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The use of a range estimator of the population standard deviation, sigma (σ), for determining sample sizes is discussed in this study. Standardized mean ranges (dn's), when divided into the ranges of sampling frames, provide estimates of the standard deviation of the population. These estimates can be used for determining sample sizes. The dn's are provided for seven different distributions for sampling frame sizes that range from 2 to 2000, For each of the seven distributions, functional relationships are developed such that dn = f(nSF) where nSF is the size of the sample frame. From these functions, dn's can be estimated for sampling frame sizes which are not presented in the study.  相似文献   

Let Xl,…,Xn (Yl,…,Ym) be a random sample from an absolutely continuous distribution with distribution function F(G).A class of distribution-free tests based on U-statistics is proposed for testing the equality of F and G against the alternative that X's are more dispersed then Y's. Let 2 ? C ? n and 2 ? d ? m be two fixed integers. Let ?c,d(Xil,…,Xic ; Yjl,…,Xjd)=1(-1)when max as well as min of {Xil,…,Xic ; Yjl,…,Yjd } are some Xi's (Yj's)and zero oterwise. Let Sc,d be the U-statistic corresponding to ?c,d.In case of equal sample sizes, S22 is equivalent to Mood's Statistic.Large values of Sc,d are significant and these tests are quite efficient  相似文献   

We introduce a modified version ?nof the piecewiss linear hisiugrimi uf Beirlant et al. (1998) which is a true probability density, i.e., ?n[d] 0 and [d]?n=1. We prove that ?nestimates the underlying densitv ? strongly consistently in the L1mmn, derive large deviation inequalities for the t\ error \?n- f\ and prove that £||/"-/|| tends to zero with the rate n -1\3, We also show that the derivative lf'n estimates consistently in ine expected Lx error the derivative/ of sufficiently smooth density and evaluate the rate of convergence n-i/5 for Epf'n -f'% The estimator/" thus enables to approximate/in the Besov space with a guaranteed rate of convergence. Optimization of the smoothing parameter is also studied. The theoretical or experimentally approximated values of the expected errors E\\?n- f\\ and E||2?'n-?' are compared with tiie errors aCiiieveu u-y t"e histogram of Beirlant et ah, and other nonparametric methods.  相似文献   

Let X1X2,.be i.i.d. random variables and let Un= (n r)-1S?(n,r) h (Xi1,., Xir,) be a U-statistic with EUn= v, v unknown. Assume that g(X1) =E[h(X1,.,Xr) - v |X1]has a strictly positive variance s?2. Further, let a be such that φ(a) - φ(-a) =α for fixed α, 0 < α < 1, where φ is the standard normal d.f., and let S2n be the Jackknife estimator of n Var Un. Consider the stopping times N(d)= min {n: S2n: + n-12a-2},d > 0, and a confidence interval for v of length 2d,of the form In,d= [Un,-d, Un + d]. We assume that Var Un is unknown, and hence, no fixed sample size method is available for finding a confidence interval for v of prescribed width 2d and prescribed coverage probability α Turning to a sequential procedure, let IN(d),d be a sequence of sequential confidence intervals for v. The asymptotic consistency of this procedure, i.e. limd → 0P(v ∈ IN(d),d)=α follows from Sproule (1969). In this paper, the rate at which |P(v ∈ IN(d),d) converges to α is investigated. We obtain that |P(v ∈ IN(d),d) - α| = 0 (d1/2-(1+k)/2(1+m)), d → 0, where K = max {0,4 - m}, under the condition that E|h(X1, Xr)|m < ∞m > 2. This improves and extends recent results of Ghosh & DasGupta (1980) and Mukhopadhyay (1981).  相似文献   

A batch of M items is inspected for defectives. Suppose there are d defective items in the batch. Let d 0 be a given standard used to evaluate the quality of the population where 0 < d 0 < M. The problem of testing H 0: d < d 0 versus H 1: d ≥ d 0 is considered. It is assumed that past observations are available when the current testing problem is considered. Accordingly, the empirical Bayes approach is employed. By using information obtained from the past data, an empirical Bayes two-stage testing procedure is developed. The associated asymptotic optimality is investigated. It is proved that the rate of convergence of the empirical Bayes two-stage testing procedure is of order O (exp(? c? n)), for some constant c? > 0, where n is the number of past observations at hand.  相似文献   

For non-negative integral valued interchangeable random variables v1, v2,…,vn, Takács (1967, 70) has derived the distributions of the statistics ?n' ?1n' ?(c)n and ?(-c)n concerning the partial sums Nr = v1 + v2 + ··· + vrr = 1,…,n. This paper deals with the joint distributions of some other statistics viz., (α(c)n, δ(c)n, Zn), (β(c)n, Zn) and (β(-c)n, Zn) concerning the partial sums Nr = ε1 + ··· + εrr = 1,2,…,n, of geometric random variables ε1, ε2,…,εn.  相似文献   


Let X, X1, X2, … be a sequence of strictly stationary φ-mixing random variables with EX = μ > 0. In this paper, we show that a self-normalized version of almost sure central limit theorem (ASCLT) holds under the assumptions that the mixing coefficients satisfy ∑n = 1φ1/2(2n) < ∞ and the weight sequence {dk} satisfies a mild growth condition similar to Kolmogorov’s condition for the LIL. This shows that logarithmic averages, used traditionally in ASCLT for products of sums, can be replaced by other averages, leading to considerably sharper results.  相似文献   

For X1, …, XN a random sample from a distribution F, let the process SδN(t) be defined as where K2N = σNi=1(ci ? c?)2 and R xi, + Δd, is the rank of Xi + Δdi, among X1 + Δd1, …, XN + ΔdN. The purpose of this note is to prove that, under certain regularity conditions on F and on the constants ci and di, SΔN (t) is asymptotically approximately a linear function of Δ, uniformly in t and in Δ, |Δ| ≤ C. The special case of two samples is considered.  相似文献   

Let μ(ds, dx) denote Poisson random measure with intensity dsG(dx) on (0, ∞) × (0, ∞), for a measure G(dx) with tails varying regularly at ∞. We deal with estimation of index of regular variation α and weight parameter ξ if the point process is observed in certain windows Kn = [0, Tn] × [Yn, ∞), where Yn → ∞ as n → ∞. In particular, we look at asymptotic behaviour of the Hill estimator for α. In certain submodels, better estimators are available; they converge at higher speed and have a strong optimality property. This is deduced from the parametric case G(dx) = ξαxα−1 dx via a neighbourhood argument in terms of Hellinger distances.  相似文献   

We will consider the following problem.Maximise Φ(p)over P={p=(p1,P2,…,pj):Pj≧0,∑pj=1}". We require to calcute an optimizing distribution. Examples arise in optimal regression design,maximum likelihood estimation and stratified sazmpling problems. A class of multiplicative algorithms, indexed by functions which depend on the derivatives of Φ(·)is considered for solving this problem.Iterations are of the form:pj (r+1)αpj (r)f(xj (r)), where xj (r)=dj (r) or Fj (r)and dj (r)=?Φ/?pj While Fj (r)=Dj (r)?∑pi (r)di (r) (a directional derivative)at p=p(r)f(·)satisfies some suitable properties and may depend on one or more free parameters. These iterations neatly submit to the constraints ofv the problem. Some results will be reported and extensions to problems dependin on two or more distributions and to problems with additional constraints will be considered.  相似文献   

We consider the Gibbs sampler as a tool for generating an absolutely continuous probability measure ≥ on Rd. When an appropriate irreducibility condition is satisfied, the Gibbs Markov chain (Xn;n ≥ 0) converges in total variation to its target distribution ≥. Sufficient conditions for geometric convergence have been given by various authors. Here we illustrate, by means of simple examples, how slow the convergence can be. In particular, we show that given a sequence of positive numbers decreasing to zero, say (bn;n ≥ 1), one can construct an absolutely continuous probability measure ≥ on Rd which is such that the total variation distance between ≥ and the distribution of Xn, converges to 0 at a rate slower than that of the sequence (bn;n ≥ 1). This can even be done in such a way that ≥ is the uniform distribution over a bounded connected open subset of Rd. Our results extend to hit-and-run samplers with direction distributions having supports with symmetric gaps.  相似文献   

Since its introduction, the pointwise asymptotic properties of the kernel estimator f?n of a probability density function f on ?d, as well as the asymptotic behaviour of its integrated errors, have been studied in great detail. Its weak convergence in functional spaces, however, is a more difficult problem. In this paper, we show that if fn(x)=(f?n(x)) and (rn) is any nonrandom sequence of positive real numbers such that rn/√n→0 then if rn(f?n?fn) converges to a Borel measurable weak limit in a weighted Lp space on ?d, with 1≤p<∞, the limit must be 0. We also provide simple conditions for proving or disproving the existence of this Borel measurable weak limit.  相似文献   

A family of coefficients for measuring monotone association is presented. These include measures of association of ordinal or interval variables such as gamma of Goodman and Kruskal, Somers's dyx , Kendall's tau, or Spearman's rho as special cases. The article shows how a large number of measures of association can be put into a single general form. These coefficients are used as a basis for defining a variety of data analysis techniques.  相似文献   

Let X1 be a strictly stationary multiple time series with values in Rd and with a common density f. Let X1,.,.,Xn, be n consecutive observations of X1. Let k = kn, be a sequence of positive integers, and let Hni be the distance from Xi to its kth nearest neighbour among Xj, j i. The multivariate variable-kernel estimate fn, of f is defined by where K is a given density. The complete convergence of fn, to f on compact sets is established for time series satisfying a dependence condition (referred to as the strong mixing condition in the locally transitive sense) weaker than the strong mixing condition. Appropriate choices of k are explicitly given. The results apply to autoregressive processes and bilinear time-series models.  相似文献   

Consider the distribution of Zi diwhere the d.di?s are 1=1 lldifferences independently, identically and symmetrically distributed with mean zero. The problem is to determine properties of the sdd given the distribution of the d.i?fs and the sample size n. The standardized moments as a function of the moments of the d.i!s are developed. A variance reduction technique for estimating the quantiles of the sdd using Monte Carlo methods is developed based on using the randomization sample consisting of the 2n values of Z i+d. rather than the single observation i=l lZ d. corresponding to each sample didn. The randomization sample is shown to produce unbiased and consistent estimators.  相似文献   

We consider Z±n= sup0< t ≤ 1/22 U±n (t)/(t(1- t))1/2, where + and -denote the positive and negative parts respectively of the sample paths of the empirical process Un. U±n and Un are seen to behave rather differently, which is tied to the asymmetry of the binomial distribution, or to the asymmetry of the distribution of small order statistics. Csáki (1975) showed that log Z±n/log2n is the appropriate normalization for a law of the iterated logarithm (LIL) for Z±n we show that Z-n/(2 log2n)1/2 is the appropriate normalization for Z-n. Csörgö & Révész (1975) posed the question: if we replace the sup over (0,1/2) above, by -the sup over [an, 1-an] where an→0, how fast can an→0 and still have |Zn|/(2 log2n)1/2 maintain a finite lim sup a.s.? This question is answered herein. The techniques developed are then used in Section 4 to give an interesting new proof of the upper class half of a result of Chung (1949) for |Un(t)|. The proofs draw heavily on James (1975); two basic inequalities of that paper are strengthened to their potential, and are felt to be of independent interest.  相似文献   

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K–S) one-sided and two-sided tests of goodness of fit based on the test statistics D+ n D? n and Dn are equivalent to tests based on taking the cumulative probability of the i–th order statistic of a sample of size n to be (i–.5)/n. Modified test statistics C+ n, C? n and Cn are obtained by taking the cumulative probability to be i/(n+l). More generally, the cumula-tive probability may be taken to be (i?δ)/(n+l?2δ), as suggested by Blom (1958), where 0 less than or equal δ less than or equal .5. Critical values of the test statis-tics can be found by interpolating inversely in tables of the proba-bility integrals obtained by setting a=l/(n+l?2δ) in an expression given by Pyke (1959). Critical values for the D's (corresponding to δ=.5) have been tabulated to 5DP by Miller (1956) for n=1(1)100. The authors have made analogous tabulations for the C's (corresponding to δ=0) [previously tabulated by Durbin (1969) for n=1(1)60(2)100] and for the test statistics E+ n, E? n and En corresponding to δ f.3. They have also made a Monte Carlo comparison of the power of the modified tests with that of the K–S test for several hypothetical distributions. In a number of cases, the power of the modified tests is greater than that of the K–S test, especially when the standard deviation is greater under the alternative than under the null hypo-thesis.  相似文献   

The supremum of random variables representing a sequence of rewards is of interest in establishing the existence of optimal stopping rules. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for existence of moments of supn(Xn ? cn) and supn(Sn ? cn) where X1, X2, … are i.i.d. random variables, Sn = X1 + … + Xn, and cn = (nL(n))1/r, 0 < r < 2, L = 1, L = log, and L = log log. Following Cohn (1974), “rates of convergence” results are used in the proof.  相似文献   

We consider a 2×2 contingency table, with dichotomized qualitative characters (A,A) and (B,B), as a sample of size n drawn from a bivariate binomial (0,1) distribution. Maximum likelihood estimates p?1p?2 and p? are derived for the parameters of the two marginals p1p2 and the coefficient of correlation. It is found that p? is identical to Pearson's (1904)?=(χ2/n)½, where ?2 is Pearson's usual chi-square for the 2×2 table. The asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of p?lp?2and p is also derived.  相似文献   

The least-squares estimate θn = Xn+yn of the parameter θ in the linear model Yn = Xnθ + ?n may not be consistent, but there may be directions u such that un tends to u'θ in some sense. This set of directions u has been characterized in two different papers: Drygas (1976) and Wu (1980). The conditions for consistency appear to be different in the two papers. The purpose of this note is to show that the two conditions are equivalent and that they both show that the consistent directions depend upon the geometry of the row vectors vi, i = 1,…, n, of Xn with respect to the direction u.  相似文献   

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