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Hea-Jung Kim 《Statistics》2013,47(1):89-106
This article introduces a class of weighted multivariate t-distributions, which includes the multivariate generalized Student t and multivariate skew t as its special members. This class is defined as the marginal distribution of a doubly truncated multivariate generalized Student t-distribution and studied from several aspects such as weighting of probability density functions, inequality constrained multivariate Student t-distributions, scale mixtures of multivariate normal and probabilistic representations. The relationships among these aspects are given, and various properties of the class are also discussed. Necessary theories and two applications are provided.  相似文献   

This article proposes a class of multivariate bilateral selection t distributions useful for analyzing non-normal (skewed and/or bimodal) multivariate data. The class is associated with a bilateral selection mechanism, and it is obtained from a marginal distribution of the centrally truncated multivariate t. It is flexible enough to include the multivariate t and multivariate skew-t distributions and mathematically tractable enough to account for central truncation of a hidden t variable. The class, closed under linear transformation, marginal, and conditional operations, is studied from several aspects such as shape of the probability density function, conditioning of a distribution, scale mixtures of multivariate normal, and a probabilistic representation. The relationships among these aspects are given, and various properties of the class are also discussed. Necessary theories and two applications are provided.  相似文献   

Hea-Jung Kim 《Statistics》2013,47(5):421-441
This article develops a class of the weighted normal distributions for which the probability density function has the form of a product of a normal density and a weight function. The class constitutes marginal distributions obtained from various kinds of doubly truncated bivariate normal distributions. This class of distributions strictly includes the normal, skew–normal and two-piece skew–normal and is useful for selection modelling and inequality constrained normal mean analysis. Some distributional properties and Bayesian perspectives of the class are given. Probabilistic representation of the distributions is also given. The representation is shown to be straightforward to specify distribution and to implement computation, with output readily adapted for required analysis. Necessary theories and illustrative examples are provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, a special class of m-dimensional distribution functions which can be uniquely determined in terms of their 2-dimensional marginals is studied. The members of the class can be characterized as having truncation invariant dependence structure. The representation given in this paper provides a physical meaning to the multivariate Cook-Johnson distribution, and introduces a systematic way of generating higher dimensional distributions by using rich 2-dimensional distributions provided that the 2-dimensional marginals are compatible. A class of 3-dimensional multivariate normal distribution has been generated and bounds in terms of lower dimensional marginals are provided.  相似文献   

A class of weighted elliptical models useful for analyzing nonnormal and bimodal multivariate data is introduced. It is obtained from the marginal distribution of a centrally truncated multivariate elliptical distribution. As a special case, a finite mixture of weighted multinormal distribution is examined in detail, establishing connections with the multinormal and the finite mixture of multinormal. The special class of distributions is studied from several aspects such as weighting of probability density functions, association with centrally truncated distributions, and a finite scale mixture scheme. The relationships among these aspects are given, and various properties of the class are also discussed. For the inference of the class, an MCMC procedure and its numerical example are provided.  相似文献   

The bivariate normal density with unit variance and correlation ρ is well known. We show that by integrating out ρ, the result is a function of the maximum norm. The Bayesian interpretation of this result is that if we put a uniform prior over ρ, then the marginal bivariate density depends only on the maximal magnitude of the variables. The square-shaped isodensity contour of this resulting marginal bivariate density can also be regarded as the equally weighted mixture of bivariate normal distributions over all possible correlation coefficients. This density links to the Khintchine mixture method of generating random variables. We use this method to construct the higher dimensional generalizations of this distribution. We further show that for each dimension, there is a unique multivariate density that is a differentiable function of the maximum norm and is marginally normal, and the bivariate density from the integral over ρ is its special case in two dimensions.  相似文献   

In this note some properties of the absolute moments of a doubly truncated arbitrary multivariate distribution are studied and several moment inequalities are derived.  相似文献   

Hea-Jung Kim 《Statistics》2015,49(4):878-899
A screening problem is tackled by proposing a parametric class of distributions designed to match the behavior of the partially observed screened data. This class is obtained from the nontruncated marginal of the rectangle-truncated multivariate normal distributions. Motivations for the screened distribution as well as some of the basic properties, such as its characteristic function, are presented. These allow us a detailed exploration of other important properties that include closure property in linear transformation, in marginal and conditional operations, and in a mixture operation as well as the first two moments and some sampling distributions. Various applications of these results to the statistical modelling and data analysis are also provided.  相似文献   

We study the nonparametric maximum-likelihood estimator of the marginal distribution function in bivariate data with truncated sum (Woodroofe 1985), and calculate the probability that it will assign zero probability to a range of observed values. We show that in a simple artificial model with uniform intensity in both variables the probability may be expressed using recursive formulae, and that large-sample approximations valid under weak regularity conditions show good agreement with as few as 20 observations. In the uniform-intensity model, the probability of degenerate estimates is rather small, being just over 5% with a dataset of 20 observations and falling below 1% with 125 observations. However, in a model of transfusion-associated AIDS in 125 children and adults (Kalbfleisch and Lawless 1989), the probability of degenerate estimates is much larger—about 30% with 20 observations and 3% with the actual 125 observations. This is largely because both the infection and incubation density are increasing over time. Such a pattern makes the condition for degeneracy, i.e., relatively high observed intensity at extreme values of each variable, much more likely.  相似文献   

In this paper, a multivariate form of truncated generalized Cauchy distribution (TGCD), which is denoted by (MVTGCD), is introduced. The joint density function, conditional density function, moment generating function and mixed moments of order ${b=\sum_{i=1}^{k}b_{i}}$ are obtained. Making use of the mixed moments formula, skewness and kurtosis in case of the bivariate case are obtained. Also, all parameters of the distribution are estimated using the maximum likelihood and Bayes methods. A real data set is introduced and analyzed using three models. The first model is the bivariate Cauchy distribution, the second is the truncated bivariate Cauchy distribution and the third is the bivariate truncated generalized Cauchy distribution. A comparison is carried out between the mentioned models based on the corresponding Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test statistic to emphasize that the bivariate truncated generalized Cauchy model fits the data better than the other models.  相似文献   

This paper considers the Bayesian analysis of the multivariate normal distribution when its covariance matrix has a Wishart prior density under the assumption of a multivariate quadratic loss function. New flexible marginal posterior distributions of the mean μ and of the covariance matrix Σ are developed and univariate cases with graphical representations are given.  相似文献   

The analysis of word frequency count data can be very useful in authorship attribution problems. Zero-truncated generalized inverse Gaussian–Poisson mixture models are very helpful in the analysis of these kinds of data because their model-mixing density estimates can be used as estimates of the density of the word frequencies of the vocabulary. It is found that this model provides excellent fits for the word frequency counts of very long texts, where the truncated inverse Gaussian–Poisson special case fails because it does not allow for the large degree of over-dispersion in the data. The role played by the three parameters of this truncated GIG-Poisson model is also explored. Our second goal is to compare the fit of the truncated GIG-Poisson mixture model with the fit of the model that results from switching the order of the mixing and truncation stages. A heuristic interpretation of the mixing distribution estimates obtained under this alternative GIG-truncated Poisson mixture model is also provided.  相似文献   

In the past few years, the Lindley distribution has gained popularity for modeling lifetime data as an alternative to the exponential distribution. This paper provides two new characterizations of the Lindley distribution. The first characterization is based on a relation between left truncated moments and failure rate function. The second characterization is based on a relation between right truncated moments and reversed failure rate function.  相似文献   

Moment estimators for parameters in a truncated bivariate Poisson distribution are derived in Hamdan (1972) for the special case of λ1 = λ2, Where λ1, λ2 are the marginal means. Here we derive the maximum likelihood estimators for this special case. The information matrix is also obtained which provides asymptotic covariance matrix of the maximum likelihood estimators. The asymptotic covariance matrix of moment estimators is also derived. The asymptotic efficiency of moment estimators is computed and found to be very low.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the uniform convergence with rates for the kernel estimator of the conditional mode function for a left truncated and right censored model. It is assumed that the lifetime observations with multivariate covariates form a stationary α-mixing sequence. Also, the asymptotic normality of the estimator is established.  相似文献   

The asymptotic distribution function for the one-sided Kolmogorov-Smimov statistic is derived in the case of truncated data. A comparison is made of the one-sided percentage points and the two-sided percentage points of Koziol and Byar.  相似文献   

A local orthogonal polynomial expansion (LOrPE) of the empirical density function is proposed as a novel method to estimate the underlying density. The estimate is constructed by matching localised expectation values of orthogonal polynomials to the values observed in the sample. LOrPE is related to several existing methods, and generalises straightforwardly to multivariate settings. By manner of construction, it is similar to local likelihood density estimation (LLDE). In the limit of small bandwidths, LOrPE functions as kernel density estimation (KDE) with high-order (effective) kernels inherently free of boundary bias, a natural consequence of kernel reshaping to accommodate endpoints. Consistency and faster asymptotic convergence rates follow. In the limit of large bandwidths LOrPE is equivalent to orthogonal series density estimation (OSDE) with Legendre polynomials, thereby inheriting its consistency. We compare the performance of LOrPE to KDE, LLDE, and OSDE, in a number of simulation studies. In terms of mean integrated squared error, the results suggest that with a proper balance of the two tuning parameters, bandwidth and degree, LOrPE generally outperforms these competitors when estimating densities with sharply truncated supports.  相似文献   

In this paper an expression for the inverse moment of order r is given for the truncated binomial and Poisson distributions. This enables one to obtain inverse moments in a finite series. Some applications and multivariate generalizations are also given. The method also enables one to obtain relations between inverse moments and factorial moments and distributions of sums of variables.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to develop convenient Bayesian techniques for estimation and forecasting which can be used to analyze multiple (multivariate) autoregressive moving average processes. Based on the conditional likelihood function and the least squares estimates of the residuals, the marginal posterior distribution of the coefficients of the model is approximated by a matrix t distribution, the marginal posterior distribution of the precision matrix is approximated by a Wishart distribution, and the predictive distribution is approximated by a multivariate t distribution. Some numerical examples are given to demonstrate the idea of using the proposed techniques to analyze different types of multiple ARMA models.  相似文献   

A Composite Likelihood Approach to Multivariate Survival Data   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper is about the statistical analysis of multivariate survival data. We discuss the additive and multiplicative frailty models which have been the most popular models for multivariate survival data. As an alternative to the additive and multiplicative frailty models, we propose basing inference on a composite likelihood function that only requires modelling of the marginal distribution of pairs of failure times. Each marginal distribution of a pair of failure times is here assumed to follow a shared frailty model. The method is illustrated with a real-life example.  相似文献   

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