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By adding a resilience parameter to the scale model, a general distribution family called resilience-scale model is introduced including exponential, Weibull, generalized exponential, exponentiated Weibull and exponentiated Lomax distributions as special cases. This paper carries out stochastic comparisons on parallel and series systems with heterogeneous resilience-scaled components. On the one hand, it is shown that more heterogeneity among the resilience-scaled components of a parallel [series] system with an Archimedean [survival] copula leads to better [worse] performance in the sense of the usual stochastic order. On the other hand, the [reversed hazard] hazard rate order is established for two series [parallel] systems consisting of independent heterogeneous resilience-scaled components. The skewness and dispersiveness are also investigated for the lifetimes of two parallel systems consisting of independent heterogeneous and homogeneous [multiple-outlier] resilience-scaled components. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of our theoretical findings. These results not only generalize and extend some known ones in the literature, but also provide guidance for engineers to assemble systems with higher reliability in practical situations. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate ordering properties of lifetimes of parallel systems with two independent heterogeneous exponential components with respect to likelihood ratio and hazard rate orders. Two sufficient conditions are provided for likelihood ratio and hazard rate orders to hold between the lifetimes of two parallel systems, respectively. Moreover, we extend the results from exponential case to the proportional hazard rate models. The results established here strength some of the results known in the literature. Finally, some numerical examples are given to illustrate the theoretical results derived here as well. 相似文献
In this paper, we study ordering properties of lifetimes of parallel systems with two independent heterogeneous exponential components in terms of the likelihood ratio order (reversed hazard rate order) and the hazard rate order (stochastic order). We establish, among others, that the weakly majorization order between two hazard rate vectors is equivalent to the likelihood ratio order (reversed hazard rate order) between lifetimes of two parallel systems, and that the p-larger order between two hazard rate vectors is equivalent to the hazard rate order (stochastic order) between lifetimes of two parallel systems. Moreover, we extend the results to the proportional hazard rate models. The results derived here strengthen and generalize some of the results known in the literature. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate ordering properties of lifetimes of parallel systems with two independent heterogeneous exponential components in terms of the mean residual life order. We establish, among others, that the reciprocal majorization order between parameter vectors implies the mean residual life order between the lifetimes of two parallel systems. We then extend this result to the proportional hazard rate models. 相似文献
This article discusses the variability ordering of lifetimes of parallel systems with two independent heterogeneous exponential components in terms of the right spread order. It is proved, among others, that the reciprocal majorization order between the two hazard rate vectors implies the right spread order between the lifetimes of two parallel systems. The result is then extended to the proportional hazard rate model as well. The results established here extend and enrich those known in the literature. 相似文献
This article deals with the topic of optimal allocation of two standby redundancies in a two-component series/parallel system. There are two original components C1 and C2 which can be used to construct a series/parallel system, and two spares R1 (same as C1) and R2 (different from both C1 and C2) at hand with them being standby redundancies so as to enhance the reliability level of the system. The goal for an engineer is to seek after the optimal allocation policy in this framework. It is shown that, for the series structure, the engineer should allocate R2 to C1 and R1 to C2 provided that C1 (or R1) performs either the best or worst among all the units; otherwise, the allocation policy should be reversed. For the parallel structure, the optimal allocation strategy is just opposed to that of series case. We also provide some numerical examples for illustrating the theoretical results. 相似文献
This paper deals with aging properties and stochastic comparisons of multivariate mixture models, having conditionally independent marginal distributions. 相似文献
Mohammad Baratnia 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2017,46(9):7365-7375
This article deals with an extension of sequential order statistics which is useful for describing system lifetimes with independent but heterogeneous components. Explicit expressions for marginal distributions as well means of system lifetimes are derived. Some special cases and illustrative examples are also investigated. 相似文献
This note builds a sufficient condition for the hazard rate ordering between lifetimes of parallel systems with two independent components having proportional hazard rates. Some comparisons on lifetimes of such systems with general components are also obtained. 相似文献
K. Jayakumar 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2018,47(7):1767-1783
In this article, the discrete analog of Weibull geometric distribution is introduced. Discrete Weibull, discrete Rayleigh, and geometric distributions are submodels of this distribution. Some basic distributional properties, hazard function, random number generation, moments, and order statistics of this new discrete distribution are studied. Estimation of the parameters are done using maximum likelihood method. The applications of the distribution is established using two datasets. 相似文献
AbstractIn this paper, we establish that the usual stochastic, hazard rate, reversed hazard rate, likelihood ratio, dispersive and star orders are all preserved for parallel systems under exponentiated models for lifetimes of components. We then use the multiple-outlier exponentiated gamma models to illustrate this result. Finally, we consider the dual family with exponentiated survival function and establish similar results for series systems. The results established here extend some well-known results for series and parallel systems arising from different exponentiated distributions such as generalized exponential and exponentiated Weibull, established previously in the literature. 相似文献
This paper studies the ordering properties of extreme order statistics arising from independent negative binomial random variables. Employing the useful tool of majorization-type orders, sufficient conditions are given for comparing extreme negative binomial order statistics according to the usual stochastic order. Some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the theoretical results. Applications in Poisson-Gamma shock model in reliability engineering and claim frequency in insurance are presented to show the practicability of our results as well. 相似文献
This article studies some ordering results for the sample spacings arising from the single- and multiple-outlier exponential models. In the single-outlier exponential models, it is shown that the weak majorization order between the two hazard rate vectors implies the hazard rate order as well as the dispersive order between the corresponding sample spacings. We also extend this result from the single-outlier model to the multiple-outlier model for the special case of the second sample spacing. Furthermore, we obtain some necessary and sufficient conditions such that, on the one hand, the hazard rate, dispersive and usual stochastic orders, and on the other hand, the likelihood ratio and reversed hazard rate orders of the second sample spacings from two independent heterogeneous exponential random variables are equivalent. 相似文献
Alice L. Morais 《Statistics》2017,51(2):294-313
We extend the Weibull power series (WPS) class of distributions to the new class of extended Weibull power series (EWPS) class of distributions. The EWPS distributions are related to series and parallel systems with a random number of components, whereas the WPS distributions [Morais AL, Barreto-Souza W. A compound class of Weibull and power series distributions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 2011;55:1410–1425] are related to series systems only. Unlike the WPS distributions, for which the Weibull is a limiting special case, the Weibull law is a particular case of the EWPS distributions. We prove that the distributions in this class are identifiable under a simple assumption. We also prove stochastic and hazard rate order results and highlight that the shapes of the EWPS distributions are markedly more flexible than the shapes of the WPS distributions. We define a regression model for the EWPS response random variable to model a scale parameter and its quantiles. We present the maximum likelihood estimator and prove its consistency and asymptotic normal distribution. Although series and parallel systems motivated the construction of this class, the EWPS distributions are suitable for modelling a wide range of positive data sets. To illustrate potential uses of this model, we apply it to a real data set on the tensile strength of coconut fibres and present a simple device for diagnostic purposes. 相似文献
Stochastic comparison on order statistics from heterogeneous-dependent observations has been paid lots of attention recently. This paper devotes to investigating the ordering properties of order statistics from dependent observations. We derive the usual stochastic order for sample minimums and the second smallest order statistic, the dispersive order and the star order for minimums of samples having proportional hazards and Archimedean survival copulas. Similar ordering results are also obtained for maximums and the second largest order statistic of samples having proportional reversed hazards and Archimedean copulas. Several examples illustrating the main results are presented as well. 相似文献
AbstractIn this paper, we consider series systems and parallel systems with the dependence between the component lifetimes modelled by an Archimedean copulas. We obtain sufficient and necessary conditions of relative ageing orders between series (parallel) systems with different component numbers, which partially generalize some main results of Misra and Francis. When the component lifetimes follow the scale model, we also characterize the ordering properties between the series systems and (n–1)-out-of-n systems (parallel systems and 2-out-of-n systems) by mixture distribution. 相似文献
In this paper we compare the hazard rate functions of two parallel systems, each of which consists of two independent components with exponential distribution functions. The paper gives various conditions under which there exists a hazard rate ordering between the two parallel systems. It is also shown that some of these conditions are both sufficient and necessary. In particular, it is proven that if the vector consisting of the two hazard rates of the two exponential components in one parallel system weakly supmajorizes the counterpart of the other parallel system, then the first parallel system is greater than the second parallel system in the hazard rate ordering. This paper further compares the hazard rate functions of two parallel systems when both systems have components following a certain bivariate exponential distribution. 相似文献