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This paper extends the ordinary quasi‐symmetry (QS) model for square contingency tables with commensurable classification variables. The proposed generalised QS model is defined in terms of odds ratios that apply to ordinal variables. In particular, we present QS models based on global, cumulative and continuation odds ratios and discuss their properties. Finally, the conditional generalised QS model is introduced for local and global odds ratios. These models are illustrated through the analysis of two data sets.  相似文献   

Cell counts in contingency tables can be smoothed using loglinear models. Recently, sampling-based methods such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) have been introduced, making it possible to sample from posterior distributions. The novelty of the approach presented here is that all conditional distributions can be specified directly, so that straight-forward Gibbs sampling is possible. Thus, the model is constructed in a way that makes burn-in and checking convergence a relatively minor issue. The emphasis of this paper is on smoothing cell counts in contingency tables, and not so much on estimation of regression parameters. Therefore, the prior distribution consists of two stages. We rely on a normal nonconjugate prior at the first stage, and a vague prior for hyperparameters at the second stage. The smoothed counts tend to compromise between the observed data and a log-linear model. The methods are demonstrated with a sparse data table taken from a multi-center clinical trial. The research for the first author was supported by Brain Pool program of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies. The research for the second author was partially supported by KOSEF through Statistical Research Center for Complex Systems at Seoul National University.  相似文献   

Five tests of homogeneity for a 2x(k+l) contingency table are compared using Monte Carlo techniques. For these studiesit is assumed that k becomes large in such a way that thecontingency table is sparse for 2xk of the cells, but the sample size in two of the cells remains large. The test statistics studied are: the chi-square approximation to the Pearson test statistic, the chi-square approximation to the likelihood ratio statistic, the normal approximation to Zelterman's (1984)the normal approximation to Pearson's chi-square, and the normal approximation to the likelihood ratio statistic. For the range of parameters studied the chi-square approximation to Pearson's statistic performs consistently well with regard to its size and power.  相似文献   

This paper extends an analysis of variance for categorical data (CATANOVA) procedure to multidimensional contingency tables involving several factors and a response variable measured on a nominal scale. Using an appropriate measure of total variation for multinomial data, partial and multiple association measures are developed as R2 quantities which parallel the analogous statistics in multiple linear regression for quantitative data. In addition, test statistics are derived in terms of these R2 criteria. Finally, this CATANOVA approach is illustrated within the context of 2 three-way contingency table from a multicenter clinicaltrial.  相似文献   

This paper introduces two estimators, a boundary corrected minimum variance kernel estimator based on a uniform kernel and a discrete frequency polygon estimator, for the cell probabilities of ordinal contingency tables. Simulation results show that the minimum variance boundary kernel estimator has a smaller average sum of squared error than the existing boundary kernel estimators. The discrete frequency polygon estimator is simple and easy to interpret, and it is competitive with the minimum variance boundary kernel estimator. It is proved that both estimators have an optimal rate of convergence in terms of mean sum of squared error, The estimators are also defined for high-dimensional tables.  相似文献   

For high-dimensional data, it is a tedious task to determine anomalies such as outliers. We present a novel outlier detection method for high-dimensional contingency tables. We use the class of decomposable graphical models to model the relationship among the variables of interest, which can be depicted by an undirected graph called the interaction graph. Given an interaction graph, we derive a closed-form expression of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic and an exact distribution for efficient simulation of the test statistic. An observation is declared an outlier if it deviates significantly from the approximated distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. We demonstrate the use of the LRT outlier detection framework on genetic data modeled by Chow–Liu trees.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a simulation and graphics-based model checking and model comparison methodology for the Bayesian analysis of contingency tables. We illustrate the approach by testing the hypotheses of independence and symmetry on complete and incomplete simulated tables.  相似文献   

Testing conditional symmetry against various alternative diagonals-parameter symmetry models often provides a point of departure in studies of square contingency tables with ordered categories. Typically, chi-square or likelihood-ratio tests are used for such purposes. Since these tests depend on the validity of asymptotic approximation, they may be inappropriate in small-sample situations where exact tests are required. In this paper, we apply the theory of UMP unbiased tests to develop a class of exact tests for conditional symmetry in small samples. Oesophageal cancer and longitudinal income data are used to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

The correspondence analysis (CA) method appears to be an effective tool for analysis of interrelations between rows and columns in two-way contingency data. A discrete version of the method, box clustering, is developed in the paper using an approximation version of the CA model extended to the case when CA factor values are required to be Boolean. Several properties of the proposed SEFIT-BOX algorithm are proved to facilitate interpretation of its output. It is also shown that two known partitioning algorithms (applied within row or column sets only) could be considered as locally optimal algorithms for fitting the model, and extensions of these algorithms to a simultaneous row and column partitioning problem are proposed.  相似文献   

Testing for the difference in the strength of bivariate association in two independent contingency tables is an important issue that finds applications in various disciplines. Currently, many of the commonly used tests are based on single-index measures of association. More specifically, one obtains single-index measurements of association from two tables and compares them based on asymptotic theory. Although they are usually easy to understand and use, often much of the information contained in the data is lost with single-index measures. Accordingly, they fail to fully capture the association in the data. To remedy this shortcoming, we introduce a new summary statistic measuring various types of association in a contingency table. Based on this new summary statistic, we propose a likelihood ratio test comparing the strength of association in two independent contingency tables. The proposed test examines the stochastic order between summary statistics. We derive its asymptotic null distribution and demonstrate that the least favorable distributions are chi-bar distributions. We numerically compare the power of the proposed test to that of the tests based on single-index measures. Finally, we provide two examples illustrating the new summary statistics and the related tests.  相似文献   

Summary.  We propose an approach for assessing the risk of individual identification in the release of categorical data. This requires the accurate calculation of predictive probabilities for those cells in a contingency table which have small sample frequencies, making the problem somewhat different from usual contingency table estimation, where interest is generally focused on regions of high probability. Our approach is Bayesian and provides posterior predictive probabilities of identification risk. By incorporating model uncertainty in our analysis, we can provide more realistic estimates of disclosure risk for individual cell counts than are provided by methods which ignore the multivariate structure of the data set.  相似文献   

Methods are developed for analyzing contingency tables which have ordered categoriesa priori. A correspondence analysis is extended to incorporate this a priori ordering. An exact represention is obtained when differences in the scores of the categories are known.  相似文献   

A bibliography is given containing about 60 recent (chiefly post-1968) items on the validity of the chi-squared test for categorical data when the expected frequencies are small.  相似文献   

In this article, a Bayesian approach is proposed for the estimation of log odds ratios and intraclass correlations over a two-way contingency table, including intraclass correlated cells. Required likelihood functions of log odds ratios are obtained, and determination of prior structures is discussed. Hypothesis testing for log odds ratios and intraclass correlations by using the posterior simulations is outlined. Because the proposed approach includes no asymptotic theory, it is useful for the estimation and hypothesis testing of log odds ratios in the presence of certain intraclass correlation patterns. A family health status and limitations data set is analyzed by using the proposed approach in order to figure out the impact of intraclass correlations on the estimates and hypothesis tests of log odds ratios. Although intraclass correlations are small in the data set, we obtain that even small intraclass correlations can significantly affect the estimates and test results, and our approach is useful for the estimation and testing of log odds ratios in the presence of intraclass correlations.  相似文献   

In this article, multivariate extensions of the combination-based test statistics for the comparison of several treatments in the multivariate Randomized Complete Block designs are introduced in case of categorical response variables. Several tests for the multivariate Randomized Complete Block designs, including MANOVA procedure, are compared with the method proposed via a Monte Carlo simulation study. The method has also been applied to a real case study in the field of sensorial testing studies. Results suggest that in each experimental situation where normality of the supposed underlying continuous model is hard to justify and especially when errors have heavy-tailed distributions, the proposed nonparametric procedure can be considered as a valid solution.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo exact conditional test of quasi-independence in two-way incomplete contingency tables is proposed. The null distribution of a random table under quasiindependence is derived. This distribution depends only on the counts in the cells of interest and not on the counts in the remaining cells. This result is used to improve the efficiency of a proposed simulate-and-reject Monte Carlo procedure for estimating the attained significance level.  相似文献   

Measures of association are often used to describe the relationship between row and column variables in two—dimensional contingency tables. It is not uncommon in biomedical research to categorize continuous variables to obtain a two—dimensional table. In these situations it is desirable that the measure of association not be too sensitive to changes in the number of categories or to the choice of cut points. To accomplish this objective we attempt to find a measure of association that closely approximates the corresponding measure of association for the underlying distribution.Measures that are close to the underlying measure for various table sizes andcutpoints are called stable measures.  相似文献   

When an I×J contingency table has many cells having very small frequencies, the usual chi-square approximation to the upper tail of the likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit statistic, G2 and Pearson chi-square statistic, X2, for testing independence, are not satisfactory. In this paper we consider the problem of adjusting G2 and X2. Suitable adjustments are suggested on the basis of analytical investigation of asymptotic bias terms for G2 and X2. A Monte Carlo simulation is performed for several tables to assess the adjustments of G2 and X2 in order to obtain a closer approximation to the nominal level of significance.  相似文献   

In 1935, R.A. Fisher published his well-known “exact” test for 2x2 contingency tables. This test is based on the conditional distribution of a cell entry when the rows and columns marginal totals are held fixed. Tocher (1950) and Lehmann (1959) showed that Fisher s test, when supplemented by randomization, is uniformly most powerful among all the unbiased tests UMPU). However, since all the practical tests for 2x2 tables are nonrandomized - and therefore biased the UMPU test is not necessarily more powerful than other tests of the same or lower size. Inthis work, the two-sided Fisher exact test and the UMPU test are compared with six nonrandomized unconditional exact tests with respect to their power. In both the two-binomial and double dichotomy models, the UMPU test is often less powerful than some of the unconditional tests of the same (or even lower) size. Thus, the assertion that the Tocher-Lehmann modification of Fisher's conditional test is the optimal test for 2x2 tables is unjustified.  相似文献   

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