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Comparative lifetime experiments are important when the object of a study is to determine the relative merits of two competing duration of life products. This study considers the interval estimation for two Weibull populations when joint Type-II progressive censoring is implemented. We obtain the conditional maximum likelihood estimators of the two Weibull parameters under this scheme. Moreover, simultaneous approximate confidence region based on the asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimators are also discussed and compared with two Bootstrap confidence regions. We consider the behavior of probability of failure structure with different schemes. A simulation study is performed and an illustrative example is also given.  相似文献   

Suppose that there are independent samples available from several multivariate normal populations with the same mean vector m? but possibly different covariance matrices. The problem of developing a confidence region for the common mean vector based on all the samples is considered. An exact confidence region centered at a generalized version of the well-known Graybill-Deal estimator of m? is developed, and a multiple comparison procedure based on this confidence region is outlined. Necessary percentile points for constructing the confidence region are given for the two-sample case. For more than two samples, a convenient method of approximating the percentile points is suggested. Also, a numerical example is presented to illustrate the methods. Further, for the bivariate case, the proposed confidence region and the ones based on individual samples are compared numerically with respect to their expected areas. The numerical results indicate that the new confidence region is preferable to the single-sample versions for practical use.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of constructing a fixed-size confidence region for a linear function of mean vectors of k multinormal populations, where all covariance matrices are completely unknown. A two-stage procedure is proposed to construct such a confidence region. It is shown that the proposed two-stage procedure is consistent and its asymptotic property for the expected sample size is also given. A Monte Carlo simulation study is given for an illustration.  相似文献   

In this paper, the hypothesis testing and confidence region construction for a linear combination of mean vectors for K independent multivariate normal populations are considered. A new generalized pivotal quantity and a new generalized test variable are derived based on the concepts of generalized p-values and generalized confidence regions. When only two populations are considered, our results are equivalent to those proposed by Gamage et al. [Generalized p-values and confidence regions for the multivariate Behrens–Fisher problem and MANOVA, J. Multivariate Aanal. 88 (2004), pp. 117–189] in the bivariate case, which is also known as the bivariate Behrens–Fisher problem. However, in some higher dimension cases, these two results are quite different. The generalized confidence region is illustrated with two numerical examples and the merits of the proposed method are numerically compared with those of the existing methods with respect to their expected areas, coverage probabilities under different scenarios.  相似文献   


In this article, we have proposed a three-stage procedure for the estimation of the difference of the means of two multivariate normal populations having unknown and unequal variances. Point as well as confidence region estimation is done for the same. Here, we have used the concept of classical Behrens-Fisher problem. Second-order approximations are obtained in both the cases, i.e., point estimation and confidence region estimation.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new scheme called joint progressive type-I (JPC-I) censored and as a special case, joint type-I censored scheme. Bayesian and non Bayesian estimators have been obtained for two exponential populations under both JPC-I censored scheme and joint type-I censored. The maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters, the asymptotic variance covariance matrix, have been obtained. Bayes estimators have been developed under squared error loss function using independent gamma prior distributions. Moreover, approximate confidence region based on the asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimators and credible confidence region from a Bayesian viewpoint are also discussed and compared with two Bootstrap confidence regions. A numerical illustration for these new results is given.  相似文献   

The hypothesis testing and confidence region are considered for the common mean vector of several multivariate normal populations when the covariance matrices are unknown and possibly unequal. A generalized confidence region is derived using the concepts of generalized method based on the generalized pp-value. The generalized confidence region is illustrated with two numerical examples. The merits of the proposed method are numerically compared with those of existing methods with respect to their expected area or expected d-dimensional volumes and coverage probabilities under different scenarios.  相似文献   

Comparative lifetime experiments are of great importance when the interest is in ascertaining the relative merits of two competing products with regard to their reliability. In this article, we consider two exponential populations and when joint progressive Type-II censoring is implemented on the two samples. We then derive the moment generating functions and the exact distributions of the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the mean lifetimes of the two exponential populations under such a joint progressive Type-II censoring. We then discuss the exact lower confidence bounds, exact confidence intervals, and simultaneous confidence regions. Next, we discuss the corresponding approximate results based on the asymptotic normality of the MLEs as well as those based on the Bayesian method. All these confidence intervals and regions are then compared by means of Monte Carlo simulations with those obtained from bootstrap methods. Finally, an illustrative example is presented in order to illustrate all the methods of inference discussed here.  相似文献   

The Behrens–Fisher problem concerns the inferences for the difference between means of two independent normal populations without the assumption of equality of variances. In this article, we compare three approximate confidence intervals and a generalized confidence interval for the Behrens–Fisher problem. We also show how to obtain simultaneous confidence intervals for the three population case (analysis of variance, ANOVA) by the Bonferroni correction factor. We conduct an extensive simulation study to evaluate these methods in respect to their type I error rate, power, expected confidence interval width, and coverage probability. Finally, the considered methods are applied to two real dataset.  相似文献   

We consider a multivariate linear model for multivariate controlled calibration, and construct some conservative confidence regions, which are nonempty and invariant under nonsingular transformations. The computation of our confidence region is easier compared to some of the existing procedures. We illustrate the results using two examples. The simulation results show the closeness of the coverage probability of our confidence regions to the assumed confidence level.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider inference of the stress-strength parameter, R, based on two independent Type-II censored samples from exponentiated Fréchet populations with different index parameters. The maximum likelihood and uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators, exact and asymptotic confidence intervals and hypotheses testing for R are obtained. We conduct a Monte Carlo simulation study to evaluate the performance of these estimators and confidence intervals. Finally, two real data sets are analysed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

When making inference on a normal distribution, one often seeks either a joint confidence region for the two parameters or a confidence band for the cumulative distribution function. A number of methods for constructing such confidence sets are available, but none of these methods guarantees a minimum-area confidence set. In this paper, we derive both a minimum-area joint confidence region for the two parameters and a minimum-area confidence band for the cumulative distribution function. The minimum-area joint confidence region is asymptotically equivalent to other confidence regions in the literature, but the minimum-area confidence band improves on existing confidence bands even asymptotically.  相似文献   

Abstract: The authors derive empirical likelihood confidence regions for the comparison distribution of two populations whose distributions are to be tested for equality using random samples. Another application they consider is to ROC curves, which are used to compare measurements of a diagnostic test from two populations. The authors investigate the smoothed empirical likelihood method for estimation in this context, and empirical likelihood based confidence intervals are obtained by means of the Wilks theorem. A bootstrap approach allows for the construction of confidence bands. The method is illustrated with data analysis and a simulation study.  相似文献   

For normally distributed populations, we obtain confidence bounds on a ratio of two coefficients of variation, provide a test for the equality of k coefficients of variation, and provide confidence bounds on a coefficient of variation shared by k populations.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of making inferences on the common mean of several heterogeneous log-normal populations. We apply the parametric bootstrap (PB) approach and the method of variance estimate recovery (MOVER) to construct confidence intervals for the log-normal common mean. We then compare the performances of the proposed confidence intervals with the existing confidence intervals via an extensive simulation study. Simulation results show that our proposed MOVER and PB confidence intervals can be recommended generally for different sample sizes and number of populations.  相似文献   

The multivariate log-normal distribution is a good candidate to describe data that are not only positive and skewed, but also contain many characteristic values. In this study, we apply the generalized variable method to compare the mean vectors of two independent multivariate log-normal populations that display heteroscedasticity. Two generalized pivotal quantities are derived for constructing the generalized confidence region and for testing the difference between two mean vectors. Simulation results indicate that the proposed procedures exhibit satisfactory performance regardless of the sample sizes and heteroscedasticity. The type I error rates obtained are consistent with expectations and the coverage probabilities are close to the nominal level when compared with the other method which is currently available. These features make the proposed method a worthy alternative for inferential analysis of problems involving multivariate log-normal means. The results are illustrated using three examples.  相似文献   

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is one of the most commonly used methods to compare the diagnostic performance of two or more laboratory or diagnostic tests. In this paper, we propose semi-empirical likelihood based confidence intervals for ROC curves of two populations, where one population is parametric and the other one is non-parametric and both have missing data. After imputing missing values, we derive the semi-empirical likelihood ratio statistic and the corresponding likelihood equations. It is shown that the log-semi-empirical likelihood ratio statistic is asymptotically scaled chi-squared. The estimating equations are solved simultaneously to obtain the estimated lower and upper bounds of semi-empirical likelihood confidence intervals. We conduct extensive simulation studies to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed empirical likelihood confidence intervals with various sample sizes and different missing probabilities.  相似文献   

The exact confidence region for log relative potency resulting from likelihood score methods (Williams (1988) An exact confidence interval for the relative potency estimated from a multivariate bioassay, Biometrics, 44:861-868) will very likely consist of two disjoint confidence intervals. The two methods proposed by Williams which aim to select just one (the same) confidence interval from the confidence region are nearly – but not completely – consistent. The likelihood score interval and likelihood ratio interval are asymptotically equivalent. Williams's very strong claim concerning the confidence coefficient in the second selection method is still theoretically unproved; yet, simulations show that it is true for a wide range of practical experimental situations.  相似文献   

We study second-order properties of a two-stage fixed -size confidence region for estimating the mean vector μ in the Np(μ∑) population when some auxiliary information about the structure of ∑ is available. In the case when we do not have such nrior information regarding ∑. Mukhopauiiyay (199/ ) de rived second-order properties of the classical two stage fixed-size confidence region, when properly modified. It was assumed that the maximum latent root of ∑ was simple and bounded below by a known positive number. In this paper we allow the maximum latent root to have general multiplicity for the verification of the second order properties of the two-stage procedure incorpo rating ∑'s structural information. We also maintain the nominal confidence coefficient.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of setting up a confidence region for the mean of amultivariate timeseries ont he basis of a part-realisation of that series.A procedure for setting up a confidence interval for the mean of a univariate time series Is implicitin Jones(1976).We present an analogous procedure for setting up a confidence region for the mean of a multivariatet ime series.This procedure is base donastatistic which is an analogue of Hotelling'sT'.Our results are applied to a comparison of climate means obtained from experiments with a General Circulation Model of the earth's atmosphere.  相似文献   

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