptive version can have a substantial variance reduction compared with the non‐adaptive version. Also, adaptive general inverse sampling with a limitation on the initial sample size has a greater variance reduction than without the limitation. 相似文献
Jai P. Gupta 《Statistical Papers》2002,43(4):525-536
g of the population correlation coefficient has been suggested in case of probability proportional to size with replacement
sampling. The asymptotic bias, variance and the estimate of the variance of the estimator rg have been obtained. A comparison of this estimator has been made with the estimator r given by Gupta et al (1993) and usual estimator r1 for PPSWR sampling. The proposed estimator rg satisfies the condition −1≤rg≤1 which the estimator r does not satisfy.
Received: September 1, 1999; revised version: May 29, 2001 相似文献
Neeraj Misra 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2018,47(19):4724-4740
In this paper, we consider a unified approach to stochastic comparisons of random vectors corresponding to two general multivariate mixture models. These stochastic comparisons are made with respect to multivariate hazard rate, reversed hazard rate and likelihood ratio orders. As an application, results are presented for stochastic comparisons of generalized multivariate frailty models. 相似文献
Suppose that we have two components, each having a two-parameter exponential distribution. Suppose further that these components are conditionally independent, sharing a common random hazard rate and possessing unequal, fixed, unknown location parameters. We develop estimators for the minimum and maximum of these location parameters when the random hazard rate has an inverse Gaussian distribution. Performance comparisons are made among the proposed estimators. Maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be inadmissible. 相似文献
Summary This paper looks at a new approach to the problem of finding the maximal tolerated dose (or optimal dose, Eichhorn and Zacks,
1973) of certain drugs which in addition to their therapeutic effects have secondary harmful effects.
The problem is investigated in a sequential setting from a Bayesian predictive approach. Search procedures are proposed for
parametric and nonparametric models. 相似文献
Non-proportional hazards (NPH) have been observed in many immuno-oncology clinical trials. Weighted log-rank tests (WLRT) with suitable weights can be used to improve the power of detecting the difference between survival curves in the presence of NPH. However, it is not easy to choose a proper WLRT in practice. A versatile max-combo test was proposed to achieve the balance of robustness and efficiency, and has received increasing attention recently. Survival trials often warrant interim analyses due to their high cost and long durations. The integration and implementation of max-combo tests in interim analyses often require extensive simulation studies. In this report, we propose a simulation-free approach for group sequential designs with the max-combo test in survival trials. The simulation results support that the proposed method can successfully control the type I error rate and offer excellent accuracy and flexibility in estimating sample sizes, with light computation burden. Notably, our method displays strong robustness towards various model misspecifications and has been implemented in an R package. 相似文献
Age and block replacement policies are commonly used in order to reduce the number of in-service failures when the systems
are functioning indefinitely. In reliability theory, the lifetime of a system can be modeled by means of the NBUC aging class
that is characterized throughout comparisons of the residual lives in the sense of the icx order. The purpose of this paper
is to establish stochastic comparisons between the age (block) replacement policy and a renewal process with no planned replacements
when the lifetime of the unit is NBUC.
Supported by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología under grant BFM2000-0362 相似文献
M.C. Wang 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(2):405-427
A multinomial classification rule is proposed based on a prior-valued smoothing for the state probabilities. Asymptotically, the proposed rule has an error rate that converges uniformly and strongly to that of the Bayes rule. For a fixed sample size the prior-valued smoothing is effective in obtaining reason¬able classifications to the situations such as missing data. Empirically, the proposed rule is compared favorably with other commonly used multinomial classification rules via Monte Carlo sampling experiments 相似文献
The purpose of this note is to give a correct proof of a result in Rojo (1987). Let 2 be the mean of a random sample of size n from a normal 2 distribution with unknown mean 0 and known variance o . Following earlier work by Zellner (1986), Rojo (1987) considered the admissibility of the linear estimator c; + d relative to Variants (1975) asymmetric LINEX loss function 相似文献
Finkelstein MS 《Lifetime data analysis》2003,9(1):93-109
A probabilistic model of aging is considered. It is based on the assumption that a random resource, a stochastic process of aging (wear) and the corresponding anti-aging process are embedded at birth. A death occurs when the accumulated wear exceeds the initial random resource. It is assumed that the anti-aging process decreases wear in each increment. The impact of environment (lifestyle) is also taken into account. The corresponding relations for the observed and the conditional hazard rate (force of mortality) are obtained. Similar to some demographic models, the deceleration of mortality phenomenon is explained via the concept of frailty. Simple examples are considered. 相似文献
In the present paper, an estimator of the shape parameter of the Pareto failure model is presented using grouped data. This estimator is based on obtaining the parameter in terms of the hazard rate, then replacing the unknown hazard rate by a grouped data estimator available in the literature. Death records are given as a numerical illustration in the medical context. The relation between the hazard rate and the income elasticity is derived. This relation allows the presentation of the same estimator in terms of the income elasticity so that it could be used in an economic context. Two illustrations are presented using income data. Simulated data are generated to compare the estimator with the maximum likelihood estimator. 相似文献
Jeffrey S. Rosenthal 《Statistics and Computing》1996,6(3):269-275
We analyse a hierarchical Bayes model which is related to the usual empirical Bayes formulation of James-Stein estimators. We consider running a Gibbs sampler on this model. Using previous results about convergence rates of Markov chains, we provide rigorous, numerical, reasonable bounds on the running time of the Gibbs sampler, for a suitable range of prior distributions. We apply these results to baseball data from Efron and Morris (1975). For a different range of prior distributions, we prove that the Gibbs sampler will fail to converge, and use this information to prove that in this case the associated posterior distribution is non-normalizable. 相似文献
Gleici Castro Perdoná 《Journal of applied statistics》2011,38(7):1395-1405
Historically, the cure rate model has been used for modeling time-to-event data within which a significant proportion of patients are assumed to be cured of illnesses, including breast cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, prostate cancer, melanoma, and head and neck cancer. Perhaps the most popular type of cure rate model is the mixture model introduced by Berkson and Gage [1]. In this model, it is assumed that a certain proportion of the patients are cured, in the sense that they do not present the event of interest during a long period of time and can found to be immune to the cause of failure under study. In this paper, we propose a general hazard model which accommodates comprehensive families of cure rate models as particular cases, including the model proposed by Berkson and Gage. The maximum-likelihood-estimation procedure is discussed. A simulation study analyzes the coverage probabilities of the asymptotic confidence intervals for the parameters. A real data set on children exposed to HIV by vertical transmission illustrates the methodology. 相似文献
Qian Chen 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(21):3903-3916
We derive saddlepoint approximations for the distribution and density functions of the half-life estimated by OLS from autoregressive time-series models. Our results are used to prove that none of the integer-order moments of these half-life estimators exist. This provides an explanation for the very large estimates of persistency, and the extremely wide confidence intervals, that have been reported by various authors, i.e., in the empirical economics literature relating to purchasing power parity. 相似文献