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Nonparametric estimation of the probability density function f° of a lifetime distribution based on arbitrarily right-censor-ed observations from f° has been studied extensively in recent years. In this paper the density estimators from censored data that have been obtained to date are outlined. Histogram, kernel-type, maximum likelihood, series-type, and Bayesian nonparametric estimators are included. Since estimation of the hazard rate function can be considered as giving a density estimate, all known results concerning nonparametric hazard rate estimation from censored samples are also briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a Bayes prediction problem in the exponential distribution under random censorship. Using censored samples, we work out a prediction interval for a sum of interest which consists of some future samples. Differing from the general Bayes approach, we do not specify the prior distribution of the parameter, and only a first moment condition on the prior is assumed. Simulation studies are conducted to exhibit the coverage probabilities of the prediction interval. Financial support from the IAP research network (#P5/24) of the Belgian Government (Belgian Science Policy) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

It is often of interest in survival analysis to test whether the distribution of lifetimes from which the sample under study was derived is the same as a reference distribution. The latter can be specified on the basis of previous studies or on subject matter considerations. In this paper several tests are developed for the above hypothesis, suitable for right-censored observations. The tests are based on modifications of Moses' one-sample limits of some classical two-sample rank tests. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are derived, consistency is established for alternatives which are stochastically ordered with respect to the null, and Pitman asymptotic efficiencies are calculated relative to competing tests. Simulated power comparisons are reported. An example is given with data on the survival times of lung cancer patients.  相似文献   

Two nonparametric estimators o f the survival distributionare discussed. The estimators were proposed by Kaplan and Meier (1958) and Breslow (1972) and are applicable when dealing with censored data. It is known that they are asymptotically unbiased and uniformly strongly consistent, and when properly normalized that they converge weakly to the same Gaussian process. In this paper, the properties of the estimators are carefully inspected in small or moderate samples. The Breslow estimator, a shrinkage version of the Kaplan-Meier, nearly always has the smaller mean square error (MSE) whenever the truesurvival probabilityis at least 0.20, but has considerably larger MSE than the Kaplan-Meier estimator when the survivalprobability is near zero.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the problem of predicting times to the latent failures of units censored in multiple stages in a progressively Type-II censored competing risks model. It is assumed that the lifetime distribution of the latent failure times are independent and exponential-distributed with the different scale parameters. Several classical point predictors such as the maximum likelihood predictor, the best unbiased predictor, the best linear unbiased predictor, the median unbiased predictor and the conditional median predictor are obtained. The Bayesian point predictors are derived under squared error loss criterion. Moreover, the point estimators of the unknown parameters are obtained using the observed data and different point predictors of the latent failure times. Finally, Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out to compare the performances of the different methods of prediction and estimation and one real data is used to illustrate the proposed procedures.  相似文献   

A monotonic. pointwise unbiased and uniformly consistent estimator for the survival function of failure time under the random censorship model is proposed. This estimator is closely related to the Kaplan-Meier. the Nelson-Aalen. and the reduced sample estimator. Large sample properties of the new estimator are discussed.  相似文献   

Let T, X and Y be non-negative random variables, where T is the time of occurrence of an event of interest, X and Y being the lefl and right censoring variables respectively.

In this paper we propose a nonparametric estimator of the survival function, ST, when T, X and Y are supposed to be independent and their corresponding hazard rates are proportionally related. In this way, our results extend Ebrahimi's work (1985) to the doubly censored data case.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider some problems of estimation and reconstruction based on middle censored competing risks data. It is assumed that the lifetime distributions of the latent failure times are independent and exponential distributed with different parameters and also that the censoring mechanism is independent. The maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the unknown parameters are obtained. We then use the asymptotic distribution of the MLEs to construct approximate confidence intervals. Based on gamma priors, Lindley's approximation method is applied to obtain the Bayesian estimates of the unknown parameters under squared error loss function. Since it is not possible to construct the credible intervals, we propose and implement the Gibbs sampling technique to construct the credible intervals. Several point reconstructors for failure time of censored units are provided. Finally, a simulation study is given by Monte-Carlo simulations to evaluate the performances of the different methods and a data set is analysed to illustrate the proposed procedures.  相似文献   

In Kernel density estimation, a criticism of bandwidth selection techniques which minimize squared error expressions is that they perform poorly when estimating tails of probability density functions. Techniques minimizing absolute error expressions are thought to result in more uniform performance and be potentially superior. An asympotic mean absolute error expression for nonparametric kernel density estimators from right-censored data is developed here. This expression is used to obtain local and global bandwidths that are optimal in the sense that they minimize asymptotic mean absolute error and integrated asymptotic mean absolute error, respectively. These estimators are illustrated fro eight data sets from known distributions. Computer simulation results are discussed, comparing the estimation methods with squared-error-based bandwidth selection for right-censored data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a nonparametric Bayesian procedure for estimating a survival curve in a double censoring situation. Assuming a proportional hazard rates model, we propose a consistent estimation of lifetime, based on a Dirichlet process prior knowledge on the observable random vector. Some large sample properties of this estimator are also derived, We prove strong consistency and asymptotic weak convergence to a Gaussian pro cess. Finally, a simulation study is presented in order to analyze the behavior of the proposed estimator, and establish some comparisons to other estimators.  相似文献   

Let X1, X2…,Xn be a random sample from [ILM0001] and let Y1, …,Yn be a random sample from [ILM0002]. Then instead of observing a complete sample X1,…Xn, we can only observe the pairs Zi. = min(Xi.,Yi) and [ILM0003] In this paper, we consider estimation of survival function [ILM0004] when [ILM0005], where β is an unknown positive real number.


The conditional mean residual life (MRL) function is the expected remaining lifetime of a system given survival past a particular time point and the values of a set of predictor variables. This function is a valuable tool in reliability and actuarial studies when the right tail of the distribution is of interest, and can be more informative than the survivor function. In this paper, we identify theoretical limitations of some semi-parametric conditional MRL models, and propose two nonparametric methods of estimating the conditional MRL function. Asymptotic properties such as consistency and normality of our proposed estimators are established. We investigate via simulation study the empirical properties of the proposed estimators, including bootstrap pointwise confidence intervals. Using Monte Carlo simulations we compare the proposed nonparametric estimators to two popular semi-parametric methods of analysis, for varying types of data. The proposed estimators are demonstrated on the Veteran’s Administration lung cancer trial.  相似文献   

Familles of asymptotic 100(1 – α)% level confidence bands for the survival function under the general random right-censorship (GRC) model and the proportional-hazards model of random right-censorship, also known as the Koziol-Green (KG) model, are developed. The family of bands under the GRC model is based on the well-known product-limit estimator (PLE), and this family is rich in that it contains as special cases the bands of Hall and Wellner (1980) and Gillespie and Fisher (1979), and more generally, the GF-type and HW-type bands of Csörg? and Horváth (1986), as well as new bands not previously studied. The familles of bands under the KG model are based on the maximum-likelihood estimator of F under this particular model. We compare the PLE-based bands and the MLE-based bands under the KG model. This enables us to study the loss in efficiency of the former bands when used in a setting where they are not optimal. The notion of asymptotic relative width efficiency (ARWE), defined to be the limiting ratio of the sample sizes needed by the bands to achieve the same asymptotic widths, is employed to compare two bands. Through this efficiency measure it is shown that if the censoring parameter β is known, then the PLE-based bands are highly inefficient relative to the MLE-based bands when β is large. When β is not known, the MLE-based bands are asymptotically conservative. Despite their conservatism, they still dominate the PLE-based bands when β is not too small or equivalently when the degree of censoring is not too light. We also compare the various PLE-based bands under the GRC model. The resulting information is valuable for evaluating competing PLE-based bands. We illustrate the confidence bands by utilizing the well-known Channing House data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a semi-parametric estimation of a survival function when analyzing incomplete and doubly censored data. Under the assumption that the chance of censoring is not related to the individual's survivorship, we propose a consistent estimation of survival. The derived estimator treats the uncensored observations nonparametrically and uses parametric models for both right and left censored data. Some asymptotic properties and simulation studies are also presented in order to analyze the behavior of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

Right, left or interval censored multivariate data can be represented by an intersection graph. Focussing on the bivariate case, the authors relate the structure of such an intersection graph to the support of the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate (NPMLE) of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for such data. They distinguish two types of non‐uniqueness of the NPMLE: representational, arising when the likelihood is unaffected by the distribution of the estimated probability mass within regions, and mixture, arising when the masses themselves are not unique. The authors provide a brief overview of estimation techniques and examine three data sets.  相似文献   

Whereas large-sample properties of the estimators of survival distributions using censored data have been studied by many authors, exact results for small samples have been difficult to obtain. In this paper we obtain the exact expression for the ath moment (a > 0) of the Bayes estimator of survival distribution using the censored data under proportional hazard model. Using the exact expression we compute the exact mean, variance and MSE of the Bayes estimator. Also two estimators ofthe mean survival time based on the Kaplan-Meier estimator and the Bayes estimator are compared for small samples under proportional hazards.  相似文献   


This article studies E-Bayesian estimation and its E-posterior risk, for failure rate derived from exponential distribution, in the case of the two hyper parameters. In order to measure the estimated risk, the definition of E-posterior risk (expected posterior risk) is proposed based on the definition of E-Bayesian estimation. Moreover, under the different prior distributions of hyper parameters, the formulas of E-Bayesian estimation and formulas of E-posterior risk are given respectively, these estimations are derived based on a conjugate prior distribution for the unknown parameter under the squared error loss function. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the performances of the proposed methods of estimation and a real data set have been analyzed for illustrative purposes, results are compared on the basis of E-posterior risk.  相似文献   

In reliability analysis, it is common to consider several causes, either mechanical or electrical, those are competing to fail a unit. These causes are called “competing risks.” In this paper, we consider the simple step-stress model with competing risks for failure from Weibull distribution under progressive Type-II censoring. Based on the proportional hazard model, we obtain the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the unknown parameters. The confidence intervals are derived by using the asymptotic distributions of the MLEs and bootstrap method. For comparison, we obtain the Bayesian estimates and the highest posterior density (HPD) credible intervals based on different prior distributions. Finally, their performance is discussed through simulations.  相似文献   

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