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The paper proves geometric optimality of Cox's partial likelihood score functions via estimating functions. As an illustration, Cox's proportional-hazards model is considered. Les auteurs démontrent l'optimalité g?ométrique des fonctions scores de vraisemblance partielle de Cox au moyen des fonctions d'estimation. Le modéle des risques proportionnels de Cox permet d'illustrer leur résultat.  相似文献   

The Fisher information is intricately linked to the asymptotic (first-order) optimality of maximum likelihood estimators for parametric complete-data models. When data are missing completely at random in a multivariate setup, it is shown that information in a single observation is well-defined and it plays the same role as in the complete-data model in characterizing the first-order asymptotic optimality properties of associated maximum likelihood estimators; computational aspects are also thoroughly appraised. As an illustration, the logistic regression model with incomplete binary responses and an incomplete categorical covariate is worked out.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with non-stationary time series which does not require the full knowledge of the likelihood function. Consequently, a quasi-likelihood is employed for estimating parameters instead of the maximum (exact) likelihood. For stationary cases, Wefelmeyer (1996) and Hwang and Basawa (2011a,b), among others, discussed the issue of asymptotic optimality of the quasi-likelihood within a restricted class of estimators. For non-stationary cases, however, the asymptotic optimality property of the quasi-likelihood has not yet been adequately addressed in the literature. This article presents the asymptotic optimal property of the non-stationary quasi-likelihood within certain estimating functions. We use a random norm instead of a constant norm to get limit distributions of estimates. To illustrate main results, the non-stationary ARCH model, branching Markov process, and non-stationary random-coefficient AR process are discussed.  相似文献   

Integer-parameter restriction quite often occurs naturally in real life situations. Here we consider the problem of deriving the maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) for the case in which the parameter is restricted to a positive integer. The usual asymptotic theory for the MLE does not hold good any more and each case needs individual attention for the derivation of these results,. The estimation problem in the case of Poisson, Binomial, and Poisson-Binomial bivariate model is investigated here, A simple method of deriving the MLE and the lower bound for the variance of the integer-parameter estimator is also discussed  相似文献   

We consider the usual (spring balance) weighing design set-up with the design matrix having a string property meaning thereby that in every row of it, there is exactly one run of 1's (the rest of the elements being 0's). We have investigated some interesting features of such matrices and used them in deriving various optimality results.  相似文献   

A method of centres algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation in the three-parameter lognormal model is presented and discussed, The algorithm is a member of the class of moving truncations algorithms for solving nonlinear programming problems and is able to move the numerical search out of the region of the infinite maximum of the conditional likelihood function, thereby permitting convergence to an interior relative maximum of this function. The algorithm also includes an optimality test to locate the primary relative maximum of the likelihood function.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimation of a mean and a covariance matrix whose structure is constrained only to general positive semi-definiteness is treated in this paper. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the local optimality of mean and covariance matrix estimates are given. Observations are assumed to be independent. When the observations are also assumed to be identically distributed, the optimality conditions are used to obtain the mean and covariance matrix solutions in closed form. For the nonidentically distributed observation case, a general numerical technique which integrates scoring and Newton's iterations to solve the optimality condition equations is presented, and convergence performance is examined.  相似文献   

The exponential family structure of the joint distribution of generalized order statistics is utilized to establish multivariate tests on the model parameters. For simple and composite null hypotheses, the likelihood ratio test (LR test), Wald's test, and Rao's score test are derived and turn out to have simple representations. The asymptotic distribution of the corresponding test statistics under the null hypothesis is stated, and, in case of a simple null hypothesis, asymptotic optimality of the LR test is addressed. Applications of the tests are presented; in particular, we discuss their use in reliability, and to decide whether a Poisson process is homogeneous. Finally, a power study is performed to measure and compare the quality of the tests for both, simple and composite null hypotheses.  相似文献   

Consider the model of k two parameter exponential populations under a type II censoring scheme. In this paper we establish optimality in the sense of Bahadur of the likelihood ratio test for an arbitrary testing problem by requiring only Condition A in Hsieh (1979). This result unifies and generalizes the results in Samanta (1986).  相似文献   

We consider functional measurement error models, i.e. models where covariates are measured with error and yet no distributional assumptions are made about the mismeasured variable. We propose and study a score-type local test and an orthogonal series-based, omnibus goodness-of-fit test in this context, where no likelihood function is available or calculated-i.e. all the tests are proposed in the semiparametric model framework. We demonstrate that our tests have optimality properties and computational advantages that are similar to those of the classical score tests in the parametric model framework. The test procedures are applicable to several semiparametric extensions of measurement error models, including when the measurement error distribution is estimated non-parametrically as well as for generalized partially linear models. The performance of the local score-type and omnibus goodness-of-fit tests is demonstrated through simulation studies and analysis of a nutrition data set.  相似文献   

To prove the optimality properties of the maximum likelihood (and also minimum distance) discriminant rule Rogers (1980, p. 98) embeds the maximum likelihood discriminant function in a Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. This embedding procedure of Rogers (1980) may be used to derive a new distribution for Anderson's (1958) classification statistic.  相似文献   

For a single-index autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH-M) model, estimators of the parametric and non parametric components are proposed by the profile likelihood method. The research results had shown that all the estimators have consistency and the parametric estimators have asymptotic normality. We extend this line of research by deriving the asymptotic normality of the non parametric estimator. Based on the asymptotic properties, we propose Wald statistic and generalized likelihood ratio statistic to investigate the testing problems for ARCH effect and goodness of fit, respectively. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the finite-sample performance of the proposed estimation methodology and testing procedure.  相似文献   

For the generalized exponential (GE) distribution, the maximum likelihood method does not provide an explicit estimator for the scale parameter based on a progressively Type-II censored sample. This paper provides a simple method of deriving an explicit estimator by approximating the likelihood function. A Monte Carlo simulation is used to investigate the accuracy of this estimator and two examples are given to illustrate this method of estimation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the scale parameter of the generalized exponential (GE) distribution based on a random censoring model. We assume the censoring distribution also follows a GE distribution. Since the estimator does not provide an explicit solution, we propose a simple method of deriving an explicit estimator by approximating the likelihood function. In order to compare the performance of the estimators, Monte Carlo simulation is conducted. The results show that the MLE and the approximate MLE are almost identical in terms of bias and variance.  相似文献   

Count data may be described by a Poisson regression model. If random coefficients are involved, maximum likelihood is not feasible and alternative estimation methods have to be employed. For the approach based on quasi-likelihood estimation a characterization of design optimality is derived and optimal designs are determined numerically for an example with random slope parameters.  相似文献   

The choice of the summary statistics in approximate maximum likelihood is often a crucial issue. We develop a criterion for choosing the most effective summary statistic and then focus on the empirical characteristic function. In the iid setting, the approximating posterior distribution converges to the approximate distribution of the parameters conditional upon the empirical characteristic function. Simulation experiments suggest that the method is often preferable to numerical maximum likelihood. In a time-series framework, no optimality result can be proved, but the simulations indicate that the method is effective in small samples.  相似文献   

A counter-example shows that the proof of optimality of the marginal likelihood estimating function for parameter of interest, under the conditions assumed in Lloyd (1987), contains a gap and is, thus, invalid. The same comment applies to the generalized version of Lloyd’s Theorem given by Bhapkar and Srinivasan (1993). In the light of known results concerning Fisher information for parameter of interest and partial sufficiency of a suitable statistic, the counter-example reveals a similar gap in the proof of corollary 3.2 of Bhapkar (1991).  相似文献   

It is known that the maximum likelihood methods does not provide explicit estimators for the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution based on Type II censored samples. In this paper we present a simple method of deriving explicit estimators by approximating the likelihood equations appropriately. We obtain the variances and covariance of these estimators. We also show that these estimators are almost as eficient as the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators and just as eficient as the best linear unbiased (BLU), and the modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimators. Finally, we illustrate this method of estimation by applying it to Gupta's and Darwin's data.  相似文献   

The surveillance of multivariate processes has received growing attention during the last decade. Several generalizations of well-known methods such as Shewhart, CUSUM and EWMA charts have been proposed. Many of these multivariate procedures are based on a univariate summarized statistic of the multivariate observations, usually the likelihood ratio statistic. In this paper we consider the surveillance of multivariate observation processes for a shift between two fully specified alternatives. The effect of the dimension reduction using likelihood ratio statistics are discussed in the context of sufficiency properties. Also, an example of the loss of efficiency when not using the univariate sufficient statistic is given. Furthermore, a likelihood ratio method, the LR method, for constructing surveillance procedures is suggested for multivariate surveillance situations. It is shown to produce univariate surveillance procedures based on the sufficient likelihood ratios. As the LR procedure has several optimality properties in the univariate, it is also used here as a benchmark for comparisons between multivariate surveillance procedures  相似文献   

In a general parametric setup, a multivariate regression model is considered when responses may be missing at random while the explanatory variables and covariates are completely observed. Asymptotic optimality properties of maximum likelihood estimators for such models are linked to the Fisher information matrix for the parameters. It is shown that the information matrix is well defined for the missing-at-random model and that it plays the same role as in the complete-data linear models. Applications of the methodologic developments in hypothesis-testing problems, without any imputation of missing data, are illustrated. Some simulation results comparing the proposed method with Rubin's multiple imputation method are presented.  相似文献   

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