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Classical multivariate methods are often based on the sample covariance matrix, which is very sensitive to outlying observations. One alternative to the covariance matrix is the affine equivariant rank covariance matrix (RCM) that has been studied in Visuri et al. [2003. Affine equivariant multivariate rank methods. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 114, 161–185]. In this article we assume that the covariance matrix is partially known and study how to estimate the corresponding RCM. We use the properties that the RCM is affine equivariant and that the RCM is proportional to the inverse of the regular covariance matrix, and hence reduce the problem of estimating the original RCM to estimating marginal rank covariance matrices. This is a great computational advantage when the dimension of the original data vector is large.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2012,31(1):92-109

This paper provides several new results on identification of the linear factor model. The model allows for correlated latent factors and dependence among the idiosyncratic errors. I also illustrate identification under a dedicated measurement structure and other reduced rank restrictions. I use these results to study identification in a model with both observed covariates and latent factors. The analysis emphasizes the different roles played by restrictions on the error covariance matrix, restrictions on the factor loadings and the factor covariance matrix, and restrictions on the coefficients on covariates. The identification results are simple, intuitive, and directly applicable to many settings.  相似文献   

This article investigates the problem of establishing best linear unbiased predictors and best linear unbiased estimators of all unknown parameters in a group of linear models with random coefficients and correlated covariance matrix. We shall derive a variety of fundamental statistical properties of the predictors and estimators by using some matrix analysis tools. In particular, we shall establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the predictors and estimators to be equivalent under single and combined equations in the group of models by using the method of matrix equations, matrix rank formulas, and partitioned matrix calculations.  相似文献   

A unified method of constructing rank tests for homogeneity against ordered alternatives in unbalanced analysis of variance and analysis of covariance is considered. The relationship between these tests with some of the existing methods are studied. The normal theory likelihood ratio tests are also derived and the asymptotic relative efficiency comparisons, in Pitman sense, of the rank tests with respect to the likelihood ratio tests are carried out.  相似文献   

The main focus of our paper is to compare the performance of different model selection criteria used for multivariate reduced rank time series. We consider one of the most commonly used reduced rank model, that is, the reduced rank vector autoregression (RRVAR (p, r)) introduced by Velu et al. [Reduced rank models for multiple time series. Biometrika. 1986;7(31):105–118]. In our study, the most popular model selection criteria are included. The criteria are divided into two groups, that is, simultaneous selection and two-step selection criteria, accordingly. Methods from the former group select both an autoregressive order p and a rank r simultaneously, while in the case of two-step criteria, first an optimal order p is chosen (using model selection criteria intended for the unrestricted VAR model) and then an optimal rank r of coefficient matrices is selected (e.g. by means of sequential testing). Considered model selection criteria include well-known information criteria (such as Akaike information criterion, Schwarz criterion, Hannan–Quinn criterion, etc.) as well as widely used sequential tests (e.g. the Bartlett test) and the bootstrap method. An extensive simulation study is carried out in order to investigate the efficiency of all model selection criteria included in our study. The analysis takes into account 34 methods, including 6 simultaneous methods and 28 two-step approaches, accordingly. In order to carefully analyse how different factors affect performance of model selection criteria, we consider over 150 simulation settings. In particular, we investigate the influence of the following factors: time series dimension, different covariance structure, different level of correlation among components and different level of noise (variance). Moreover, we analyse the prediction accuracy concerned with the application of the RRVAR model and compare it with results obtained for the unrestricted vector autoregression. In this paper, we also present a real data application of model selection criteria for the RRVAR model using the Polish macroeconomic time series data observed in the period 1997–2007.  相似文献   

For a general class of nonparametric analysis of covariance problems (with stochastic covariates), some repeated significance testing procedures are developed. These procedures rest on the construction of suitable rank order statistics based on the partial sequence of sample sizes and allow for a monitoring of experimentation with the objective of a possible early termination of experimentation. The basic theory is based on the weak convergence of certain stochastic processes relating to the rank order statistics. Various properties of the proposed tests are discussed.  相似文献   

The GMANOVA model is considered when one characteristic is measured at q time points. The covariance adjusted estimator is the OLS estimator adjusted using analysis of covariance. The covariates are obtained from the space vertical to that derived from the design matrix. Its form is obtained as a GLS estimator using a weight matrix of reduced rank unless all available covariates are used. The choice of the appropriate covariate combination is made by introducing a method based on cross validation (CV). A comparison is made with two other methods that appeared in statistical literature using simulation.  相似文献   

Positive definiteness represents an admissibility condition for a function to be a covariance. Nevertheless, the more restricted condition of strict positive definiteness has received attention in literature, especially in spatial statistics, since it ensures that the kriging system has a unique solution. Most known covariance functions are isotropic but there are applications where isotropy is not appropriate, e.g., space-time covariance functions. One way to construct non-isotropic covariance functions is to use a product or a product-sum. In this article, it is given a necessary as well as a sufficient condition for a product of two covariance functions to be strictly positive definite. This result is extended to the well-known product-sum covariance model.  相似文献   

This paper develops a test for comparing treatment effects when observations are missing at random for repeated measures data on independent subjects. It is assumed that missingness at any occasion follows a Bernoulli distribution. It is shown that the distribution of the vector of linear rank statistics depends on the unknown parameters of the probability law that governs missingness, which is absent in the existing conditional methods employing rank statistics. This dependence is through the variance–covariance matrix of the vector of linear ranks. The test statistic is a quadratic form in the linear rank statistics when the variance–covariance matrix is estimated. The limiting distribution of the test statistic is derived under the null hypothesis. Several methods of estimating the unknown components of the variance–covariance matrix are considered. The estimate that produces stable empirical Type I error rate while maintaining the highest power among the competing tests is recommended for implementation in practice. Simulation studies are also presented to show the advantage of the proposed test over other rank-based tests that do not account for the randomness in the missing data pattern. Our method is shown to have the highest power while also maintaining near-nominal Type I error rates. Our results clearly illustrate that even for an ignorable missingness mechanism, the randomness in the pattern of missingness cannot be ignored. A real data example is presented to highlight the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Non parametric approaches to classification have gained significant attention in the last two decades. In this paper, we propose a classification methodology based on the multivariate rank functions and show that it is a Bayes rule for spherically symmetric distributions with a location shift. We show that a rank-based classifier is equivalent to optimal Bayes rule under suitable conditions. We also present an affine invariant version of the classifier. To accommodate different covariance structures, we construct a classifier based on the central rank region. Asymptotic properties of these classification methods are studied. We illustrate the performance of our proposed methods in comparison to some other depth-based classifiers using simulated and real data sets.  相似文献   

Previously proposed linear signed rank tests for multivariate location are not invariant under linear transformations of the observations, The asymptotic relative efficiencies of the tests 2 with respect to Hotelling's T2test depend on the direction of shift and the covariance matrix of the alternative distributions. For distributions with highly correlated components, the efficiencies of some of these tests can be arbitrarily low; they approach zero for certain multivariate normal alternatives, This article proposes a transformation of the data to be performed prior to standard linear signed rank tests, The resulting procedures have attractive power and efficiency properties compared to the original tests, In particular, for elliptically symmetric contiguous alternafives, the efficiencies of the new tests equal those of corresponding univariate linear signed rank tests with respect to the t test.  相似文献   

A Gauss–Markov model is said to be singular if the covariance matrix of the observable random vector in the model is singular. In such a case, there exist some natural restrictions associated with the observable random vector and the unknown parameter vector in the model. In this paper, we derive through the matrix rank method a necessary and sufficient condition for a vector of parametric functions to be estimable, and necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear estimator to be unbiased in the singular Gauss–Markov model. In addition, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for the ordinary least-square estimator (OLSE) and the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) under the model to satisfy the natural restrictions.   相似文献   

Abstract. In this article, we propose a new parametric family of models for real‐valued spatio‐temporal stochastic processes S ( x , t ) and show how low‐rank approximations can be used to overcome the computational problems that arise in fitting the proposed class of models to large datasets. Separable covariance models, in which the spatio‐temporal covariance function of S ( x , t ) factorizes into a product of purely spatial and purely temporal functions, are often used as a convenient working assumption but are too inflexible to cover the range of covariance structures encountered in applications. We define positive and negative non‐separability and show that in our proposed family we can capture positive, zero and negative non‐separability by varying the value of a single parameter.  相似文献   

Semiparametric regression models and estimating covariance functions are very useful in longitudinal study. Unfortunately, challenges arise in estimating the covariance function of longitudinal data collected at irregular time points. In this article, for mean term, a partially linear model is introduced and for covariance structure, a modified Cholesky decomposition approach is proposed to heed the positive-definiteness constraint. We estimate the regression function by using the local linear technique and propose quasi-likelihood estimating equations for both the mean and covariance structures. Moreover, asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators is established. Finally, simulation study and real data analysis are used to illustrate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Abstract. In geophysical and environmental problems, it is common to have multiple variables of interest measured at the same location and time. These multiple variables typically have dependence over space (and/or time). As a consequence, there is a growing interest in developing models for multivariate spatial processes, in particular, the cross‐covariance models. On the other hand, many data sets these days cover a large portion of the Earth such as satellite data, which require valid covariance models on a globe. We present a class of parametric covariance models for multivariate processes on a globe. The covariance models are flexible in capturing non‐stationarity in the data yet computationally feasible and require moderate numbers of parameters. We apply our covariance model to surface temperature and precipitation data from an NCAR climate model output. We compare our model to the multivariate version of the Matérn cross‐covariance function and models based on coregionalization and demonstrate the superior performance of our model in terms of AIC (and/or maximum loglikelihood values) and predictive skill. We also present some challenges in modelling the cross‐covariance structure of the temperature and precipitation data. Based on the fitted results using full data, we give the estimated cross‐correlation structure between the two variables.  相似文献   

Although positive definiteness is a sufficient condition for a function to be a covariance, the stronger strict positive definiteness is important for many applications, especially in spatial statistics, since it ensures that the kriging equations have a unique solution. In particular, spatial-temporal prediction has received a lot of attention, hence strictly positive definite spatial-temporal covariance models (or equivalently strictly conditionally negative definite variogram models) are needed.In this paper the necessary and sufficient condition for the product and the product-sum space-time covariance models to be strictly positive definite (or the variogram function to be strictly conditionally negative definite) is given. In addition it is shown that an example appeared in the recent literature which purports to show that product-sum covariance functions may be only semi-definite is itself invalid. Strict positive definiteness of the sum of products model is also discussed.  相似文献   

The authors present a new nonparametric approach to test for interaction in two‐way layouts. Based on the concept of composite linear rank statistics, they combine the correlated row and column ranking information to construct the test statistic. They determine the limiting distributions of the proposed test statistic under the null hypothesis and Pitman alternatives. They also propose consistent estimators for the limiting covariance matrices associated with the test. They illustrate the application of their test in practical settings using a microarray data set.  相似文献   

The robustness of Mauchly's sphericity test criterion when sampling from a mixture of two multivariate normal distributions is studied. The distribution of the sphericity test criterion when the sample covariance matrix has a non-central Wishart density of rank one is derived in terms of Meijer's G-functions; its distribution under the mixture model is then deduced. The robustness is studied by computing actual significance levels of the test under the mixture model using the critical values under the usual normal model.  相似文献   

Estimation of covariance components in the multivariate random-effect model with nested covariance structure is discussed. There are two covariance matrices to be estimated, namely, the between-group and the within-group covariance matrices. These two covariance matrices are most often estimated by forming a multivariate analysis of variance and equating mean square matrices to their expectations. Such a procedure involves taking the difference between the between-group mean square and the within-group mean square matrices, and often produces an estimated between-group covariance matrix that is not nonnegative definite. We present estimators of the two covariance matrices that are always proper covariance matrices. The estimators are the restricted maximum likelihood estimators if the random effects are normally distributed. The estimation procedure is extended to more complicated models, including the twofold nested and the mixed-effect models. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the use of the estimation procedure.  相似文献   

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