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This article considers the problem of finding the exact density of the r-content of the simplicial convex hull of r+1 independent points in Rn ” Consider r+1 independent and identically distributed points in a unit n–ball such that p of them are in the interior and r+l?p of them are on the surface of the unit n-ball., Consider the case when each point is type-1 beta distributed,, These points determine almost surely via their convex hull a unique r-simplex in Rn Ihe problem of getting the exact density of the r-content of this random r-simplex is transformed into a problem in multivariate statistical analysis connected with the distribution theory of test statistics., Thus various representations for the exact density are given in this article.  相似文献   

Consider a set of r+1 independently and identically and uniformly distributed random points X0, X1,…,Xr in RnThese points determine almost surely via their convex hull a unique r-simplex in Re This article deals with the exact density of the r-content of this random r-simplex when the points are such that p of them are in the interior and r+l?p of them are on the surface of a unit n-ball. This problem is transformed into a distribution problem connected with multivariate test statistics. Various possible representations of the exact density in the general case, are also pointed out.  相似文献   

We study the r-content Δ of the r -simplex generated by r+ 1 independent random points in R”. Each random point Zj is isotropic and distributed according to λ||Zj||2 ~ beta-type-2(n/2, v), λ, v > 0. We provide an asymptotic normality result which is analogous to the conjecture made by Miles (1971). A method is introduced to work out the exact density of W = (rλ)r(r!Δ)2/(r + |)r+l and hence that of Δ. The distribution of W is also related to some hypothesis-testing problems in multivariate analysis. Furthermore, by using this method, the distribution of W or Δ can easily be simulated.  相似文献   

An exact permutation test for analyzing and/or dredging multi-response data at the ordinal or higher levels is presented. The associated test statistic is based on the average distance (or any specified norm) between points within a priori disjoint subgroups of a finite population of points in an r-dimensional space (corresponding to r measured responses from each object in a finite population of objects). Alternative approximate tests based on the beta and normal distributions are provided. Two detailed examples utilizing actual social science data are considered, including comparisons of the approximate tests. An additional example describes the behavior of these tests under a variety of conditions, including extreme data configurations  相似文献   


The travel distance between two cities of rectangular shape is considered. Two uniformly distributed random points, one from each city, are taken. Their straight path travel distance is then measured. The explicit forms for the probability density function of this distance and its expected value are obtained. Numerical results of calculating the exact expected distance and the estimated distance as well as computer simulation are given for various cases. The integer moments of the distance are also discussed.  相似文献   

The complementary beta distribution is proposed as a new distribution on the unit interval. It results from reversing the roles of the distribution and quantile functions of the beta distribution. It has some attractive properties that are complementary to those of the beta distribution. In particular, the complementary beta distribution is much more amenable than the beta distribution to exact computations involving expectations of order statistics, including L-moments. At least for a wide range of parameter values, complementary beta and beta distributions with parameters that are reciprocals of the other's parameters are good approximations to one another. We also note the position of the complementary beta distribution in a wider family of distributions defined through the same simple form for their quantile density functions.  相似文献   

The exact density distribution of the non‐linear least squares estimator in the one‐parameter regression model is derived in closed form and expressed through the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal variable. Several proposals to generalize this result are discussed. The exact density is extended to the estimating equation (EE) approach and the non‐linear regression with an arbitrary number of linear parameters and one intrinsically non‐linear parameter. For a very special non‐linear regression model, the derived density coincides with the distribution of the ratio of two normally distributed random variables previously obtained by Fieler almost a century ago, unlike other approximations previously suggested by other authors. Approximations to the density of the EE estimators are discussed in the multivariate case. Numerical complications associated with the non‐linear least squares are illustrated, such as non‐existence and/or multiple solutions, as major factors contributing to poor density approximation. The non‐linear Markov–Gauss theorem is formulated on the basis of the near exact EE density approximation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ratio of the determinants of two independent central Wishart matrices. The ratio is represented as a product of independent beta type-2 random variables and then the exact density is evaluated for the general case. Different representations and particular cases are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the literature concerning the construction of robust optimal designs, many resulting designs turn out to have densities. In practice, an exact design should tell the experimenter what the support points are and how many subjects should be allocated to each of these points. In particular, we consider a practical situation in which the number of support points allowed is constrained. We discuss an intuitive approach, which motivates a new implementation scheme that minimizes the loss function based on the Kolmogorov and Smirnov distance between an exact design and the optimal design having a density. We present three examples to illustrate the application and implementation of a robust design constructed: one for a nonlinear dose-response experiment and the other two for general linear regression. Additionally, we perform some simulation studies to compare the efficiencies of the exact designs obtained by our optimal implementation with those by other commonly used implementation methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, the exact distribution of Wilks' likelihood ratio criterion, A, for MANOVA, in the complex case when the alternate hypothesis is of unit rank (i.e. the linear case) has been derived and the explicit expressions for the same for p = 2 and 3 (where p is the number of variates) and general f1 (the error degrees of freedom) and f2 (the hypothesis degrees of freedom), are given. For an unrestricted number of variables, a general form of the density and the distribution of A in this case, is also given. It has been shown that the total integral of the series obtained by taking a few terms only, rapidly approaches the theoretical value one as more terms are taken into account, and some percentage points have also been computed.  相似文献   

In this article, the bimatrix variate beta Type IV distribution is derived from independent Wishart distributed matrix variables. We explore specific properties of this distribution which is then used to derive the exact expressions of the densities of the product and ratio of two dependent Wilks's statistics and to define the bimatrix Kummer-beta Type IV distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Hard-core Strauss disc processes with inhibition distance r and disc radius R are considered. The points in the Strauss point process are thought of as trees and the discs as crowns. Formulas for the mean and the variance of the vacancy (non-covered area) are derived. This is done both for the case of a fixed number of points and for the case of a random number of points. For tractability, the region is assumed to be a torus or, in one dimension, a circle in which case the discs are segments. In the one-dimensional case, the formulas are exact for all r . This case, although less important in practice than the two-dimensional case, has provided a lot of inspiration. In the two-dimensional case, the formulas are only approximate but rather accurate for r  <  R . Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations confirm that they work well. For R  ≤  r  < 2 R , no formulas are presented. A forestry estimation problem, which has motivated the research, is briefly considered as well as another application in spatial statistics.  相似文献   

In this paper asymptotic expansions of the null as well as non-null distributions of the likelihood ratio criterion for testing independence between two sets of variates are obtained. These appear to be better than the ones available in the literature . In factin the null case for p = 1 and p = 2 , t h e expansion reduces to the exact di stribution. In the non-null case, the expansion is given i n terms of non-central beta distributions and for the case when the population canonical correlation coefficients are small.  相似文献   

The authors give the exact asymptotic behaviour of the expected average absolute error of a beta kernel density estimator proposed by Chen (1999). They also prove the uniform weak consistency of this estimator for the class of continuous densities.  相似文献   

The exact distribution of the linear combination α X + β Y is derived when X and Y are normal and logistic random variables distributed independently of each other. Tabulations of the associated percentage points are given along with a computer program to generate them. This work is motivated by problems in reliability engineering.  相似文献   

The acceptance-rejection algorithm is often used to sample from non-standard distributions. For this algorithm to be efficient, however, the user has to create a hat function that majorizes and closely matches the density of the distribution to be sampled from. There are many methods for automatically creating such hat functions, but these methods require that the user transforms the density so that she knows the exact location of the transformed density’s inflection points. In this paper, we propose an acceptance-rejection algorithm which obviates this need and can thus be used to sample from a larger class of distributions.  相似文献   

The normal and Laplace are the two earliest known continuous distributions in statistics and the two most popular models for analyzing symmetric data. In this note, the exact distribution of the ratio | X / Y | is derived when X and Y are respectively normal and Laplace random variables distributed independently of each other. A MAPLE program is provided for computing the associated percentage points. An application of the derived distribution is provided to a discriminant problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, asymptotic expansions of the null and non-null distributions of the sphericity test criterion in the case of a complex multivariate normal distribution are obtained for the first time in terms of beta distributions. In the null case, it is found that the accuracy of the approximation by taking the first term alone in the asymptotic series is sufficient for practical purposes. In fact for p - 2. the asymptotic expansion reduces to the first term which is also the exact distribution in this case. Applications of the results to the area of inferences on multivariate time series are also given.  相似文献   

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