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This paper deals with the estimation of the parameters of doubly truncated and singly truncated normal distributions when truncation points are known. We derive, for these families, a necessary and sufficient condition for the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE) to be finite. Furthermore, the probability of the MLE being infinite is positive. A simulation study for single truncation is carried out to compare the modified maximum likelihood estimator, and the mixed estimator.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the maximum likelihood estimation of parameters for a doubly truncated normal distribution when the truncation points are known. We prove, in this case, that the MLEs are nonexistent (become infinite) with positive probability. For estimators that exist with probability one, the class of Bayes modal estimators or modified maximum likelihood estimators is explored. Another useful estimating procedure, called mixed estimation, is proposed. Simulations compare the behavior of the MLEs, the modified MLEs, and the mixed estimators which reveal that the MLE, in addition to being nonexistent with positive probability, behaves poorly near the upper boundary of the interval of its existence. The modified MLEs and the mixed estimators are seen to be remarkably better than the MLE  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimators and moment estimators are derived for samples from the Gamma distribution in the presence of outliers. These estimators are compared empirically when all the three parameters are unknown and when one of the three parameters is known; their bias and mean square error (MSE) are investigated with the help of numerical technique.  相似文献   

Estimation of parameters of a right truncated exponential distribution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The maximum likelihood, moment and mixture of the estimators are for samples from the right truncated exponential distribution. The estimators are compared empirically when all the parameters are unknown; their bias and mean square error are investigated with the help of numerical technique. We have shown that these estimators are asymptotically unbiased. At the end, we conclude that mixture estimators are better than the maximum likelihood and moment estimators.  相似文献   

We consider the right truncated exponential distribution where the truncation point is unknown and show that the ML equation has a unique solution over an extended parameter space. In the case of the estimation of the truncation point T we show that the asymptotic distribution of the MLE is not centered at T. A modified MLE is introduced which outperforms all other considered estimators including the minimum variance unbiased estimator. Asymptotic as well as small sample properties of different estimators are investigated and compared. The truncated exponential distribution has an increasing failure rate, ideally suited for use as a survival distribution for biological and industrial data.  相似文献   

Several authors have conjectured, on the basis of their numerical work, that the maximum likelihood estimators of the shape and scale parameters of the Gamma distribution are positively biased. It is proved that their conjecture is always true.  相似文献   

Moment estimators for parameters in a truncated bivariate Poisson distribution are derived in Hamdan (1972) for the special case of λ1 = λ2, Where λ1, λ2 are the marginal means. Here we derive the maximum likelihood estimators for this special case. The information matrix is also obtained which provides asymptotic covariance matrix of the maximum likelihood estimators. The asymptotic covariance matrix of moment estimators is also derived. The asymptotic efficiency of moment estimators is computed and found to be very low.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to study the pooled estimator of the shape parameter of the three parameter gamma distribution when k independent samples are available. Sufficient conditions for the existence of the pooled estimator are given and the small as well as the large sample properties are studied. The harmonic mean of the k estimators of the independent samples is proposed in the place of the pooled estimator, in the case in which the latter does not exist.  相似文献   

The use of a scale invariance criterion allows estimation of the shape parameter of the two parameter gamma distribution without estimating the scale parameter. Simulation experiments are used to show that the resulting estimators of both parameters are better than the usual maximum likelihood estimators in terms of both bias and mean square error. Approximately unbiased versions of the maximal invariant based estimators are derived and are shown to be as good as approximately unbiased versions of the usual maximum likelihood estimators  相似文献   

Consider truncated samples taken from an infinite population with a fixed uumber n of observations recorded. A randon number X of items must be sampled in order to observe after trunca-tion. adified maximun liicel.ihooa estimators of X (assumed un-'mown) and of the population parameters are develo~cd, and a computing scheme is given for the exponential distribution. On the basis of asymptotu ,operties, some estimators are singled out and compared with the usual maximum likelihood estimators.  相似文献   

In this note explicit expressions are given for the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters of the two-parameter exponential distribution, when a doubly censored sample is available.  相似文献   

This paper compares methods of estimation for the parameters of a Pareto distribution of the first kind to determine which method provides the better estimates when the observations are censored, The unweighted least squares (LS) and the maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) are presented for both censored and uncensored data. The MLE's are obtained using two methods, In the first, called the ML method, it is shown that log-likelihood is maximized when the scale parameter is the minimum sample value. In the second method, called the modified ML (MML) method, the estimates are found by utilizing the maximum likelihood value of the shape parameter in terms of the scale parameter and the equation for the mean of the first order statistic as a function of both parameters. Since censored data often occur in applications, we study two types of censoring for their effects on the methods of estimation: Type II censoring and multiple random censoring. In this study we consider different sample sizes and several values of the true shape and scale parameters.

Comparisons are made in terms of bias and the mean squared error of the estimates. We propose that the LS method be generally preferred over the ML and MML methods for estimating the Pareto parameter γ for all sample sizes, all values of the parameter and for both complete and censored samples. In many cases, however, the ML estimates are comparable in their efficiency, so that either estimator can effectively be used. For estimating the parameter α, the LS method is also generally preferred for smaller values of the parameter (α ≤4). For the larger values of the parameter, and for censored samples, the MML method appears superior to the other methods with a slight advantage over the LS method. For larger values of the parameter α, for censored samples and all methods, underestimation can be a problem.  相似文献   

As an applicable and flexible lifetime model, the two-parameter generalized half-normal (GHN) distribution has been received wide attention in the field of reliability analysis and lifetime study. In this paper maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters are discussed and we also proposed corresponding bias-corrected estimates. Unweighted and weighted least squares estimates for the parameters of the GHN distribution are also presented for comparison purpose. Moreover, the likelihood ratio test is provided as complementary. Simulation study and illustrative examples are provided to compare the performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

We proposed a new class of maximum a posteriori estimators for the parameters of the Gamma distribution. These estimators have simple closed-form expressions and can be rewritten as a bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimators presented by Ye and Chen [Closed-form estimators for the gamma distribution derived from likelihood equations. Am Statist. 2017;71(2):177–181]. A simulation study was carried out to compare different estimation procedures. Numerical results revels that our new estimation scheme outperforms the existing closed-form estimators and produces extremely efficient estimates for both parameters, even for small sample sizes.  相似文献   


In this article, we introduce a new distribution for modeling positive data sets with high kurtosis, the modified slashed generalized exponential distribution. The new model can be seen as a modified version of the slashed generalized exponential distribution. It arises as a quotient of two independent random variables, one being a generalized exponential distribution in the numerator and a power of the exponential distribution in the denominator. We studied various structural properties (such as the stochastic representation, density function, hazard rate function and moments) and discuss moment and maximum likelihood estimating approaches. Two real data sets are considered in which the utility of the new model in the analysis with high kurtosis is illustrated.  相似文献   

The parameters of Downton's bivariate exponential distribution are estimated based on a ranked set sample. Parametric and nonparametric methods are considered. The suggested estimators are compared to the corresponding ones based on simple random sampling. It turns out that some of the suggested estimators are significantly more efficient than the ones based on simple random sampling.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of reliability for a strength-stress model under ordered restriction on the parameters. It is assumed that components have exponential distributions and are arranged in a parallel system and the failure of one component, results in increasing the failure rate of the remaining components. Results are derived when (i) the ordering of the means is taken into account and when (ii) the ordering of the means is ignored. Simulation studies are carried out to compare the results. It is noticed that, in almost all cases, in case (i) the estimates are closer to the true value with smaller mean squared error (MSE) and smaller’ standard deviation than in case (ii). Thus when the ordering of the means is present in the model, such information should be incorporated in the estimation of reliability.  相似文献   

The exact distribution of the sample median, and of the maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter of the Laplace distribution is derived. Tables of Teans, variances and the distribution functions of the corresponding dislributions are evaluacted. Exact ,solutions to the problem of confidence interval and hypothesrs testing for the scale paramrter are provided. The minimum variance unbiased estimator (MVUE) of the p.d.f. of the Laplace distribution when the location parameter is known is also given.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with estimation of location and scale parameters of an exponential distribution when the location parameter is bounded above by a known constant. We propose estimators which are better than the standard estimators in the unrestricted case with respect to the suitable choice of LINEX loss. The admissibility of the modified Pitman estimators with respect to the LINEX loss is proved. Finally the theory developed is applied to the problem of estimating the location and scale parameters of two exponential distributions when the location parameters are ordered.  相似文献   

Recently, Gupta and Gupta [Analyzing skewed data by power-normal model, Test 17 (2008), pp. 197–210] proposed the power-normal distribution for which normal distribution is a special case. The power-normal distribution is a skewed distribution, whose support is the whole real line. Our main aim of this paper is to consider bivariate power-normal distribution, whose marginals are power-normal distributions. We obtain the proposed bivariate power-normal distribution from Clayton copula, and by making a suitable transformation in both the marginals. Lindley–Singpurwalla distribution also can be used to obtain the same distribution. Different properties of this new distribution have been investigated in detail. Two different estimators are proposed. One data analysis has been performed for illustrative purposes. Finally, we propose some generalizations to multivariate case also along the same line and discuss some of its properties.  相似文献   

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