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In this paper we consider confidence intervals for the ratio of two population variances. We propose a confidence interval for the ratio of two variances based on the t-statistic by deriving its Edgeworth expansion and considering Hall's and Johnson's transformations. Then, we consider the coverage accuracy of suggested intervals and intervals based on the F-statistic for some distributions.  相似文献   

Methods for constructing confidence intervals for variance component ratios in general unbalanced mixed models are developed. The methods are based on inverting the distribution of the signed root of the log-likelihood ratio statistic constructed from either the restricted maximum likelihood or the full likelihood. As this distribution is intractable, the inversion is rather based on using a saddlepoint approximation to its distribution. Apart from Wald's exact method, the resulting intervals are unrivalled in terms of achieving accuracy in overall coverage, underage, and overage. Issues related to the proper “reference set” with which to judge the coverage as well as issues connected to variance ratios being nonnegative with lower bound 0 are addressed. Applications include an unbalanced nested design and an unbalanced crossed design.  相似文献   

A confidence interval for the between group variance is proposed which is deduced from Wald'sexact confidence interval for the rtio of the two variance components in the one-way random effects model and the exact confidence interval for the error variance resp.an unbiased estimator of the error variance. In a simulation study the confidence coeffecients for these two intervals are compared with the confidence coefficients of two other commonly used confidence intervals. There the confidence interval derived here yields confidence coefficiends which are always greater than the prescriped level.  相似文献   

Let X1, , X2, …, X be distributed N(µ, σ2 x), let Y1, Y2, …, Y"n be distributed N(µ, σ2 y), and let X , X , … Xm, Y1, Y2, …, Yn be mutually independent. In this paper a method for setting confidence intervals on the common mean µ is proposed and evaluated.  相似文献   

Consider the general unbalanced two-factor crossed components-of-variance model with interaction given by Yijk: = μ+Ai: +Bj: + Cij: +Eijk: (i = 1,2, … a; j = 1,…,b; k = 1,…,.nij:=0) Ai:,Bj:, Cij: and Eijk: are independent unobservable random variables. Also Ai:sim; N(0,σ2 A),Bj: ~ N(0,σ2 B), Cij:~N(0,s2 C:) and Eijk:~N(0,s2 E:). In this paper approximate confidence bounds are obtained for ρA: = ρ2 A/2 and ρB: = ρ2 B:/ρ2 (where σ2 = σ2 A:+ σ2 B2 Cσ2 E) for special cases of the above model. The balanced incomplete block model is studied as a special case.  相似文献   

Assuming stratified simple random sampling, a confidence interval for a finite population quantile may be desired. Using a confidence interval with endpoints given by order statistics from the combined stratified sample, several procedures to obtain lower bounds (and approximations for the lower bounds) for the confidence coefficients are presented. The procedures differ with respect to the amount of prior information assumed about the var-iate values in the finite population, and the extent to which sample data is used to estimate the lower bounds.  相似文献   

变异系数是衡量产品质量稳定性的一个重要指标,在实际应用中经常需要研究两种不同环境下变异系数的差异问题。文章在大样本场合给出了两个正态分布变异系数的差与商的近似置信区间、单侧近似置信下限与单侧近似置信上限的计算公式,这些公式计算简单,仅依赖于两个样本变异系数及样本容量,且Monte-Carlo模拟结果表明可以达到给出的置信水平。同时,通过几个算例可以为方法的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The one-way ANOVA model is considered. The variances are assumed to be either equal but unknown or unequal and unknown. Two-stage procedures for generating simultaneous confidence intervals (SCI) for the class of monotone contrasts of the means are presented. The intervals are of fixed length and independent of the unknown variances.  相似文献   

Exact confidence intervals for a proportion of total variance, based on pivotal quantities, only exist for mixed linear models having two variance components. Generalized confidence intervals (GCIs) introduced by Weerahandi [1993. Generalized confidence intervals (Corr: 94V89 p726). J. Am. Statist. Assoc. 88, 899–905] are based on generalized pivotal quantities (GPQs) and can be constructed for a much wider range of models. In this paper, the author investigates the coverage probabilities, as well as the utility of GCIs, for a proportion of total variance in mixed linear models having more than two variance components. Particular attention is given to the formation of GPQs and GCIs in mixed linear models having three variance components in situations where the data exhibit complete balance, partial balance, and partial imbalance. The GCI procedure is quite general and provides a useful method to construct confidence intervals in a variety of applications.  相似文献   

The average effect of the treatment on the treated is a quantity of interest in observational studies in which no definite parameter can be used to quantify the treatment effect, such as those where only a random subset of the data obtained by stratification can be used for analysis. Nonparametric confidence intervals for this quantity appear to be known only in the case where the responses to the treatment are binary and the data fall into a single stratum. We propose nonparametric confidence intervals for the average effect of the treatment on the treated in studies involving one or more strata and general numerical responses.  相似文献   

Various estimators proposed for the estimation of a common mean are extended to the estimation of the common location parameters for two linear models including the estimators based on preliminary tests of equality of variances. Exact distribution of these estimates, simultaneous confidence bounds based on these estimates and the bounds on the variances of these estimates are obtained using different approaches.  相似文献   

Median survival times and their associated confidence intervals are often used to summarize the survival outcome of a group of patients in clinical trials with failure-time endpoints. Although there is an extensive literature on this topic for the case in which the patients come from a homogeneous population, few papers have dealt with the case in which covariates are present as in the proportional hazards model. In this paper we propose a new approach to this problem and demonstrate its advantages over existing methods, not only for the proportional hazards model but also for the widely studied cases where covariates are absent and where there is no censoring. As an illustration, we apply it to the Stanford Heart Transplant data. Asymptotic theory and simulation studies show that the proposed method indeed yields confidence intervals and bands with accurate coverage errors.  相似文献   

An explicit formula for confidence intervals for ratios of variances of several populations is presented. The intervals are based on jackknife statistics and the critical point of the studentized range distribution. The asymptotic probability of coverage is not less than the nominal value provided that the distributions of the sampled populations belong to a location-scale family of probabilities with finite fourth moment.  相似文献   

A problem of interest in a variance component analysis is the construction of a confidence interval on the variance of a single observation. This article considers an unbalanced two-fold nested classification with equal subsampling and compares two methods for constructing this interval . Computer simulations indicate that one of these methods in general will provide an interval that has an achieved confidence coefficient at least as great as the stated value.  相似文献   

This article examines confidence intervals for the single coefficient of variation and the difference of coefficients of variation in the two-parameter exponential distributions, using the method of variance of estimates recovery (MOVER), the generalized confidence interval (GCI), and the asymptotic confidence interval (ACI). In simulation, the results indicate that coverage probabilities of the GCI maintain the nominal level in general. The MOVER performs well in terms of coverage probability when data only consist of positive values, but it has wider expected length. The coverage probabilities of the ACI satisfy the target for large sample sizes. We also illustrate our confidence intervals using a real-world example in the area of medical science.  相似文献   

Group testing has been used in many fields of study to estimate proportions. When groups are of different size, the derivation of exact confidence intervals is complicated by the lack of a unique ordering of the event space. An exact interval estimation method is described here, in which outcomes are ordered according to a likelihood ratio statistic. The method is compared with another exact method, in which outcomes are ordered by their associated MLE. Plots of the P‐value against the proportion are useful in examining the properties of the methods. Coverage provided by the intervals is assessed using several realistic grouptesting procedures. The method based on the likelihood ratio, with a mid‐P correction, is shown to give very good coverage in terms of closeness to the nominal level, and is recommended for this type of problem.  相似文献   

Inversion of Pearson's chi-square statistic yields a confidence ellipsoid that can be used for simultaneous inference concerning multinomial proportions. Because the ellipsoid is difficult to interpret, methods of simultaneous confidence interval construction have been proposed by Quesenberry and hurst,goodman,fitzpatrick and scott and sison and glaz . Based on simulation results, we discuss the performance of these methods in terms of empirical coverage probabilities and enclosed volume. None of the methods is uniformly better than all others, but the Goodman intervals control the empirical coverage probability with smaller volume than other methods when the sample size supports the large sample theory. If the expected cell counts are small and nearly equal across cells, we recommend the sison and glaz intervals.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of confidence intervals, built using the deviance statistic, for the hyperparameters of state space models. The first procedure is a marginal approximation to confidence regions, based on the likelihood test, and the second one is based on the signed root deviance profile. Those methods are computationally efficient and are not affected by problems such as intervals with limits outside the parameter space, which can be the case when the focus is on the variances of the errors. The procedures are compared to the usual approaches existing in the literature, which includes the method based on the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator, as well as bootstrap confidence intervals. The comparison is performed via a Monte Carlo study, in order to establish empirically the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The results show that the methods based on the deviance statistic possess a better coverage rate than the asymptotic and bootstrap procedures.  相似文献   

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