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Under a randomization model for a completely randomized design permutation tests are considered based on the usual F statistic and on a multi-response permutation procedure statistic. For the first statistic the first two moments are obtained so a comparision with the distribution under the normal theory model can be made. The second statistic is shown to converge in distribution to an infinite weighted sum of chi-squared variates, the weights being the limits of the eigenvalues of a matrix depending on the distance measure used and the order statistics of the observations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the asymptotics of permutation tests based on a certain rather general class of measures of association for R by C contingency tables, given marginal totals. This class includes the classical chi-square test, the T b and γ indices of Goodman and Kruskall (1954) and the popular Rand (1971) index. The asymptotic distribution of this class of permutation tests for association is a weighted sum of non-central (gen-erally speaking) chi-squares. The formulae for the asymptotic moments of such tests are also given. If non-centrality holds under the null hypothe-sis of independence, the distribution in question converges to the normal distribution. The efficacies for such measures of association are obtained. Several applications are analysed in detail, including the above mentioned indices. Approximations to the permutation distribution are also discussed.  相似文献   


A number of approximate analysis techniques are based on matching moments of continuous time phase type (PH) distributions. This paper presents an explicit method to compose minimal order continuous time acyclic phase type (APH) distributions with a given first three moments. To this end we also evaluate the bounds for the first three moments of order n APH distributions (APH(n)). The investigations of these properties are based on a basic transformation, which extends the APH(n ? 1) class with an additional phase in order to describe the APH(n) class.  相似文献   

Empirical Bayes estimation is considered for an i.i.d. sequence of binomial parameters θi arising from an unknown prior distribution G(.). This problem typically arises in industrial sampling, where samples from lots are routinely used to estimate the lot fraction defective of each lot. Two related issues are explored. The first concerns the fact that only the first few moments of G are typically estimable from the data. This suggests consideration of the interval of estimates (e.g., posterior means) corresponding to the different possible G with the specified moments. Such intervals can be obtained by application of well-known moment theory. The second development concerns the need to acknowledge the uncertainty in the estimation of the first few moments of G. Our proposal is to determine a credible set for the moments, and then find the range of estimates (e.g., posterior means) corresponding to the different possible G with moments in the credible set.  相似文献   


A method is demonstrated to compute the complete set of first moments of order statistics for an arbitrary distribution, given only the first moments of the maximal order statistics either for all even sample sizes, or for all odd samples sizes.  相似文献   

MRBP tests were proposed by Mielke and Iyer (1982) to analyze multivariate data for the randomized block design, based on permutation procedures. They obtained the first three exact moments of the MRBP test statistic to approximate its permutation distribution. Tracy and Khan (1991) derived its fourth exact moment, to obtain a better approximating distribution, when there are four or more treatments. In this paper we obtain the fourth exact moment when the number of treatments is less than four.  相似文献   

We present the first three exact moments of the symmetric quartic assignment statistic. Efficient computational formulas have been derived to overcome severe difficulties in third moment calculations. Two examples illustrate applications of the quartic assignment statistic: evaluation of significant “clustering” or “mixing”; and distribution-free tests for equality of several planar regression models. This article extends previous results on the cubic assignment statistic in Iyer and Vecchia (1989).  相似文献   

This article examines a family of three-parameter multivariate Laplace distributions ML p (a, μ, Σ) which is closed under constant shifts. Parameter vectors a and μ are called shift and shape parameter, respectively, positive definite p × p-matrix Σ is a scale parameter. The first three moments are derived and used for estimating the parameters. The behavior of the obtained estimates is explored in a simulation experiment.  相似文献   

A permutation test for analysing randomized block data was proposed by Mielke and Iyer (1982). They obtained the first three exact moments of this test statistic and approximated its permutation distribution by the Pearson type III distribution. Tracy and Khan (1991) derived the fourth exact moment of this test statistic to obtain a better approximating distribution. Here we obtain the simplified form of the fourth moment result for some special cases of this test statistic. Empirical powers for four treatments are compared, using this additional information, with those based on the three moment results, after simulating data from some underlying populations.  相似文献   

Multivariate combination-based permutation tests have been widely used in many complex problems. In this paper we focus on the equipower property, derived directly from the finite-sample consistency property, and we analyze the impact of the dependency structure on the combined tests. At first, we consider the finite-sample consistency property which assumes that sample sizes are fixed (and possibly small) and considers on each subject a large number of informative variables. Moreover, since permutation test statistics do not require to be standardized, we need not assume that data are homoscedastic in the alternative. The equipower property is then derived from these two notions: consider the unconditional permutation power of a test statistic T for fixed sample sizes, with V ? 2 independent and identically distributed variables and fixed effect δ, calculated in two ways: (i) by considering two V-dimensional samples sized m1 and m2, respectively; (ii) by considering two unidimensional samples sized n1 = Vm1 and n2 = Vm2, respectively. Since the unconditional power essentially depends on the non centrality induced by T, and two ways are provided with exactly the same likelihood and the same non centrality, we show that they are provided with the same power function, at least approximately. As regards both investigating the equipower property and the power behavior in presence of correlation we performed an extensive simulation study.  相似文献   

In this article, we establish recurrence relations satisfied by first and second moments of k-records arising from discrete distributions. Then we use these relations to obtain means, variances, and correlation coefficients of geometric k-records. We consider all the three known types of k-records: strong, ordinary, and weak.  相似文献   

Cumulants, moments about zero, and central moments are obtained for the mean-corrected serial covariances and serial correlations for series realizations of length n from a white-noise Gaussian process. All first and second moments (and some third, fourth, and higher moments) are given explicitly for the serial covariances; and the corresponding moments for the serial correlations are derived either explicitly or implicitly.  相似文献   

This paper contains an application of the asymptotic expansion of a pFp() function to a problem encountered in econometrics. In particular we consider an approximation of the distribution function of the limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) identifiability test statistic using the method of moments. An expression for the Sth order asymptotic approximation of the moments of the LIML identifiability test statistic is derived and tabulated. The exact distribution function of the test statistic is approximated by a member of the class of F (variance ratio) distribution functions having the same first two integer moments. Some tabulations of the approximating distribution function are included.  相似文献   

Let X1,…, Xn be random variables symmetric about θ from a common unknown distribution Fθ(x) =F(x–θ). To test the null hypothesis H0:θ= 0 against the alternative H1:θ > 0, permutation tests can be used at the cost of computational difficulties. This paper investigates alternative tests that are computationally simpler, notably some bootstrap tests which are compared with permutation tests. Of these the symmetrical bootstrap-f test competes very favourably with the permutation test in terms of Bahadur asymptotic efficiency, so it is a very attractive alternative.  相似文献   


The product-limit estimator (PLE) is a well-known nonparametric estimator for the distribution function of the lifetime when data are left-truncated and right-censored. Much work has focused on developing its asymptotic properties. Finite sample results have been difficult to obtain. This article is concerned about finite moments of the PLE. The moments of the PLE can be represented as a power series in n ?1. In addition, through the U-statistic mechanism, we obtain also computable formulas for the first, second, third, and fourth of the PLE up to o(n ?2). Finally, a numerical example is presented.  相似文献   

Multivariate hypothesis testing in studies of vegetation is likely to be hindered by unrealistic assumptions when based on conventional statistical methods. This can be overcome by randomization tests. In this paper, the accuracy and power of a MANOVA randomization test are evaluated for one and two factors with interaction with simulated data from three distributions. The randomization test is based on the partitioning of sum of squares computed from Euclidean distances. In one-factor designs, sample size and variance inequality were evaluated. The results showed a high level of accuracy. The power curve was higher with normal distribution, lower with uniform, intermediate with lognormal and was sensitive to variance inequality. In two-factor designs, three methods of permutations and two statistics were compared. The results showed that permutation of the residuals with F pseudo is accurate and can give good power for testing the interaction and restricted permutation for testing main factors.  相似文献   

To carry out a permutation test we have to examine the n! permutations of the observations. In order to make the permutation test feasible, Dwass (1957) proposed to examine only a sample of these permutations. With the help of sequential methods, we obtain a test which is never less efficient than that proposed by Dwass or the permutation test itself, in the sense that it is as powerful and never requires more permutations to make a decision. In practice, we can expect to gain much efficiency.  相似文献   

We consider three methods (oments, cut-points, and ranks) for testing the hypotheses of equality of two bivariate distribution functions (H 0a ) and exchangeability (H 0b ). To test H 0a , the asymptotic normality of the vector of mixed moments provides a statistic with an asymptotic chi-square distribution. With every observation, method of cut-points associates three 2 × 2 tables to record the proportions of the X, Y, and the combined samples that fall in the four regions around the observation. We measure the total squared deviations of the proportions in the combined sample from X and Y samples. The two methods are compared with the method of ranks based on the Puri and Sen (1971 Puri , M. L. , Sen , P. K. ( 1971 ). Nonparametric Methods in Multivariate Analysis . New York : John Wiley and Sons . [Google Scholar]) multivariate two-sample rank test for location.

To test H 0b we identify two bivariate distributions, one above and the other below the line of symmetry X = Y, to which a test of H 0a is applied. Under H 0b , matrix of mixed moments is symmetric and a quadratic form in differences of (r,s)-th and (s, r)-th mixed moments provides an asymptotic chi-square distribution. A permutation test is devised to apply the method of cut-points to the observations above and below the line of symmetry after they are folded. We also describe an adaption of the Puri-Sen rank test to assess H 0b . To estimate the power of the above methods under different types of alternatives and compare them to existing tests, we report on a Monte Carlo experiment that evaluates the finite-sample performance of these methods under the Plackett's family of bivariate distributions.  相似文献   

Kumaraswamy [Generalized probability density-function for double-bounded random-processes, J. Hydrol. 462 (1980), pp. 79–88] introduced a distribution for double-bounded random processes with hydrological applications. For the first time, based on this distribution, we describe a new family of generalized distributions (denoted with the prefix ‘Kw’) to extend the normal, Weibull, gamma, Gumbel, inverse Gaussian distributions, among several well-known distributions. Some special distributions in the new family such as the Kw-normal, Kw-Weibull, Kw-gamma, Kw-Gumbel and Kw-inverse Gaussian distribution are discussed. We express the ordinary moments of any Kw generalized distribution as linear functions of probability weighted moments (PWMs) of the parent distribution. We also obtain the ordinary moments of order statistics as functions of PWMs of the baseline distribution. We use the method of maximum likelihood to fit the distributions in the new class and illustrate the potentiality of the new model with an application to real data.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approximation to the distribution of a goodness-of-fit statistic proposed recently by Balakrishnan et al. [Balakrishnan, N., Ng, H.K.T. and Kannan, N., 2002, A test of exponentiality based on spacings for progressively Type-II censored data. In: C. Huber-Carol et al. (Eds.), Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Model Validity (Boston: Birkhäuser), pp. 89–111.] for testing exponentiality based on progressively Type-II right censored data. The moments of this statistic can be easily calculated, but its distribution is not known in an explicit form. We first obtain the exact moments of the statistic using Basu's theorem and then the density approximants based on these exact moments of the statistic, expressed in terms of Laguerre polynomials, are proposed. A comparative study of the proposed approximation to the exact critical values, computed by Balakrishnan and Lin [Balakrishnan, N. and Lin, C.T., 2003, On the distribution of a test for exponentiality based on progressively Type-II right censored spacings. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 73 (4), 277–283.], is carried out. This reveals that the proposed approximation is very accurate.  相似文献   

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