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This paper deals with improved estimation of a gamma shape parameter from a decision-theoretic point of view. First we study the second-order properties of three estimators – (i) the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE), (ii) a bias corrected version of the MLE, and (iii) an improved version (in terms of mean squared error) of the MLE. It is shown that all the three estimators mentioned above are second-order inadmissible. Next, we obtain superior estimators which are second order better than the above three estimators. Simulation results are provided to study the relative risk improvement of each improved estimator over the MLE. 相似文献
Goodness-of-fit tests for the family of the four-parameter normal–variance gamma distribution are constructed. The tests are based on a weighted integral incorporating the empirical characteristic function of suitably standardized data. Non-standard algorithms are employed for the computation of the maximum-likelihood estimators of the parameters involved in the test statistic, while Monte Carlo results are used in order to compare the new test with some classical goodness-of-fit methods. A real-data application is also included. 相似文献
For the first time, a new five-parameter distribution, called the beta generalized gamma distribution, is introduced and studied. It contains at least 25 special sub-models such as the beta gamma, beta Weibull, beta exponential, generalized gamma (GG), Weibull and gamma distributions and thus could be a better model for analysing positive skewed data. The new density function can be expressed as a linear combination of GG densities. We derive explicit expressions for moments, generating function and other statistical measures. The elements of the expected information matrix are provided. The usefulness of the new model is illustrated by means of a real data set. 相似文献
The average likelihood, defined as the integral of the like-lihood function over the parameter space, has been used as a criterion for model selection The form of the average likelihood considered uses a uniform prior. An approximation is presented based on fiducial distributions. The sampling distributions of the average likelihood and its fiducial approximation are derived for cases of sampling from one parameter members of the general-ized gamma distributions. 相似文献
Saralees Nadarajah 《Statistics》2013,47(1):77-94
Three new generalizations of the standard gamma distribution introduced by the author are reviewed. Various properties are derived for each distribution, including its hazard rate function and moments. An application is illustrated to drought data. 相似文献
F. Castellares L. C. Montenegro G. M. Cordeiro 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2013,83(2):203-228
For the first time, we introduce the beta log-normal (LN) distribution for which the LN distribution is a special case. Various properties of the new distribution are discussed. Expansions for the cumulative distribution and density functions that do not involve complicated functions are derived. We obtain expressions for its moments and for the moments of order statistics. The estimation of parameters is approached by the method of maximum likelihood, and the expected information matrix is derived. The new model is quite flexible in analysing positive data as an important alternative to the gamma, Weibull, generalized exponential, beta exponential, and Birnbaum–Saunders distributions. The flexibility of the new distribution is illustrated in an application to a real data set. 相似文献
The interval-censored survival data appear very frequently, where the event of interest is not observed exactly but it is only known to occur within some time interval. In this paper, we propose a location-scale regression model based on the log-generalized gamma distribution for modelling interval-censored data. We shall be concerned only with parametric forms. The proposed model for interval-censored data represents a parametric family of models that has, as special submodels, other regression models which are broadly used in lifetime data analysis. Assuming interval-censored data, we consider a frequentist analysis, a Jackknife estimator and a non-parametric bootstrap for the model parameters. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes and present some techniques to perform global influence. 相似文献
M.E. Ghitany 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(1):223-233
In this paper, we investigate a generalized gamma distribution recentIy developed by Agarwal and Kalla (1996). Also, we show that such generalized distribution, like the ordinary gamma distribution, has a unique mode and, unlike the ordinary gamma distribution, may have a hazard rate (mean residual life) function which is upside-down bathtub (bathtub) shaped. 相似文献
Constance Van Eeden 《Revue canadienne de statistique》1995,23(3):245-256
Let X have a gamma distribution with known shape parameter θr;aL and unknown scale parameter θ. Suppose it is known that θ ≥ a for some known a > 0. An admissible minimax estimator for scale-invariant squared-error loss is presented. This estimator is the pointwise limit of a sequence of Bayes estimators. Further, the class of truncated linear estimators C = {θρ|θρ(x) = max(a, ρ), ρ > 0} is studied. It is shown that each θρ is inadmissible and that exactly one of them is minimax. Finally, it is shown that Katz's [Ann. Math. Statist., 32, 136–142 (1961)] estimator of θ is not minimax for our loss function. Some further properties of and comparisons among these estimators are also presented. 相似文献
M. E. Mead 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(7):1426-1435
In this article, we introduce a new reliability model of inverse gamma distribution referred to as the generalized inverse gamma distribution (GIG). A generalization of inverse gamma distribution is defined based on the exact form of generalized gamma function of Kobayashi (1991). This function is useful in many problems of diffraction theory and corrosion problems in new machines. The new distribution has a number of lifetime special sub-models. For this model, some of its statistical properties are studied. The method of maximum likelihood is used for estimating the model parameters and the observed information matrix is derived. We also demonstrate the usefulness of this distribution on a real data set. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(12):1993-2002
Inference concerning the negative binomial dispersion parameter, denoted by c, is important in many biological and biomedical investigations. Properties of the maximum-likelihood estimator of c and its bias-corrected version have been studied extensively, mainly, in terms of bias and efficiency [W.W. Piegorsch, Maximum likelihood estimation for the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 46 (1990), pp. 863–867; S.J. Clark and J.N. Perry, Estimation of the negative binomial parameter κ by maximum quasi-likelihood, Biometrics 45 (1989), pp. 309–316; K.K. Saha and S.R. Paul, Bias corrected maximum likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 61 (2005), pp. 179–185]. However, not much work has been done on the construction of confidence intervals (C.I.s) for c. The purpose of this paper is to study the behaviour of some C.I. procedures for c. We study, by simulations, three Wald type C.I. procedures based on the asymptotic distribution of the method of moments estimate (mme), the maximum-likelihood estimate (mle) and the bias-corrected mle (bcmle) [K.K. Saha and S.R. Paul, Bias corrected maximum likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 61 (2005), pp. 179–185] of c. All three methods show serious under-coverage. We further study parametric bootstrap procedures based on these estimates of c, which significantly improve the coverage probabilities. The bootstrap C.I.s based on the mle (Boot-MLE method) and the bcmle (Boot-BCM method) have coverages that are significantly better (empirical coverage close to the nominal coverage) than the corresponding bootstrap C.I. based on the mme, especially for small sample size and highly over-dispersed data. However, simulation results on lengths of the C.I.s show evidence that all three bootstrap procedures have larger average coverage lengths. Therefore, for practical data analysis, the bootstrap C.I. Boot-MLE or Boot-BCM should be used, although Boot-MLE method seems to be preferable over the Boot-BCM method in terms of both coverage and length. Furthermore, Boot-MLE needs less computation than Boot-BCM. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(9):1099-1109
The aim of the paper is to study the pooled estimator of the shape parameter of the three parameter gamma distribution when k independent samples are available. Sufficient conditions for the existence of the pooled estimator are given and the small as well as the large sample properties are studied. The harmonic mean of the k estimators of the independent samples is proposed in the place of the pooled estimator, in the case in which the latter does not exist. 相似文献
Ayman M. Abd-Elrahman 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2017,46(18):8865-8880
In this paper, we introduce a generalization of the Bilal distribution, where a new two-parameter distribution is presented. We show that its failure rate function can be upside-down bathtub shaped. The failure rate can also be decreasing or increasing. A comprehensive mathematical treatment of the new distribution is provided. The estimation by maximum likelihood is discussed, and a closed-form expression for Fisher’s information matrix is obtained. Asymptotic interval estimators for both of the two unknown parameters are also given. A simulation study is conducted and applications to real data sets are presented. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(12):1971-1982
We develop nearly unbiased estimators for the Kumaraswamy distribution proposed by Kumaraswamy [Generalized probability density-function for double-bounded random-processes, J. Hydrol. 46 (1980), pp. 79–88], which has considerable attention in hydrology and related areas. We derive modified maximum-likelihood estimators that are bias-free to second order. As an alternative to the analytically bias-corrected estimators discussed, we consider a bias correction mechanism based on the parametric bootstrap. We conduct Monte Carlo simulations in order to investigate the performance of the corrected estimators. The numerical results show that the bias correction scheme yields nearly unbiased estimates. 相似文献
Russell F. Kappenman 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(10):2365-2377
Results from the theory of uniformly most powerful invariant tests are used to develop a new parameter estimation procedure. The procedure is used to derive parameter estimators for several important distributions. Results of simulation studies comparing the performances of the new estimators and maximum likelihood estimators are presented. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(2):248-263
A new four-parameter distribution is introduced. It appears to be a distribution allowing for and only allowing for monotonically increasing, bathtub-shaped and upside down bathtub-shaped hazard rates. It contains as particular cases many of the known lifetime distributions. Some mathematical properties of the new distribution, including estimation procedures by the method of maximum likelihood are derived. Some simulations are run to assess the performance of the maximum-likelihood estimators. Finally, the flexibility of the new distribution is illustrated using a real data set. 相似文献
Andrew M. Raim Matthias K. Gobbert Nagaraj K. Neerchal Jorge G. Morel 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2013,83(12):2178-2194
Numerical methods are needed to obtain maximum-likelihood estimates (MLEs) in many problems. Computation time can be an issue for some likelihoods even with modern computing power. We consider one such problem where the assumed model is a random-clumped multinomial distribution. We compute MLEs for this model in parallel using the Toolkit for Advanced Optimization software library. The computations are performed on a distributed-memory cluster with low latency interconnect. We demonstrate that for larger problems, scaling the number of processes improves wall clock time significantly. An illustrative example shows how parallel MLE computation can be useful in a large data analysis. Our experience with a direct numerical approach indicates that more substantial gains may be obtained by making use of the specific structure of the random-clumped model. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(3-4):121-133
An exploratory model analysis device we call CDF knotting is introduced. It is a technique we have found useful for exploring relationships between points in the parameter space of a model and global properties of associated distribution functions. It can be used to alert the model builder to a condition we call lack of distinguishability which is to nonlinear models what multicollinearity is to linear models. While there are simple remedial actions to deal with multicollinearity in linear models, techniques such as deleting redundant variables in those models do not have obvious parallels for nonlinear models. In some of these nonlinear situations, however, CDF knotting may lead to alternative models with fewer parameters whose distribution functions are very similar to those of the original overparameterized model. We also show how CDF knotting can be exploited as a mathematical tool for deriving limiting distributions and illustrate the technique for the 3-parameterWeibull family obtaining limiting forms and moment ratios which correct and extend previously published results. Finally, geometric insights obtained by CDF knotting are verified relative to data fitting and estimation. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(8):1169-1189
For the first time, we introduce a generalized form of the exponentiated generalized gamma distribution [Cordeiro et al. The exponentiated generalized gamma distribution with application to lifetime data, J. Statist. Comput. Simul. 81 (2011), pp. 827–842.] that is the baseline for the log-exponentiated generalized gamma regression model. The new distribution can accommodate increasing, decreasing, bathtub- and unimodal-shaped hazard functions. A second advantage is that it includes classical distributions reported in the lifetime literature as special cases. We obtain explicit expressions for the moments of the baseline distribution of the new regression model. The proposed model can be applied to censored data since it includes as sub-models several widely known regression models. It therefore can be used more effectively in the analysis of survival data. We obtain maximum likelihood estimates for the model parameters by considering censored data. We show that our extended regression model is very useful by means of two applications to real data. 相似文献
The expressions for moments of order statistics from the generalized gamma distribution are derived. Coefficients to get the BLUEs of location and scale parameters in the generalized gamma distribution are computed. Some simple alternative linear unbiased estimates of location and scale parameters are also proposed and their relative efficiencies compared to the BLUEs are studied. 相似文献