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This article outlines the structure of a generalized family of two-stage chain sampling plans, extending the concept of two-stage chain sampling plans of Dodge and Stephens (1966) which is an extension of the original work of Dodge (1955). Expressions are derived for the OC curves for two-stage chain sampling plans with (c1,c2) = (0,2) and (1,2). In the original work of Dodge (1955) only acceptance numbers of 0,1 were used and in the extension work of Dodge and Stephens (1966) acceptance numbers of (c1,c2) = (0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (0,3), (1,3), (0,4) and (1,4) were used with selected sets of values of k1 and k2 (the number of lots considered for cumulation in the first and second stage respectively). In this paper the OC curves are derived more generally for any k1 and k2combination for two-stage chain sampling plans with (c1,c2) = (0,2) and (1,2) and comparisons are made with respect to sample sizes and discriminating power, with the corresponding single and double sampling plans.  相似文献   

The tightened-normal-tightened (TNT) attributes sampling scheme was devised by Calvin (1977). In this paper, a TNT Scheme with variables sampling plan as the reference plan, designated as TNTVSS (nσ; kT, kN) is introduced, where nσ is the sample size under the reference plan, and kT and kN are the acceptance constants corresponding to tightened and normal plans respectively. The behaviour of OC curves of the TNTVSS (nσ; kT, kN) is studied. The efficiency of TNTVSS (nσ; kT, kN) with respect to smaller sample sizes has been established over the attributes scheme. The TNTVSS is matched with the TNT (n; cN, cT) of Vijayaraghavan and Soundararajan (1996), for the specified points on the OC curves, namely (p1, α) and (p2, β) and it is shown that the sample size of the variables scheme is much smaller than that of the attributes scheme. The TNT scheme with an unknown σ variables plan as the reference plan is also introduced along with the procedure of selection of the parameters. The method of designing the scheme based on the given AQL (Acceptable Quality level), α (producer's risk), LQL (Limiting Quality Level) and β (consumer's risk) is indicated. Among the class of TNTVSS which exists, for a given (p1,α) and (p2, β), a scheme, which will have a more steeper OC curve than that of any other scheme, is identified and given.  相似文献   

In this article the outgoing quality and the total inspection for the chain sampling plan ChSP-4(c 1, c 2) are introduced as well-defined random variables. The probability distributions of outgoing quality and total inspection are stated based on total rectification of non conforming units. The variances of these random variables are studied. The aim of this article is to develop procedures for minimum variance ChSP-4(c 1, c 2) sampling plans and their determination. In addition to minimum variance sampling plans, a procedure is developed for designing plans with a designated maximum variance, a VOQL (Variance of Outgoing Quality Limit) plan. The VOQL concept is analogous to the AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Limit) except in the VOQL plan, it is the maximum variance which is established instead of the usual maximum AOQ.  相似文献   

This paper provides tables for the construction and selection of tightened–normal–tightened variables sampling scheme of type TNTVSS (n 1, n 2; k). The method of designing the scheme indexed by (AQL, α) and (LQL, β) is indicated. The TNTVSS (n T , n N; k) is compared with conventional single sampling plans for variables and with TNT (n 1, n 2; c) scheme for attributes, and it is shown that the TNTVSS is more efficient.  相似文献   

Tables have been prepared for the construction and selection of multiple dependent (deferred) state (MDS) sampling plans of type MDS-(c1,c2). These plans are compared with conventional sampling plans (such as single and double sampling) and it is shown that MDS-type plans require a smaller sample size. A special feature of the MDS-(0,1) plan is highlighted and its design procedure is indicated.  相似文献   

For the implementation of an acceptance sampling plan, a problem the quality practitioners have to deal with is the determination of the critical acceptance values and inspection sample sizes that provide the desired levels of protection to both vendors and buyers. Traditionally, most acceptance sampling plans focus on the percentage of defective products instead of considering the process loss, which doesn't distinguish among the products that fall within the specification limits. However, the quality between products that fall within the specification limits may be very different. So how to design an acceptance sampling plan with process loss consideration is necessary. In this article, a variables sampling plan based on L e is proposed to handle processes requiring low process loss. The required sample sizes n and the critical acceptance value c with various combination of acceptance quality level are tabulated. The proposed sampling plan provides a feasible policy, which can be applied to products requiring low process loss where classical sampling plans cannot be applied.  相似文献   

We deal sith sampling by variables with two-way-protection in the case of aN(μσ2) distributed characteristic with unknown σ2. For the sampling plan by Lieberman and Resnikoff (1955), which is based on the MVU estimator of the percent defective, we prove a formula for the OC. If the sampling parametersp 1 (AQL),p 2 (LQ) and α, β (type I, II errors) are given, we are able to compute the true type I and II errors of the usual (one-sided) approximation plans. Furthermore it is possible to compute exact two-sided Lieberman-Resnikoff sampling plans.  相似文献   

Time to failure due to fatigue is one of the common quality characteristics in material engineering applications. In this article, acceptance sampling plans are developed for the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution percentiles when the life test is truncated at a pre-specified time. The minimum sample size necessary to ensure the specified life percentile is obtained under a given customer's risk. The operating characteristic values (and curves) of the sampling plans as well as the producer's risk are presented. The R package named spbsq is developed to implement the developed sampling plans. Two examples with real data sets are also given as illustration.  相似文献   

The purpose of acceptance sampling is to develop decision rules to accept or reject production lots based on sample data. When testing is destructive or expensive, dependent sampling procedures cumulate results from several preceding lots. This chaining of past lot results reduces the required size of the samples. A large part of these procedures only chain past lot results when defects are found in the current sample. However, such selective use of past lot results only achieves a limited reduction of sample sizes. In this article, a modified approach for chaining past lot results is proposed that is less selective in its use of quality history and, as a result, requires a smaller sample size than the one required for commonly used dependent sampling procedures, such as multiple dependent sampling plans and chain sampling plans of Dodge. The proposed plans are applicable for inspection by attributes and inspection by variables. Several properties of their operating characteristic-curves are derived, and search procedures are given to select such modified chain sampling plans by using the two-point method.  相似文献   

Bose and Clatworthy (1955) showed that the parameters of a two-class balanced incomplete block design with λ1=1,λ2=0 and satisfying r <k can be expressed in terms of just three parameters r,k,t. Later Bose (1963) showed that such a design is a partial geometry (r,k,t). Bose, Shrikhande and Singhi (1976) have defined partial geometric designs (r,k,t,c), which reduce to partial geometries when c=0. In this note we prove that any two class partially balanced (PBIB) design with r <k, is a partial geometric design for suitably chosen r,k,t,c and express the parameters of the PBIB design in terms of r,k,t,c and λ2. We also show that such PBIB designs belong to the class of special partially balanced designs (SPBIB) studied by Bridges and Shrikhande (1974).  相似文献   

The Schilling and Dodge (1969) [2] formulation of mixed dependent acceptance sampling plans has a number of favorable properties; so we decided to build on their results and extend them to better levels. One genuine important weakness of their procedure is that it is not safeguarded against departure (of the parent distribution) from normality when accepting a batch based on the first sample by ‘average-testing ’ basis. One argues that rejection occurs only after re-sampling and, that too, on the ‘quantity-based attribute-testing’ basis according to the setup of their plans. Acceptance, according to their scheme, can possibly occur on the average-testing basis based on first sample. And as a consequence of the reliance of the variables plan (especially the σ-plans) on normality assumption, and lack of distributional robustness, the acceptance decision may not be very solidly based. With the developments suggested in this paper we propose to modify the plan in a way to strengthen this weak area.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of maxima nomination sampling (MNS) technique in design and evaluation of single AQL, LTPD, and EQL acceptance sampling plans for attributes. We exploit the effect of sample size and acceptance number on the performance of our proposed MNS plans using operating characteristic (OC) curve. Among other results, we show that MNS acceptance sampling plans with smaller sample size and bigger acceptance number perform better than commonly used acceptance sampling plans for attributes based on simple random sampling (SRS) technique. Indeed, MNS acceptance sampling plans result in OC curves which, compared to their SRS counterparts, are much closer to the ideal OC curve. A computer program is designed which can be used to specify the optimum MNS acceptance sampling plan and to show, visually, how the shape of the OC curve changes when parameters of the acceptance sampling plan vary. Theoretical results and numerical evaluations are given.  相似文献   

When the manufacturing process is well monitored, occurrence of nondefects would be a frequent event in sampling inspection. The appropriate probability distribution of the number of defects is a zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) distribution. In this article, determination of single sampling plans (SSPs) by attributes using unity values is considered, when the number of defects follows a ZIP distribution. The operating characteristic (OC) function of the sampling plan is derived. Plan parameters are obtained for some sets of values of (p1, α, p2, β). Numerical illustrations are given to describe the determination of SSP under ZIP distribution and to study its performance in comparison with Poisson SSP.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new mixed chain sampling plan based on the process capability index Cpk, where the quality characteristic of interest having double specification limits and follows the normal distribution with unknown mean and variance. In the proposed mixed plan, the chain sampling inspection plan is used for the inspection of attribute quality characteristics. The advantages of this proposed mixed sampling plan are also discussed. Tables are constructed to determine the optimal parameters for practical applications by formulating the problem as a non linear programming in which the objective function to be minimized is the average sample number and the constraints are related to lot acceptance probabilities at acceptable quality level and limiting quality level under the operating characteristic curve. The practical application of the proposed mixed sampling plan is explained with an illustrative example. Comparison of the proposed sampling plan is also made with other existing sampling plans.  相似文献   

This article presents an optimization-based approach for the design of acceptance sampling plans by variables for controlling nonconforming proportions when the standard deviation is unknown. The variables are described by rigorous noncentral Student’s t-distributions. Single and double acceptance sampling (AS) plans are addressed. The optimal design results from minimizing the average sampling number (ASN), subject to conditions holding at producer’s and consumer’s required quality levels. The problem is then solved employing a nonlinear programming solver. The results obtained are in close agreement with previous sampling plans found in the literature, outperforming them regarding the feasibility.  相似文献   

In 1955, Lieberman and Solomon introduced multi-level (MLP) continuous sampling plans. Derman et al . then extended the multi-level plans as tightened multi-level plans (MLP-T). In this paper, a generalization of MLP-T with two sampling levels is presented. Using a Markov chain model, expressions for the performance measures of the general MLP-T plans are derived. Tables are also presented for the selection of general MLP-T plans with two sampling levels when the acceptable quality level, limiting quality level, indiff erence quality level and average outgoing quality level are specified.  相似文献   

We study variable sampling plans for exponential distributions based on type-I hybrid censored samples. For this problem, two sampling plans based on the non-failure sample proportion and the conditional maximum likelihood estimator are proposed by Chen et al. [J. Chen, W. Chou, H. Wu, and H. Zhou, Designing acceptance sampling schemes for life testing with mixed censoring, Naval Res. Logist. 51 (2004), pp. 597–612] and Lin et al. [C.-T. Lin, Y.-L. Huang, and N. Balakrishnan, Exact Bayesian variable sampling plans for the exponential distribution based on type-I and type-II censored samples, Commun. Statist. Simul. Comput. 37 (2008), pp. 1101–1116], respectively. From the theoretic decision point of view, the preceding two sampling plans are not optimal due to their decision functions not being the Bayes decision functions. In this article, we consider the decision theoretic approach, and the optimal Bayesian sampling plan based on sufficient statistics is derived under a general loss function. Furthermore, for the conjugate prior distribution, the closed-form formula of the Bayes decision rule can be obtained under either the linear or quadratic decision loss. The resulting Bayesian sampling plan has the minimum Bayes risk, and hence it is better than the sampling plans proposed by Chen et al. (2004) and Lin et al. (2008). Numerical comparisons are given and demonstrate that the performance of the proposed Bayesian sampling plan is superior to that of Chen et al. (2004) and Lin et al. (2008).  相似文献   

Simulated tempering (ST) is an established Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for sampling from a multimodal density π(θ). Typically, ST involves introducing an auxiliary variable k taking values in a finite subset of [0,1] and indexing a set of tempered distributions, say π k (θ) π(θ) k . In this case, small values of k encourage better mixing, but samples from π are only obtained when the joint chain for (θ,k) reaches k=1. However, the entire chain can be used to estimate expectations under π of functions of interest, provided that importance sampling (IS) weights are calculated. Unfortunately this method, which we call importance tempering (IT), can disappoint. This is partly because the most immediately obvious implementation is naïve and can lead to high variance estimators. We derive a new optimal method for combining multiple IS estimators and prove that the resulting estimator has a highly desirable property related to the notion of effective sample size. We briefly report on the success of the optimal combination in two modelling scenarios requiring reversible-jump MCMC, where the naïve approach fails.  相似文献   

In microbial sciences, as well as other disciplines, it is often valuable to sample communities in a sequential or group sequential manner, in order to determine their structure or their similarity. We develop sequential sampling procedures to accomplish this by first assuming that one observation is drawn with replacement from each population at a time. Suppose that the sampling is terminated after n pairs of observations and k shared species were discovered, and assume that we receive payoff h(k)−cn, where h(k) is non-decreasing and the sampling cost c is non-negative. Similar to Rasmussen and Starr (1979), we show that an optimal stopping rule exists if h(k+1)−h(k) is non-increasing. An analogous result holds for group sequential sampling. This leads to using an estimate of the probability of discovering new shared species as a stopping indicator for comparing two populations with respect to the similarity index. We show by simulation and real examples that this is a feasible approach which can help to reduce the sample size.  相似文献   

Lieberman and Solomon (1955) introduced multi-level continuous sampling plans and Derman et al. (1957) extended them as tightened multi-level continuous plans. MLP-T plan is one of the three tightened multi-level continuous sampling plans of Derman et al. (1957). In this paper, we restrict our discussion to MLP-T plans with two sampling levels. Using a Markov chain model, expressions for the average outgoing quality, the average fraction inspected and the operating characteristic function are derived. Four tables are given to enable selection of MLP-T plans with two sampling levels when the acceptable quality level or the limiting quality level and the average outgoing quality limit are specified.  相似文献   

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