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The paper elicits subjectively the Dirichlet prior hyperparameters based on the realistic opinion collected from the experts. The procedure used for subjective elicitation considers several stages such as the choice of experts, formation of some relevant questions to be asked to the experts for getting their opinion, pooling of opinion, quantification of information and then the formation of exact prior distribution through quantile assessment based on an iterative procedure. The resulting prior distribution is used to provide the Bayes analysis assuming multinomial sampling plan. The results are illustrated by means of a data set involving two life style factors of gallbladder carcinoma patients. The results convey the message that matches closely with the opinion given by the medical experts.  相似文献   

For sampling from a normal population with unknown mean, two families of prior densities for the mean are discussed. The corresponding posterior densities are found. A data analyst may choose a prior from these families to represent prior beliefs and then compute the corresponding Bayes estimator, using the techniques discussed.  相似文献   

The article presents careful comparisons among several empirical Bayes estimates to the precision parameter of Dirichlet process prior, with the setup of univariate observations and multigroup data. Specifically, the data are equipped with a two-stage compound sampling model, where the prior is assumed as a Dirichlet process that follows within a Bayesian nonparametric framework. The precision parameter α measures the strength of the prior belief and kinds of estimates are generated on the basis of observations, including the naive estimate, two calibrated naive estimates, and two different types of maximum likelihood estimates stemming from distinct distributions. We explore some theoretical properties and provide explicitly detailed comparisons among these estimates, in the perspectives of bias, variance, and mean squared error. Besides, we further present the corresponding calculation algorithms and numerical simulations to illustrate our theoretical achievements.  相似文献   

Parametric estimation of the number of classes in a population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper deals with the well-studied problem of how best to estimate the number of mutually exclusive and exhaustive classes in a population, based on a sample from it. Haas & Stokes review and provide non-parametric approaches, but there are associated difficulties especially for small sampling fractions and/or widely varying population class sizes. Sichel provided 'GIGP' methodology, for this problem and for other purposes; this paper utilizes the three-parameter GIGP distribution for this problem, and also for the estimation of the number of classes of size 1, as an alternative to the non-parametric approaches. Methodological and computational issues are considered, and examples indicate the potential for GIGP.  相似文献   

Two results on the unimodality of the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution are proved, and a further result is alos proved on the identifiability of mixtures of multinomial distributions. These properties are used in developing a method for eliciting a Dirchlet prior distribution. The elicitation method is based on the mode, and region around the mode, of the Dirichlet-multinomial predictive distribution.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on estimating the number of species and the number of abundant species in a specific geographic region and, consequently, draw inferences on the number of rare species. The word 'species' is generic referring to any objects in a population that can be categorized. In the areas of biology, ecology, literature, etc, the species frequency distributions are usually severely skewed, in which case the population contains a few very abundant species and many rare ones. To model a such situation, we develop an asymmetric multinomial-Dirichlet probability model using species frequency data. Posterior distributions on the number of species and the number of abundant species are obtained and posterior inferences are induced using MCMC simulations. Simulations are used to demonstrate and evaluate the developed methodology. We apply the method to a DNA segment data set and a butterfly data set. Comparisons among different approaches to inferring the number of species are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The posterior distribution, Bayes estimator and risk are studied for the mean of a normal population (known variance) with respect to a moderately noimormal prior distribution. Extensive numerical work has suggested limiting behaviour of the derived results with respect to the sample size and precision of the prior distribution.  相似文献   

Under stratified random sampling, we develop a kth-order bootstrap bias-corrected estimator of the number of classes θ which exist in a study region. This research extends Smith and van Belle’s (1984) first-order bootstrap bias-corrected estimator under simple random sampling. Our estimator has applicability for many settings including: estimating the number of animals when there are stratified capture periods, estimating the number of species based on stratified random sampling of subunits (say, quadrats) from the region, and estimating the number of errors/defects in a product based on observations from two or more types of inspectors. When the differences between the strata are large, utilizing stratified random sampling and our estimator often results in superior performance versus the use of simple random sampling and its bootstrap or jackknife [Burnham and Overton (1978)] estimator. The superior performance is often associated with more observed classes, and we provide insights into optimal designation of the strata and optimal allocation of sample sectors to strata.  相似文献   

In some observational studies, we have random censoring model. However, the data available may be partially observable censored data consisting of the observed failure times and only those nonfailure times which are subject to follow-up. Suzuki (1985) discussed the problem of nonparametric estimation of the survival function from such partially observable censored data. In this article, we derive a nonparametric Bayes estimator of the survival function for such data of failures and follow-ups under a Dirichlet process prior and squared error loss. The limiting properties such as the mean square consistency, weak convergence and strong consistency of the Bayes estimator are studied. Finally, the procedures developed are illustrated by means of an example.  相似文献   

For a population with an unknown number M of equally likely classes, an estimator for M from random samples is given. The results are applied to the problem of determining the total amount of coinage in past civilizations.  相似文献   

For the characteristic values T1 of the matrix V:=Diag(p)-ppT with p=(p1,...,pk), p1≥p2≥...≥pk≥pk+1>0 and p1+p2+...+pk+pk+1=1 the inequalities p1≥τ1≥p2≥τ2≥...≥pk≥τk>0 are given by RONNING (1982). These inequalities give, if p and pk+1 are unknown, the upper bound 1≥T1. However, in this note the bound 1/2≥T1 is derived. V is proportional to the covariance matrix for multinomial, Dirichlet and multivariate hypergeometric distributions. A statistical application for the multinomial distribution is given.  相似文献   

Let X, Y and Z be independent random variables with common unknown distribution F. Using the Dirichlet process prior for F and squared erro loss function, the Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators of the parameters λ(F). the probability that Z > X + Y, are derived. The limiting Bayes estimator of λ(F) under some conditions on the parameter of the process is shown to be asymptotically normal. The aysmptotic optimality of the empirical Bayes estimator of λ(F) is established. When X, Y and Z have support on the positive real line, these results are derived for randomly right censored data. This problem relates to testing whether than used discussed by Hollander and Proshcan (1972) and Chen, Hollander and Langberg (1983).  相似文献   

In this paper we have considered the problem of finding admissible estimates for a fairly general class of parametric functions in the so called “non-regular” type of densities Following Karlin s (1958) technique, we have established the ad-missibility of generalized Bayes estimates and Pitman estimates. Some examples are discussed.  相似文献   

The author is concerned with log‐linear estimators of the size N of a population in a capture‐recapture experiment featuring heterogeneity in the individual capture probabilities and a time effect. He also considers models where the first capture influences the probability of subsequent captures. He derives several results from a new inequality associated with a dispersive ordering for discrete random variables. He shows that in a log‐linear model with inter‐individual heterogeneity, the estimator N is an increasing function of the heterogeneity parameter. He also shows that the inclusion of a time effect in the capture probabilities decreases N in models without heterogeneity. He further argues that a model featuring heterogeneity can accommodate a time effect through a small change in the heterogeneity parameter. He demonstrates these results using an inequality for the estimators of the heterogeneity parameters and illustrates them in a Monte Carlo experiment  相似文献   

The nonparametric Bayesian approach for inference regarding the unknown distribution of a random sample customarily assumes that this distribution is random and arises through Dirichlet-process mixing. Previous work within this setting has focused on the mean of the posterior distribution of this random distribution, which is the predictive distribution of a future observation given the sample. Our interest here is in learning about other features of this posterior distribution as well as about posteriors associated with functionals of the distribution of the data. We indicate how to do this in the case of linear functionals. An illustration, with a sample from a Gamma distribution, utilizes Dirichlet-process mixtures of normals to recover this distribution and its features.  相似文献   

The problem of determining the number of variables to be included in the linear regression model is considered under the assumption that the dependent and independent variables have a joint normal distribution. It is shown that for a given sample size n there exists an optimal number k0 (0 ≤ k0 < n-2) of variables among all independent variables in the model, such that the expectation of the mean squared error corresponding to the prediction equation with k0 variables is minimal.Application of this result to ustepwise procedures is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides a partial solution to a problem posed by J. Neyman (1965) regarding the characterization of multivariate negative binomial distribution based on the properties of regression. It is shown that some of the properties of regression characterize the form of the nonsingular dispersion matrix of the parent distribution, which, interestingly enough, corresponds to only two types viz. those of positive and negative multivariate binomial distributions.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new method to estimate the spectral distribution of a population covariance matrix from high-dimensional data. The method is founded on a meaningful generalization of the seminal Mar?enko–Pastur equation, originally defined in the complex plane, to the real line. Beyond its easy implementation and the established asymptotic consistency, the new estimator outperforms two existing estimators from the literature in almost all the situations tested in a simulation experiment. An application to the analysis of the correlation matrix of S&P 500 daily stock returns is also given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest a least squares procedure for the determination of the number of upper outliers in an exponential sample by minimizing sample mean squared error. Moreover, the method can reduce the masking or “swamping” effects. In addition, we have also found that the least squares procedure is easy and simple to compute than test test procedure T k suggested by Zhang (1998) for determining the number of upper outliers, since Zhang (1998) need to use the complicated null distribution of T k . Moreover, we give three practical examples and a simulated example to illustrate the procedures. Further, simulation studies are given to show the advantages of the proposed method. Finally, the proposed least squares procedure can also determine the number of upper outliers in other continuous univariate distributions (for example, Pareto, Gumbel, Weibull, etc.). Received: May 10, 1999; revised version: June 5, 2000  相似文献   

We consider the competing-risks problem without making any assumption concerning the independence of the risks. Maximum-likelihood estimates of the cause-specific hazard rates are obtained under the condition that their ratio is monotone. We also consider the likelihood-ratio test for testing the proportionality of two cause-specific hazard rates against the alternative that the ratio of these two hazard rates is monotonic. This testing problem is equivalent to testing independence against likelihood-ratio dependence of the time to failure and the cause of failure in the competing-risks setup. We allow for random censoring on the right. The asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic is obtained and is found to be of the chi-bar-square type. The problem is extended to the case of more than two risks. A numerical example is given to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   

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