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The inverted generalized exponential distribution is defined as an alternative model for lifetime data. The existence of moments of this distribution is shown to hold under some restrictions. However, all the moments exist for the truncated inverted generalized exponential distribution and closed-form expressions for them are derived in this article. The distributional properties of this truncated distribution are studied. Maximum likelihood estimation method is discussed for the estimation of the parameters of the distribution both theoretically and empirically. In order to see the modeling performance of the distribution, two real datasets are analyzed.  相似文献   

Starting with the second Lagrange expansion, with f(z) and g(z) as two probability generating functions defined on non-negative integers, Janardan and Rao( 1983) introduced a new class of discrete distributions called the Lagrange Distributions (LD2) of the second kind. In this note, this class of LD2 distributions is widened by removing the restriction that the functions f(z) and g(z) be probability generation functions. It is also shown that the class of modified power series distributions is a subclass of LD2.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss an extended form of the logistic distribution and refer to it as the reversed generalized logistic distribution. We study some moment properties, and derive exact and explicit formulas for the mean, median, mode, variance, coefficients of skewness and kurtosis, and percentage points of this distribution. In addition, we study its limiting distributions as the shape parameter tends to zero or infinity. We also discuss some possible applications in bioassays through logistic regression approach.  相似文献   

The two-parameter generalized exponential distribution has been used recently quite extensively to analyze lifetime data. In this paper the two-parameter generalized exponential distribution has been embedded in a larger class of distributions obtained by introducing another shape parameter. Because of the additional shape parameter, more flexibility has been introduced in the family. It is observed that the new family is positively skewed, and has increasing, decreasing, unimodal and bathtub shaped hazard functions. It can be observed as a proportional reversed hazard family of distributions. This new family of distributions is analytically quite tractable and it can be used quite effectively to analyze censored data also. Analyses of two data sets are performed and the results are quite satisfactory.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new extension of the generalized linear failure rate (GLFR) distributions. It includes some well-known lifetime distributions such as extension of generalized exponential and GLFR distributions as special sub-models. In addition, it can have a constant, decreasing, increasing, upside-down bathtub (unimodal), and bathtub-shaped hazard rate function (hrf) depending on its parameters. We provide some of its statistical properties such as moments, quantiles, skewness, kurtosis, hrf, and reversible hrf. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters is also discussed. At the end, a real dataset is given to illustrate the usefulness of this new distribution in analyzing lifetime data.  相似文献   

A generalization of the Poisson distribution was defined by Consul and Jain (Ann. Math. Statist., 41, (1970)) and was obtained as a particular family of Lagrange distributions by Consul and Shenton (SIAM. J. Appl. Math., 23, (1972)). The distribution is subsequently named the generalized Poisson distribution (GPD). This GPD reduces to the Poisson distribution for ? = 0. When the data have a one-way layout structure, the asymptotically locally optimal Neyman's C(d) test is constructed and compared with the conditional test on the hypothesis Ho? = 0. Within the framework of the generalized linear models an appropriate link function is given, and the asymptotic distributions of the estimated parameters are derived.  相似文献   

Many if not most lifetime distributions are motivated only by mathematical interest. Here, a new three-parameter distribution motivated mainly by lifetime issues is introduced. Some properties of the new distribution including estimation procedures, univariate generalizations and bivariate generalizations are derived. A real data application is described to show its superior performance versus at least that of 15 of the known lifetime models.  相似文献   

The generalized exponential is the most commonly used distribution for analyzing lifetime data. This distribution has several desirable properties and it can be used quite effectively to analyse several skewed life time data. The main aim of this paper is to introduce absolutely continuous bivariate generalized exponential distribution using the method of Block and Basu (1974). In fact, the Block and Basu exponential distribution will be extended to the generalized exponential distribution. We call the new proposed model as the Block and Basu bivariate generalized exponential distribution, then, discuss its different properties. In this case the joint probability distribution function and the joint cumulative distribution function can be expressed in compact forms. The model has four unknown parameters and the maximum likelihood estimators cannot be obtained in explicit form. To compute the maximum likelihood estimators directly, one needs to solve a four dimensional optimization problem. The EM algorithm has been proposed to compute the maximum likelihood estimations of the unknown parameters. One data analysis is provided for illustrative purposes. Finally, we propose some generalizations of the proposed model and compare their models with each other.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new five-parameter lifetime distribution called beta generalized linear exponential distribution (BGLED) is introduced. It includes at least 17 popular sub-models as special cases such as the beta linear exponential, the beta generalized exponential, and the exponentiated generalized linear distributions. Mathematical and statistical properties of the proposed distribution are discussed in details. In particular, explicit expression for the density function, moments, asymptotics distributions for sample extreme statistics, and other statistical measures are obtained. The estimation of the parameters by the method of maximum-likelihood is discussed and the finite sample properties of the maximum-likelihood estimators (MLEs) are investigated numerically. A real data set is used to demonstrate its superior performance fit over several existing popular lifetime models.  相似文献   

This paper derives the conditional distribution of the maximum given the sample total for a random sample from the truncated exponential distribution. Based on that result, the paper develops tests or associated confidence intervals for the truncation parameter θ with another parameter θ assumed unknown.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the potential usefulness of the three-parameter transmuted generalized exponential distribution for analyzing lifetime data. We compare it with various generalizations of the two-parameter exponential distribution using maximum likelihood estimation. Some mathematical properties of the new extended model including expressions for the quantile and moments are investigated. We propose a location-scale regression model, based on the log-transmuted generalized exponential distribution. Two applications with real data are given to illustrate the proposed family of lifetime distributions.  相似文献   


We derive an analytic expression for the bias of the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter in a doubly-truncated Poisson distribution, which proves highly effective as a means of bias correction. For smaller sample sizes, our method outperforms the alternative of bias correction via the parametric bootstrap. Bias is of little concern in the positive Poisson distribution, the most common form of truncation in the applied literature. Bias appears to be the most severe in the doubly-truncated Poisson distribution, when the mean of the distribution is close to the right (upper) truncation.  相似文献   

A new generalization of the Poisson distribution was given by Consul and Jain (1970, 73). Since then more than twenty papers, written by various researchers, have appeared on this model under the titles of Generalized Poisson Distribution (GPD), Lagrangian Poisson distribution or modified power series distribution. Here the author provides two physical models, based on differential-difference equations, which lead to the GPD. A number of axioms are given for a steady state point process which produce the generalized Poisson process. Also, the GPD is derived as the limiting distribution of the two quasi-binomial distributions based on urn models.  相似文献   

In life-testing and survival analysis, sometimes the components are arranged in series or parallel system and the number of components is initially unknown. Thus, the number of components, say Z, is considered as random with an appropriate probability mass function. In this paper, we model the survival data with baseline distribution as Weibull and the distribution of Z as generalized Poisson, giving rise to four parameters in the model: increasing, decreasing, bathtub and upside bathtub failure rates. Two examples are provided and the maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters is studied. Rao's score test is developed to compare the results with the exponential Poisson model studied by Kus [17] and the exponential-generalized Poisson distribution with baseline distribution as exponential and the distribution of Z as generalized Poisson. Simulation studies are carried out to examine the performance of the estimates.  相似文献   

In industrial life tests, reliability analysis and clinical trials, the type-II progressive censoring methodology, which allows for random removals of the remaining survival units at each failure time, has become quite popular for analyzing lifetime data. Parameter estimation under progressively type-II censored samples for many common lifetime distributions has been investigated extensively. However, how to estimate unknown parameters of the mixed distribution models under progressive type-II censoring schemes is still a challenging and interesting problem. Based on progressively type-II censored samples, this paper addresses the estimation problem of mixed generalized exponential distributions. In addition, it is observed that the maximum-likelihood estimates (MLEs) cannot be easily obtained in closed form due to the complexity of the likelihood function. Thus, we make good use of the expectation-maximization algorithm to obtain the MLEs. Finally, some simulations are implemented in order to show the performance of the proposed method under finite samples and a case analysis is illustrated.  相似文献   

A discrete probability model always gets truncated during the sampling process and the point of truncation depends upon the sample size. Also, the generalized Poisson distribution cannot be used with full justification when the second parameter is negative. To avoid these problems a truncated generalized Poisson distribution is defined and studied. Estimation of its parameters by moments method, maximum likelihood method and a mixed method are considered. Some examples are given to illustrate the effect on the parameters’ estimates when a non-truncated GPD is used instead of a truncated GPD.  相似文献   

Some new censoring schemes for comparing lifetimes of machines were introduced in Srivastava (1987), wherein it was shown that in general, these improve on the accuracy and also reduce the total expected time under experiment as well as the expected length of the experiment. Although the above studies were initiated under the generalized WeibuU distribution, the detailed development of the theory for the expected time or length were made under the Weibull only. In this paper, for a certain important special case, this development is extended to the generalized Weibull. Also, an error in the above paper is pointed out, and corrected, showing that the new schemes are actually superior to what they appeared to be there. Furthermore, under a realistic cost function, the problem of planning such experiments is discussed. An example for machines with a series connection is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a bivariate weighted exponential distribution based on the generalized exponential distribution. This class of distributions generalizes the bivariate distribution with weighted exponential marginals (BWE). We derive different properties of this new distribution. It is a four-parameter distribution, and the maximum-likelihood estimator of unknown parameters cannot be obtained in explicit forms. One data set has been re-analyzed and it is observed that the proposed distribution provides better fit than the BWE distribution.  相似文献   

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