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Let T2 i=z′iS?1zi, i==,…k be correlated Hotelling's T2 statistics under normality. where z=(z′i,…,z′k)′ and nS are independently distributed as Nkp((O,ρ?∑) and Wishart distribution Wp(∑, n), respectively. The purpose of this paper is to study the distribution function F(x1,…,xk) of (T2 i,…,T2 k) when n is large. First we derive an asymptotic expansion of the characteristic function of (T2 i,…,T2 k) up to the order n?2. Next we give asymptotic expansions for (T2 i,…,T2 k) in two cases (i)ρ=Ik and (ii) k=2 by inverting the expanded characteristic function up to the orders n?2 and n?1, respectively. Our results can be applied to the distribution function of max (T2 i,…,T2 k) as a special case.  相似文献   

In this paper the non-null distribution of Hotelling's T2 and the null distribution of multiple correlation R2 are derived when the sample is taken from a mixture of two p-component multivariate normal distributions with mean vectors μ1 and μ2 respectively and common covariance matrix ∑, ∑. In a special case the non-null distribution of R2 is a l s o given, while the general noncentral distribution is given i n Awan (1981). These results have been used to study the robustness of T2 and R2 tests by Srivastava and Awan (1982), and Awan and Srivastava (1982) respectively.  相似文献   

This study addresses the appropriate d 3 values for constructing range control charts (R-charts) when the distributions of the processes are the uniform, triangular, exponential, and Erlang. Comparisons of the range charts are based on Type I error probabilities obtained using simulations. The results reveal that inappropriate use of the d 3 values strongly affected the performance of the R-charts. Practitioners should be more careful in selecting suitable coefficients when using R-charts methods to process data. The distribution of the processes must be examined before the coefficients are chosen.  相似文献   

Optimal design theory deals with the assessment of the optimal joint distribution of all independent variables prior to data collection. In many practical situations, however, covariates are involved for which the distribution is not previously determined. The optimal design problem may then be reformulated in terms of finding the optimal marginal distribution for a specific set of variables. In general, the optimal solution may depend on the unknown (conditional) distribution of the covariates. This article discusses the D A -maximin procedure to account for the uncertain distribution of the covariates. Sufficient conditions will be given under which the uniform design of a subset of independent discrete variables is D A -maximin. The sufficient conditions are formulated for Generalized Linear Mixed Models with an arbitrary number of quantitative and qualitative independent variables and random effects.  相似文献   

The Probability generating function of a random variable which has Generalized Polya Eggenberger Distribution of the second kind (GPED 2) is obtained. The probability density function of the range R, in random sampling from a uniform distribution on (k, l) and exponential distribution with parameter λ is obtained, when the sample size is a random variable from GPED 2. The results of Bazargan-Lari (2004) follow as special cases.  相似文献   

We develop a ‘robust’ statistic T2 R, based on Tiku's (1967, 1980) MML (modified maximum likelihood) estimators of location and scale parameters, for testing an assumed meam vector of a symmetric multivariate distribution. We show that T2 R is one the whole considerably more powerful than the prominenet Hotelling T2 statistics. We also develop a robust statistic T2 D for testing that two multivariate distributions (skew or symmetric) are identical; T2 D seems to be usually more powerful than nonparametric statistics. The only assumption we make is that the marginal distributions are of the type (1/σk)f((x-μk)/σk) and the means and variances of these marginal distributions exist.  相似文献   

Several types of positive dependence are shown to be equiv-alent to the concept of a distribution with a density which is TP2 in pairs. Among these is the concept of m?-positive depend-ence of Alam and Wallenius. Using this result, all relationships among many of the most important concepts of positive dependence are determined. Furthermore, an application of the equivalences of these types of positive dependence yields a results of Ahmed, Langberg, Leon and Proschan.  相似文献   

The probability density function of the range R, in random sampling from a uniform distribution on (k, l) and exponential distribution with parameter λ is obtained, when the sample size is a random variable having the Generalized Polya Eggenberger Distribution of the first kind (GPED 1). The results of Raghunandanan and Patil (1972) and Bazargan-lari (1999) follow as special cases. The p.d.f of rangeR is obtained, when the distribution of the sample sizeN belongs to Katz family of distributions, as a special case. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The Hotelling's T2statistic has been used in constructing a multivariate control chart for individual observations. In Phase II operations, the distribution of the T2statistic is related to the F distribution provided the underlying population is multivariate normal. Thus, the upper control limit (UCL) is proportional to a percentile of the F distribution. However, if the process data show sufficient evidence of a marked departure from multivariate normality, the UCL based on the F distribution may be very inaccurate. In such situations, it will usually be helpful to determine the UCL based on the percentile of the estimated distribution for T2. In this paper, we use a kernel smoothing technique to estimate the distribution of the T2statistic as well as of the UCL of the T2chart, when the process data are taken from a multivariate non-normal distribution. Through simulations, we examine the sample size requirement and the in-control average run length of the T2control chart for sample observations taken from a multivariate exponential distribution. The paper focuses on the Phase II situation with individual observations.  相似文献   

The design parameters of the economic and economic statistical designs of control charts depend on the distribution of process failure mechanism or shock model. So far, only a small number of failure distributions, such as exponential, gamma, and Weibull with fixed or increasing hazard rates, have been used as a shock model in the economic and economic statistical designs of the Hotelling T2 control charts. Due to both theoretical and practical aspects, the lifetime of the process under study may not follow a distribution with fixed or increasing hazard rate. A proper alternative for this situation may be the Burr distribution, in which the hazard rate can be fixed, increasing, decreasing, single mode, or even U-shaped. In this research article, economic and economic statistical designs of the Hotelling T2 control charts under the Burr XII shock models under two uniform and non uniform sampling schemes were proposed, constructed, and compared. The obtained design models were implemented by a numerical example, and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the effect of changing parameters of shock model distribution on the optimum values of the proposed design models. The results showed that first the proposed designs under non uniform sampling scheme perform better and second the optimum values of the designs are not significantly sensitive to changing of the Burr XII distribution parameters. We showed that the obtained design models are also true for the beta Burr XII shock model.  相似文献   

Let X be a po-normal random vector with unknown µ and unknown covariance matrix ∑ and let X be partitioned as X = (X (1), …, X (r))′ where X(j)is a subvector of X with dimension pjsuch that ∑r j=1Pj = P0. Some admissible tests are derived for testing H0: μ = 0 versus H1: μ ¦0 based on a sample drawn from the whole vector X of dimension p and r additional samples drawn from X(1), X(2), …, X(r) respectively, All (r+1) samples are assumed to be independent. The distribution of some of the tests' statistics involved are also derived.  相似文献   

Statistics that usually accompany the regression model do not provide insight into the quality of the data or the potential influence of the individual observations on the estimates. In this study, the Q2 statistic is used as a criterion for detecting influential observations or outliers. The statistic is derived from the jackknifed residuals, the squared sum of which is generally known as the prediction sum of squares or PRESS. This article compares R 2 with Q2 and suggests that the latter be used as part of the data-quality check. It is shown, for two separate data sets obtained from regional cost of living and U.S. food industry studies, that in the presence of outliers the Q2 statistic can be negative, because it is sensitive to the choice of regressors and the inclusion of influential observations. Once the outliers are dropped from the sample, the discrepancy between Q2 and R 2 values is negligible.  相似文献   

Let X1:n ≤ X2:n ≤···≤ Xn:n denote the order statistics of a sample of n independent random variables X1, X2,…, Xn, all identically distributed as some X. It is shown that if X has a log-convex [log-concave] density function, then the general spacing vector (Xk1:n, Xk2:n ? Xk1:n,…, Xkr:n ? Xkr?1:n) is MTP2 [S-MRR2] whenever 1 ≤ k1 < k2 <···< kr ≤ n and 1 ≤ r ≤ n. Multivariate likelihood ratio ordering of such general spacing vectors corresponding to two random samples is also considered. These extend some of the results in the literature for usual spacing vectors.  相似文献   

This article studies the minima stable property of the general multivariate Pareto distributions MP(k)(I), MP(k)(II), MP(k)(III), MP(k)(IV) which can be applied to characterize the MP(k) distribution via its weighted ordered coordinates minima and marginal distribution. Also, the multivariate semi-Pareto distribution (denoted by MSP) is discerned in the class of geometric minima infinite divisible and geometric minima stable distributions. If the exponent measure is satisfied by some functional equation, then the geometric minima stable property can be used to characterize the MSP distribution. Finally, the finite sample minima infinite divisible property of the MP(k)(I), (II), and (IV) distributions is also discussed.  相似文献   

This short article shows an unified approach to representing and computing the cumulative distribution function for noncentral t, F, and χ2. Unlike the existing algorithms, which involve different expansion and/or recurrence, the new approach consistently represents all the three noncentral cumulative distribution functions as the integral of the normal cumulative distribution function and χ2 density function.  相似文献   

The family of lp-norm symmetric distributions was proposed by Yue and Ma and is a natural generalization to the family of l1-norm symmetric distributions studied by Fang et al. In this article, we propose a stochastic representation for the lp-norm symmetric distribution for any constant p > 0. The stochastic representation is expressed through independent and identically distributed uniform U(0, 1) random variables. It is illustrated that the stochastic representation can be applied to statistical simulation and uniform experimental design.  相似文献   


In this article, we derive a general class of distributions and establish its relationship to χ2 distribution. The proposed class includes normal, inverse Gaussian, lognormal, gamma, Rayleigh, and Maxwell distributions. Various statistical properties of the class are discussed. Some applications of the class are given.  相似文献   

The present paper studies the normality of five transformations suggested in the literature to normalize the sample correlation coefficient. The parent populations are the bivariate t and the bivariate X 2The results in the previous work of Subrahmaniam and Gajjar are exploited to assess their performance. The density estimation procedure of Tarter and Kronmal is used to provide empiric support to the asymptotic results  相似文献   

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