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In an attempt to identify similarities between methods for estimating a mean function with different types of response or observation processes, we explore a general theoretical framework for nonparametric estimation of the mean function of a response process subject to incomplete observations. Special cases of the response process include quantitative responses and discrete state processes such as survival processes, counting processes and alternating binary processes. The incomplete data are assumed to arise from a general response-independent observation process, which includes right- censoring, interval censoring, periodic observation, and mixtures of these as special cases. We explore two criteria for defining nonparametric estimators, one based on the sample mean of available data and the other inspired by the construction of Kaplan-Meier (or product-limit) estimator [J. Am. Statist. Assoc. 53 (1958) 457] for right-censored survival data. We show that under regularity conditions the estimated mean functions resulting from both criteria are consistent and converge weakly to Gaussian processes, and provide consistent estimators of their covariance functions. We then evaluate these general criteria for specific responses and observation processes, and show how they lead to familiar estimators for some response and observation processes and new estimators for others. We illustrate the latter with data from an recently completed AIDS clinical trial.  相似文献   


In this paper, we propose a variable selection method for quantile regression model in ultra-high dimensional longitudinal data called as the weighted adaptive robust lasso (WAR-Lasso) which is double-robustness. We derive the consistency and the model selection oracle property of WAR-Lasso. Simulation studies show the double-robustness of WAR-Lasso in both cases of heavy-tailed distribution of the errors and the heavy contaminations of the covariates. WAR-Lasso outperform other methods such as SCAD and etc. A real data analysis is carried out. It shows that WAR-Lasso tends to select fewer variables and the estimated coefficients are in line with economic significance.  相似文献   

In forest management surveys, the mean of a variable of interest (Y) in a population composed of N equal area spatial compact elements is increasingly estimated from a model linking Y to an auxiliary vector X known for all elements in the population. It is also desired to have synthetic estimates of the mean of Y in spatially compact domains (forest stands) with no or at most one sample-based observation of Y. We develop three alternative estimators of mean-squared errors (MSE) that reduce the risk of a serious underestimation of the uncertainty in a synthetic estimate of a domain mean in cases where the employed model does not accounts for domain effects nor spatial autocorrelation in unobserved residual errors. Expansions of the estimators including anticipated effects of a spatial autocorrelation in residual errors are also provided. Simulation results indicate that the conventional model-dependent (MD) population-level estimator of variance in a synthetic estimate of a domain mean underestimates uncertainty by a wide margin. Our alternative estimators mitigated, in settings with weak to moderate domain effects and relatively small sample sizes, to a large extent, the problem of underestimating uncertainty. We demonstrate applications with examples from two actual forest inventories.  相似文献   


In the case of the random design nonparametric regression, the double smoothing technique is applied to estimate the multivariate regression function. The proposed estimator has desirable properties in both the finite sample and the asymptotic cases. In the finite sample case, it has bounded conditional (and unconditional) bias and variance. On the other hand, in the asymptotic case, it has the same mean square error as the local linear estimator in Fan (Design-Adaptive Nonparametric Regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1992, 87, 998–1004; Local Linear Regression Smoothers and Their Minimax Efficiencies. Annals of Statistics 1993, 21, 196–216). Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed estimator is better than the local linear estimator, because it has a smaller sample mean integrated square error and gives smoother estimates.  相似文献   


We propose a simple procedure based on an existing “debiased” l1-regularized method for inference of the average partial effects (APEs) in approximately sparse probit and fractional probit models with panel data, where the number of time periods is fixed and small relative to the number of cross-sectional observations. Our method is computationally simple and does not suffer from the incidental parameters problems that come from attempting to estimate as a parameter the unobserved heterogeneity for each cross-sectional unit. Furthermore, it is robust to arbitrary serial dependence in underlying idiosyncratic errors. Our theoretical results illustrate that inference concerning APEs is more challenging than inference about fixed and low-dimensional parameters, as the former concerns deriving the asymptotic normality for sample averages of linear functions of a potentially large set of components in our estimator when a series approximation for the conditional mean of the unobserved heterogeneity is considered. Insights on the applicability and implications of other existing Lasso-based inference procedures for our problem are provided. We apply the debiasing method to estimate the effects of spending on test pass rates. Our results show that spending has a positive and statistically significant average partial effect; moreover, the effect is comparable to found using standard parametric methods.  相似文献   


Data spanning long time periods, such as that over 1860–2012 for the UK, seem likely to have substantial errors of measurement that may even be integrated of order one, but which are probably cointegrated for cognate variables. We analyze and simulate the impacts of such measurement errors on parameter estimates and tests in a bivariate cointegrated system with trends and location shifts which reflect the many major turbulent events that have occurred historically. When trends or shifts therein are large, cointegration analysis is not much affected by such measurement errors, leading to conventional stationary attenuation biases dependent on the measurement error variance, unlike the outcome when there are no offsetting shifts or trends.  相似文献   


Recent literature has proposed a test for exponentiality based on sample entropy. We consider transformations of the observations which turn the test of exponentiality into one of uniformity and use a corresponding test based on entropy. The test based on the transformed variables performs better in many cases of interest.  相似文献   


Asymptotic confidence intervals are given for two functions of multinomial outcome probabilities: Gini's diversity measure and Shannon's entropy. “Adjusted” proportions are used in all asymptotic mean and variance formulas, along with a possible logarithmic transformation. Exact confidence coefficients are computed in some cases. Monte Carlo simulation is used in other cases to compare actual coverages to nominal ones. Some recommendations are made.  相似文献   


The likelihood of a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) often involves high-dimensional integrals, which in general cannot be computed explicitly. When direct computation is not available, method of simulated moments (MSM) is a fairly simple way to estimate the parameters of interest. In this research, we compared parametric bootstrap (PB) and nonparametric bootstrap methods (NPB) in estimating the standard errors of MSM estimators for GLMM. Simulation results show that when the group size is large, the PB and NPB perform similarly; when group size is medium, NPB performs better than PB in estimating standard errors of the mean.  相似文献   


In this paper we compare through Monte Carlo simulations the finite sample properties of estimators of the fractional differencing parameter, d. This involves frequency domain, time domain, and wavelet based approaches, and we consider both parametric and semiparametric estimation methods. The estimators are briefly introduced and compared, and the criteria adopted for measuring finite sample performance are bias and root mean squared error. Most importantly, the simulations reveal that (1) the frequency domain maximum likelihood procedure is superior to the time domain parametric methods, (2) all the estimators are fairly robust to conditionally heteroscedastic errors, (3) the local polynomial Whittle and bias-reduced log-periodogram regression estimators are shown to be more robust to short-run dynamics than other semiparametric (frequency domain and wavelet) estimators and in some cases even outperform the time domain parametric methods, and (4) without sufficient trimming of scales the wavelet-based estimators are heavily biased.  相似文献   

In this article, we study Bayesian estimation for the covariance matrix Σ and the precision matrix Ω (the inverse of the covariance matrix) in the star-shaped model with missing data. Based on a Cholesky-type decomposition of the precision matrix Ω = ΨΨ, where Ψ is a lower triangular matrix with positive diagonal elements, we develop the Jeffreys prior and a reference prior for Ψ. We then introduce a class of priors for Ψ, which includes the invariant Haar measures, Jeffreys prior, and reference prior. The posterior properties are discussed and the closed-form expressions for Bayesian estimators for the covariance matrix Σ and the precision matrix Ω are derived under the Stein loss, entropy loss, and symmetric loss. Some simulation results are given for illustration.  相似文献   


Quantile regression models, as an important tool in practice, can describe effects of risk factors on the entire conditional distribution of the response variable with its estimates robust to outliers. However, there is few discussion on quantile regression for longitudinal data with both missing responses and measurement errors, which are commonly seen in practice. We develop a weighted and bias-corrected quantile loss function for the quantile regression with longitudinal data, which allows both missingness and measurement errors. Additionally, we establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator. Simulation studies demonstrate the expected performance in correcting the bias resulted from missingness and measurement errors. Finally, we investigate the Lifestyle Education for Activity and Nutrition study and confirm the effective of intervention in producing weight loss after nine month at the high quantile.  相似文献   


In the literature of information theory, there exist many well known measures of entropy suitable for entropy optimization principles towards applications in different disciplines of science and technology. The object of this article is to develop a new generalized measure of entropy and to establish the relation between entropy and queueing theory. To fulfill our aim, we have made use of maximum entropy principle which provides the most uncertain probability distribution subject to some constraints expressed by mean values.  相似文献   


In this paper, we develop an efficient wavelet-based regularized linear quantile regression framework for coefficient estimations, where the responses are scalars and the predictors include both scalars and function. The framework consists of two important parts: wavelet transformation and regularized linear quantile regression. Wavelet transform can be used to approximate functional data through representing it by finite wavelet coefficients and effectively capturing its local features. Quantile regression is robust for response outliers and heavy-tailed errors. In addition, comparing with other methods it provides a more complete picture of how responses change conditional on covariates. Meanwhile, regularization can remove small wavelet coefficients to achieve sparsity and efficiency. A novel algorithm, Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) is derived to solve the optimization problems. We conduct numerical studies to investigate the finite sample performance of our method and applied it on real data from ADHD studies.  相似文献   


Motivated by some recent improvements for mean estimation in finite sampling theory, we propose, in a design-based approach, a new class of ratio-type estimators. The class is initially discussed on the assumption that the study variable has a nonsensitive nature, meaning that it deals with topics that do not generate embarrassment when respondents are directly questioned about them. Under this standard setting, some estimators belonging to the class are shown and the bias, mean square error and minimum mean square error are determined up to the first-order of approximation. The class is subsequently extended to the case where the study variable refers to sensitive issues which produce measurement errors due to nonresponses and/or untruthful reporting. These errors may be reduced by enhancing respondent cooperation through scrambled response methods that mask the true value of the sensitive variable. Hence, four methods (say the additive, multiplicative, mixed and combined additive-multiplicative methods) are discussed for the purposes of the article. Finally, a simulation study is carried out to assess the performance of the proposed class by comparing a number of competing estimators, both in the sensitive and the nonsensitive setting.  相似文献   


The conditional density offers the most informative summary of the relationship between explanatory and response variables. We need to estimate it in place of the simple conditional mean when its shape is not well-behaved. A motivation for estimating conditional densities, specific to the circular setting, lies in the fact that a natural alternative of it, like quantile regression, could be considered problematic because circular quantiles are not rotationally equivariant. We treat conditional density estimation as a local polynomial fitting problem as proposed by Fan et al. [Estimation of conditional densities and sensitivity measures in nonlinear dynamical systems. Biometrika. 1996;83:189–206] in the Euclidean setting, and discuss a class of estimators in the cases when the conditioning variable is either circular or linear. Asymptotic properties for some members of the proposed class are derived. The effectiveness of the methods for finite sample sizes is illustrated by simulation experiments and an example using real data.  相似文献   

We present results of a Monte Carlo study comparing four methods of estimating the parameters of the logistic model logit (pr (Y = 1 | X, Z)) = α0 + α 1 X + α 2 Z where X and Z are continuous covariates and X is always observed but Z is sometimes missing. The four methods examined are 1) logistic regression using complete cases, 2) logistic regression with filled-in values of Z obtained from the regression of Z on X and Y, 3) logistic regression with filled-in values of Z and random error added, and 4) maximum likelihood estimation assuming the distribution of Z given X and Y is normal. Effects of different percent missing for Z and different missing value mechanisms on the bias and mean absolute deviation of the estimators are examined for data sets of N = 200 and N = 400.  相似文献   


In this paper, we propose a sampling design termed as multiple-start balanced modified systematic sampling (MBMSS), which involves the supplementation of two or more balanced modified systematic samples, thus permitting us to obtain an unbiased estimate of the associated sampling variance. There are five cases for this design and in the presence of linear trend only one of these cases is optimal. To further improve results for the other cases, we propose an estimator that removes linear trend by applying weights to the first and last sampling units of the selected balanced modified systematic samples and is thus termed as the MBMSS with end corrections (MBMSSEC) estimator. By assuming a linear trend model averaged over a super-population model, we will compare the expected mean square errors (MSEs) of the proposed sample means, to that of simple random sampling (SRS), linear systematic sampling (LSS), stratified random sampling (STR), multiple-start linear systematic sampling (MLSS), and other modified MLSS estimators. As a result, MBMSS is optimal for one of the five possible cases, while the MBMSSEC estimator is preferred for three of the other four cases.  相似文献   


Few guidelines exist for the application of geostatistical methods to spatial counts and the prediction to unsampled areas is an important aspect of experimental field research. The prediction performances of kriging and a correlated errors Poisson model are compared through simulation. Counts with a known spatial covariance structure are generated in an investigation involving several factors: area size, overall mean, range of correlation, spatial covariance function, and the presence of trend. The correlated errors Poisson model generally gives superior prediction performance when an exponential covariance structure is used.  相似文献   

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