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The Studentized maximum root (SMR) distribution is useful for constructing simultaneous confidence intervals around product interaction contrasts in replicated two-way ANOVA. A three-moment approximation to the SMR distribution is proposed. The approximation requires the first three moments of the maximum root of a central Wishart matrix. These values are obtained by means of numerical integration. The accuracy of the approximation is compared to the accuracy of a two-moment approximation for selected two-way table sizes. Both approximations are reasonably accurate. The three-moment approximation is generally superior.  相似文献   

The test of variance components of possibly correlated random effects in generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) can be used to examine if there exists heterogeneous effects. The Bayesian test with Bayes factors offers a flexible method. In this article, we focus on the performance of Bayesian tests under three reference priors and a conjugate prior: an approximate uniform shrinkage prior, modified approximate Jeffreys' prior, half-normal unit information prior and Wishart prior. To compute Bayes factors, we propose a hybrid approximation approach combining a simulated version of Laplace's method and importance sampling techniques to test the variance components in GLMMs.  相似文献   

Some new algebra on pattern and transition matrices is used to determine the degrees of freedom and the parameter matrix, if the distribution of a linear sum of Wishart matrices is approximated by a single Wishart distribution. This approximation is then used to find a solution to the multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem similar to the Welch (1947) solution in the univariate case.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of testing the means of k multivariate normal populations with additional data from an unknown subset of the k populations. The purpose of this research is to offer test procedures utilizing all the available data for the multivariate analysis of variance problem because the additional data may contain valuable information about the parameters of the k populations. The standard procedure uses only the data from identified populations. We provide a test using all available data based upon Hotelling' s generalized T2statistic. The power of this test is computed using Betz's approximation of Hotelling' s generalized T2statistic by an F-distribution. A comparison of the power of the test and the standard test procedure is also given.  相似文献   

Five tests of homogeneity for a 2x(k+l) contingency table are compared using Monte Carlo techniques. For these studiesit is assumed that k becomes large in such a way that thecontingency table is sparse for 2xk of the cells, but the sample size in two of the cells remains large. The test statistics studied are: the chi-square approximation to the Pearson test statistic, the chi-square approximation to the likelihood ratio statistic, the normal approximation to Zelterman's (1984)the normal approximation to Pearson's chi-square, and the normal approximation to the likelihood ratio statistic. For the range of parameters studied the chi-square approximation to Pearson's statistic performs consistently well with regard to its size and power.  相似文献   

As the sample size increases, the coefficient of skewness of the Fisher's transformation, z = (1/2) log ((l+r)/(l-r)), of the correlation coefficient decreases much more rapidly than the excess of its kurtosis. Hence, the usual normal approximation for its distribution can be improved by adjusting for the excess of its kurtosis. This is accomplished by mixing the approximating normal distribution with a logistic distribution. The resulting mixture approximation which can be used to estimate the probabilities, as well as the percentiles, compares favorably in both accuracy and simplicity, with the two best earlier approximations, namely, those due to Ruben (1966) and Kraemer (1973).  相似文献   

This study proposes a simple way to perform a power analysis of Mantel's test applied to squared Euclidean distance matrices. The general statistical aspects of the simple Mantel's test are reviewed. The Monte Carlo method is used to generate bivariate Gaussian variables in order to create squared Euclidean distance matrices. The power of the parametric correlation t-test applied to raw data is also evaluated and compared with that of Mantel's test. The standard procedure for calculating punctual power levels is used for validation. The proposed procedure allows one to draw the power curve by running the test only once, dispensing with the time demanding standard procedure of Monte Carlo simulations. Unlike the standard procedure, it does not depend on a knowledge of the distribution of the raw data. The simulated power function has all the properties of the power analysis theory and is in agreement with the results of the standard procedure.  相似文献   

The Bartlett's test (1937) for equality of variances is based on the χ2 distribution approximation. This approximation deteriorates either when the sample size is small (particularly < 4) or when the population number is large. According to a simulation investigation, we find a similar varying trend for the mean differences between empirical distributions of Bartlett's statistics and their χ2 approximations. By using the mean differences to represent the distribution departures, a simple adjustment approach on the Bartlett's statistic is proposed on the basis of equal mean principle. The performance before and after adjustment is extensively investigated under equal and unequal sample sizes, with number of populations varying from 3 to 100. Compared with the traditional Bartlett's statistic, the adjusted statistic is distributed more closely to χ2 distribution, for homogeneity samples from normal populations. The type I error is well controlled and the power is a little higher after adjustment. In conclusion, the adjustment has good control on the type I error and higher power, and thus is recommended for small samples and large population number when underlying distribution is normal.  相似文献   

The accuracy of a normal approximation to the exact conditional power function of the Manic!-Haenszcl one degree ni freedom chi-squared procedure is nnesugaied The maximum approximation error over the parameter space is studied for designs with equal numbers of cases and controls within and across strata. An empirical rule is provided for the estimation of the maximum error, the rule performs well over a range of design constants of importance in stratified case-control studies.  相似文献   

There has recently been growing interest in modeling and estimating alternative continuous time multivariate stochastic volatility models. We propose a continuous time fractionally integrated Wishart stochastic volatility (FIWSV) process, and derive the conditional Laplace transform of the FIWSV model in order to obtain a closed form expression of moments. A two-step procedure is used, namely estimating the parameter of fractional integration via the local Whittle estimator in the first step, and estimating the remaining parameters via the generalized method of moments in the second step. Monte Carlo results for the procedure show a reasonable performance in finite samples. The empirical results for the S&P 500 and FTSE 100 indexes show that the data favor the new FIWSV process rather than the one-factor and two-factor models of the Wishart autoregressive process for the covariance structure.  相似文献   

Although the percentage points of the Student-t distribution have been widely tabulated, a simple approximation is given and derived in this article. The approximation can be re-derived easily, since it is based on the percentage points from the Gaussian distribution, and can thus be used for applications requiring non-integer degrees of freedom (e.g., Welch's two-sample t test) and for arbitrary significance levels (e.g., for Bonferroni multiple comparison procedures). Comparisons between this approximation and others suggested in the literature indicate three-digit accuracy for even small degrees of freedom and tail areas.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the univariate control median test to the multivariate case. We apply the permutation principle for the null distribution function of the test statistic and obtain a conditionally nonparametric test procedure. Because of the amount of computational work involved in implementing the test, we consider the normal approximation. We prove the consistency and derive the asymptotic efficiency of our control median test relative to Puri and Sen's median test. Finally, we compare the power of our control median test with those of Hotelling's T2 test and Puri and Sen's median test through the simulations.  相似文献   

Sukhatme (1957) introduced a statistic which may be used to test the equality of variances in two independent samples from continuous distributions, centered at zero. It has become evident that this statistic cound be used to construct, analytically, a confidence interval for the scale parameter relating the two random variables(of.Laubscher (1968) and Noether (1967, pp. 66-69 and 1972)). In view of this additional use of the statistic, and since no tables of critical values exist, we provide such a table which makes the application of the statistic a practical proposition. In addition, a normal approximation is suggested for the use outside the range of Table III and the accuracy of this approximation is investigated. The Sukhatme test applied to sample values reduced by t n e i r medians i s studied in a small simulation exercise. It appears that this test when used in conjunction with the critical values of Sukhatme's statistic, is a very conservative one and that it is probably fairly robust with respect to the underlying population distribution.  相似文献   

This article considers a sampling plan when the quality characteristic follows the exponential distribution. We provide the exact approach and propose an approximated approach. In the proposed approximation, a new statistic combined with a Weibull transformation is used for the normal approximation. The plan parameters are obtained through the two-point approach at the acceptable quality level (AQL) and the limiting quality level (LQL). The tables for plan parameters are reported according to various values of the AQL and the LQL when the producer's and the consumer's risks are given. A real example is given to illustrate the proposed approximation approach.  相似文献   

For a multivariate linear model, Wilk's likelihood ratio test (LRT) constitutes one of the cornerstone tools. However, the computation of its quantiles under the null or the alternative hypothesis requires complex analytic approximations, and more importantly, these distributional approximations are feasible only for moderate dimension of the dependent variable, say p≤20. On the other hand, assuming that the data dimension p as well as the number q of regression variables are fixed while the sample size n grows, several asymptotic approximations are proposed in the literature for Wilk's Λ including the widely used chi-square approximation. In this paper, we consider necessary modifications to Wilk's test in a high-dimensional context, specifically assuming a high data dimension p and a large sample size n. Based on recent random matrix theory, the correction we propose to Wilk's test is asymptotically Gaussian under the null hypothesis and simulations demonstrate that the corrected LRT has very satisfactory size and power, surely in the large p and large n context, but also for moderately large data dimensions such as p=30 or p=50. As a byproduct, we give a reason explaining why the standard chi-square approximation fails for high-dimensional data. We also introduce a new procedure for the classical multiple sample significance test in multivariate analysis of variance which is valid for high-dimensional data.  相似文献   

Two approximation methods are used to obtain the Bayes estimate for the renewal function of inverse Gaussian renewal process. Both approximations use a gamma-type conditional prior for the location parameter, a non-informative marginal prior for the shape parameter, and a squared error loss function. Simulations compare the accuracy of the estimators and indicate that the Tieney and Kadane (T–K)-based estimator out performs Maximum Likelihood (ML)- and Lindley (L)-based estimator. Computations for the T–K-based Bayes estimate employ the generalized Newton's method as well as a recent modified Newton's method with cubic convergence to maximize modified likelihood functions. The program is available from the author.  相似文献   

In this article, the bimatrix variate beta Type IV distribution is derived from independent Wishart distributed matrix variables. We explore specific properties of this distribution which is then used to derive the exact expressions of the densities of the product and ratio of two dependent Wilks's statistics and to define the bimatrix Kummer-beta Type IV distribution.  相似文献   

We investigate a Bayesian inference in the three-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution which is obtained by adding a power parameter to the two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution suggested by Chen (2000). The Bayes estimators under the balanced squared error loss function are derived for three parameters. Then, we have used Lindley's and Tierney–Kadane approximations (see Lindley 1980; Tierney and Kadane 1986) for computing these Bayes estimators. In particular, we propose the explicit form of Lindley's approximation for the model with three parameters. We also give applications with a simulated data set and two real data sets to show the use of discussed computing methods. Finally, concluding remarks are mentioned.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo simulation evaluated five pairwise multiple comparison procedures for controlling Type I error rates, any-pair power, and all-pairs power. Realistic conditions of non-normality were based on a previous survey. Variance ratios were varied from 1:1 to 64:1. Procedures evaluated included Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) preceded by an F test, the Hayter–Fisher, the Games–Howell preceded by an F test, the Pertiz with F tests, and the Peritz with Alexander–Govern tests. Tukey's procedure shows the greatest robustness in Type I error control. Any-pair power is generally best with one of the Peritz procedures. All-pairs power is best with the Pertiz F test procedure. However, Tukey's HSD preceded by the Alexander–Govern F test may provide the best combination for controlling Type I and power rates in a variety of conditions of non-normality and variance heterogeneity.  相似文献   

A subset selection procedure is developed for selecting a subset containing the multinomial population that has the highest value of a certain linear combination of the multinomial cell probabilities; such population is called the ‘best’. The multivariate normal large sample approximation to the multinomial distribution is used to derive expressions for the probability of a correct selection, and for the threshold constant involved in the procedure. The procedure guarantees that the probability of a correct selection is at least at a pre-assigned level. The proposed procedure is an extension of Gupta and Sobel's [14] selection procedure for binomials and of Bakir's [2] restrictive selection procedure for multinomials. One illustration of the procedure concerns population income mobility in four countries: Peru, Russia, South Africa and the USA. Analysis indicates that Russia and Peru fall in the selected subset containing the best population with respect to income mobility from poverty to a higher-income status. The procedure is also applied to data concerning grade distribution for students in a certain freshman class.  相似文献   

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