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Local influence is a well-known method for identifying the influential observations in a dataset and commonly needed in a statistical analysis. In this paper, we study the local influence on the parameters of interest in the seemingly unrelated regression model with ridge estimation, when there exists collinearity among the explanatory variables. We examine two types of perturbation schemes to identify influential observations: the perturbation of variance and the perturbation of individual explanatory variables. Finally, the efficacy of our proposed method is illustrated by analyzing [13 A. Munnell, Why has productivity declined? Productivity and public investment, New Engl. Econ. Rev. (1990), pp. 322. [Google Scholar]] productivity dataset.  相似文献   

For a system of two seemingly unrelated regression equations, this paper proposes a two-stage covariance improved estimator of the regression coefficients. The new estimator is shown to uniformly dominate the present estimators in terms of generalized mean square error criterion. In addition, we also propose the exact generalized mean square error of new estimator.  相似文献   

The present paper considers a family of ordinary ridge regression estimators in the linear regression model when the disturbances covariance matrix depends upon a few unknown parameters. An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the ridge regression estimator is developed and under the quadratic loss function its asymptotic risk is compared with that of the feasible GLS estimator.  相似文献   

Consider a partially linear regression model with an unknown vector parameter β, an unknown functiong(·), and unknown heteroscedastic error variances. In this paper we develop an asymptotic semiparametric generalized least squares estimation theory under some weak moment conditions. These moment conditions are satisfied by many of the error distributions encountered in practice, and our theory does not require the number of replications to go to infinity.  相似文献   

Nonparametric seemingly unrelated regression provides a powerful alternative to parametric seemingly unrelated regression for relaxing the linearity assumption. The existing methods are limited, particularly with sharp changes in the relationship between the predictor variables and the corresponding response variable. We propose a new nonparametric method for seemingly unrelated regression, which adopts a tree-structured regression framework, has satisfiable prediction accuracy and interpretability, no restriction on the inclusion of categorical variables, and is less vulnerable to the curse of dimensionality. Moreover, an important feature is constructing a unified tree-structured model for multivariate data, even though the predictor variables corresponding to the response variable are entirely different. This unified model can offer revelatory insights such as underlying economic meaning. We propose the key factors of tree-structured regression, which are an impurity function detecting complex nonlinear relationships between the predictor variables and the response variable, split rule selection with negligible selection bias, and tree size determination solving underfitting and overfitting problems. We demonstrate our proposed method using simulated data and illustrate it using data from the Korea stock exchange sector indices.  相似文献   

In this article, a generalized restricted difference-based ridge estimator is defined for the vector parameter in a partial linear model when the errors are dependent. It is suspected that some additional linear constraints may hold on to the whole parameter space. The estimator is a generalization of the well-known restricted least-squares estimator and is confined to the (affine) subspace which is generated by the restrictions. The risk functions of the proposed estimators are derived under balanced loss function. Finally, the performance of the new estimators is evaluated by a simulated data set.  相似文献   

In this paper, a generalized difference-based estimator is introduced for the vector parameter β in the semiparametric regression model when the errors are correlated. A generalized difference-based Liu estimator is defined for the vector parameter β in the semiparametric regression model. Under the linear nonstochastic constraint Rβ=r, the generalized restricted difference-based Liu estimator is given. The risk function for the β?GRD(η) associated with weighted balanced loss function is presented. The performance of the proposed estimators is evaluated by a simulated data set.  相似文献   

It is well known that it is difficult to construct minimax optimal designs. Furthermore, since in practice we never know the true error variance, it is important to allow small deviations and construct robust optimal designs. We investigate a class of minimax optimal regression designs for models with heteroscedastic errors that are robust against possible misspecification of the error variance. Commonly used A-, c-, and I-optimality criteria are included in this class of minimax optimal designs. Several theoretical results are obtained, including a necessary condition and a reflection symmetry for these minimax optimal designs. In this article, we focus mainly on linear models and assume that an approximate error variance function is available. However, we also briefly discuss how the methodology works for nonlinear models. We then propose an effective algorithm to solve challenging nonconvex optimization problems to find minimax designs on discrete design spaces. Examples are given to illustrate minimax optimal designs and their properties.  相似文献   

Seemingly unrelated linear regression models are introduced in which the distribution of the errors is a finite mixture of Gaussian distributions. Identifiability conditions are provided. The score vector and the Hessian matrix are derived. Parameter estimation is performed using the maximum likelihood method and an Expectation–Maximisation algorithm is developed. The usefulness of the proposed methods and a numerical evaluation of their properties are illustrated through the analysis of simulated and real datasets.  相似文献   

One common method for analyzing data in experimental designs when observations are missing was devised by Yates (1933), who developed his procedure based upon a suggestion by R. A. Fisher. Considering a linear model with independent, equi-variate errors, Yates substituted algebraic values for the missing data and then minimized the error sum of squares with respect to both the unknown parameters and the algebraic values. Yates showed that this procedure yielded the correct error sum of squares and a positively biased hypothesis sum of squares.

Others have elaborated on this technique. Chakrabarti (1962) gave a formal proof of Fisher's rule that produced a way to simplify the calculations of the auxiliary values to be used in place of the missing observations. Kshirsagar (1971) proved that the hypothesis sum of squares based on these values was biased, and developed an easy way to compute that bias. Sclove  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of prediction in a linear regression model when data sets are available from replicated experiments. Pooling the data sets for the estimation of regression parameters, we present three predictors — one arising from the least squares method and two stemming from Stein-rule method. Efficiency properties of these predictors are discussed when they are used to predict actual and average values of response variable within/outside the sample. Received: November 17, 1999; revised version: August 10, 2000  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a Monte Carlo study of OLS and GLS based adaptive ridge estimators for regression problems in which the independent variables are collinear and the errors are autocorrelated. It studies the effects of degree of collinearity, magnitude of error variance, orientation of the parameter vector and serial correlation of the independent variables on the mean squared error performance of these estimators. Results suggest that such estimators produce greatly improved performance in favorable portions of the parameter space. The GLS based methods are best when the independent variables are also serially correlated.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of multicollinearity in a multiple linear regression model with linear equality restrictions. The restricted two parameter estimator which was proposed in case of multicollinearity satisfies the restrictions. The performance of the restricted two parameter estimator over the restricted least squares (RLS) estimator and the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator is examined under the mean square error (MSE) matrix criterion when the restrictions are correct and not correct. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the restricted ridge regression, restricted Liu and restricted shrunken estimators, which are the special cases of the restricted two parameter estimator, to have a smaller MSE matrix than the RLS and the OLS estimators are derived when the restrictions hold true and do not hold true. Theoretical results are illustrated with numerical examples based on Webster, Gunst and Mason data and Gorman and Toman data. We conduct a final demonstration of the performance of the estimators by running a Monte Carlo simulation which shows that when the variance of the error term and the correlation between the explanatory variables are large, the restricted two parameter estimator performs better than the RLS estimator and the OLS estimator under the configurations examined.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the parameter estimation in partly linear regression models when the errors are dependent. To overcome the multicollinearity problem, a generalized Liu estimator is proposed. The theoretical properties of the proposed estimator and its relationship with some existing methods designed for partly linear models are investigated. Finally, a hypothetical data is conducted to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates two “non-exact” t-type tests, t( k2) and t(k2), of the individual coefficients of a linear regression model, based on two ordinary ridge estimators. The reported results are built on a simulation study covering 84 different models. For models with large standard errors, the ridge-based t-tests have correct levels with considerable gain in powers over those of the least squares t-test, t(0). For models with small standard errors, t(k1) is found to be liberal and is not safe to use while, t(k2) is found to slightly exceed the nominal level in few cases. When tie two ridge tests art: not winners, the results indicate that they don't loose much against t(0).  相似文献   

The authors propose minimax robust designs for regression models whose response function is possibly misspecified. These designs, which minimize the maximum of the mean squared error matrix, can control the bias caused by model misspecification and provide the desired efficiency through one parameter. The authors call on a nonsmooth optimization technique to derive these designs analytically. Their results extend those of Heo, Schmuland & Wiens (2001). The authors also discuss several examples for approximately polynomial regression.  相似文献   

This paper discusses issues related to the improvement of maximum likelihood estimates in von Mises regression models. It obtains general matrix expressions for the second-order biases of maximum likelihood estimates of the mean parameters and concentration parameters. The formulae are simple to compute, and give the biases by means of weighted linear regressions. Simulation results are presented assessing the performance of corrected maximum likelihood estimates in these models.  相似文献   

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