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Let X= (X1,…, Xk)’ be a k-variate (k ≥ 2) normal random vector with unknown population mean vector μ = (μ1 ,…, μk)’ and covariance matrix Σ of order k and let μ[1] ≤ … ≤ μ[k] be the ordered values of the μ ’ s. No prior knowledge of the pairing of the μ[i] with the Xj. (or μ[i] with the σj 2) is assumed for any i and j (1 ≤ i, j ≤ k). Based on a random sample of N independent vector observations on X, this paper considers both upper and lower (one-sided) and two-sided 100γ% (0 < γ < 1) confidence intervals for μ[k] and μ[1], the largest and the smallest mean, respectively, when Σ is known and when Σ is equal to σ2R with common unknown variance σ2 > 0 and correlation matrix R known, respectively. An optimum two-sided confidence interval via finding the shortest length from this class is also considered. Necessary tables and computer program to actually apply these procedures are provided.  相似文献   

Let Xl,…,Xn be normally and independently distributed with means θl,…,θnand a cornmorl variance. Thus there are n observations and n+i unknwon parameters. A test of the null hypothesis that, the θi's are all zero and the alternative that the vector (θl,…,θn) lies in a convex cone with its vertex a.t the origin is connsidered in this paper. It is shown that under a mild condition the likelihood ratio test is possible. The ordinary one sided t - test belongs to the class of tests considered in this paper. The hypothesis of equality of means against the simple order alternative can be tested in certain cases .  相似文献   

There are numerous situations in categorical data analysis where one wishes to test hypotheses involving a set of linear inequality constraints placed upon the cell probabilities. For example, it may be of interest to test for symmetry in k × k contingency tables against one-sided alternatives. In this case, the null hypothesis imposes a set of linear equalities on the cell probabilities (namely pij = Pji ×i > j), whereas the alternative specifies directional inequalities. Another important application (Robertson, Wright, and Dykstra 1988) is testing for or against stochastic ordering between the marginals of a k × k contingency table when the variables are ordinal and independence holds. Here we extend existing likelihood-ratio results to cover more general situations. To be specific, we consider testing Ht,0 against H1 - H0 and H1 against H2 - H 1 when H0:k × i=1 pixji = 0, j = 1,…, s, H1:k × i=1 pixji × 0, j = 1,…, s, and does not impose any restrictions on p. The xji's are known constants, and s × k - 1. We show that the asymptotic distributions of the likelihood-ratio tests are of chi-bar-square type, and provide expressions for the weighting values.  相似文献   

Suppose that we are given k(≥ 2) independent and normally distributed populations π1, …, πk where πi has unknown mean μi and unknown variance σ2 i (i = 1, …, k). Let μ[i] (i = 1, …, k) denote the ith smallest one of μ1, …, μk. A two-stage procedure is used to construct lower and upper confidence intervals for μ[i] and then use these to obtain a class of two-sided confidence intervals on μ[i] with fixed width. For i = k, the interval given by Chen and Dudewicz (1976) is a special case. Comparison is made between the class of two-sided intervals and a symmetric interval proposed by Chen and Dudewicz (1976) for the largest mean, and it is found that for large values of k at least one of the former intervals requires a smaller total sample size. The tables needed to actually apply the procedure are provided.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper the authors (1997) extended the results of Hayter (1990) to the two parameter exponential probability model. This paper addressee the extention to the scale parameter case under location-scale probability model. Consider k (k≧3) treatments or competing firms such that an observation from with treatment or firm follows a distribution with cumulative distribution function (cdf) Fi(x)=F[(x-μi)/Qi], where F(·) is any absolutely continuous cdf, i=1,…,k. We propose a test to test the null hypothesis H01=…=θk against the simple ordered alternative H11≦…≦θk, with at least one strict inequality, using the data Xi,j, i=1,…k; j=1,…,n1. Two methods to compute the critical points of the proposed test have been demonstrated by talking k two parameter exponential distributions. The test procedure also allows us to construct simultaneous one sided confidence intervals (SOCIs) for the ordered pairwise ratios θji, 1≦i<j≦k. Statistical simulation revealed that: 9i) actual sizes of the critical points are almost conservative and (ii) power of the proposed test relative to some existing tests is higher.  相似文献   

Let X1,…, Xn be random variables symmetric about θ from a common unknown distribution Fθ(x) =F(x–θ). To test the null hypothesis H0:θ= 0 against the alternative H1:θ > 0, permutation tests can be used at the cost of computational difficulties. This paper investigates alternative tests that are computationally simpler, notably some bootstrap tests which are compared with permutation tests. Of these the symmetrical bootstrap-f test competes very favourably with the permutation test in terms of Bahadur asymptotic efficiency, so it is a very attractive alternative.  相似文献   

Let X1 X2 … XN be independent normal p-vectors with common mean vector $$ = ($$) and common nonsingular covariance matrix $$ = Diag ($sGi) [(1–p) I + pE] Diag ($sGi), $sGi> 0, i = 1… p, 1>p>=1/p–1. Write rij = sample correlation between the i th and the j th variable i j = 1,… p. It has been proved that for testing the hypothesis H0 : p = 0 against the alternative H1 : p>0 where $$ and $sG1,…, $sGp are unknown, the test which rejects H0 for large value of $$ rij is locally best invariant for every $aL: 0 > $aL > 1 and locally minimax as p $$ 0 in the sense of Giri and Kiefer, 1964, for every $aL: 0 > $aL $$ $aL0 > 1 where$aL0 = Pp=0 $$.  相似文献   

In a one-way fixed effects analysis of variance model, when normal variances are unknown and possibly unequal, a one-sided range test for testing the null hypothesis H 0 : μ 1 = … = μk against an ordered alternative Ha : μ 1 ≤ … ≤ μk by a single-stage and a two-stage procedure, respectively, is proposed. The critical values under H 0 and the power under a specific alternative are calculated. Relation between the one-stage and the two-stage test procedures is discussed. A numerical example to illustrate these procedures is given.  相似文献   

Let π1…, πk denote k(≥ 2) populations with unknown means μ1 , …, μk and variances σ1 2 , …, σk 2 , respectively and let πo denote the control population having mean μo and variance σo 2 . It is assumed that these populations are normally distributed with correlation matrix {ρij}. The goal is to select a subset, of populations of π1 , …, πk which contains all the populations with means larger than or equal to the mean of the control one. Procedures are given for selecting such a subset so that the probability that all the populations with means larger than or equal to the mean of the control one are included in the selected subset is at least equal to a predetermined value P?(l/k < P? < 1). The goal treated here is a first step screening procedure that allows the experimenter to choose a subset and withhold judgement about which one has the largest mean. Then, if the one with the largest mean is desired it can be chosen from the selected subset on the basis of cost and other considerations. Percentage points are also included.  相似文献   

In pattern classification of sampled vector valued random variables it is often essential, due to computational and accuracy considerations, to consider certain measurable transformations of the random variable. These transformations are generally of a dimension-reducing nature. In this paper we consider the class of linear dimension reducing transformations, i.e., the k × n matrices of rank k where k < n and n is the dimension of the range of the sampled vector random variable.

In this connection, we use certain results (Decell and Quirein, 1973), that guarantee, relative to various class separability criteria, the existence of an extremal transformation. These results also guarantee that the extremal transformation can be expressed in the form (Ik∣ Z)U where Ik is the k × k identity matrix and U is an orthogonal n × n matrix. These results actually limit the search for the extremal linear transformation to a search over the obviously smaller class of k × n matrices of the form (Ik ∣Z)U. In this paper these results are refined in the sense that any extremal transformation can be expressed in the form (IK∣Z)Hp … H1 where p ≤ min{k, n?k} and Hi is a Householder transformation i=l,…, p, The latter result allows one to construct a sequence of transformations (LK∣ Z)H1, (IK Z)H2H1 … such that the values of the class separability criterion evaluated at this sequence is a bounded, monotone sequence of real numbers. The construction of the i-th element of the sequence of transformations requires the solution of an n-dimensional optimization problem. The solution, for various class separability criteria, of the optimization problem will be the subject of later papers. We have conjectured (with supporting theorems and empirical results) that, since the bounded monotone sequence of real class separability values converges to its least upper bound, this least upper bound is an extremal value of the class separability criterion.

Several open questions are stated and the practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new test statistic for testing hypotheses of the form HO M0=M1=…=Mk versus Ha: M0≦M1,M2,…,Mk] where at least one inequality is strict. M0 is the median of the control population and M1 is the median of the population receiving trearment i, i=1,2,…,k. The population distributions are assumed to be unknown but to differ only in their location parameters if at all. A simulation study is done comparing the new test statistic with the Chacko and the Kruskal-Wallis when the underlying population distributions are either normal, uniform, exponential, or Cauchy. Sample sizes of five, eight, ten, and twenty were considered. The new test statistic did better than the Chacko and the Kruskal-Wallis when the medians of the populations receiving the treatments were approximately the same  相似文献   

Given an inverse Gaussian distribution I(.μ,a2μ) with known coefficient of variation a, the hypothesis HO: .μ <ce:glyph name="dbnd6"/> μo is tested against H1: μ <ce:glyph name="dbnd6"/> μ1 using the sequential probability ratio test. The maximum of the expected sample number is shown to occur when μ is approximately equal to the geometric mean of μoand μ1 and it is shown that this maximum value depends on .μo and μ1 only through their ratio. It is observed that the test can be used to discriminate between two one-sided hypotheses.  相似文献   

Let X1, X2,… be a sequence of independent random variables with distribution functions F1, where 1 ≤ in, and for each n ≥ 1 let X1,n ≤… ≤ Xn,n denote the order statistics of the first n random variables. Under suitable hypotheses about the F1, we characterize the limit distribution functions H(x) for which P(Xk,n ? anx + bn) → H(x), where an > 0 and bn are real constants. We consider the cases where κ = κ(n) satisfies √n {κ(n)/n — λ} → 0 and √n {κ(n)/n — λ} → ∞ separately.  相似文献   

Let π1,…,πp be p independent normal populations with means μ1…, μp and variances σ21,…, σ2p respectively. Let X(ni) be a simple random sample of size ni from πi, i = 1,…,p. Given the simple random samples X(n1),…, X(np) from π1,…,πp respectively, a test has been proposed for testing the homogeneity of variances H0: σ21=…σ2p, against the restricted alternative, H1: σ21≥…≥σ2p, with at least one strict inequality. Some properties of the test are discussed and critical values are tabulated.  相似文献   

We define the Wishart distribution on the cone of positive definite matrices and an exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone as exponential dispersion models. We show that these two distributions possess a property of exact decomposition, and we use this property to solve the following problem: given q samples (yil,… yiNj), i = l,…,q, from a N(μii,) distribution, test H1 = Σ2 = … = σq. Using the exact decomposition property, the classical test statistic for H, involving q parameters pi = (Ni, - l)/2, i = 1,…,q, is replaced by a sequence of q - l test statistics for the sequence of tests Hi,:σ12 = … =σi given that Hi-1 is true, i = 2,…,q. Each one of these test statistics involves two parameters only, p.i-1 = p1 + … + pi-1 and pi. We also use the exact decomposition property to test equality of the “direction parameters” for q sample points from the exponential distribution on the Lorentz cone. We give a table of critical values for the distribution on the three-dimensional Lorentz cone. Tables of critical values in higher dimensions can easily be computed following the same method as in dimension three.  相似文献   

Let X1,X2,… be independent and identically distributed nonnegative random variables with mean μ, and let Sn = X1 + … + Xn. For each λ > 0 and each n ≥ 1, let An be the interval [λnY, ∞), where γ > 1 is a constant. The number of times that Sn is in An is denoted by N. As λ tends to zero, the asymtotic behavior of N is studied. Specifically under suitable conditions, the expectation of N is shown to be (μλ?1)β + o(λ?β/2 where β = 1/(γ-1) and the variance of N is shown to be (μλ?1)β(βμ1)2σ2 + o(λ) where σ2 is the variance of Xn.  相似文献   

Tests of homogeneity of normal means with the alternative restricted by an ordering on the means are considered. The simply ordered case, μ1 ≤ μ2 ≤ ··· ≤ μk, and the simple tree ordering, μ1 ≤ μj, for; j= 2, 3,…, k, are emphasized. A modification of the likelihood-ratio test is proposed which is asymptotically equivalent to it but is more robust to violations of the hypothesized orderings. The new test has power at the points satisfying the hypothesized ordering which is similar to that of the likelihood-ratio test provided the degrees of freedom are not too small. The modified test is shown to be unbiased and consistent.  相似文献   

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