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In a recent paper, Hampel (1985) studied the properties of rejection-plus-mean procedures as estimators of a location parameter. He reported that these procedures have low breakdown and high variance. In this article it is pointed out that these results are due to the outliers being rejected in a forwards-stepping manner, and when a more appropriate backwards-stepping approach is used, rejection-plus-mean procedures lead to estimators with high breakdown and high variance. In this article it is pointed out that these results are due to the outliers being rejected in a forwards-stepping manner, and when a more appropriate backwards-stepping approach is used, rejection-plus-mean procedures lead to estimator with high breakdown and redescending theoretical influence function.  相似文献   

In this paper simultaneous redescending M-estimates for scale and regression parameters are properly defined. The breakdown point of this estimates is derived. It is proved that these estimates are asynlptoticaliy normal and their cavariance matrix is obtained. These results show that simultaneous redescending M-estimates may combine high breakdown point and high asymptotic efficiency Under normal errors.  相似文献   

A median-based estimate of the location (i.e. intercept) parameter in an autoregressive time series is considered. Specifically, the asymptotic joint distribution of the location estimate and a location invariant estimate of the AR parameter vector is derived. Applications of this result to rank-based estimates are briefly discussed and illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

The properties of robust M-estimators with type II censored failure time data are considered. The optimal members within two classes of ψ-functions are characterized. The first optimality result is the censored data analogue of the optimality result described in Hampel et al. (1986); the estimators corresponding to the optimal members within this class are referred to as the optimal robust estimators. The second result pertains to a restricted class of ψ-functions which is the analogue of the class of ψ-functions considered in James (1986) for randomly censored data; the estimators corresponding to the optimal members within this restricted class are referred to as the optimal James-type estimators. We examine the usefulness of the two classes of ψ-functions and find that the breakdown point and efficiency of the optimal James-type estimators compare favourably with those of the corresponding optimal robust estimators. From the computational point of view, the optimal James-type ψ-functions are readily obtainable from the optimal ψ-functions in the uncensored case. The ψ-functions for the optimal robust estimators require a separate algorithm which is provided. A data set illustrates the optimal robust estimators for the parameters of the extreme value distribution.  相似文献   

M-estimation of a single parameter of the life time distribution is considered based on independent and identically distributed survival data which may be randomly censored. The most robust and the optimal robust M-estimators of the location parameters of the survival time distribution are derived within a class considered in James (1986) as well as for the general unrestricted class. The properties of the estimators corresponding to the above two classes are discussed. A data set is used to illustrate the usefulness of the optimal robust estimators for the parameter of extreme value distribution.  相似文献   

We discuss the robustness and asymptotic behaviour of τ-estimators for multivariate location and scatter. We show that τ-estimators correspond to multivariate M-estimators defined by a weighted average of redescending ψ-functions, where the weights are adaptive. We prove consistency and asymptotic normality under weak assumptions on the underlying distribution, show that τ-estimators have a high breakdown point, and obtain the influence function at general distributions. In the special case of a location-scatter family, τ-estimators are asymptotically equivalent to multivariate S-estimators defined by means of a weighted ψ-function. This enables us to combine a high breakdown point and bounded influence with good asymptotic efficiency for the location and covariance estimator.  相似文献   

The process of detection of outliers is an interesting and important aspect in the analysis of data, as it could impact the inference. There are various methods available in the literature for detection of outliers in multivariate data [V. Barnett and T. Lewis, Outliers in Statistical Data, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1994] using the Mahalanobis distance measure. An attempt is made to propose an alternate method of outlier detection based on the comedian introduced by Falk [On MAD and Comedians, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 49 (1997), pp. 615–644]. The proposed method is computationally efficient with high breakdown value and low computation time. Further, important properties, namely, success rates (SR) and false detection rates (FDR) are studied and compared with some of the well-known outlier detection methods through a simulation study. The Comedian method has high SR and low FDR for all combination of parameters. On removal of the detected outliers or down weighing, the same, highly robust and approximately affine equivariant estimators of multivariate location and scatter can be obtained. Finally, the method is applied to well-known real data sets to evaluate its performance.  相似文献   

We consider a new class of scale estimators with 50% breakdown point. The estimators are defined as order statistics of certain subranges. They all have a finite-sample breakdown point of [n/2]/n, which is the best possible value. (Here, [...] denotes the integer part.) One estimator in this class has the same influence function as the median absolute deviation and the least median of squares (LMS) scale estimator (i.e., the length of the shortest half), but its finite-sample efficiency is higher. If we consider the standard deviation of a subsample instead of its range, we obtain a different class of 50% breakdown estimators. This class contains the least trimmed squares (LTS) scale estimator. Simulation shows that the LTS scale estimator is nearly unbiased, so it does not need a small-sample correction factor. Surprisingly, the efficiency of the LTS scale estimator is less than that of the LMS scale estimator.  相似文献   

The maxbias function BT() contains much information about the robustness properties of the estimate T. This function satisfies BT(0)=0 and BT()<for all 0<<whereis the breakdown point of T. Hampel (1974)pioneered the study of the limiting behaviour of BT(?) where ? → 0. He computed and optimized the rate γ at which BT(?) approaches 0 when ? → 0. This rate is now called the contamination sensitivity of T, and constitutes one of the cornerstones of the theory of robustness. We show that much can also be learned from the study of the limiting behaviour of BT(?) when ? → ?*. A new robustness measure, called the relative explosion rate, can be obtained by studying the limiting relative maxbias behaviour of two extimates when approaches their common breakdown point ?*. Like the contamination sensitivity, the relative explosion rate can be readily derived from the estimate's score function. General formulae are given for M-estimates of scale and S-, MM- and τ-estimates of regression. We also show that the maxbias behaviour for large ? is largely determined by the curvature of the estimate's score function near zero. This motivates our definition and study of the local order of a score function.  相似文献   

In a missing data setting, we have a sample in which a vector of explanatory variables ${\bf x}_i$ is observed for every subject i, while scalar responses $y_i$ are missing by happenstance on some individuals. In this work we propose robust estimators of the distribution of the responses assuming missing at random (MAR) data, under a semiparametric regression model. Our approach allows the consistent estimation of any weakly continuous functional of the response's distribution. In particular, strongly consistent estimators of any continuous location functional, such as the median, L‐functionals and M‐functionals, are proposed. A robust fit for the regression model combined with the robust properties of the location functional gives rise to a robust recipe for estimating the location parameter. Robustness is quantified through the breakdown point of the proposed procedure. The asymptotic distribution of the location estimators is also derived. The proofs of the theorems are presented in Supplementary Material available online. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 41: 111–132; 2013 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Two classes of estimators of a location parameter ø0 are proposed, based on a nonnegative functional H1* of the pair (D1øN, GøN), where and where FN is the sample distribution function. The estimators of the first class are defined as a value of ø minimizing H1*; the estimators of the second class are linearized versions of those of the first. The asymptotic distribution of the estimators is derived, and it is shown that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic, the signed linear rank statistics, and the Cramérvon Mises statistics are special cases of such functionals H1*;. These estimators are closely related to the estimators of a shift in the two-sample case, proposed and studied by Boulanger in B2 (pp. 271–284).  相似文献   

We study a hypothesis testing problem involving the location model suggested by Olkin and Tate (1961). Specifically, we derive a likelihood ratio lest of the associated location hypothesis as an alternative to the conventional method of carrying out separate tests for each of the parameters. A small sample Monte Carlo comparison indicates the general superiority of the former in terms of statistical power. We also comment briefly on the properties of the test.  相似文献   

In this paper, the detection and estimation of change points of local parameters are studied by means of localization procedures and rank statistics. These techniques are also applied to detection and estimation of the change points of scale parameters and that of location parameters of directional data.  相似文献   

Abstract. For probability distributions on ? q, a detailed study of the breakdown properties of some multivariate M‐functionals related to Tyler's [Ann. Statist. 15 (1987) 234] ‘distribution‐free’ M‐functional of scatter is given. These include a symmetrized version of Tyler's M‐functional of scatter, and the multivariate t M‐functionals of location and scatter. It is shown that for ‘smooth’ distributions, the (contamination) breakdown point of Tyler's M‐functional of scatter and of its symmetrized version are 1/q and , respectively. For the multivariate t M‐functional which arises from the maximum likelihood estimate for the parameters of an elliptical t distribution on ν ≥ 1 degrees of freedom the breakdown point at smooth distributions is 1/( q + ν). Breakdown points are also obtained for general distributions, including empirical distributions. Finally, the sources of breakdown are investigated. It turns out that breakdown can only be caused by contaminating distributions that are concentrated near low‐dimensional subspaces.  相似文献   

This paper considers the robustness properties in the time series context of the least median of squares (LMS) estimator. The influence function of the LMS estimator is derived under additive outlier contamination. This influence function is redescending and bounded for fixed values of the AR parameters. The gross-error sensitivity, however, is an unbounded function of the AR parameters. In order to asses the global robustness behavior of the LMS estimator, we consider several notions of breakdown. The breakdown points of the LMS estimator depend on the value of the underlying AR parameter. Generally, the breakdown point is below one half for high values of the AR parameter. The bias curves of the LMS estimator reveal, however, that the magnitude of outliers has to be considerable in order to cause breakdown.  相似文献   

New robust estimates for variance components are introduced. Two simple models are considered: the balanced one-way classification model with a random factor and the balanced mixed model with one random factor and one fixed factor. However, the method of estimation proposed can be extended to more complex models. The new method of estimation we propose is based on the relationship between the variance components and the coefficients of the least-mean-squared-error predictor between two observations of the same group. This relationship enables us to transform the problem of estimating the variance components into the problem of estimating the coefficients of a simple linear regression model. The variance-component estimators derived from the least-squares regression estimates are shown to coincide with the maximum-likelihood estimates. Robust estimates of the variance components can be obtained by replacing the least-squares estimates by robust regression estimates. In particular, a Monte Carlo study shows that for outlier-contaminated normal samples, the estimates of variance components derived from GM regression estimates and the derived test outperform other robust procedures.  相似文献   

Zuo (2004) investigated the simplified replacement finite sample breakdown point of weighted L p -depth and L p -median for some appropriate weight functions. The addition breakdown point of weighted L p -depth functions is studied firstly in this article. In addition, for some other weight functions different from those in Zuo (2004 Zuo , Y. ( 2004 ). Robustness of weighted L p -depth and L p -median . Allgemeines Statistics Archiv. 88 : 215234 . [Google Scholar]), we establish the lower bounds of these two types of breakdown point of weighted L 2-median.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this article, we maximize the efficiency of a multivariate S‐estimator under a constraint on the breakdown point. In the linear regression model, it is known that the highest possible efficiency of a maximum breakdown S‐estimator is bounded above by 33 per cent for Gaussian errors. We prove the surprising result that in dimensions larger than one, the efficiency of a maximum breakdown S‐estimator of location and scatter can get arbitrarily close to 100 per cent, by an appropriate selection of the loss function.  相似文献   

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