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Many methodological studies depend on the product of two dependent correlation coefficients. However, the behavior of the distribution of the product of two dependent correlation coefficients is not well known. The distribution of sets of correlation coefficients has been well studied, but not the distribution of the product of two dependent correlation coefficients. The present study derives an approximation to the distribution of the product of two dependent correlation coefficients with a closed form, resulting in a Pearson Type I distribution. A simulation study is also conducted to assess the accuracy of the approximation.  相似文献   

This paper provides a fortran algorithm that can be used to compute the cdf of the product of two normal distribution random variables. We also give references that provide mathematical properties, tables, and applications of this distribution  相似文献   


In this article, we derive the probability density function (pdf) of the product of two independent generalized trapezoidal random variables having different supports, in closed form, by considering all possible cases. We also show that the results for the product of two triangular and uniform random variables follow as special cases of our main result. As an illustration, we obtain pdf of product for a suitably constrained set of parameters and plot some graphs using MATLAB, which express variation in pdf with change in different parameters of the generalized trapezoidal distribution.  相似文献   

The Mellin convolution is used to derive in analytical form an exact 3-parameterprobabilitydensity function of the quotient of two noncentral normal random variables. In contrast with the 5-parameter probability density function previously derivedby Fieller (1932) and Hinkley (1969), this 3-parameter probability density function is feasible for computer evaluation of the mean and cumulative distribution function, which are needed, for example, when dealing with estimation and distribution problems in regression analysis and sampling theory. When the normal variables are independent, the probability density function reduces to a 2-parameter function, for which a computer program is operational. An illustrative example is given for one set of parameters when the normal variables are independent, in which themean and functional form of the probability density function are presented, together with a brief tabulation of the probability density function.  相似文献   

In sampling inspection by variables, an item is considered defective if its quality characteristic Y falls below some specification limit L0. We consider switching to a new supplier if we can be sure that the proportion of defective items for the new supplier is smaller than the proportion defective for the present supplier.

Assume that Y has a normal distribution. A test for comparing these proportions is developed. A simulation study of the performance of the test is presented.  相似文献   

The truncated gamma distribution has been widely studied, primarily in life-testing and reliability settings. Most work has assumed an upper bound on the support of the random variable, i.e. the space of the distribution is (0,u). We consider a doubly-truncated gamma random variable restricted by both a lower (l) and upper (u) truncation point, both of which are considered known. We provide simple forms for the density, cumulative distribution function (CDF), moment generating function, cumulant generating function, characteristic function, and moments. We extend the results to describe the density, CDF, and moments of a doubly-truncated noncentral chi-square variable.  相似文献   

In this paper we.present a Normal asymptotic distribution for the logarithm of the generalized Wilks Lambda statistic based on an asymptotic distribution for the determinant of a Wishart matrix. This distribution is obtained through the combined use of Taylor expansions of random variables whose exponentials have chi-square distributions and the Lindeberg-Feller version of the Central Limit Theorem, Another asymptotic Normal distribution for the logarithm of the generalized Wilks Lambda statistic for the case when at most one of the sets has an odd number of variables is derived directly from the exact distribution. Both distributions are non-degenerate and non-singular. The first Normal distribution compares favorably with other known approximations and asymptotic distributions namely for large numbers of variables and small sample sizes, while the second Normal distribution, which has a more restricted application, compares in most cases highly favorably with other known asymptotic distributions and approximations. Finally, a method to compute approximate quantiles which lay very close and converge steadily to the exact ones is presented.  相似文献   

The cumulative distribution function of the non-central chi-square is very important in calculating the power function of some statistical tests. On the other hand it involves an integral which is difficult to obtain. In literature some workers discussed the evaluation and the approximation of the c.d.f. of the non-central chi-square [see references (2)]. In the present work two computational formulae for computing the cumulative distribution function of the non-central chi-square distribution are given, the first one deals with the case of any degrees of freedom (odd and even), and the second deals with the case of odd degrees of freedom. Numerical illustrations are discussed.  相似文献   

Use of Newton's method for computing the noncentrality parameter based on the specified power in sample size problems of chi-squared tests requires that we evaluate both the noncentral chi-squareddistribution function and its derivative with respect to the noncentrality parameter. A close relationship between computing formulas for them is revealed, by which their evaluations can be performed jointly. This property greatly reduces the amount of computation involved. The corresponding algorithm is provided in a step-by-step form.  相似文献   


Over the last 80?years there has been much interest in the problem of finding an explicit formula for the probability density function of two zero mean correlated normal random variables. Motivated by this historical interest, we use a recent technique from the Stein’s method literature to obtain a simple new proof, which also serves as an exposition of a general method that may be useful in related problems.  相似文献   

This article gives the exact distribution of a statistic whose numerator and denominator are independent, the former being a linear combination of independent chi-square variables and the latter being the kth root of a product of k independent chi-square variables. This structure appears in the study of multivariate linear functional relationship models. The technique of the inverse Mellin transform is used in order to obtain the density of this test statistic in a computable form.  相似文献   

This paper provides necessary and sufficient conditions for a quadratic form in singular normal random variables to be distributed as a given linear combination of independent noncentral chi-square variables. Using this result, an extension of Cochran's theorem to quadratic forms of noncentral chi-square variables is derived.  相似文献   

The exact probability density function of a bivariate chi-square distribution with two correlated components is derived. Some moments of the product and ratio of two correlated chi-square random variables have been derived. The ratio of the two correlated chi-square variables is used to compare variability. One such application is referred to. Another application is pinpointed in connection with the distribution of correlation coefficient based on a bivariate t distribution.   相似文献   

In this paper, we study the asymptotic distributions of MLE and UMVUE of a parametric functionh1, θ2) when sampling from a biparametric uniform distributionU1, θ2). We obtain both limiting distributions as a convolution of exponential distributions, and we observe that the limiting distribution of UMVUE is a shift of the limiting distribution of MLE.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown by Perlman (1980) that when testing the equality of several normal distributions it is the likelihood ratio test which is unbiased rather than a test based on a modified statistic in common use. This paper gives expansions for the null distribution of the likelihood ratio statistic as well as for the nonnull distribution in a special case.  相似文献   

A wider-tailed family of distributions is suggested as an alternative to the normal distribution having many of the desirable properties of the normal family. One advantage of this alternative is the greater robustness of maximum-likelihood estimates.  相似文献   

Tables are given of confidence limits on tail areas, γ, of the normal distribution, where γ = P{Y ≥ L}, and where L is a given number, and Y is normally distributed with unknown mean, μ, and unknown variance, σ2.  相似文献   

The ordinary-G class of distributions is defined to have the cumulative distribution function (cdf) as the value of the cdf of the ordinary distribution F whose range is the unit interval at G, that is, F(G), and it generalizes the ordinary distribution. In this work, we consider the standard two-sided power distribution to define other classes like the beta-G and the Kumaraswamy-G classes. We extend the idea of two-sidedness to other ordinary distributions like normal. After studying the basic properties of the new class in general setting, we consider the two-sided generalized normal distribution with maximum likelihood estimation procedure.  相似文献   

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