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We consider likelihood ratio, score and Wald tests for a three-way random effects ANOVA model. Competitor tests are compared using criteria such as small sample power, asymptotic relative efficiency, and convenient null distribution. The final choice is between a new test and two tests long used in practice.  相似文献   

R. Pincus 《Statistics》2013,47(2):251-255
A procedure for finding exact tests for some hypotheses on variance components in unbalanced models is proposed. It is based on F-distributed statistics got by an orthogonal decomposition of the sample space.  相似文献   

It is well known that the testing of zero variance components is a non-standard problem since the null hypothesis is on the boundary of the parameter space. The usual asymptotic chi-square distribution of the likelihood ratio and score statistics under the null does not necessarily hold because of this null hypothesis. To circumvent this difficulty in balanced linear growth curve models, we introduce an appropriate test statistic and suggest a permutation procedure to approximate its finite-sample distribution. The proposed test alleviates the necessity of any distributional assumptions for the random effects and errors and can easily be applied for testing multiple variance components. Our simulation studies show that the proposed test has Type I error rate close to the nominal level. The power of the proposed test is also compared with the likelihood ratio test in the simulations. An application on data from an orthodontic study is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The Fay–Herriot model is a linear mixed model that plays a relevant role in small area estimation (SAE). Under the SAE set-up, tools for selecting an adequate model are required. Applied statisticians are often interested on deciding if it is worthwhile to use a mixed effect model instead of a simpler fixed-effect model. This problem is not standard because under the null hypothesis the random effect variance is on the boundary of the parameter space. The likelihood ratio test and the residual likelihood ratio test are proposed and their finite sample distributions are derived. Finally, we analyse their behaviour under simulated scenarios and we also apply them to real data.  相似文献   

The authors explore likelihood‐based methods for making inferences about the components of variance in a general normal mixed linear model. In particular, they use local asymptotic approximations to construct confidence intervals for the components of variance when the components are close to the boundary of the parameter space. In the process, they explore the question of how to profile the restricted likelihood (REML). Also, they show that general REML estimates are less likely to fall on the boundary of the parameter space than maximum‐likelihood estimates and that the likelihood‐ratio test based on the local asymptotic approximation has higher power than the likelihood‐ratio test based on the usual chi‐squared approximation. They examine the finite‐sample properties of the proposed intervals by means of a simulation study.  相似文献   

When using multilevel regression models that incorporate cluster-specific random effects, the Wald and the likelihood ratio (LR) tests are used for testing the null hypothesis that the variance of the random effects distribution is equal to zero. We conducted a series of Monte Carlo simulations to examine the effect of the number of clusters and the number of subjects per cluster on the statistical power to detect a non-null random effects variance and to compare the empirical type I error rates of the Wald and LR tests. Statistical power increased with increasing number of clusters and number of subjects per cluster. Statistical power was greater for the LR test than for the Wald test. These results applied to both the linear and logistic regressions, but were more pronounced for the latter. The use of the LR test is preferable to the use of the Wald test.  相似文献   

In this paper, the research of Muse and Anderson is extended to include additional comparisons of designs, featuring planned unbalance, for the estimation of variance components in a two-way cross classification model. Their results are extended to Include the following: (i) a small sample study of the original off-diagonal (OD) design and (ii) an asymptotic maximum likelihood investigation of three modifica-tions of the balanced diagonal rectangles (BD) design and one modification of the 01) design to permit the estimation of row, column, interaction and error variance components. Also a general iterative least.  相似文献   

Tsou (2003a) proposed a parametric procedure for making robust inference for mean regression parameters in the context of generalized linear models. This robust procedure is extended to model variance heterogeneity. The normal working model is adjusted to become asymptotically robust for inference about regression parameters of the variance function for practically all continuous response variables. The connection between the novel robust variance regression model and the estimating equations approach is also provided.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of thc variance components in generalized Linear model with random effects. The Method of Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimators extending the Rao's argument is outlined. The method is illustrated with an analysis of cell irradiation data and compared to the methods of estimation proposed by Schall (1991).  相似文献   

By means of an example it is shown how eigenvalues and eigenvectors of variance components models can be obtained straightforwardly when balanced data are available. Simple asymptotically efficient estimators of the variance components are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit the alternative outlier model of Thompson [A note on restricted maximum likelihood estimation with an alternative outlier model, J. Roy. Stat. Soc. Ser. B 47 (1985), pp. 53–55] for detecting outliers in the linear model. Gumedze et al. [A variance shift model for detection of outliers in the linear mixed model, Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 54 (2010), pp. 2128–2144] called this model the variance shift outlier model (VSOM). The basic idea behind the VSOM is to detect observations with inflated variance and isolate them for further investigation. The VSOM is appealing because it downweights an outlier in the analysis, with the weighting determined automatically as part of the estimation procedure. We set up the VSOM as a linear mixed model and then use the likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic as an objective measure for determining whether the weighting is required, i.e. whether the observation is an outlier. We also derived one-step updates of the variance parameter estimates based on observed, expected and average information matrices to obtain one-step LRT statistics which usually require less computation. Both the fully iterated and one-step LRTs are functions of the squared standard residuals from the null model and therefore can be computed directly without the need to fit the VSOM. We investigated the properties of the likelihood ratio tests and compare them. An extension of the model to detect a group of outliers is also given. We illustrate the proposed methodology using simulated datasets and a real dataset.  相似文献   

In the analysis of variance, we often encounter situations in which we want to test the null hypothesis of homogeneity of the normal means against various partially ordered alternative hypotheses. We study likelihood ratio tests for three useful types of alternatives: d-star, bipartite and broom tree. Especially, we give computational formulas for the level probabilities of the alternative types. The results permit us to obtain critical values for practical use.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a two-stage sampling procedure for testing the equality of normal means against ordered alternatives in one-way analysis of variance with unequal unknown variances. A table of approximated percentiles needed for implementation is provided. Some Monte Carlo results for estimating the power of the proposed test statistic are presented.  相似文献   

This article deals with testing inference in the class of beta regression models with varying dispersion. We focus on inference in small samples. We perform a numerical analysis in order to evaluate the sizes and powers of different tests. We consider the likelihood ratio test, two adjusted likelihood ratio tests proposed by Ferrari and Pinheiro [Improved likelihood inference in beta regression, J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 81 (2011), pp. 431–443], the score test, the Wald test and bootstrap versions of the likelihood ratio, score and Wald tests. We perform tests on the parameters that index the mean submodel and also on the parameters in the linear predictor of the precision submodel. Overall, the numerical evidence favours the bootstrap tests. It is also shown that the score test is considerably less size-distorted than the likelihood ratio and Wald tests. An application that uses real (not simulated) data is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The LM test is modified to test any value of the ratio of two variance components in a mixed effects linear model with two variance components. The test is exact, so it can be used to construct exact confidence intervals on this ratio.Exact Neyman-Pearson (NP) tests on the variance ratio are described.Their powers provide attainable upper bounds on powers of tests on the variance ratio.Efficiencies of LM tests, which include ANOVA tests, and NP tests are compared for unbalanced, random, one-way ANOVA models.Confidence intervals corresponding to LM tests and NP tests are described.  相似文献   

The effects of heteroscedasticity have been studied on the mean and variance of F ratio and on the power of F-test in unbalanced one-way random model, numerically. The computed results reveal that the heteroscedasticity and unbalanoedness have combined effects. The mean and variance of F as well as the power of F-test increase with inequality of error variances under balanced and those unbalanced situations where more variable groups have larger size. The effects are of serious nature when more variable groups have smaller size.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce first a new family of empirical test statistics for testing a simple null hypothesis when the vector of parameters of interest is defined through a specific set of unbiased estimating functions. This family of test statistics is based on a distance between two probability vectors, with the first probability vector obtained by maximizing the empirical likelihood (EL) on the vector of parameters, and the second vector defined from the fixed vector of parameters under the simple null hypothesis. The distance considered for this purpose is the phi-divergence measure. The asymptotic distribution is then derived for this family of test statistics. The proposed methodology is illustrated through the well-known data of Newcomb's measurements on the passage time for light. A simulation study is carried out to compare its performance with that of the EL ratio test when confidence intervals are constructed based on the respective statistics for small sample sizes. The results suggest that the ‘empirical modified likelihood ratio test statistic’ provides a competitive alternative to the EL ratio test statistic, and is also more robust than the EL ratio test statistic in the presence of contamination in the data. Finally, we propose empirical phi-divergence test statistics for testing a composite null hypothesis and present some asymptotic as well as simulation results for evaluating the performance of these test procedures.  相似文献   

In many applications of generalized linear mixed models to clustered correlated or longitudinal data, often we are interested in testing whether a random effects variance component is zero. The usual asymptotic mixture of chi‐square distributions of the score statistic for testing constrained variance components does not necessarily hold. In this article, the author proposes and explores a parametric bootstrap test that appears to be valid based on its estimated level of significance under the null hypothesis. Results from a simulation study indicate that the bootstrap test has a level much closer to the nominal one while the asymptotic test is conservative, and is more powerful than the usual asymptotic score test based on a mixture of chi‐squares. The proposed bootstrap test is illustrated using two sets of real‐life data obtained from clinical trials. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The error contrasts from an experimental design can be constructed from uncorrelated residuals normally associated with the linear model. In this paper uncorrelated residuals are defined for the linear model that has a design matrix which is less than full rank, typical of many experimental design representations. It transpires in this setting, that for certain choices of uncorrelated residuals, corresponding to recursive type residuals, there is a natural partition of information when two variance components are known to be present. Under an assumtion of normality of errors this leads to construction of appropriate F-tests for testing heteroscedasticity. The test, which can be optimal, is applied to two well known data sets to illustrate its usefullness.  相似文献   

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