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Aase (1983) has dealt with recursive estimation in nonlinear time series of autoregressive type including its asymptotic properties. This contribution modifies the results for the case of nonlinear time series with outliers using the principle of M-estimation from robust statistics. Strong consistency of the robust recursive estimates is preserved under corresponding assumptions. Several types of such estimates are compared by means of a numerical simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper we are concerned with the recursive estimation of bilinear models. Some methods from linear time invariant systems are adapted to suit bilinear time series models. The time-varying Kalman filter and associated parameter estimation algorithm is carried on the bilinear time series models. The methods are illustrated with examples.  相似文献   

We propose a modification of local polynomial estimation which improves the efficiency of the conventional method when the observation errors are correlated. The procedure is based on a pre-transformation of the data as a generalization of the pre-whitening procedure introduced by Xiao et al. [(2003), ‘More Efficient Local Polynomial Estimation in Nonparametric Regression with Autocorrelated Errors’, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98, 980–992]. While these authors assumed a linear process representation for the error process, we avoid any structural assumption. We further allow the regressors and the errors to be dependent. More importantly, we show that the inclusion of both leading and lagged variables in the approximation of the error terms outperforms the best approximation based on lagged variables only. Establishing its asymptotic distribution, we show that the proposed estimator is more efficient than the standard local polynomial estimator. As a by-product we prove a suitable version of a central limit theorem which allows us to improve the asymptotic normality result for local polynomial estimators by Masry and Fan [(1997), ‘Local Polynomial Estimation of Regression Functions for Mixing Processes’, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 24, 165–179]. A simulation study confirms the efficiency of our estimator on finite samples. An application to climate data also shows that our new method leads to an estimator with decreased variability.  相似文献   

A linear recursive technique that does not use the Kalman filter approach is proposed to estimate missing observations in an univariate time series. It is assumed that the series follows an invertible ARIMA model. The procedure is based on the restricted forecasting approach, and the recursive linear estimators are optimal in terms of minimum mean-square error.  相似文献   

We first describe the time series modeling problem in a general way. Then some specific assumptions and observations which are pertinent to the application of these models are made. We next propose a specific approach to the modeling problem, one which yields efficient, easily calculated estimators of all parameters (under the stated assumptions). Finally, the technique is applied to the problem of modeling the census of a particular hospital.  相似文献   

The article studies a time-varying coefficient time series model in which some of the covariates are measured with additive errors. In order to overcome the bias of estimator of the coefficient functions when measurement errors are ignored, we propose a modified least squares estimator based on wavelet procedures. The advantage of the wavelet method is to avoid the restrictive smoothness requirement for varying-coefficient functions of the traditional smoothing approaches, such as kernel and local polynomial methods. The asymptotic properties of the proposed wavelet estimators are established under the α-mixing conditions and without specifying the error distribution. These results can be used to make asymptotically valid statistical inference.  相似文献   

The minimum mean square error linear interpolator for missing values in time series is extended to handle any pattern of nonconsecutive observations. The paper then develops evidence with simple ARMA models that the usefulness of either the"nonparametric"or the parametric form of the least squares interpolator depends on the time series model, the arrangement of the missing data and the objective for completing the series.  相似文献   

This work presents a framework of dynamic structural models with covariates for short-term forecasting of time series with complex seasonal patterns. The framework is based on the multiple sources of randomness formulation. A noise model is formulated to allow the incorporation of randomness into the seasonal component and to propagate this same randomness in the coefficients of the variant trigonometric terms over time. A unique, recursive and systematic computational procedure based on the maximum likelihood estimation under the hypothesis of Gaussian errors is introduced. The referred procedure combines the Kalman filter with recursive adjustment of the covariance matrices and the selection method of harmonics number in the trigonometric terms. A key feature of this method is that it allows estimating not only the states of the system but also allows obtaining the standard errors of the estimated parameters and the prediction intervals. In addition, this work also presents a non-parametric bootstrap approach to improve the forecasting method based on Kalman filter recursions. The proposed framework is empirically explored with two real time series.  相似文献   

The generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) processes are frequently used to investigate and model financial returns. They are routinely estimated by computationally complex off-line estimation methods, for example, by the conditional maximum likelihood procedure. However, in many empirical applications (especially in the context of high-frequency financial data), it seems necessary to apply numerically more effective techniques to calibrate and monitor such models. The aims of this contribution are: (i) to review the previously introduced recursive estimation algorithms and to derive self-weighted alternatives applying general recursive identification instruments, and (ii) to examine these methods by means of simulations and an empirical application.  相似文献   

New approaches to prior specification and structuring in autoregressive time series models are introduced and developed. We focus on defining classes of prior distributions for parameters and latent variables related to latent components of an autoregressive model for an observed time series. These new priors naturally permit the incorporation of both qualitative and quantitative prior information about the number and relative importance of physically meaningful components that represent low frequency trends, quasi-periodic subprocesses and high frequency residual noise components of observed series. The class of priors also naturally incorporates uncertainty about model order and hence leads in posterior analysis to model order assessment and resulting posterior and predictive inferences that incorporate full uncertainties about model order as well as model parameters. Analysis also formally incorporates uncertainty and leads to inferences about unknown initial values of the time series, as it does for predictions of future values. Posterior analysis involves easily implemented iterative simulation methods, developed and described here. One motivating field of application is climatology, where the evaluation of latent structure, especially quasi-periodic structure, is of critical importance in connection with issues of global climatic variability. We explore the analysis of data from the southern oscillation index, one of several series that has been central in recent high profile debates in the atmospheric sciences about recent apparent trends in climatic indicators.  相似文献   

It is well-known that multivariate curve estimation suffers from the curse of dimensionality. However, reasonable estimators are possible, even in several dimensions, under appropriate restrictions on the complexity of the curve. In the present paper we explore how much appropriate wavelet estimators can exploit a typical restriction on the curve such as additivity. We first propose an adaptive and simultaneous estimation procedure for all additive components in additive regression models and discuss rate of convergence results and data-dependent truncation rules for wavelet series estimators. To speed up computation we then introduce a wavelet version of functional ANOVA algorithm for additive regression models and propose a regularization algorithm which guarantees an adaptive solution to the multivariate estimation problem. Some simulations indicate that wavelets methods complement nicely the existing methodology for nonparametric multivariate curve estimation.  相似文献   

Often the unknown covariance structure of a stationary, dependent, Gaussian error sequence can be simply parametrised. The error sequence can either be directly observed or observed only through a random sequence containing a deterministic regression model. The method of scoring is used here, in conjunction with recursive estimation techniques, to effect the maximum likelihood estimation of the covariance parameters. Sequences of recursive residuals, useful in model diagnostics and data analysis, are obtained in the estimation procedure.  相似文献   

We consider estimation of the historical volatility of stock prices. It is assumed that the stock prices are represented as time series formed as samples of the solution of a stochastic differential equation with random and time-varying parameters; these parameters are not observable directly and have unknown evolution law. The price samples are available with limited frequency only. In this setting, the estimation has to be based on short time series, and the estimation error can be significant. We suggest some supplements to the existing nonparametric methods of volatility estimation. Two modifications of the standard summation formula for the volatility are derived. In addition, a linear transformation eliminating the appreciation rate and preserving the volatility is suggested.  相似文献   

A detailed simulation study is reported on the application of l1:estimations to a seasonal moving average model. It is found that the asymptotic normal distribution is a nonapproximation to the finite sample distribution. However, the expected benefits of l1:estimation relative to l2:are partially realised for nonnormal innovative distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a zero-inflated power series regression model for longitudinal count data with excess zeros is presented. We demonstrate how to calculate the likelihood for such data when it is assumed that the increment in the cumulative total follows a discrete distribution with a location parameter that depends on a linear function of explanatory variables. Simulation studies indicate that this method can provide improvements in obtaining standard errors of the estimates. We also calculate the dispersion index for this model. The influence of a small perturbation of the dispersion index of the zero-inflated model on likelihood displacement is also studied. The zero-inflated negative binomial regression model is illustrated on data regarding joint damage in psoriatic arthritis.  相似文献   

The basic structural model is a univariate time series model consisting of a slowly changing trend component, a slowly changing seasonal component, and a random irregular component. It is part of a class of models that have a number of advantages over the seasonal ARIMA models adopted by Box and Jenkins (1976). This article reports the results of an exercise in which the basic structural model was estimated for six U.K. macroeconomic time series and the forecasting performance compared with that of ARIMA models previously fitted by Prothero and Wallis (1976).  相似文献   

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