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We present a bivariate regression model for count data that allows for positive as well as negative correlation of the response variables. The covariance structure is based on the Sarmanov distribution and consists of a product of generalised Poisson marginals and a factor that depends on particular functions of the response variables. The closed form of the probability function is derived by means of the moment-generating function. The model is applied to a large real dataset on health care demand. Its performance is compared with alternative models presented in the literature. We find that our model is significantly better than or at least equivalent to the benchmark models. It gives insights into influences on the variance of the response variables.  相似文献   

The problem of testing for bivariate normality using the empirical distribution function is considered. A Cramér-von Mises type statistic is defined and asymptotic percentage points for this statistic given. This involves solving a two-dimensional homogeneous integral equation. Unfortunately the Cramér-von Mises statistic is not invariant under orthogonal transformations of the data so that an invariant statistic is developed. Approximations for the distribution of this statistic are found by Monte Carlo. Applications of the statistics are given. It is shown that the statistics are particularly sensitive to certain kinds of pattern in the data and they could be useful in data analysis apart from providing a formal test of bivariate normality  相似文献   


The Lindley distribution has been used recently for modeling lifetime data and studying some stress-strength problems. In this paper, a new three-parameter Lindley distribution is introduced. The added location parameter offers more flexibility in fitting some real data against other common distributions. Several statistical and reliability properties are discussed. A simulation study has been carried to examine the MSE, bias, and coverage probability for the parameters. A real data set is used to illustrate the flexibility of the proposed distribution.  相似文献   

This paper considers further mixture formulations of the bivariate negative binomial (BNB) distribution of Edwards and Gurland (1961) and Subrahmaniam (1966). These formulations and some known ones are applied (1) to obtain a bivariate generalized negative binomial (BGNB) distribution of Bhattacharya (1966), (2) to establish a connection between the accident-proneness models given by the BNB, BGNB and Bhattacharya's bivariate distributions, and (3) to compute the grade correlation and distribution function of the Wicksell-Kibble bivariate gamma distribution.  相似文献   

In this article, we take a brief overview of different functional forms of generalized Poisson distribution (GPD) and various methods of its parameter estimation found in the literature. We compare the method of moment estimation (ME) and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of parameters of GPD through simulation study in terms of bias, MSE and covariance. To simulate random numbers from GPD, we develop a Matlab function gpoissrnd(). The simulation study leads to the important conclusion that the ME performs better or equally good as compared to MLE when sample size is small.

Further we fit the GPD to various datasets in literature using both estimation methods and observe that the results do not differ significantly even though the sample size is large. Overall, we conclude that for GPD, use of ME in place of MLE will lead to almost similar results. The computational simplicity in calculation of ME as compared to MLE also gives support to the use of ME in case of GPD for practitioners.  相似文献   

For testing the fit of a discrete distribution, use of the probability generating function and its empirical counterpart has been suggested in Koeherlakota and Kocherlakota (1986). In the present paper, a particular functional of the corresponding empirical probability generating function process is proposed as a measure to test the discrepancy between the evidence and the hypothesis. The asymptotic behavior of the empirical probability generating function when a parameter is estimated is obtained, The study is exemplified for the Poisson case only but the procedure can be extended to other discrete distributions.  相似文献   


We construct a new bivariate mixture of negative binomial distributions which represents over-dispersed data more efficiently. This is an extension of a univariate mixture of beta and negative binomial distributions. Characteristics of this joint distribution are studied including conditional distributions. Some properties of the correlation coefficient are explored. We demonstrate the applicability of our proposed model by fitting to three real data sets with correlated count data. A comparison is made with some previously used models to show the effectiveness of the new model.  相似文献   

For testing the fit of the inverse Gaussian distribution with unknown parameters, the empirical distribution-function statistic A2 is studied. Two procedures are followed in constructing the test statistic; they yield the same asymptotic distribution. In the first procedure the parameters in the distribution function are directly estimated, and in the second the distribution function is estimated by its Rao-Blackwell distribution estimator. A table is given for the asymptotic critical points of A2. These are shown to depend only on the ratio of the unknown parameters. An analysis is provided of the effect of estimating the ratio to enter the table for A2. This analysis enables the proposal of the complete operating procedure, which is sustained by a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   


Nakagami distribution is one of the most common distributions used to model positive valued and right skewed data. In this study, we interest goodness of fit problem for Nakagami distribution. Thus, we propose smooth tests for Nakagami distribution based on orthonormal functions. We also compare these tests with some classical goodness of fit tests such as Cramer–von Mises, Anderson–Darling, and Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests in respect to type-I error rates and powers of tests. Simulation study indicates that smooth tests give better results than these classical tests give in respect to almost all cases considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new test statistic is presented for testing the null hypothesis of equal multinomial cell probabilities versus various trend alternatives. Exact asymptotic critical values are obtained, The power of the test is compared with several other statistics considered by Choulakian et al (1995), The test is shown to have better power for certain trend alternatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, bivariate binomial distributions generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distributions are obtained and studied. Representation of the bivariate binomial distribution generated by a convex combination of extreme bivariate Bernoulli distributions as a mixture of distributions in the class of bivariate binomial distribution generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distribution is obtained. A subfamily of bivariate binomial distributions exhibiting the property of positive and negative dependence is constructed. Some results on positive dependence notions as it relates to the bivariate binomial distribution generated by extreme bivariate Bernoulli distribution and a linear combination of such distributions are obtained.  相似文献   

A correlation-type statistic for assessing multivariate normality is described. Its estimated finite sample distribution is tabulated, and its performance against certain alternatives is compared with that of a competing Cramer-von Mises type statistic in a Monte Carlo power study. A set of quadrivariate data is examined as illustration of the procedure.  相似文献   

E. Csáki  I. Vincze 《Statistics》2013,47(4):531-548
Two test-statistics analogous to Pearson's chi-square test function - given in (1.6) and (1.7) - are investigated. These statistics utilize, apart from the number of sample elements lying in the respective intervals of the partition, their positions within the intervals too. It is shown that the test-statistics are asymptotically distributed - as the sample size N tends to infinity - according to the x 2distribution with parameter r, i.e. the number of intervals chosen. The limiting distribution of the test statistics under the null-hypothesis when N tends to the infinity and r =O(N α) (0<α<1), further the consistency of the tests based on these statistics is considered. Some remarks are made concerning the efficiency of the corresponding goodness of fit tests also; the authors intend to return to a more detailed treatment of the efficiency later.  相似文献   

It is indicated to what extent the conditional normality of the distribution of one comnonent of a bivariate random vector given the value of the other component together with a restricted type of conditional normality or the marginal normality for the other component is equivalent to the bivariate normality of this random vector.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduced a new probability distribution named as inverse power Maxwell distribution. The proposal distribution can be seen as an extension of the Maxwell distribution with more flexibility in modeling upside-down lifetime data. Some statistical properties of this distribution are derived. In estimation viewpoint, five methods are used for estimating the unknown parameters of the distribution and these methods are performed through the simulation study. Finally, two real data sets were analyzed to illustrate the applicability of the proposed distribution, proving that it fits each real data set much better than some other existing distributions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new departure in the generalization of the binomial distribution by adopting the assumption that the underlying Bernoulli trials take on the values α or β where α < β, rather than the conventional values 0 or 1. The adoption of this more general assumption renders the binomial distribution a four-parameter distribution of the form B(n,p,α,β), and requires the generalization of Romanovsky's (1923) reduction formula for central moments. This paper assesses the usefulness of B(n,p,α,β), and its reduction formula, in the numerical analysis of two problems of interest to decision theorists.  相似文献   

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test is an empirical distribution function (EDF) based goodness-of-fit test that requires the underlying hypothesized density to be continuous and completely specified. When the parameters are unknown and must be estimated from the data, standard tables of the KS test statistic are not valid. Approximate upper tail percentage points of the KS statistic for the inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution with unknown parameters are tabled in this paper.

A study of the power of the KS test for the IG distribution indicates that the test is able todiscriminate between the IG distribution and distributions such as the uniform and exponentialdistributions that are very different in shape, but is relatively unable to discriminate between the IG distribution and distributions that are similar in shape such as the lognormal and Weibull distributions. In modeling settings the former distinction is typically more important to make than the latter distinction.  相似文献   

The inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution is widely used to model data and then it is important to develop efficient goodness of fit tests for this distribution. In this article, we introduce some new test statistics for examining the IG goodness of fit based on correcting moments of nonparametric probability density functions of entropy estimators. These tests are consistent against all alternatives. Critical points and power of the tests are explored by simulation. We show that the proposed tests are more powerful than competitor tests. Finally, the proposed tests are illustrated by real data examples.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a bivariate version of the univariate discrete generalized geometric distribution considered by Gómez–Déniz (2010 Gómez–Déniz, E. (2010). Another generalization of the geometric distribution. Test 19:399415.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The proposed bivariate distribution can have a positive or negative correlation coefficient which can be used for modeling bivariate-dependent count data. After discussing some of its properties, maximum likelihood estimation is discussed. Two illustrative examples are given for fitting and demonstrating the usefulness of the new bivariate distribution proposed here.  相似文献   

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