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This paper develops a Bayesian analysis of testing linear parameter restictions in a normal regression model. Instead of searching for a suitable "objective" prior for such a test, several interesting classes of informative priors are postulated, and the lower bounds on the Bayes factors are derived.  相似文献   

In an empirical Bayes decision problem, a simple class of estimators is constructed that dominate the James-Stein

estimator, A prior distribution A is placed on a restricted (normal) class G of priors to produce a Bayes empirical Bayes estimator, The Bayes empirical Bayes estimator is smooth, admissible, and asymptotically optimal. For certain A rate of convergence to minimum Bayes risk is 0(n-1)uniformly on G. The results of a Monte Carlo study are presented to demonstrate the favorable risk bebhavior of the Bayes estimator In comparison with other competitors including the James-Stein estimator.  相似文献   

In an empirical Bayes decision problem, a prior distribution ? is placed on a one-dimensfonal family G of priors Gw, wεΩ, to produce a Bayes empirical Bayes estimator, The asymptotic optimaiity of the Bayes estimator is established when the support of ? is Ω and the marginal distributions Hw have monotone likelihood ratio and continuous Kullback-Leibler information number.  相似文献   

A linear Bayes estimator of a survival curve is derived.The estimator has a relatively simple interpretation as a Kaplan-Meier estimator based on an augemented data base - prior information plus sampling information.It is Bayes if the prior is a Dirichlet process, and otherwise an approximation to the Bayes rule against any prior.  相似文献   

A method for detecting outliers in axial data has been proposed by Best and Fisher (1986 Best, D.J., Fisher, N.I. (1986). Goodness-of-fit and discordancy tests for samples from the Watson distribution on the sphere. Aust. J. Stat. 28:1331.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). For extending that work, we propose four new methods. Two of them are suitable for outlier detection and they depend on the classic geodesic distance and a modified version of this distance. The other two procedures, which are designed for influential observation detection, are based on the Kullback–Leibler and Cook’s distances. Some simulation experiments are performed to compare all considered methods. Detection and error rates are used as comparison criteria. Numerical results provide evidence in favor of the KL distance.  相似文献   

Nonparametric Bayes and empirical Bayes estimations of the

survival function of a unit of age t (> 0) using Dirichlet

process prior are presented. The proposed empirical Bayes

estimators are found to be “asymptotically optimal” in the sense of Robbins (1955). The performances of the proposed

empirical Bayes estimators are compared with those of certain

rival estimators in terms of relative savings loss, The exact

expressions for Bayes risks are also provided in certain cases.  相似文献   

In this paper, the linear empirical Bayes estimation method, which is based on approximation of the Bayes estimator by a linear function, is generalized to an extended linear empirical Bayes estimation technique which represents the Bayes estimator by a series of algebraic polynomials. The extended linear empirical Bayes estimators are elaborated in the case of a location or a scale parameter. The theory is illustrated by examples of its application to the normal distribution with a location parameter and the gamma distribution with a scale parameter. The linear and the extended linear empirical Bayes estimators are constructed in these two cases and, then, studied numerically via Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations show that the extended linear empirical Bayes estimators have better convergence rates than the traditional linear empirical Bayes estimators.  相似文献   

For estimating functionals of the form ∫∫φ(x,y)dF(x) dF(y), nonparametric empirical Bayes estimators are developed which are competitors of the classical U-statistics. Asymptotic optimality of the proposed estimators is proved  相似文献   

Quality Measurement Plan (QMP) as developed by Hoadley (1981) is a statistical method for analyzing discrete quality audit data which consist of the expected number of defects given the standard quality. The QMP is based on an empirical Bayes (EB) model of the audit sampling process. Despite its wide publicity, Hoadley's method has often been described as heuristic. In this paper we offer an hierarchical Bayes (HB) alternative to Hoadley's EB model, and overcome much of the criticism against this model. Gibbs sampling is used to implement the HB model proposed in this paper. Also, the convergence of the Gibbs sampler is monitored via the algorithm of Gelman and Rubin (1992).  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the mean vector of a multivariate normal distribution under a variety of assumed structures among the parameters of the sampling and prior distributions. We adopt a pragmatic approach. We adopt distributional familites, assess hyperparmeters, and adopt patterned mean and coveariance structures when it is relatively simple to do so; alternatively, we use the sample data to estimate hyperparameters of prior distributions when assessment is a formidable task; such as the task of assessing parameters of multidimensional problems. James-Stein-like estimators are found to result. In some cases, we've been abl to show that the estimators proposed uniformly dominate the MLE's when measured with respect to quadratic loss functions.  相似文献   

Let (θ1,x1),…,(θn,xn) be independent and identically distributed random vectors with E(xθ) = θ and Var(x|θ) = a + bθ + cθ2. Let ti be the linear Bayes estimator of θi and θ~i be the linear empirical Bayes estimator of θi as proposed in Robbins (1983). When Ex and Var x are unknown to the statistician. The regret of using θ~i instead of ti because of ignorance of the mean and the variance is ri = E(θi ? θi)2 ?E(tii)2. Under appropriate conditions cumulative regret Rn = r1+…rn is shown to have a finite limit even when n tends to infinity. The limit can be explicitly computed in terms of a,b,c and the first four moments of x.  相似文献   

The problem considered is the Bayes sequential estimation of the mean with quadratic loss and fixed cost per observation. Assume the prior distribution is not completely known. Some empirical Bayes procedures are proposed in the Poisson and Bernoulli cases, and they are shown to be asymptotically non-deficient in the sense of Woodroofe (1981).  相似文献   

A Bayesian approach is utilized to test for periodicity in a dichotomous time series. Dichotomous data arise in a variety of circumstances when a variable takes on only two possible values. Conjugate and noninformative priors are considered as well as a hierarchical Bayes approach; the latter is considered the superior Bayes methodology. The situation of stochastic period lengths is also discussed. The generalization to the multinomial model is investigated to allow for the case that a variable takes on more than two possible values. In all cases decisions are made based on a Bayes factor. The proposed procedures are demonstrated on earthquake data in the central Virginia seismic zone  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of estimating the binomial parameter via the nonparametric empirical Bayes approach. This estimation problem has the feature that estimators which are asymptotically optimal in the usual empirical Bayes sense do not exist (Robbins (1958, 1964)), However, as pointed out by Liang (1934) and Gupta and Liang (1988), it is possible to construct asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes estimators if the unknown prior is symmetric about the point 1/2, In this paper, assuming symmetric priors a monotone empirical Bayes estimator is constructed by using the isotonic regression method. This estimator is asymptotically optimal in the usual empirical Bayes sense. The corresponding rate of convergence is investigated and shown to be of order n-1, where n is the number of past observations at hand.  相似文献   

The minimax linear Empirical Bayes estimators for a binomial parameter are obtained, assuming some information about the moments of the prior. The form of these estimates is used to propose a criterion which may be helpful in determining whether Empirical Bayes estimation is Indicated for a given problem.  相似文献   

Ghosh and Lahiri (1987a,b) considered simultaneous estimation of several strata means and variances where each stratum contains a finite number of elements, under the assumption that the posterior expectation of any stratum mean is a linear function of the sample observations - the so called“posterior linearity” property. In this paper we extend their result by retaining the “posterior linearity“ property of each stratum mean but allowing the superpopulation model whose mean as well as the variance-covariance structure changes from stratum to stratum. The performance of the proposed empirical Bayes estimators are found to be satisfactory both in terms of “asymptotic optimality” (Robbins (1955)) and “relative savings loss” (Efron and Morris (1973)).  相似文献   

We study the empirical Bayes approach to the sequential estimation problem. An empirical Bayes sequential decision procedure, which consists of a stopping rule and a terminal decision rule, is constructed for use in the component. Asymptotic behaviors of the empirical Bayes risk and the empirical Bayes stopping times are investigated as the number of components increase.  相似文献   

Several alternative Bayes factors have been recently proposed in order to solve the problem of the extreme sensitivity of the Bayes factor to the priors of models under comparison. Specifically, the impossibility of using the Bayes factor with standard noninformative priors for model comparison has led to the introduction of new automatic criteria, such as the posterior Bayes factor (Aitkin 1991), the intrinsic Bayes factors (Berger and Pericchi 1996b) and the fractional Bayes factor (O'Hagan 1995). We derive some interesting properties of the fractional Bayes factor that provide justifications for its use additional to the ones given by O'Hagan. We further argue that the use of the fractional Bayes factor, originally introduced to cope with improper priors, is also useful in a robust analysis. Finally, using usual classes of priors, we compare several alternative Bayes factors for the problem of testing the point null hypothesis in the univariate normal model.  相似文献   

We study the reliability estimates of the non-standard mixture of degenerate (degenerated at zero) and exponential distributions. The Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator (UMVUE) and Bayes estimator of the reliability for some selective prior when the mixing proportion is known and unknown are derived. The Bayes risk is computed for each Bayes estimator of the reliability. A simulated study is carried out to assess the performance of the estimators alongwith the true and Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of the reliability. An example from Vannman (1991) is also discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

Some estimates of prior density based on orthogonal expansions are proposed for some family of conditional densities. Their related properties are studied. The associated empirical Bayes estimators are also proposed. Three examples are illustrated and some of its Monte Carlo results are also given.  相似文献   

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