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Diagnostic tests are used in a wide range of behavioral, medical, psychosocial, and healthcare-related research. Test sensitivity and specificity are the most popular measures of accuracy for diagnostic tests. Available methods for analyzing longitudinal study designs assume fixed gold or reference standards and as such do not apply to studies with dynamically changing reference standards, which are especially popular in psychosocial research. In this article, we develop a novel approach to address missing data and other related issues for modeling sensitivity and specificity within such a time-varying reference standard setting. The approach is illustrated with real as well as simulated data.  相似文献   

Nonlinear mixed‐effect models are often used in the analysis of longitudinal data. However, it sometimes happens that missing values for some of the model covariates are not purely random. Motivated by an application to HTV viral dynamics, where this situation occurs, the author considers likelihood inference for this type of problem. His approach involves a Monte Carlo EM algorithm, along with a Gibbs sampler and rejection/importance sampling methods. A concrete application is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the cure rate survival model involving a competitive risk structure with missing categorical covariates. A parametric distribution that can be written as a sequence of one-dimensional conditional distributions is specified for the missing covariates. We consider the missing data at random situation so that the missing covariates may depend only on the observed ones. Parameter estimates are obtained by using the EM algorithm via the method of weights. Extensive simulation studies are conducted and reported to compare estimates efficiency with and without missing data. As expected, the estimation approach taking into consideration the missing covariates presents much better efficiency in terms of mean square errors than the complete case situation. Effects of increasing cured fraction and censored observations are also reported. We demonstrate the proposed methodology with two real data sets. One involved the length of time to obtain a BS degree in Statistics, and another about the time to breast cancer recurrence.  相似文献   

A common occurrence in clinical trials with a survival end point is missing covariate data. With ignorably missing covariate data, Lipsitz and Ibrahim proposed a set of estimating equations to estimate the parameters of Cox's proportional hazards model. They proposed to obtain parameter estimates via a Monte Carlo EM algorithm. We extend those results to non-ignorably missing covariate data. We present a clinical trials example with three partially observed laboratory markers which are used as covariates to predict survival.  相似文献   

The rank Von Neumann test, which performs extremely well as a test for serial correlation in raw data, is here compared with the Durbin-Watson and Geary tests as a test for autocorrelation in regression residuals. The test convincingly outperforms the Geary test but it is less robust than the Durbin-Watson test  相似文献   

We propose a new stochastic approximation (SA) algorithm for maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) in the incomplete-data setting. This algorithm is most useful for problems when the EM algorithm is not possible due to an intractable E-step or M-step. Compared to other algorithm that have been proposed for intractable EM problems, such as the MCEM algorithm of Wei and Tanner (1990), our proposed algorithm appears more generally applicable and efficient. The approach we adopt is inspired by the Robbins-Monro (1951) stochastic approximation procedure, and we show that the proposed algorithm can be used to solve some of the long-standing problems in computing an MLE with incomplete data. We prove that in general O(n) simulation steps are required in computing the MLE with the SA algorithm and O(n log n) simulation steps are required in computing the MLE using the MCEM and/or the MCNR algorithm, where n is the sample size of the observations. Examples include computing the MLE in the nonlinear error-in-variable model and nonlinear regression model with random effects.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss graphical models for mixed types of continuous and discrete variables with incomplete data. We use a set of hyperedges to represent an observed data pattern. A hyperedge is a set of variables observed for a group of individuals. In a mixed graph with two types of vertices and two types of edges, dots and circles represent discrete and continuous variables respectively. A normal graph represents a graphical model and a hypergraph represents an observed data pattern. In terms of the mixed graph, we discuss decomposition of mixed graphical models with incomplete data, and we present a partial imputation method which can be used in the EM algorithm and the Gibbs sampler to speed their convergence. For a given mixed graphical model and an observed data pattern, we try to decompose a large graph into several small ones so that the original likelihood can be factored into a product of likelihoods with distinct parameters for small graphs. For the case that a graph cannot be decomposed due to its observed data pattern, we can impute missing data partially so that the graph can be decomposed.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation with spatial econometric models is a long-standing problem that finds application in several areas of economic importance. The problem is particularly challenging in the presence of missing data, since there is an implied dependence between all units, irrespective of whether they are observed or not. Out of the several approaches adopted for ML estimation in this context, that of LeSage and Pace [Models for spatially dependent missing data. J Real Estate Financ Econ. 2004;29(2):233–254] stands out as one of the most commonly used with spatial econometric models due to its ability to scale with the number of units. Here, we review their algorithm, and consider several similar alternatives that are also suitable for large datasets. We compare the methods through an extensive empirical study and conclude that, while the approximate approaches are suitable for large sampling ratios, for small sampling ratios the only reliable algorithms are those that yield exact ML or restricted ML estimates.  相似文献   

Summary.  Non-ignorable missing data, a serious problem in both clinical trials and observational studies, can lead to biased inferences. Quality-of-life measures have become increasingly popular in clinical trials. However, these measures are often incompletely observed, and investigators may suspect that missing quality-of-life data are likely to be non-ignorable. Although several recent references have addressed missing covariates in survival analysis, they all required the assumption that missingness is at random or that all covariates are discrete. We present a method for estimating the parameters in the Cox proportional hazards model when missing covariates may be non-ignorable and continuous or discrete. Our method is useful in reducing the bias and improving efficiency in the presence of missing data. The methodology clearly specifies assumptions about the missing data mechanism and, through sensitivity analysis, helps investigators to understand the potential effect of missing data on study results.  相似文献   

This article considers Bayesian estimation methods for categorical data with misclassifications. To adjust for misclassification, double sampling schemes are utilized. Observations are represented in a contingency table categorized by error-free categorical variables and error-prone categorical variables. Posterior means of probabilities in cells are considered as estimates. In some cases, the posterior means can be calculated exactly. However,in some cases, the exact calculation may be too difficult to perform, but we can easily use the expectation-maximiza-tion(EM) algorithm to obtain approximate posterior means.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the impact of both missing data and measurement errors on a longitudinal analysis of participation in higher education in Australia. We develop a general method for handling both discrete and continuous measurement errors that also allows for the incorporation of missing values and random effects in both binary and continuous response multilevel models. Measurement errors are allowed to be mutually dependent and their distribution may depend on further covariates. We show that our methodology works via two simple simulation studies. We then consider the impact of our measurement error assumptions on the analysis of the real data set.  相似文献   

Incomplete growth curve data often result from missing or mistimed observations in a repeated measures design. Virtually all methods of analysis rely on the dispersion matrix estimates. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to compare three methods of estimation of dispersion matrices for incomplete growth curve data. The three methods were: 1) maximum likelihood estimation with a smoothing algorithm, which finds the closest positive semidefinite estimate of the pairwise estimated dispersion matrix; 2) a mixed effects model using the EM (estimation maximization) algorithm; and 3) a mixed effects model with the scoring algorithm. The simulation included 5 dispersion structures, 20 or 40 subjects with 4 or 8 observations per subject and 10 or 30% missing data. In all the simulations, the smoothing algorithm was the poorest estimator of the dispersion matrix. In most cases, there were no significant differences between the scoring and EM algorithms. The EM algorithm tended to be better than the scoring algorithm when the variances of the random effects were close to zero, especially for the simulations with 4 observations per subject and two random effects.  相似文献   

The authors discuss a class of likelihood functions involving weak assumptions on data generating mechanisms. These likelihoods may be appropriate when it is difficult to propose models for the data. The properties of these likelihoods are given and it is shown how they can be computed numerically by use of the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm. The authors then show how these likelihoods can give useful inferences using a data set for which no plausible physical model is apparent. The plausibility of the inferences is enhanced by the extensive robustness analysis these likelihoods permit.  相似文献   


In longitudinal studies data are collected on the same set of units for more than one occasion. In medical studies it is very common to have mixed Poisson and continuous longitudinal data. In such studies, for different reasons, some intended measurements might not be available resulting in a missing data setting. When the probability of missingness is related to the missing values, the missingness mechanism is termed nonrandom. The stochastic expectation-maximization (SEM) algorithm and the parametric fractional imputation (PFI) method are developed to handle nonrandom missingness in mixed discrete and continuous longitudinal data assuming different covariance structures for the continuous outcome. The proposed techniques are evaluated using simulation studies. Also, the proposed techniques are applied to the interstitial cystitis data base (ICDB) data.  相似文献   

We propose a latent variable model for informative missingness in longitudinal studies which is an extension of latent dropout class model. In our model, the value of the latent variable is affected by the missingness pattern and it is also used as a covariate in modeling the longitudinal response. So the latent variable links the longitudinal response and the missingness process. In our model, the latent variable is continuous instead of categorical and we assume that it is from a normal distribution. The EM algorithm is used to obtain the estimates of the parameter we are interested in and Gauss–Hermite quadrature is used to approximate the integration of the latent variable. The standard errors of the parameter estimates can be obtained from the bootstrap method or from the inverse of the Fisher information matrix of the final marginal likelihood. Comparisons are made to the mixed model and complete-case analysis in terms of a clinical trial dataset, which is Weight Gain Prevention among Women (WGPW) study. We use the generalized Pearson residuals to assess the fit of the proposed latent variable model.  相似文献   

Motivated by classification issues that arise in marine studies, we propose a latent-class mixture model for the unsupervised classification of incomplete quadrivariate data with two linear and two circular components. The model integrates bivariate circular densities and bivariate skew normal densities to capture the association between toroidal clusters of bivariate circular observations and planar clusters of bivariate linear observations. Maximum-likelihood estimation of the model is facilitated by an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm that treats unknown class membership and missing values as different sources of incomplete information. The model is exploited on hourly observations of wind speed and direction and wave height and direction to identify a number of sea regimes, which represent specific distributional shapes that the data take under environmental latent conditions.  相似文献   


We consider point and interval estimation of the unknown parameters of a generalized inverted exponential distribution in the presence of hybrid censoring. The maximum likelihood estimates are obtained using EM algorithm. We then compute Fisher information matrix using the missing value principle. Bayes estimates are derived under squared error and general entropy loss functions. Furthermore, approximate Bayes estimates are obtained using Tierney and Kadane method as well as using importance sampling approach. Asymptotic and highest posterior density intervals are also constructed. Proposed estimates are compared numerically using Monte Carlo simulations and a real data set is analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Summary.  Social data often contain missing information. The problem is inevitably severe when analysing historical data. Conventionally, researchers analyse complete records only. Listwise deletion not only reduces the effective sample size but also may result in biased estimation, depending on the missingness mechanism. We analyse household types by using population registers from ancient China (618–907 AD) by comparing a simple classification, a latent class model of the complete data and a latent class model of the complete and partially missing data assuming four types of ignorable and non-ignorable missingness mechanisms. The findings show that either a frequency classification or a latent class analysis using the complete records only yielded biased estimates and incorrect conclusions in the presence of partially missing data of a non-ignorable mechanism. Although simply assuming ignorable or non-ignorable missing data produced consistently similarly higher estimates of the proportion of complex households, a specification of the relationship between the latent variable and the degree of missingness by a row effect uniform association model helped to capture the missingness mechanism better and improved the model fit.  相似文献   

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