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In this paper, we consider a mixture of two uniform distributions and derive L-moment estimators of its parameters. Three possible ways of mixing two uniforms, namely with neither overlap nor gap, with overlap, and with gap, are studied. The performance of these L-moment estimators in terms of bias and efficiency is compared to that obtained by means of the conventional method of moments (MM), modified maximum likelihood (MML) method and the usual maximum likelihood (ML) method. These intensive simulations reveal that MML estimators are the best in most of the cases, and the L-moment estimators are less subject to bias in estimation for some mixtures and more efficient in most of the cases than the conventional MM estimators. The L-moment estimators are, in some cases, more efficient than the ML and MML estimators.  相似文献   

Bimodal mixture Weibull distribution being a special case of mixture Weibull distribution has been used recently as a suitable model for heterogeneous data sets in many practical applications. The bimodal mixture Weibull term represents a mixture of two Weibull distributions. Although many estimation methods have been proposed for the bimodal mixture Weibull distribution, there is not a comprehensive comparison. This paper presents a detailed comparison of five kinds of numerical methods, such as maximum likelihood estimation, least-squares method, method of moments, method of logarithmic moments and percentile method (PM) in terms of several criteria by simulation study. Also parameter estimation methods are applied to real data.  相似文献   

The main object of this paper is the approximate Bayes estimation of the five dimensional vector of parameters and the reliability function of a mixture of two Weibull distributions under Type-2 censoring. Under Type-2 censoring, the posterior distribution is complicated, and the integrals involved cannot be obtained in a simple closed form. In this work, Lindley's (1980) approximate form of Bayes estimation is used in the case of a mixture of two Weibull distributions under Type-2 censoring. Through Monte Carlo simulation, the root mean squared errors (RMSE's) of the Bayes estimates are computed and compared with the corresponding estimated RMSE's of the maximum likelihood estimates.  相似文献   

The problem of sequential estimation of the mean with quadratic loss and fixed cost per observation is considered within the Bayesian framework. Instead of fully sequential sampling, a two-stage sampling technique is introduced to solve the problem. The proposed two-stage procedure is robust in the sense that it does not depend on the distribution of outcome variables and the prior. It is shown to be asymptotically not worse than the optimal fixed-sample-size procedures for the arbitrary distributions, and to be asymptotically Bayes for the distributions of one-parameter exponential family.  相似文献   

In this paper the parameters of some members of a class of multivariate distributions, which was constructed by AL-Hussaini and Ateya (2003), are estimated by using the maximum likelihood and Bayes methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a consistent method of estimation for the parameters of the three-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution. We then discuss some properties of these estimators and show by means of a Monte Carlo simulation study that the proposed estimators perform better than some other prominent estimators in terms of bias and root mean squared error. Finally, we present two real-life examples to illustrate the method of inference developed here.  相似文献   

With reference to the problem of estimating the mixing proportions in a finite mixture distribution with known components, employing Dirichlet prior, closed form expressions for the posterior means and variances are obtained. To avoid the difficulties in computing the estimates, an approximation procedure is introduced. Numerical studies carried out for normal mixtures indicate the closeness of the approximations and their superiority over the maximum likelihood estimates at least in the case of small samples.  相似文献   

There exist primarily three different types of algorithms for computing nonparametric maximum likelihood estimates (NPMLEs) of mixing distributions in the literature, which are the EM-type algorithms, the vertex direction algorithms such as VDM and VEM, and the algorithms based on general constrained optimization techniques such as the projected gradient method. It is known that the projected gradient algorithm may run into stagnation during iterations. When a stagnation occurs, VDM steps need to be added. We argue that the abrupt switch to VDM steps can significantly reduce the efficiency of the projected gradient algorithm, and is usually unnecessary. In this paper, we define a group of partially projected directions, which can be regarded as hybrids of ordinary projected gradient directions and VDM directions. Based on these directions, four new algorithms are proposed for computing NPMLEs of mixing distributions. The properties of the algorithms are discussed and their convergence is proved. Extensive numerical simulations show that the new algorithms outperform the existing methods, especially when a NPMLE has a large number of support points or when high accuracy is required.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology based on transforming estimation methods in optimization problems in order to incorporate in a natural way some constraints that contain extra information not considered by standard estimation methods, with the aim of improving the quality of the parameter estimates. We include here three types of such information: bounds for the cumulative distribution function, bounds for the quantiles, and any restrictions on the parameters such as those imposed by the support of the random variable under consideration. The method is quite general and can be applied to many estimation methods such as the maximum likelihood (ML), the method of moments (MOM), the least squares, the least absolute values, and the minimax methods. The performances of the obtained estimates from several families of distributions are investigated for the ML and the MOM, using simulations. The simulation results show that for small sample sizes important gains can be achieved with respect to the case where the above information is ignored. In addition, we discuss sensitivity analysis methods for assessing the influence of observations on the proposed estimators. The method applies to both univariate and multivariate data.  相似文献   

We develop estimates for the parameters of the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution (DMD) when there is insufficient data to obtain maximum likelihood or method of moment estimates known in the literature. We do, however, have supplemetary beta-binomial data pertaining to the marginals of the DMD, and use these data when estimating the DMD parameters. A real situation and data set are given where our estimates are applicable.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of allocating a fixed number of trials between two independent binomial populations with unknown success probabilities θ1 and θ2, in order to estimate θ1 - θ2 with squared error loss. Introducing independent beta priors on θ1 and θ2, a heuristic allocation procedure is introduced and compared both with the optimal and with the best fixed allocation procedure. Numerical and asymptotic results of these comparisons are given and seem to indicate that there are situations when the best fixed allocation procedure performs almost as well as the optimal procedure.  相似文献   

A numerically feasible algorithm is proposed for maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the Dirichlet distribution. The performance of the proposed method is compared with the method of moments using bias ratio and squared errors by Monte Carlo simulation. For these criteria, it is found that even in small samples maximum likelihood estimation has advantages over the method of moments.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to develop the approximate Bayes estimation of the five-dimensional vector of the parameters and reliability function of a mixture of two inverse Weibull distributions (MTIWD) under Type-2 censoring. Usually, the posterior distribution is complicated under the scheme of Type-2 censoring and the integrals that are involved cannot be obtained in a simple explicit form. In this study, we use Lindley's [Approximate Bayesian method, Trabajos Estadist. 31 (1980), pp. 223–237] approximate form of Bayes estimation in the case of an MTIWD under Type-2 censoring. Later, we calculate the estimated risks (ERs) of the Bayes estimates and compare them with the corresponding ERs of the maximum-likelihood estimates through Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, we analyse a real data set using the findings.  相似文献   

A simulation experiment compares the accuracy and precision of three alternate estimation techniques for the parameters of the STARMA model. Maximum likelihood estimation, in most ways the "best" estimation procedure, involves a large amount of computational effort so that two approximate techniques, exact least squares and conditional maximum likelihood, are often proposed for series of moderate lengths. This simulation experiment compares the accuracy of these three estimation procedures for simulated series of various lengths, and discusses the appropriateness of the three procedures as a function of the length of the observed series.  相似文献   

We consider time series models of the MA (moving average) family, and deal with the estimation of the residual variance. Results are known for maximum likelihood estimates under normality, both for known or unknown mean, in which case the asymptotic biases depend on the number of parameters (including the mean), and do not depend on the values of the parameters. For moment estimates the situation is different, because we find that the asymptotic biases depend on the values of the parameters, and become large as they approach the boundary of the region of invertibility. Our approach is to use Taylor series expansions, and the objective is to obtain asymptotic biases with error of o(l/T), where T is the sample size. Simulation results are presented, and corrections for bias suggested.  相似文献   

This paper concludes our comprehensive study on point estimation of model parameters of a gamma distribution from a second-order decision theoretic point of view. It should be noted that efficient estimation of gamma model parameters for samples ‘not large’ is a challenging task since the exact sampling distributions of the maximum likelihood estimators and its variants are not known. Estimation of a gamma scale parameter has received less attention from the earlier researchers compared to shape parameter estimation. What we have observed here is that improved estimation of the shape parameter does not necessarily lead to improved scale estimation if a natural moment condition (which is also the maximum likelihood restriction) is satisfied. Therefore, this work deals with the gamma scale parameter estimation as a separate new problem, not as a by-product of the shape parameter estimation, and studies several estimators in terms of second-order risk.  相似文献   

A new two-parameter distribution over the unit interval, called the Unit-Inverse Gaussian distribution, is introduced and studied in detail. The proposed distribution shares many properties with other known distributions on the unit interval, such as Beta, Johnson SB, Unit-Gamma, and Kumaraswamy distributions. Estimation of the parameters of the proposed distribution are obtained by transforming the data to the inverse Gaussian distribution. Unlike most distributions on the unit interval, the maximum likelihood or method of moments estimators of the parameters of the proposed distribution are expressed in simple closed forms which do not need iterative methods to compute. Application of the proposed distribution to a real data set shows better fit than many known two-parameter distributions on the unit interval.  相似文献   

This paper gives an interpretation for the scale parameter of a Dirichlet process when the aim is to estimate a linear functional of an unknown probability distribution. We provide exact first and second posterior moments for such functionals under both informative and noninformative prior specifications. The noninformative case provides a normal approximation to the Bayesian bootstrap.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the inference problem for a flexible class of distributions with normal kernel known as skew-bimodal-normal family of distributions. We obtain posterior and predictive distributions assuming different prior specifications. We provide conditions for the existence of the maximum-likelihood estimators (MLE). An EM-type algorithm is built to compute them. As a by product, we obtain important results related to classical and Bayesian inferences for two special subclasses called bimodal-normal and skew-normal (SN) distribution families. We perform a Monte Carlo simulation study to analyse behaviour of the MLE and some Bayesian ones. Considering the frontier data previously studied in the literature, we use the skew-bimodal-normal (SBN) distribution for density estimation. For that data set, we conclude that the SBN model provides as good a fit as the one obtained using the location-scale SN model. Since the former is a more parsimonious model, such a result is shown to be more attractive.  相似文献   

Statistical inference for the diffusion coefficients of multivariate diffusion processes has been well established in recent years; however, it is not the case for the drift coefficients. Furthermore, most existing estimation methods for the drift coefficients are proposed under the assumption that the diffusion matrix is positive definite and time homogeneous. In this article, we put forward two estimation approaches for estimating the drift coefficients of the multivariate diffusion models with the time inhomogeneously positive semidefinite diffusion matrix. They are maximum likelihood estimation methods based on both the martingale representation theorem and conditional characteristic functions and the generalized method of moments based on conditional characteristic functions, respectively. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the generalized method of moments estimation are also proved in this article. Simulation results demonstrate that these methods work well.  相似文献   

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