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The problem of estimation of the total weight or objects using a spring balance weighing design has been deait with in this paper Based on a theorem by Dey and Gupta (1977) giving a lower bound for the variance of the estimated total weight, a necessary and sufficient condition for this lower bound to be attained is obtained. A few special cases where the lower bound is attained are enumerated.  相似文献   

The problem of the estimation of the linear combination of weights, c′w, in a singular spring balance weighing design when the error structure takes the form E(ee′) =s?2G has been studied. A lower bound for the variance of the estimated linear combination of weights is obtained and a necessary and sufficient condition for this lower bound to be attained is given. The general results are applied to the case of the total of the weights. For a specified form for G, some optimum spring balance weighing designs for the estimated total weight are found.  相似文献   

The subject of our study is the chemical balance weighing design in which the errors are correlated and have equal variances. A lower bound for the variance of estimated total weight is obtained and the necessary and sufficient conditions for the attainability of this lower bound are given. Some designs for which the lower bound is attainable are considered.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of estimation of total weight in a chemical balance weighing design. Some results regarding the estimability of the total weight are obtained and a lower bound for the variance of the estimated total weight is given. Finally, a series of weighing designs estimating the total weight in an ‘optimum’ manner is reported.  相似文献   

The problem of estimation of the total weight of objects using a singular spring balance weighing design with non-homogeneity of the variances of errors has been dealt with in this paper. Based on a theorem by Katulska (1984) giving a lower bound for the variance of the estimated total weight, a necessary and sufficient condition for this lower bound to be attained is obtained. It is shown that weighing designs for which the the lower bound is attainable, can be constructed from the incidence matrices of (α1,.,αt)-resolvable block designs, α-resolvable block designs, singular group divisible designs, and semi-regular group divisible designs.  相似文献   

This deals with chemical balance weighing designs which attain a lower bound for the variance of the estimated total weight, The results extend those of Chacko Dey (1978).  相似文献   

An upper bound for binary constant weight codes is presented, and several examples which achieve this upper bound are given. Based on this upper bound, some properties of equidistant constant weight codes are obtained. A new proof for Grey–Rankin bound in coding theory is also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the minimum of the expected value of the product of three random variables is studied as their joint distribution function varies in the Fréchet class associated to the three given marginal distribution functions. The general problem is studied for three positive valued random variables and a lower bound for the minimum is provided. The case of three uniformly distributed random variables in [0, 1] is analyzed in more detail and an upper bound for the minimum is given. The Author conjectures that the distribution correspondent to the upper bound is a solution of the problem. Paper written with the contribution of MURST (funds 40%).  相似文献   

We consider the problem of finding a pair of irregular boxes from a set of n boxes using a balance scale. One irregular box is heavier and the other lighter than a regular box but the total weight of the two irregular boxes is the same as the total weight of two regular boxes. Let N(w) denote the maximum number of boxes w weighings can handle. We give a weighing scheme such that N(2t) ≥3t for t ≥2 and N(2t + 1) ≥ 5.3t-1 for t ≥ 1. The N(2t) result meets the information-theoretic bound and hence is the best possible.  相似文献   

Efromovich-Pinsker and Stein blockwise-shrinkage estimates are traditionally studied via upper-bound oracle inequalities, which bound the estimate's risk from above by the oracle's risk plus a remainder term. These bounds allow one to establish sufficient conditions for attaining the oracle's risk. To explore necessary conditions, this article develops a lower-bound oracle inequality, which bounds the estimate's risk from below by the oracle's risk minus a remainder term. In particular, the lower bound implies that thresholds must vanish for attaining the oracle's risk.  相似文献   

This paper considers a lower bound of the Baycs risk for some statistical prediction problems. Thelower bound is derived by using the information inequality for the prediction problem. Comparison is made with other lower bounds.  相似文献   

Brook (1966) gave an upper bound for the moment generating function (m.g.f.) of a positive random variable (r.v.) in terms of its moments, and used this to obtain an upper bound for the probability generating function (p.g.f.) and hence the extinction probability of a simple branching process. Agresti (1974) rederived this bound of the p.g.f. and used it to obtain a lower bound of the expectation of extinction time of a branching process. In both of these applications the random variable is integer valued, and for this class we improve on Brook's bound by deriving the best upper bound of the p.g.f. Our method, which is a variant of Brook's (1966) is used later to obtain the lower bound of the p.g.f. when the third moment is also known.  相似文献   

Data from a surveillance system can be used to estimate the size of a disease population. For certain surveillance systems, a binomial mixture model arises as a natural choice. The Chao estimator estimates a lower bound of the population size. The Zelterman estimator estimates a parameter that is neither a lower bound nor an upper bound. By comparing the Chao estimator and the Zelterman estimator both theoretically and numerically, we conclude that the Chao estimator is better.  相似文献   

Using properties of the Hahn Polynomials, we give upper and lower bounds for the correlation ratio between order statistics of a sample without replacement from a finite population. The upper bound is attained when the population contains a lattice set. Except for particular cases, the lower bound is not sharp.  相似文献   

The convergence rates of empirical Bayes estimation in the exponential family are studied in this paper. We first develop an approach for obtaining the lower bound of empirical Bayes estimators. As an application of the approach, we demonstrate that O(n−1) is the lower bound rate for priors with bounded compact support. Second, we construct an empirical Bayes estimator using kernel sequence method and show that it has a rate of convergence of O(n−1(lnn)8). This upper bound rate is much faster compared to the earlier results published in the literature under the same assumption.  相似文献   

The robustness of confidence intervals for a scale parameter based on M-esimators is studied, especially in small size samples. The coverage probablity is used as measure of robustness. A theorem for a lower bound of the minimum coverage probability of M-estimators is presented and it is applied in order to examine the behavior of the standard deviation and the median absolute deviation, as interval estimators. This bound can confirm the robustness of any other scale M-estimator in interval estimation. The idea of stretching is used to formulate the family of distributions that are considered as underlying. Critical values for the confidence interval are computed where it is needed, that is for the median absolute deviation in the Normal, Uniform and Cauchy distribution and for the standard deviation in the Uniform and Cauchy distribution. Simulation results have been achieved for the estimation of the coverage probabilities and the critical values.  相似文献   

Given a general statistical model and an arbitrary quadratic loss, we propose a lower bound for the associated risk of a class of shrinkage estimators. With respect to the considered class of shrinkage estimators, this bound is optimal.In the particular case of the estimation of the location parameter of an ellipti-cally symmetric distribution, this bound can be used to find the relative improvement brought by a given estimator and the remaining possible improvement, using a Monte-Carlo method. We deduce from these results a new type of shrinkage estimators whose risk can be as close as one wants of the lower bound near a chosen pole and yet remain bounded. Some of them are good alternatives to the positive-part James-Stein estimator.  相似文献   

Statistical decision theory can sometimes be used to find, via a least favourable prior distribution, a statistical procedure that attains the minimax risk. This theory also provides, using an ‘unfavourable prior distribution’, a very useful lower bound on the minimax risk. In the late 1980s, Kempthorne showed how, using a least favourable prior distribution, a specified integrated risk can sometimes be minimised, subject to an inequality constraint on a different risk. Specifically, he was concerned with the solution of a minimax‐Bayes compromise problem (‘compromise decision theory’). Using an unfavourable prior distribution, Kabaila & Tuck ( 2008 ), provided a very useful lower bound on an integrated risk, subject to an inequality constraint on a different risk. We extend this result to the case of multiple inequality constraints on specified risk functions and integrated risks. We also describe a new and very effective method for the computation of an unfavourable prior distribution that leads to a very useful lower bound. This method is simply to maximize the lower bound directly with respect to the unfavourable prior distribution. Not only does this method result in a relatively tight lower bound, it is also fast because it avoids the repeated computation of the global maximum of a function with multiple local maxima. The advantages of this computational method are illustrated using the problems of bounding the performance of a point estimator of (i) the multivariate normal mean and (ii) the univariate normal mean.  相似文献   

It is well known that, under appropriate regularity conditions, the variance of an unbiased estimator of a real-valued function of an unknown parameter can coincide with the Cramér–Rao lower bound only if the family of distributions is a one-parameter exponential family. But it seems that the necessary conditions about the probability distribution for which there exists an unbiased estimator whose variance coincides with the Bhattacharyya lower bound are not completely known. The purpose of this paper is to specify the location, scale, and location-scale parameter family of distributions attaining the general order Bhattacharyya bound in certain class.  相似文献   

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