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In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the location and scale parameters of an extreme value distribution based on multiply Type-II censored samples. We first describe the best linear unbiased estimators and the maximum likelihood estimators of these parameters. After observing that the best linear unbiased estimators need the construction of some tables for its coefficients and that the maximum likelihood estimators do not exist in an explicit algebraic form and hence need to be found by numerical methods, we develop approximate maximum likelihood estimators by appropriately approximating the likelihood equations. In addition to being simple explicit estimators, these estimators turn out to be nearly as efficient as the best linear unbiased estimators and the maximum likelihood estimators. Next, we derive the asymptotic variances and covariance of these estimators in terms of the first two single moments and the product moments of order statistics from the standard extreme value distribution. Finally, we present an example in order to illustrate all the methods of estimation of parameters discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

A new generalized logarithmic series distribution (GLSD) with two parameters is proposed.The proposed model is flexible enough to describe short-tailed as well as long-tailed data.Some recurence relations for its probabilities and the factorial moments are presente.These recurrence relations are utilized to obtain the minimum chi-square estimators for the parmaters.Maximum likelihood estimators and some other estimators based on first few moments and probabilities are also suggested.Asymptotic relative efficiency of some of these estimators is also obtained and compared.Two test statistics based on the minimum chi-square estimators fo testing some hypotheses regarding the GLSD are proposed.The fit of the model and the application of the test statistics are exemplified by some data sets.Finally, a graphical method is suggested for differentiating between the ordinary logarithmic series distribution and the GLSD.  相似文献   

In the model of progressive type II censoring, point and interval estimation as well as relations for single and product moments are considered. Based on two-parameter exponential distributions, maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs), uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators (UMVUEs) and best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) are derived for both location and scale parameters. Some properties of these estimators are shown. Moreover, results for single and product moments of progressive type II censored order statistics are presented to obtain recurrence relations from exponential and truncated exponential distributions. These relations may then be used to compute all the means, variances and covariances of progressive type II censored order statistics based on exponential distributions for arbitrary censoring schemes. The presented recurrence relations simplify those given by Aggarwala and Balakrishnan (1996)  相似文献   

The problem of estimating population parameters based upon grouped data is considered and several alternative estimation schemes such as the method of scoring, least lines, least squares, minimum chi square, and a method of approximating method of moments and maximum likelihood estimators are considered. These estimators are compared with maximum likelihood and method of moments estimators based upon individual observations using a Monte Carlo study where the parent population is characterized by a gamma distribution. An application of these techniques to fitting a gamma distribution to 1970-74 census income data is considered.  相似文献   

Comparison of different estimation techniques for portfolio selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main problem in applying the mean-variance portfolio selection consists of the fact that the first two moments of the asset returns are unknown. In practice the optimal portfolio weights have to be estimated. This is usually done by replacing the moments by the classical unbiased sample estimators. We provide a comparison of the exact and the asymptotic distributions of the estimated portfolio weights as well as a sensitivity analysis to shifts in the moments of the asset returns. Furthermore we consider several types of shrinkage estimators for the moments. The corresponding estimators of the portfolio weights are compared with each other and with the portfolio weights based on the sample estimators of the moments. We show how the uncertainty about the portfolio weights can be introduced into the performance measurement of trading strategies. The methodology explains the bad out-of-sample performance of the classical Markowitz procedures.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a mixture of two uniform distributions and derive L-moment estimators of its parameters. Three possible ways of mixing two uniforms, namely with neither overlap nor gap, with overlap, and with gap, are studied. The performance of these L-moment estimators in terms of bias and efficiency is compared to that obtained by means of the conventional method of moments (MM), modified maximum likelihood (MML) method and the usual maximum likelihood (ML) method. These intensive simulations reveal that MML estimators are the best in most of the cases, and the L-moment estimators are less subject to bias in estimation for some mixtures and more efficient in most of the cases than the conventional MM estimators. The L-moment estimators are, in some cases, more efficient than the ML and MML estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, three competing survival function estimators are compared under the assumptions of the so-called Koziol– Green model, which is a simple model of informative random censoring. It is shown that the model specific estimators of Ebrahimi and Abdushukurov, Cheng, and Lin are asymptotically equivalent. Further, exact expressions for the (noncentral) moments of these estimators are given, and their biases are analytically compared with the bias of the familiar Kaplan–Meier estimator. Finally, MSE comparisons of the three estimators are given for some selected rates of censoring.  相似文献   

This article considers first-order autoregressive panel model that is a simple model for dynamic panel data (DPD) models. The generalized method of moments (GMM) gives efficient estimators for these models. This efficiency is affected by the choice of the weighting matrix that has been used in GMM estimation. The non-optimal weighting matrices have been used in the conventional GMM estimators. This led to a loss of efficiency. Therefore, we present new GMM estimators based on optimal or suboptimal weighting matrices. Monte Carlo study indicates that the bias and efficiency of the new estimators are more reliable than the conventional estimators.  相似文献   

For estimating the coefficients in a linear regression model, the double k–class estimators are considered and the small disturbance asymptotic approximation for their density function is obtained. Then employing the criterion of concentration probability around the true parameter values, a comparison is made between the estimators possessing finite moments and the estimators having no finite moments.  相似文献   

The modelling and analysis of count-data time series are areas of emerging interest with various applications in practice. We consider the particular case of the binomial AR(1) model, which is well suited for describing binomial counts with a first-order autoregressive serial dependence structure. We derive explicit expressions for the joint (central) moments and cumulants up to order 4. Then, we apply these results for expressing moments and asymptotic distribution of the squared difference estimator as an alternative to the sample autocovariance. We also analyse the asymptotic distribution of the conditional least-squares estimators of the parameters of the binomial AR(1) model. The finite-sample performance of these estimators is investigated in a simulation study, and we apply them to real data about computerized workstations.  相似文献   

The problems of estimating the reliability function and Pr{X1+...+Xk ≤ Y} are considered. The random variables X’s and Y are assumed to follow binomial and Poisson distributions. Classical estimators available in the literature are discussed and Bayes estimators are derived. In order to obtain the estimators of these parametric functions, the basic role is played by the estimators of factorial moments of the two distributions.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes a class of multivariate distributions that includes the multinormal and is contained in the exponential family. The wide range of possible applications of these distributions is suggested by some of hte characteristics germane to them: First, they maximize Shannon's entropy among all distributions that have finite moments of given orders. As such, they constitute a class of distributions that includes the multinormal and some likely alternatives. Second, they can exhibit several modes, and, further-more, they do so with a relatively small number of parameters (compared to mixtures of multinormals). Third, they are the stationary distributions of certain diffusion processes. Fourth, they approximate, near the multinormal, the multivariate Pearson family. And fifth, the maximum likelihood estimators of their population moments are the sample moments. Two possible methods of estimating the distributions are studied in this paper: maximum likelihood estimation, and a fast procedure that can be used to find consistent estimators of the parameters via sample moments. A FORTTAN subroutine that implements the latter method is also provided.  相似文献   

We propose four different GMM estimators that allow almost consistent estimation of the structural parameters of panel probit models with fixed effects for the case of small Tand large N. The moments used are derived for each period from a first order approximation of the mean of the dependent variable conditional on explanatory variables and on the fixed effect. The estimators differ w.r.t. the choice of instruments and whether they use trimming to reduce the bias or not. In a Monte Carlo study, we compare these estimators with pooled probit and conditional logit estimators for different data generating processes. The results show that the proposed estimators outperform these competitors in several situations.  相似文献   

The POT (Peaks-Over-Threshold) approach consists of using the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) to approximate the distribution of excesses over thresholds. In this article, we establish the asymptotic normality of the well-known extreme quantile estimators based on this POT method, under very general assumptions. As an illustration, from this result, we deduce the asymptotic normality of the POT extreme quantile estimators in the case where the maximum likelihood (ML) or the generalized probability-weighted moments (GPWM) methods are used. Simulations are provided in order to compare the efficiency of these estimators based on ML or GPWM methods with classical ones proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the biases of jackknife estimators of central third moments which play an important role in improving the accuracy of the normal approximation. It has been found in simulation studies that the jackknife estimator of the skewness coefficient, into which the jackknife variance and third moment estimators are substituted, have downward biases. For the jackknife variance estimators, their asymptotic properties are precisely studied and their biases are discussed theoretically, Here we study the biases of the jackknife estimators of the central third moments for U-statistics theoretically, The results show that the biases are not always downward.  相似文献   

Exact expressions, in the form of infinite series expansions, are given for the first and second moments of two well known generalized ridge estimators. These series expansions are then evaluated using recursive formulas and computations are verified using approximations. Results are presented for the relative mean square error and bias of these estimators as well as their relative efficiency with respect to least squares.  相似文献   

Calibration in macroeconomics involves choosing fre parameters by matching certain moments of simulted models with those of data. We formally examine this method by treating the process of calibration as an econometric estimator. A numerical version of the Mehra-Prescott (1985) economy is the setting for an evaluation of calibration estimators via Monte Carlo methods. While these estimators sometimes have reasonable finite-sample properties they are not robust to mistakes in setting non-free parameters. In contrast, generalized method-of-moments (GMM) estimators have satisfactory finite-sample characteristics, quick convergence, and informational requirements less stringent than those of calibration estimators. In dynamic equilibrium models in which GMM is infeasible we offer some suggestions for improving estimates based on calibration methodology.  相似文献   

Calibration in macroeconomics involves choosing fre parameters by matching certain moments of simulted models with those of data. We formally examine this method by treating the process of calibration as an econometric estimator. A numerical version of the Mehra-Prescott (1985) economy is the setting for an evaluation of calibration estimators via Monte Carlo methods. While these estimators sometimes have reasonable finite-sample properties they are not robust to mistakes in setting non-free parameters. In contrast, generalized method-of-moments (GMM) estimators have satisfactory finite-sample characteristics, quick convergence, and informational requirements less stringent than those of calibration estimators. In dynamic equilibrium models in which GMM is infeasible we offer some suggestions for improving estimates based on calibration methodology.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the class of inflated modified power series distributions (IMPSD) where inflation occurs at any of the support points. This class include among other the generalized Poisson, the generalized negative binomial, the generalized logarithmic series and the lost games distributions. We give expressions for the moments, factorial moments and central moments of the IMPSD. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the IMPSD and the variance – covariance matrix of the estimators is obtained. We derive these estimators and their information matrices for mentioned above particular members of IMPSD class. The second part of this paper deals with the distribution of sum of independent and identically distributed random variables taking values s, s+1. s + 2, …, s ≥ 0, with modified power series distributions inflated at the point s.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce two estimators of a population proportion when randomized response sampling with a normal randomizing distribution is used* The estimators have been obtained by using the method of moments. Both of the proposed estimators are shown to be more efficient than the corresponding estimators of Eranklin (1989 b).  相似文献   

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