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A simple result concerning the canonical expansions of mixed bivariate distributions is considered. This result is then applied to analyze the correlation structures of the Bates-Neyman accident proneness model and its generalization, to derive probability inequalities based on the concept of positive dependence, and to construct a bivariate beta distribution with positive correlation coefficient applicable in computer simulation experiments. The mixture formulation of the conditional distribution of this class of mixed bivariate distributions is used to define and generate first-order autoregressive gamma and negative binomial sequences.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new class of bivariate lifetime distributions. Let {Xi}i ? 1 and {Yi}i ? 1 be two independent sequences of independent and identically distributed positive valued random variables. Define T1 = min?(X1, …, XM) and T2 = min?(Y1, …, YN), where (M, N) has a discrete bivariate phase-type distribution, independent of {Xi}i ? 1 and {Yi}i ? 1. The joint survival function of (T1, T2) is studied.  相似文献   

The authors examine the asymptotic behaviour of conditional threshold exceedance probabilities for an elliptically distributed pair (X, Y) of random variables. More precisely, they investigate the limiting behaviour of the conditional distribution of Y given that X becomes extreme. They show that this behaviour differs between regularly and rapidly varying tails.  相似文献   


We construct a new bivariate mixture of negative binomial distributions which represents over-dispersed data more efficiently. This is an extension of a univariate mixture of beta and negative binomial distributions. Characteristics of this joint distribution are studied including conditional distributions. Some properties of the correlation coefficient are explored. We demonstrate the applicability of our proposed model by fitting to three real data sets with correlated count data. A comparison is made with some previously used models to show the effectiveness of the new model.  相似文献   

We discuss properties of the bivariate family of distributions introduced by Sarmanov (1966). It is shown that correlation coefficients of this family of distributions have wider range than those of the Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributins. Possible applications of this family of bivariate distributions as prior distributins in Bayesian inference are discussed. The density of the bivariate Sarmanov distributions with beta marginals can be expressed as a linear combination of products of independent beta densities. This pseudoconjugate property greatly reduces the complexity of posterior computations when this bivariate beta distribution is used as a prior. Multivariate extensions are derived.  相似文献   

This paper considers further mixture formulations of the bivariate negative binomial (BNB) distribution of Edwards and Gurland (1961) and Subrahmaniam (1966). These formulations and some known ones are applied (1) to obtain a bivariate generalized negative binomial (BGNB) distribution of Bhattacharya (1966), (2) to establish a connection between the accident-proneness models given by the BNB, BGNB and Bhattacharya's bivariate distributions, and (3) to compute the grade correlation and distribution function of the Wicksell-Kibble bivariate gamma distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper, a family of copulas with two parameters is proposed and its dependence analysis is performed. The corresponding family of bivariate distributions with specified marginals is constructed. For normal marginals, the new distributions are non-elliptical and can be applied in data analysis. They provide various alternative hypotheses for testing normality. Finally, an example is given.  相似文献   

Multivariate distributions are more and more used to model the dependence encountered in many fields. However, classical multivariate distributions can be restrictive by their nature, while Sarmanov's multivariate distribution, by joining different marginals in a flexible and tractable dependence structure, often provides a valuable alternative. In this paper, we introduce some bivariate mixed Sarmanov distributions with the purpose to extend the class of bivariate Sarmanov distributions and to obtain new dependency structures. Special attention is paid to the bivariate mixed Sarmanov distribution with Poisson marginals and, in particular, to the resulting bivariate Sarmanov distributions with negative binomial and with Poisson‐inverse Gaussian marginals; these particular types of mixed distributions have possible applications in, for example modelling bivariate count data. The extension to higher dimensions is also discussed. Moreover, concerning the dependency structure, we also present some correlation formulas.  相似文献   

The authors achieve robust estimation of parametric models through the use of weighted maximum likelihood techniques. A new estimator is proposed and its good properties illustrated through examples. Ease of implementation is an attractive property of the new estimator. The new estimator downweights with respect to the model and can be used for complicated likelihoods such as those involved in bivariate extreme value problems. New weight functions, tailored for these problems, are constructed. The increased insight provided by our robust fits to these bivariate extreme value models is exhibited through the analysis of sea levels at two East Coast sites in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Product moments of bivariate chi-square distribution have been derived in closed forms. Finite expressions have been derived for product moments of integer orders. Marginal and conditional distributions, conditional moments, coefficient of skewness and kurtosis of conditional distribution have also been discussed. Shannon entropy of the distribution is also derived. We also discuss the Bayesian estimation of a parameter of the distribution. Results match with the independent case when the variables are uncorrelated.  相似文献   

The joint distribution of the estimated variances from a correlated bivariate normal distribution has a long history. However, its joint probability density function, conditional moments and product moments are only known as infinite series. In this paper, simpler expressions, mostly finite sums of elementary functions, are derived for these properties. Expressions are also derived for the joint moment generating function and the joint characteristic function.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider urn models under three types of sampling schemes in terms of the probability-generating functions. The tools are developed for the evaluation of the distributions arising from the urn models along with some examples. Furthermore, the distributions are investigated by making use of the Bell polynomials. The results presented here provide a wide framework for developing the theory of urn models. As examples, we propose new class of probability models, which are called multiple-player problems and examine their properties. Finally, we treat the parameter estimation problem in the waiting time distributions with a numerical example.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of distributions called the exponentiated G geometric family motivated mainly by lifetime issues which can generate several lifetime models discussed in the literature. Some mathematical properties of the new family including asymptotes and shapes, moments, quantile and generating functions, extreme values and order statistics are fully investigated. We propose the log-exponentiated Weibull geometric and log-exponentiated log-logistic geometric regression models to cope with censored data. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood. Three examples with real data expose quite well the new family.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish the role of concomitants of order statistics in the unique identification of the parent bivariate distribution. From the results developed, we have illustrated by examples the process of determination of the parent bivariate distribution using a marginal pdf and the pdf of either of the concomitant of largest or smallest order statistic on the other variable. An application of the results derived in modeling of a bivariate distribution for data sets drawn from a population as well is discussed.  相似文献   

T. Cacoullos and H. Papageorgiou [On some bivariate probability models applicable to traffic accidents and fatalities, Int. Stat. Rev. 48 (1980) 345–356] studied a special class of bivariate discrete distributions appropriate for modeling traffic accidents, and fatalities resulting therefrom. The corresponding random variable may be written as Z=(N,Y), with Y=j=1NXj, where {Xj}j=1N, are independent copies of a (discrete) random variable X, and N is independent of {Xj}j=1N, and follows a Poisson law. If X follows a Poisson law (resp. Binomial law), the resulting distribution is termed Poisson–Poisson (resp. Poisson–Binomial). L2-type goodness-of-fit statistics are constructed for the ‘general distribution’ of this kind, where X may be an arbitrary discrete nonnegative random variable. The test statistics utilize a simple characterization involving the corresponding probability generating function, and are shown to be consistent. The proposed procedures are shown to perform satisfactorily in simulated data, while their application to accident data leads to positive conclusions regarding the modeling ability of this class of bivariate distributions.  相似文献   

A system of subroutines is presented for efficient computation of joint probabilities from Jensen's bivariate F distribution. Any valid set of parameters is permitted, whereas previous work was limited to the special case of equal numerator degrees of freedom and equal canonical correlations in the underlying multinormal distribution. The use of joint Probabilities from Jensen's bivariate F distribution is demonstrated via an application to two-way ANOVA without interaction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new class of bivariate distributions whose marginals are beta-generated distributions. Copulas are employed to construct this bivariate extension of the beta-generated distributions. It is shown that when Archimedean copulas and convex beta generators are used in generating bivariate distributions, the copulas of the resulting distributions also belong to the Archimedean family. The dependence of the proposed bivariate distributions is examined. Simulation results for beta generators and an application to financial risk management are presented.  相似文献   

The bivariate logarithmic series distribution was introduced by Subrahmaniam (1966) as a Fisher-limit to the bivariate negative binomial distribution. The present paper considers the properties of the distribution along with various models giving rise to it. Problems of estimation and the goodness-of-fit are examined. Methods for simulating the distribution are developed and illusuated.  相似文献   

The concept of equilibrium distribution plays an important role in survival analysis, reliability and insurance studies. If we consider the problem of extending this concept to higher dimensions, we do not have a unique solution. In this paper, alternative definitions of bivariate equilibrium distributions are studied and proposed. The Navarro et al. (2006) proposal is considered and some new results are given. We continue with the Gupta and Sankaran's (1998) definition. Necessary and sufficient conditions for its existence are stated and a characterization theorem is given. As a third alternative, a new definition based on conditional specification is introduced and several results are obtained. Reliability properties of the different versions are studied.  相似文献   

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