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This paper discusses the maximum likelihood estimation of the polychoric correlation coefficient based on observed frequencies of three polytomous ordinal variables. The underlying latent variables are assumed to have a standardized trivariate normal distribution. The thresholds and correlations are estimated simultaneously via the scoring algorithm. Some practical applications of the method are discussed. An example is reported to illustrate the theory and some technical details are presented in the Appendix.  相似文献   

The ratio of normal tail probabilities and the ratio of Student’s t tail probabilities have gained an increased attention in statistics and related areas. However, they are not well studied in the literature. In this paper, we systematically study the functional behaviors of these two ratios. Meanwhile, we explore their difference as well as their relationship. It is surprising that the two ratios behave very different to each other. Finally, we conclude the paper by conducting some lower and upper bounds for the two ratios.  相似文献   

Markov-switching (MS) models are becoming increasingly popular as efficient tools of modeling various phenomena in different disciplines, in particular for non Gaussian time series. In this articlept", we propose a broad class of Markov-switching BILINEARGARCH processes (MS ? BLGARCH hereafter) obtained by adding to a MS ? GARCH model one or more interaction components between the observed series and its volatility process. This parameterization offers remarkably rich dynamics and complex behavior for modeling and forecasting financial time-series data which exhibit structural changes. In these models, the parameters of conditional variance are allowed to vary according to some latent time-homogeneous Markov chain with finite state space or “regimes.” The main aim of this new model is to capture asymmetric and hence purported to be able to capture leverage effect characterized by the negativity of the correlation between returns shocks and subsequent shocks in volatility patterns in different regimes. So, first, some basic structural properties of this new model including sufficient conditions ensuring the existence of stationary, causal, ergodic solutions, and moments properties are given. Second, since the second-order structure provides a useful information to identify an appropriate time-series model, we derive the expression of the covariance function of for MS ? BLGARCH and for its powers. As a consequence, we find that the second (resp. higher)-order structure is similar to some linear processes, and hence MS ? BLGARCH (resp. its powers) admit an ARMA representation. This finding allows us for parameter estimation via GMM procedure proved by a Monte Carlo study and applied to foreign exchange rate of the Algerian Dinar against the single European currency.  相似文献   

The simultaneous estimation of Cronbachs alpha coefficients from q populations under the compound symmetry assumption is considered. In a multi-sample scenario, it is suspected that all the Cronbachs alpha coefficients are identical. Consequently, the inclusion of non-sample information (NSI) on the homogeneity of Cronbachs alpha coefficients in the estimation process may improve precision. We propose improved estimators based on the linear shrinkage, preliminary test, and the Steins type shrinkage strategies, to incorporate available NSI into the estimation. Their asymptotic properties are derived and discussed using the concepts of bias and risk. Extensive Monte-Carlo simulations were conducted to investigate the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   

As GARCH models and stable Paretian distributions have been revisited in the recent past with the papers of Hansen and Lunde (J Appl Econom 20: 873–889, 2005) and Bidarkota and McCulloch (Quant Finance 4: 256–265, 2004), respectively, in this paper we discuss alternative conditional distributional models for the daily returns of the US, German and Portuguese main stock market indexes, considering ARMA-GARCH models driven by Normal, Student’s t and stable Paretian distributed innovations. We find that a GARCH model with stable Paretian innovations fits returns clearly better than the more popular Normal distribution and slightly better than the Student’s t distribution. However, the Student’s t outperforms the Normal and stable Paretian distributions when the out-of-sample density forecasts are considered.  相似文献   

Three tables provide coefficients for polynomial approximations of Student's t and chi-square percentage points at 10 probability levels, with relative error less than .00005  相似文献   

Maximization of an auto-Gaussian log-likelihood function when spatial autocorrelation is present requires numerical evaluation of an n?×?n matrix determinant. Griffith and Sone proposed a solution to this problem. This article simplifies and then evaluates an alternative approximation that can also be used with massively large georeferenced data sets based upon a regular square tessellation; this makes it particularly relevant to remotely sensed image analysis. Estimation results reported for five data sets found in the literature confirm the utility of this newer approximation.  相似文献   

Nested case–control (NCC) sampling is widely used in large epidemiological cohort studies for its cost effectiveness, but its data analysis primarily relies on the Cox proportional hazards model. In this paper, we consider a family of linear transformation models for analyzing NCC data and propose an inverse selection probability weighted estimating equation method for inference. Consistency and asymptotic normality of our estimators for regression coefficients are established. We show that the asymptotic variance has a closed analytic form and can be easily estimated. Numerical studies are conducted to support the theory and an application to the Wilms’ Tumor Study is also given to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Let {xij(1 ? j ? ni)|i = 1, 2, …, k} be k independent samples of size nj from respective distributions of functions Fj(x)(1 ? j ? k). A classical statistical problem is to test whether these k samples came from a common distribution function, F(x) whose form may or may not be known. In this paper, we consider the complementary problem of estimating the distribution functions suspected to be homogeneous in order to improve the basic estimator known as “empirical distribution function” (edf), in an asymptotic setup. Accordingly, we consider four additional estimators, namely, the restricted estimator (RE), the preliminary test estimator (PTE), the shrinkage estimator (SE), and the positive rule shrinkage estimator (PRSE) and study their characteristic properties based on the mean squared error (MSE) and relative risk efficiency (RRE) with tables and graphs. We observed that for k ? 4, the positive rule SE performs uniformly better than both shrinkage and the unrestricted estimator, while PTEs works reasonably well for k < 4.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the classical problem of density estimation on the real line. Most of the existing papers devoted to minimax properties assume that the support of the underlying density is bounded and known. But this assumption may be very difficult to handle in practice. In this work, we show that, exactly as a curse of dimensionality exists when the data lie in Rd, there exists a curse of support as well when the support of the density is infinite. As for the dimensionality problem where the rates of convergence deteriorate when the dimension grows, the minimax rates of convergence may deteriorate as well when the support becomes infinite. This problem is not purely theoretical since the simulations show that the support-dependent methods are really affected in practice by the size of the density support, or by the weight of the density tail. We propose a method based on a biorthogonal wavelet thresholding rule that is adaptive with respect to the nature of the support and the regularity of the signal, but that is also robust in practice to this curse of support. The threshold, that is proposed here, is very accurately calibrated so that the gap between optimal theoretical and practical tuning parameters is almost filled.  相似文献   

In the current paper, we explore some necessary probabilistic properties for the asymptotic inference of a broad class of periodic bilinear– GARCH processes (PBLGARCH) obtained by adding to the standard periodic GARCH models one or more interaction components between the observed series and its volatility process. In these models, the parameters of conditional variance are allowed to switch periodically between different regimes. This specification lead us to obtain a new model which is able to capture the asymmetry and hence leverage effect characterized by the negativity of the correlation between returns shocks and subsequent shocks in volatility patterns for seasonal financial time series. So, the goal here is to give in first part some basic structural properties of PBLGARCH necessary for the remainder of the paper. In the second part, we study the consistency and the asymptotic normality of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) illustrated by a Monte Carlo study and applied to model the exchange rate of the Algerian Dinar against the US-dollar.  相似文献   

Simple nonparametric estimates of the conditional distribution of a response variable given a covariate are often useful for data exploration purposes or to help with the specification or validation of a parametric or semi-parametric regression model. In this paper we propose such an estimator in the case where the response variable is interval-censored and the covariate is continuous. Our approach consists in adding weights that depend on the covariate value in the self-consistency equation proposed by Turnbull (J R Stat Soc Ser B 38:290–295, 1976), which results in an estimator that is no more difficult to implement than Turnbull’s estimator itself. We show the convergence of our algorithm and that our estimator reduces to the generalized Kaplan–Meier estimator (Beran, Nonparametric regression with randomly censored survival data, 1981) when the data are either complete or right-censored. We demonstrate by simulation that the estimator, bootstrap variance estimation and bandwidth selection (by rule of thumb or cross-validation) all perform well in finite samples. We illustrate the method by applying it to a dataset from a study on the incidence of HIV in a group of female sex workers from Kinshasa.  相似文献   

Generalized Hyperbolic distribution (Barndorff-Nielsen 1977) is a variance-mean mixture of a normal distribution with the Generalized Inverse Gaussian distribution. Recently subclasses of these distributions (e.g., the hyperbolic distribution and the Normal Inverse Gaussian distribution) have been applied to construct stochastic processes in turbulence and particularly in finance, where multidimensional problems are of special interest. Parameter estimation for these distributions based on an i.i.d. sample is a difficult task even for a specified one-dimensional subclass (subclass being uniquely defined by ) and relies on numerical methods. For the hyperbolic subclass ( = 1), computer program hyp (Blæsild and Sørensen 1992) estimates parameters via ML when the dimensionality is less than or equal to three. To the best of the author's knowledge, no successful attempts have been made to fit any given subclass when the dimensionality is greater than three. This article proposes a simple EM-based (Dempster, Laird and Rubin 1977) ML estimation procedure to estimate parameters of the distribution when the subclass is known regardless of the dimensionality. Our method relies on the ability to numerically evaluate modified Bessel functions of the third kind and their logarithms, which is made possible by currently available software. The method is applied to fit the five dimensional Normal Inverse Gaussian distribution to a series of returns on foreign exchange rates.  相似文献   

The integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) model has been widely used in diverse fields. Since the task of identifying the underlying distribution of time-series models is a crucial step for further inferences, we consider the goodness-of-fit test for the Poisson assumption on first-order INAR models. For a test, we employ Fisher’s dispersion test due to its simplicity and then derive its null limiting distribution. As an illustration, a simulation study and real data analysis are conducted for the counts of coal mining disasters, the monthly crime data set from New South Wales, and the annual numbers of worldwide earthquakes.  相似文献   

Time-varying coefficient models with autoregressive and moving-average–generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity structure are proposed for examining the time-varying effects of risk factors in longitudinal studies. Compared with existing models in the literature, the proposed models give explicit patterns for the time-varying coefficients. Maximum likelihood and marginal likelihood (based on a Laplace approximation) are used to estimate the parameters in the proposed models. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of these two estimation methods, which is measured in terms of the Kullback–Leibler divergence and the root mean square error. The marginal likelihood approach leads to the more accurate parameter estimates, although it is more computationally intensive. The proposed models are applied to the Framingham Heart Study to investigate the time-varying effects of covariates on coronary heart disease incidence. The Bayesian information criterion is used for specifying the time series structures of the coefficients of the risk factors.  相似文献   

We have observations for a t distribution with unknown mean, variance, and degrees of freedom, each of which we wish to estimate. The major problem lies in the estimate of the degrees of freedom. We show that a relatively efficient yet very simple estimator is a given function of the ratio of percentile estimates. We derive the appropriate estimator, provide equations for transformation and standard errors, contrast this with other estimators, and give examples.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss new adaptive proposal strategies for sequential Monte Carlo algorithms—also known as particle filters—relying on criteria evaluating the quality of the proposed particles. The choice of the proposal distribution is a major concern and can dramatically influence the quality of the estimates. Thus, we show how the long-used coefficient of variation (suggested by Kong et al. in J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 89(278–288):590–599, 1994) of the weights can be used for estimating the chi-square distance between the target and instrumental distributions of the auxiliary particle filter. As a by-product of this analysis we obtain an auxiliary adjustment multiplier weight type for which this chi-square distance is minimal. Moreover, we establish an empirical estimate of linear complexity of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the involved distributions. Guided by these results, we discuss adaptive designing of the particle filter proposal distribution and illustrate the methods on a numerical example. This work was partly supported by the National Research Agency (ANR) under the program “ANR-05-BLAN-0299”.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of simultaneously estimating an integral power of the parameters of POISSOK populations using independent samples. Let the loss be the sum of quadratic losses for the components. An estimator which is better than the unbiased esti¬mator is obtained  相似文献   

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