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The complementary exponential–geometric distribution has been proposed recently as a simple and useful reliability model for analysing lifetime data. For this distribution, some recurrence relations are established for the single and product moments of order statistics. These recurrence relations enable the computation of the means, variances and covariances of all order statistics for all sample sizes in a simple and efficient recursive manner. By using these relations, we have tabulated the means, variances and covariances of order statistics from samples of sizes up to 10 for various values of the shape parameter θ. These values are in turn used to determine the best linear unbiased estimator of the scale parameter β based on complete and Type-II right-censored samples.  相似文献   

We derive explicit algebraic expressions for both of the single and product moments of order statistics from Topp–Leone distribution. We also give an identity about single moments of order statistics. These expressions will be useful for computational purposes.  相似文献   

The Poisson–Lindley distribution is a compound discrete distribution that can be used as an alternative to other discrete distributions, like the negative binomial. This paper develops approximate one-sided and equal-tailed two-sided tolerance intervals for the Poisson–Lindley distribution. Practical applications of the Poisson–Lindley distribution frequently involve large samples, thus we utilize large-sample Wald confidence intervals in the construction of our tolerance intervals. A coverage study is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed tolerance intervals. The tolerance intervals are also demonstrated using two real data sets. The R code developed for our discussion is briefly highlighted and included in the tolerance package.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the failure-censored sampling plans for the two–parameter exponential distri- bution based on m random samples, each of size n. The suggested procedure is based on exact results and only the first failure time of each sample is needed. The values of the acceptability constant are also tabulated for selected values of p α 1 p β 1, α and β. Further, a comparison of the proposed sampling plans with ordinary sampling plans using a sample of size mn is made. When compared to ordinary sampling plans, the proposed plan has an advantage in terms of shorter test-time and a saving of resources.  相似文献   

Generalized order statistics constitute a unified model for ordered random variables that includes order statistics and record values among others. Here, we consider concomitants of generalized order statistics for the Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern bivariate distributions and study recurrence relations between their moments. We derive the joint distribution of concomitants of two generalized order statistics and obtain their product moments. Application of these results is seen in establishing some well known results given separately for order statistics and record values and obtaining some new results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a Bayesian estimation procedure for the parameters in a Moran–Downton bivariate exponential distribution based on complete and censored samples. A Markov-chain Monte Carlo method is used to obtain the Bayes estimates of the parameters. An intensive simulation experiment is conducted to study the performance of the proposed Bayesian estimation procedure. Discussions and suggestions are provided based on the simulation results. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the Bayesian estimation procedure developed here and some concluding remarks are provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider concomitants of order statistics arising from the extended Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern bivariate logistic distribution and develop its distribution theory. Using ranked set sample obtained from the above distribution, unbiased estimators of the parameters associated with the study variate involved in it are generated. The best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) based on observations in the ranked set sample of those parameters as well have been derived. The efficiencies of the BLUEs relative to the respective unbiased estimators generated also have been evaluated.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to compare via Monte Carlo simulations the finite sample properties of the parameter estimates of the Marshall–Olkin extended exponential distribution obtained by ten estimation methods: maximum likelihood, modified moments, L-moments, maximum product of spacings, ordinary least-squares, weighted least-squares, percentile, Crámer–von-Mises, Anderson–Darling, and Right-tail Anderson–Darling. The bias, root mean-squared error, absolute and maximum absolute difference between the true and estimated distribution functions are used as criterion of comparison. The simulation study reveals that the L-moments and maximum products of spacings methods are highly competitive with the maximum likelihood method in small as well as in large-sized samples.  相似文献   

We review limit theory and inequalities for the Kaplan–Meier Kaplan and Meier (J Am Stat Assoc 53:457–481, 1958) product limit estimator of a survival function on the whole line . Along the way we provide bounds for the constant in an interesting inequality due to Biotouzé et al. (Ann Inst H Poincaré Probab Stat 35:735–763, 1999), and provide some numerical evidence in support of one of their conjectures. Supported in part by NSF grant DMS-0503822 and by NI-AID grant 2R01 AI291968-04.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider Marshall–Olkin extended exponential (MOEE) distribution which is capable of modelling various shapes of failure rates and aging criteria. The purpose of this paper is three fold. First, we derive the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters and the observed the Fisher information matrix from progressively type-II censored data. Next, the Bayes estimates are evaluated by applying Lindley’s approximation method and Markov Chain Monte Carlo method under the squared error loss function. We have performed a simulation study in order to compare the proposed Bayes estimators with the maximum likelihood estimators. We also compute 95% asymptotic confidence interval and symmetric credible interval along with the coverage probability. Third, we consider one-sample and two-sample prediction problems based on the observed sample and provide appropriate predictive intervals under classical as well as Bayesian framework. Finally, we analyse a real data set to illustrate the results derived.  相似文献   

In this study, we provide the Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern bivariate copula of rth and sth order statistics. The main emphasis in this study is on the inference procedure which is based on the maximum pseudo-likelihood estimate for the copula parameter. As for the methodology, goodness-of-fit test statistic for copulas which is based on a Cramér–von Mises functional of the empirical copula process is applied for selecting an appropriate model by bootstrapping. An application of the methodology to simulated data set is also presented.  相似文献   

Marshall and Olkin (1997 Marshall, A.W., Olkin, I. (1997). A new method for adding a parameter to a family of distributions with application to the exponential and Weibull families. Biometrika 84(3):641652.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) introduced a new method of adding parameter to expand a family of distributions. Using this concept, in this article, the Marshall–Olkin extended Pareto distribution is introduced and some recurrence relations for single and product moments of generalized order statistics are studied. Also the results are deduced for record values and order statistics.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that the confidence intervals (CIs) for the probability of eventual extinction and other parameters of a Galton–Watson branching process based upon the maximum likelihood estimators can often have substantially lower coverage when compared to the desired nominal confidence coefficient, especially in small, more realistic sample sizes. The same conclusion holds for the traditional bootstrap CIs. We propose several adjustments to these CIs, which greatly improves coverage in most cases. We also make a correction in an asymptotic variance formula given in Stigler (1971 Stigler, S.M. (1971). The estimation of the probability of extinction and other parameters associated with branching processes. Biometrika 58(3):499508.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The focus here is on implementation of the CIs which have good coverage, in a wide variety of cases. We also consider expected CI lengths. Some recommendations are made.  相似文献   

In a former study (Chatillon, Gelinas, Martin and Laurencelle, 1987), the authors arrived at the conclusion that for small to moderate sample sizes (n≦90), and for population distributions that are not too skewed nor heavy tailed, the percentiles computed from a set of 9 classes are at least as precise as the corresponding percentiles computed with raw data. Their proof was based essentially on Monte Carlo simulations. The present paper gives a different and complementary proof, based on an exact evaluation of the mean squared error. The method of proof uses the trinomial distribution in an interesting way.  相似文献   

We consider interval estimation of the stress–strength reliability in the two-parameter exponential distribution based on records. We constructed Bayesian intervals, Bootstrap intervals and intervals using the generalized pivot variable. A simulation study is conducted to investigate and compare the performance of the intervals in terms of their coverage probability and expected length. An example is given.  相似文献   

Searching for regions of the input space where a statistical model is inappropriate is useful in many applications. The study proposes an algorithm for finding local departures from a regression-type prediction model. The algorithm returns low-dimensional hypercubes where the average prediction error clearly departs from zero. The study describes the developed algorithm, and shows successful applications on the simulated and real data from the steel plate production. The algorithms that have been originally developed for searching regions of the high-response value from the input space are reviewed and considered as alternative methods for locating model departures. The proposed algorithm succeeds in locating the model departure regions better than the compared alternatives. The algorithm can be utilized in sequential follow-up of a model as time goes along and new data are observed.  相似文献   

This article deals with the Bayesian and non Bayesian estimation of multicomponent stress–strength reliability by assuming the Kumaraswamy distribution. Both stress and strength are assumed to have a Kumaraswamy distribution with common and known shape parameter. The reliability of such a system is obtained by the methods of maximum likelihood and Bayesian approach and the results are compared using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique for both small and large samples. Finally, two data sets are analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Marshall–Olkin extended distributions offer a wider range of behaviour than the basic distributions from which they are derived and therefore may find applications in modeling lifetime data, especially within proportional odds models, and elsewhere. The present paper carries out a simulation study of likelihood ratio, Wald and score tests for the parameter that distinguishes the extended distribution from the basic one, for the Weibull and exponential cases, allowing for right censored data. The likelihood ratio test is found to perform better than the others. The test is shown to have sufficient power to detect alternatives that correspond to interesting departures from the basic model and can be useful in modeling.  相似文献   

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